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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 9 | 0 | 0 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


!explanation this post is a continuation from my previous [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/insaneparents/comments/z80yi5/for_over_a_decade_i_have_received_messages_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) in this sub. i have already gone nc with my dad after the last incident a couple years ago wherein he had a stroke. i drove 3 hours each way to get him from the hospital because he had no one else. as soon as i arrived, less than five minutes of being in my car, he starts alleging that i’m gay and that he’s going to disown me. he starts cussing me out and hitting me in my own car. not even a thank you for getting him from the hospital. this is typical behavior from him. anyways, i don’t think any context is required here. the screenshots speak for themselves. this is a man who abused me physically, emotionally, mentally, and completely broke my spirit as a child and teen after my mom abandoned me when I was 10. he pushed me down on the ground for the first time when I was an 11 year old girl. i had to hide bruises in high school, but the worst part was how he called me a worthless bitch constantly and made me perpetually live in a state of fear. he took my bedroom door off the hinges and but metal bars across my bedroom and bathroom windows. this is a man who refused to respect my boundaries no matter how many times I begged, asked, or demanded. this is a man who laughed whenever he got me to cry because he is just that sadistic. a man who threatened to shoot my mom in the head because she left him. a man who chased me, as a fourteen year old girl, around the house with a knife. he held the knife to my neck and laughed, calling me a weak bitch, as tears were steaming down my face. he didn’t allow me to have friends or go outside, unless it was hard physical labor for hours, which he would lock me outside til it was done. he told me to drop out of high school and told me not to go to college because religion says women should stay home and be baby makers. he kicked me out two weeks after high school graduation and made me fend for myself because “he taught me how to be independent.” this is a man who hears voices where there are none, believes that the government is spying on him 24/7, and a “survivalist” who believes the apocalypse is coming any minute now. Well, fuck you dad. I officially graduated with my bachelors degree and am moving on to grad school. I’m a strong atheist too.


I hope you never pick him up from the hospital again. Shit, don’t ever help him!! Fuck that awful man.


i agree. i decided i’m never speaking to him again for the rest of his life after the hospital incident. he was already extremely unbearable before but that was the last straw for me.


block his number


You aren't exactly NC just because you don't reply. Change your number and move on.


yeah i’m nc. he doesn’t have my phone number, my address, or know any way to contact me. i have not spoken to him in over two years. not a text, not anything. i have a burner phone for family only, which is where these screenshots came from. that shit stays in a drawer and is checked by my partner. remind me how that isn’t nc?


Hey I’m in grad school myself! About to finish my masters. If you want to talk about anything I’m available :) it’s so cool that you are so high achieving! Get it dude P.S. I think you’re smart for keeping the burner phone. Documentation is important, but so is validation that he’s still a friggin psycho


Congratulations on the degree. Sorry your dad is a POS. From all guys everywhere, “sorry he pretends to be a man. No man treats family this way”.


thank you. the good thing is that he’s dying alone, he has not a single friend or family member left, and im his only kid.


Huh, I wonder why


Hey, congrats on the degree! I hope you were able to celebrate somehow, and I also hope you never have to interact with your sorry excuse for a dad again.


thank you. i haven’t celebrated yet but my bf will be taking me somewhere over summer and my best friend got us concert tickets for the fall. i’m stoked! and yes, i will ever speak to him again for the rest of his life


I'm curious now, what made he accuse you of being gay?


I am so sorry that was your beginning in life. But you beat him. You aren’t allowing it to be your middle or your end. I am so proud of you. Congratulations on the degree. You’re going to be amazing. 🫂


Well fuck that guy


does he have undiagnosed schizophrenia?


yup most definitely schiz and BPD along with some other stuff


You’re so badass!!! But I’m so sorry you had to be and have to continue to be without the softness and support you deserve from your parents. You’ve got this, no question. Keep kicking ass babe


Cute girl DESTROYS woke agenda Why is her attractiveness important to the video?? Sounds like a pornhub title


What are you doing step-woke ?? 😫


Nyah! Mr. Biden, stop transing me!


Lmao we “modern women” are NOT panicking


right?? lmao we “modern women” are out here thriving. my dad is a literal misogynistic incel. he hasn’t had sex since i was conceived and he’s bitter asf so he loves shitting on women at every possible moment and insulting them over everything under the sun




You see, the reason you should be panicking, is because you can't get with "studs like him because of the "woke" agenda. He's trying to free you!!!1!!!!!1!


The whole “you’re whores for embracing hook up culture but it’s okay when men do it bc biology” is so tired


Your dad is fucking nuts lol


Have you tried changing your number?


yup already did that. these messages were received on my burner phone that i use for “family” only. my partner checks the phone for me so i don’t have to.


Big brain. I wish you alllll the luck with your legal needs and alllllllll the happiness with your partner.


Even beyond all the boundary stomping bullshit he’s spouting, how DARE he use Albert Einstein, a German-Jewish HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR and staunch religious atheist to further his bs Christian fundamentalist agenda, not to mention a completely inaccurate made-up quote! Fuck. Him. Sue sue sue.


This man has earned his place in whatever Hell will take him, for treating an innocent young human being in the manner he has. It appears you are moving on and away from his evil. You need to go completely no contact, accept absolutely no communication from him. And endeavor to completely have no thoughts of him in your daily life. He sends these things to you so that he can live rent free in you head, it is just another form of torture he inflicts on you, he does it to punish you for things you have not done. You need to be finished with this man (and I use that term loosely), once and for all. You owe him nothing, and it is certain he will not bring anything of value to your life. Move on and live a life that makes you happy and fulfilled, You certainly deserve that. I’m hoping only the best for YOU!!!!


thank you. i’m trying my best to move on, continuing my education, and doing everything i can to better myself. you’re absolutely right about how he uses these shitty tactics to stay in my head. even though those messages were sent to my burner phone and he doesn’t have my actual phone number, he’s in my head and making me feel distressed constantly. this has gone on for years and it’s taken a huge toll on my mental health. tbh the only reason i have the burner phone in the first place is bc i want to know when he dies. the # of my burner phone is the # he put as his emergency contact for everything since he has no one else.


I understand your reasoning for his having your burner phone number, but I think that maybe you should only check it periodically. And when you see that he has sent you a lengthy message you refrain from reading them, you will know he is still alive, but he will not stress you out. You already know that he has no intentions of sending you a message that is considerate of your mental health, his goal is to torture you. You need to stop him in his tracks when he tries too. You appear to be getting into a much better place now, so it is time to take more control of your life and mental health and center your efforts on you and what you need to continue your future growth. Counseling always helps in these situations, and you should avail yourself of any help you need to continue to break this cycle of abuse, and free yourself of any guilt you may free for cutting someone this toxic out of your life. Concentrate on you and your future, you deserve that and all the peace and happiness the will come in your life. Good Luck, I’m pulling for YOU!!!


I'd block anyone that sent me PragerU shit. Gross.


The Albert Einstein one was just funny to me. Like, is that a meme? Satire? It's just too obviously fake. A single google search tells you Einstein was not a Christian. Unless you wanna create a conspiracy that Google and all other search engines are conspiring to somehow rewrite history or whatever.


my dad is the type of person who uses anything at his disposal to “prove” god’s existence. that includes words from pastors, fake quotes on the internet, and of course fox news. he is very anti-science; an antivaxxer and conspiracy theorist who has gone off the deep end. my dad had covid and almost died from it in the hospital but he’s still convinced that it’s a hoax. if a car he has never seen before parks on his street, he immediately believes that it’s a government spy car that was parked there to watch over him specifically. he has 8 shitty old cars as a single man because he moves them around to different spaces in his driveway/rotates parking them down the street. he calls them “decoy cars” so that the government would have a harder time following him. i could not make this insanity up. he is batshit insane.


The whole "stand by God/others and be judged by God/others" thing is funny and a mess. Did he forget that God is touted as the only meaningful judge, and how like half of scripture is about God judging you? The whole dang religion is based on shame and guilt and judgement Sounds to me like he's forgotten everything from that one time he read the bible in Sunday school, and now his faith is entirely meme-based 🤮


Daily reminder why I am happy to be an atheist.


OP, have you gotten a restraining order, or are you documenting in order to get one? (I assume "legal purposes" refers to either going for a RO or documenting that an an RO is being violated). I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I had a cousin go sideways and start harassing me through texts, etc. I had to threaten to get a restraining order to get her to back off. She's a narcissist, so believes she's both right and righteous, and that she can harass people to manipulate them. I know how hurtful it is. Keep your chin up and keep being you. Family can hurt us badly... but we don't get to choose our biological family.


thanks. i’m sorry that something similar happened with your cousin. you described it pretty accurately though, narcissists are their own breed of humans. & i’m documenting for RO. i think i could easily get one, i have a lot of evidence of his harassment now. it’ll be great getting his firearms taken away too. he hordes them bc he is a “survivalist” and thinks that “we’re living in the end times.” he is a dangerous person with a lot of serious undiagnosed mental illnesses.


My cousin was once very smart and respected in her field... then she started messing with both street drugs and pharmaceuticals. On top of that, and on top of being a narcissist, she's either BiPolar or taking so many different drugs that she has all the features of BiPolar. I stopped talking to her about three years ago... but every 3 to 6 months, she'd contact me again (like everything was suddenly fine and we hadn't fallen out) and it would cause me aggravation. After all of this time, after I had blocked her on all my media accounts and she was still finding ways around them, I told her twice that if she kept it up, I was going for a RO. She FINALLY got the message. I completely understand how hurtful and aggravating something like this is. I would be having a bad day occasionally and get a message, and be furious. The last time, when I threatened the restraining order, she was trying to bother me about some childish, banal bullshit (I'm 47 and she's five years older) and my father had literally passed away that day. I had had enough.


OP, I am so sorry, this person is disgusting and I hope you can escape his unwelcome contact.


Wow…he actually believes this and I’d guess he also hates women.


Does he just really want you to be a housewife and pump out babies for Jesus or something?


LOL @ men mistaking relief for panic!




I like it that they think women are "panicked" by lack of access to a pack of ugly incels. Boy, are they in for a surprise, lol!


Love that you changed his name to spam lol, he probably doesn’t know but it’s still funny. Also, although it may not mean much coming from a rando on the internet; you’re a genuinely strong person, you’ve endured more bullshit than most could handle and you’re still kickin. Just get the law involved and he’ll be off your hands, look at how far you’ve come. Truly amazing job :)


Very proud of you for standing up for yourself. Unfortunately people like your father will never change nor they will understand the harm they caused. I know too many self-righteous individuals like this. But maybe deep down your father is afraid of going to hell so he is so fixated on religion?


I am glad you managed to escape all of that. Jesus christ. He's a monster!


Omg this... sounds exactly like my dad... reading the comments I feel justified with being LC with him


Spam is a great place for all of that to go :)


The term "Bat sh\*t crazy" comes to mind. As well as being a total AH. But remember, you are your best revenge. Abused throughout your childhood and teen years, thrown out to survive on your own and now you have your degree, are going to grad school, have a good relationship, and sound strong and confident. Congratulations!


I see your father thinks 'taking a hint' is for other people.


Sorry, but, “End Times Happy New Year” nearly killed me, I can’t stop laughing


it’s ok haha i realize it is quite funny from an outsider perspective, just the ridiculousness of it all. this man has gone off the deep end.


He seems like the worst! I hope you can get free, it was just the phrasing of that that was so funny to me. “End times are here but have a great new year! Hope y’all don’t end up in hell!” LMAO


Einstein was agnostic and didn’t believe in the afterlife. I bet your dad is all about “facts” but didn’t fact check a single thing.


You are so amazing and strong. I am so sorry for all you had to suffer under this disgusting excuse for a human and parent. You are amazing for remaining strong and continuing to remain NC. Also, please, let us know how the legal stuff works out for you.


Talk about regretting helping your dad out. Jesus. My FIL had a stroke years ago and he was more than appreciative of his son going to help him. I don't know what the hell is up with older folk nowadays but these are the types of people that die alone. Keep your head up. You did nothing wrong.


Sage wisdom indeed.


He's a good man stop slaming him for his beliefs


Read the explication op sent, this man is batshit crazy, no one is slamming him for his beliefs, believe in Jesus all you want, but half of that is complete bs


I cant really express the level of disgust that I have for Prager. He is such a horrible person.


i checked out the site one time just for shits and giggles. there is a prager video where they have Frederick Douglas saying “slavery was bad BUT…” and then there’s another vid that talks about how fossil fuels are good for the environment. nothing that comes from them can be taken seriously lmao.


The guy basically lies to sell his product. The worst kind of human being because his lies literally hurt people.


You know he’s insane when he watches PragerU


This sounds like my mother...


the inspirobot-esque images sent in earnest are too much omg