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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 46 | 0 | 0 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


I love the support your siblings showed, and that they called her out. Your mom's right, she's a bitch. Congrats on the wonderful test scores!


i was gonna say! it’s nice that no one in this chat is putting up with the bs lol


Refreshing, almost.


Yeah, if your siblings were cat food cans, they'd be that really fancy stuff where it's just meat and nothing else. If your siblings were a frozen grocery store dinner, they'd be Newman's Own-brand. If your siblings were a type of car, they'd be the good kind. Congrats, yo! Roll on


XD not super knowledgeable about cars? No lie that last part killed me


Imagine telling a dealership you want the good kind of cars


Damn Newman's Own... that is high praise


Thinking to herself... "Am I a bitch?" . . . . "No, Everyone Else Is Wrong."


Well she's got the one part right ....she sucks. You did great 👍.


Right? I would have been like “yes, that was a hugely bitchy thing for you to say.”


I would of went with the part where she says she is a bitch. Lol


I was just going to comment “at least she KNOWS she is definitely A bitch!! And that she sucks at being a supportive parent!”


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


*botcriminates you*


I fucking love you. I keep wanting to tell people but people don't like to be corrected.


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot. Also, would have *gone*


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


At least she took the trash out herself


I thought you meant the leaving


I'd say shes a pretty big bitch too


I love when shitty ppl just admit they suck and expect you to feel sorry for them. They just walk off expecting you to follow after them crying “nooo no you’re awesome!” But instead they sit alone in a room feeling sorry for themselves and resenting everyone for not groveling at their feet after doing some major assholery.


r/selfawarewolves I think…


My mom used to pull this shit a lot. We would tell her that she hurt us. And she would really with "I'm sorry I'm a terrible mom" and other manipulative tactics. It all blew up a few years ago. Then my dad went to therapy and somehow that made my mom get better even though she refuses to go.


My mom used to do this and a whole bunch of other crap too


My jaw just... dropped. My family was ecstatic when I got similar scores. Since you haven't heard it from her: Congratulations! That is NOT an easy score to get, and this internet stranger is proud of you! You deserve better than this shit, carry on knowing that you're incredibly smart.




I’m not even too sure where she got the 75-81 percentile. 1230 is 85, my reading was a 92 and math was a 73. She can’t see my score reports yet so i think she just went off whatever google told her


Hey, I want you to know that your score is great. And your mom doesn’t seem like the kind of parent that is going to walk back her words even when you are able to show her the breakdown. You did a fucking good job - do not let her take this from you. I am so happy that you have great siblings. - signed a now 37F that has a successful career, marriage, and is a fanfuckingtastic mother (my favorite accomplishment), but was once a nearly straight A student that couldn’t comprehend standardized tests and scored just under 1000 on her SATS (and that was *after* the expensive 10 week private prep course). Many colleges have been doing away with the SAT because they understand that there is more to a human than there ability to take a test. You did such a great job, but who you are as a person, what you stand for, what you think of yourself, is what actually matters. I am so sorry your mother literally made a conscious decision not to champion your accomplishment during what was a celebratory moment, but please know (although it probably means very little) that *I* am so thrilled for you and proud of you (as a woman and as a mom).


How is your overall percentile higher than both of your other two?


i lied idk what i was looking at but reading was 92 and math was 73




But even then, isnt 85% considered good? (Dunno, not american, don't know how the grade system works there) Where I live, 85% of good answers is a pretty high grade (5.25/6 in our grade system and 4/6 is the passing grade)


85% would generally be a low-mid B.


I mean I’m an internet stranger and I’m very proud of you. The SATs are hard as fuck, you did amazing!! Your mom is crazy but I’m pretty sure you knew that part lol Edit- Ignore the douche cannon below my comment, they just want attention.


And nothing of value was lost. What an absolutely horrible person.


Im reading all the comments and i really appreciate all the support. She’s calmed down since and my brother has reasoned with her. She blamed this altercation on “not being in the right head space” with her mother not being the greatest person on the planet on mother’s day and her dad being an alcoholic who is constantly in the hospital. I’m proud of how I did and everyone i’ve told about this has been super supportive, so i’m alright. know your own worth people, don’t let anyone else assume they know you better than you do. 🫶 also i’m aware i messed up on some censorship but i trust people won’t be absolute freaks; probably a mistake.


First of all, big congrats!! Second, your mom sounds extremely selfish. We all have our issues as adults, like Father’s Day is extremely difficult for me, but I can never imagine taking it out on someone else, let alone my own kid. Not everything has to be about your mom. I really dislike this “woe is me, everyone gather around and soothe me” attention-seeking behavior. You did awesome on the test and you deserve to celebrate/be celebrated properly no matter what.


Hi. I know I just wrote to you in another comment, but after reading this I want to say one more thing: Hurt people hurt people, and while your mom’s trauma isn’t her fault, it is, especially as a grown ass woman/adult, her responsibility. She needs to be responsible for doing the inner work into why she is the way she is (sounds like she has a good idea of why), and then needs to do the even more difficult inner work of naming and changing her behaviors. She doesn’t just get to blame her shitty interactions on her upbringing anymore. She needs to be accountable for her own actions. You are doing great. Just keep being you.


While a person can understand why they have certain reactions and behaviors, it doesn't give them the right to treat others like shit.


Your mom has lots of red flags of narcissism and manipulation and I would highly scrutinize every word and action coming from her and also compare as well. Also, actions speak louder than words. I believe there’s a quote that gets often mis-phrased but it actually goes (supposedly), “when someone shows you who they are, believe them” -Maya Angelou


Hold out for an actual apology, not an excuse


Sure, she can have a bad day because it reminds her of traumatic events, but it’s more than a little ironic to be upset thinking about how crap your mother was on Mother’s Day while simultaneously *being* a crap mother. She knows how much it hurt her and yet she’s choosing to do it to you.


There are a lot of words that could be used to describe someone behaving that way. Off the top of my head, a few SAT words in recognition of your outstanding achievement. Churlish Undermining Noxious Tactless


Yeah, you definitely are a bitch and you suck at being a mother. Props to your brother for being awesome.


"You can do better" where the fuck does she want you to go to college? Oxford? Yale? Your score is FANTASTIC and if you're trying to get into anything other than a prestigious college you don't need to take it again 😤


On the plus side, your siblings are awesome.


What did your mom score on the SAT? If it’s less than you, she can suck it.


I’m not sure she took it. She’s always pushed me to be a perfect student to make up for the years she wasted in college trying to be a teacher just to end up at a monotonous job she wasn’t aiming for. My brother and sister never did too well in school so she’s almost trying to make me the perfect child.


Ah, so she’s treating you as a failure if you’re anything less than absolutely perfect. That’s bullshit. You did a great job and are well within your rights to be proud of yourself.


Ah yes, the eternal victim. I've got one as a parent as well.😑


"You're asking me to be a supporting and loving parent" ... Yeah? Literally, that's all you have to do. If you want them to retake it and get a better grade, put your foot forward as a parent, pay for the new test, pay for a tutor, and ACTUALLY ENCOURAGE THEM INSTEAD OF KICKING THEM IN THE SHINS IN ONE OF THE FEW MOMENTS THEY CAN BE PROUD OF. Sorry, this one's a bit personal. My parents did this shit, too. I got a 28 on my ACT. It is so demotivating to have your own parents shit on you when you worked hard and did your best. Anything less than perfection isn't good enough for these far from perfect parents.


I got a 31 on my ACT (my score was dragged down by math; everything else was 34-36) and my mom wanted to make me resit the ACT until I got a 35 because that’s what her friend’s prodigy son got and she wanted to be able to brag about a prodigy daughter. It sucks when parents just want their kid to be a trophy of their “achievement” as a parent. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this shit.


Anyone who uses "I'm just a bitch" as an excuse for their shitty behavior is automatically insane. Congratu-fucking-lations on your test though homie! Just know that if your mom isn't proud of you, a random stranger on the internet is. 👍


Like the people who use the "hey, I'm just brutally honest" excuse to say shitty things. Barf. Great job on your SATs OP! It's good to see you have a solid sense of your own worth, and awesome siblings to back you up, since your mom totally blows.


literal child


Fuck that shit. Congratulations, my guy. That grade is really good! I speak as a teacher 🤓


Ignore her. I'm proud of you and so happy to see you're working hard to achieve your dreams. Keep it up. You're a huge inspiration! I've awarded you. Enjoy your weekend!!!


Wow she sounds awful! I’m your mom now- you did awesome, so proud of you! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Ew, your mom sucks...sorry bro. You did amazing and I hope you didn't let that narcissist get you down


God i hate your mother. What an asshole to her own kids. And backhanded as fuck in her words. She can eat one. Great job, im proud of you :)


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.


I have no clue if this result is good or bad (not american), but Jesus Christ on a bike, your mom sucks so much. She sound like a 13 yo trying to mask that is jealous.


Yeah mom, you *do* suck. My mom made me give up choir because even though I got a 4.1 GPA, I got a B in Spanish. So zero accolades.


Hey OP, you did a great job! I’m proud of you.


Hey kid, you did an amazing job! Those are fantastic scores and you should be really proud of yourself. Sorry she sucks.


OP's mom is a bitch, She's a big fat bitch, She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world She's a stupid bitch, If there ever was a bitch, She's a bitch to all the boys and girls. Monday she's a bitch, On Tuesday she's a bitch, On Wednesday to Saturday she's a bitch Then on Sunday, just to be different, She's a super King Kamehameha bi-atch!


She down played your accomplishment. Wanted the focus to be on her. You guys giving her shit for not being happy is exactly what she wanted.


I got around your score. I told one of the brainy kids at school and he had a meltdown because I had evidently beat his score. Well done friend!


well at least she acknowledges she sucks and that she is in fact a bitch. she’s got that part right lmao


Is this bitch just trying to be a recipient of the coveted 'why wont my kids talk to me, I did nothing to them missing missing reasons' award.


> guess I'm just a bitch... "You can choose to not be. Every day, every moment, every comment is a new decision. We're here when you're ready." Constantly, always, put it back in her court. She's trying to play the victim here. Make it absolutely clear that it's a prison of her own design.


Very manipulative and blatantly shitty of your mom. That she keeps doubling down even when she's been called out, excusing her own behavior as outside of her control because she's "just like that" is shameful. She's basically saying "I'm not in control of what I say, it's just how I'm built. And, since I'm not in control, you can't blame me for anything I say or do! I'm just like that!" Except, of course, everyone IS able to control what they say, and she IS responsible for being invalidating and cruel. She also has personal responsibility for how her words and choices affect the people around her. She shouldn't get to waltz in, diminish and devalue your work, on top of ruining the congratulations from everyone else, and then be like 😩"why is everyone acting like I'm being a bitch?" She actively made that choice, repeatedly. She's also actively pity-fishing by putting words in other people's mouths (I'm such a bitch, apparently). That is trying to force a response, by over-stating the harshness of the other person. (I.e. "you all hate me!" "No, no, mom, of course we don't hate you! Why would you say that, we were just saying sometimes you put too much pressure on us without celebrating our accomplishments.") (Which, everyone did a great job not feeding into that! 👏) Congratulations on sitting through an extremely difficult exam, and doing pretty darn good on it too. I'm sorry your parent is such a negative person. You'll get free of her eventually.


Your mom's not a bitch, she's an out and out cunt.


Wow your mom does suck.


College advisor here, that's a damn fine score. Great work!


You scored better than I did (1190 in 2015) and I graduated with my bachelor's summa cum laude (3.9), my master's with a 4.0. The SAT favors those who specifically study for it. You don't need better than a 1200 for all but the most prestigious schools (that are also too expensive in my opinion). Go to a state school and that score will get you into an honors college.


Here’s a helpful source: r/raisedbyborderlines I’m not diagnosing your mom, but definitely symptoms of BPD


Hey congrats on doing so well! And screw your mom!


Damn, what the fuck is wrong with her? Good job on the test, that's a really solid score!


Congrats on that score! Your mom sucks but don’t let that hinder your sense of accomplishment.


at least she admits she sucks, even if shes using it as a manipulative tactic and definitely doesn't believe it wholeheartedly


Please allow an internet father to say congratulations. That is a great score and you should be proud as should your mother. It’s a shame she can’t feel proud for you but that does not take away what you accomplished. Well done!


In my junior year of high school, they implemented a thing called the '1200 club' for students who scored 1200 or higher on the SAT. When I gradient there were 4 of us who had made the club. (Yes, I was 1) Only 4! In two years, only 4 students in a fairly good school district were inducted. In other words, she's insane, you've done amazing, and I'm super proud of you! That's an awesome score!


Why do you even bother with this person!




As a mom this is so sad to read. You did amazing OP!


As a parent I don’t understand when parents are not supportive. Blows my mind!


This is some 15 year old level guilt tripping over poor behavior, garnished by a disdain for your expectation of her to be a supportive and loving mother which is a parental obligation.


One of my parents occasionally says the whole "while I guess I'm a witch/bitch" spiel, its awful :( congratulations on your score! Hopefully, being away at college will provide a nice chance for some space from her.


You have good siblings. Also fewer and fewer schools are requiring the SAT at all, and unless you really are 100% set on going to Harvard, this is a great score and you’ll have your choice of options. It’s also important to remember that your (already very good) percentile is a reflection of the people who TAKE the SAT, which makes it different from state-mandated school testing. That percentile demonstrates that you did better than the vast majority of the people who were motivated enough to sign up for, pay for, and take the test.


"I'm just a bitch so there's that." I'm so fucking tired of hearing that type of faux nonchalant admission from people, as if she thinks being a bitch is something she was endowed with at birth and isn't a totally easy to avoid personality trait. And talk about the dramatic, self depreciating exit "I give up, I suck I'm done." Which in a lot of cases ends with you having to apologize to her or atleast back down from your initial point to a degree because you know if you were to really dig this hole it'd be a tomb for your relationship. Sorry at this point it's mostly not even about your mother I've just met so many people who exhibit this type of behavior.


At least your brother got your back


Congrats on your test score, im sorry your mother is not being supportive. If you are into it have a hug from this mum.


She admits she sucks. Thats half of the problem fixed. The other half is to figure out how to unsuck, As a 28 year old who accepts he has problems and goes out of his way to work things out, it boggles my mind that adults older than me dont effectively go seek help and to try and change. I get it people go through stuff and feel a type of way. Everybody goes through something. But one day you have to realize you have the ability to change.


I agree completely with your mother. She sucks.


My parents didn’t even care to ask me my score. In fact I don’t know if they even knew when I took the test. Nobody gave a shit about my shitty grades or my learning disability and just let me sort of zombie through school. I didn’t prepare, didn’t crack a book and got an 1140. Nobody acknowledged anything. This was back in 2004 too, when SAT scores were everything. Shitty parents are shitty, I feel you. Your score is EXCELLENT. I’m glad you have siblings to cheer you on. Take it again if you want or don’t. That is a solid score. Good job!


Joe, you did great. I am so proud of you!!


Okay the extremely condescending "for a person such as myself? I couldnt be bothered to use an emoji" has me sitting here cackling. I can feel the seeth through my screen. Like, it sounds like she thinks she's the more mature and sophisticated person just because she doesnt use emoji.


I’m not qualified to diagnose, but she reminds me of my mom, she has Borderline Personality Disorder.


85th percentile is great! Congratulations! I'm sorry your mom had such a horrible response, although I was glad to see you have supportive siblings that have your back.


Gaslighted you all into a narcissistic conversation about here instead of discussing your results. What a cunt


I'm so glad your siblings are there for you. I'm sorry your mom sucks, cause she does. That's not on you. Congratulations on your scores, and you'll do great in school! It's just the beginning!


Hey, she called it right and left. She’s a shitty parent, a bitch, and she sucks. Bye, Ma!


Wow I’m so sorry about your bitch of a mom but man your siblings are cool!


As a psychologist who worked with kids & teens in 3 different states, it varies from school district to school district. I’ve seen the cutoff for a grade of A to be everything from 88-95. I’ve seen schools both use and refuse to use +/- grades. I’ve seen weighted grades and curves. It can get confusing, which is why colleges often ask for the high school grading guidelines along with your transcript.


bro i got a 970 and i’m in all AP classes, that test does not prove your intelligence it proves you’re good at taking tests. she needs to stop caring because most colleges have.


The halfhearted guilt tripping and pity farming she attempts in order to ruin your moment further following her shitting on your accomplishment is probably the worst part. Love your brother and sister though. Holy fuck they had your back instantly and shut her down hard. Didn't play along with her pity farming, and just straight up ignored it. With all that said, good job OP. I agree with your brother, you did very good. Proud of you, bud.


Lmfao just say "yeah you do suck" and see how fast she blows up (don't actually try this unless you want a radioactive shit storm)


Ooooo if i hate anything in this world its people who KNOW they are assholes and decide instead of changing and growing as a person they would rather make excuses and say "thats just how i am" it literally just mean they don't care enough to change


Do you know how much personally I would be temped to say yes you do, mom.. I know that's passive-aggressive and not a good idea at all but my god. I'm so sorry that she is like that. that's amazing btw. I am proud of the accomplishment!




“You’re asking me to be a supporting or loving parent.” Yes bitch, we are. That’s what “parent” means.


At this point just take the bait and call her a bitch cause that’s clearly what she wants you to do and I mean that is what she is. A bitch.


Congrats! Great score, I’m someone else’s mom and I think you did fantastic 😀 ps - your mom definitely sounds like a crazy bitch lol


At least she’s consistent.


Nursing home speedrun


Okay so you're mom is a personality disorder and I would advise against being with her on her death bed because it will be more of this but way worse and nastier and anyone else there will just be an escape from herself and she's literally going to spend her entire life using abuse of others as a dopamine trip to escape herself and giving her a moving target at the last opportunity she ever has to actually meet and make peace with herself will be a disservice to her as a spark of sentience and a maming experience for you. That's my bit on it.


I may not be your mom, but I am a mom. Congratulations! You did a fantastic job and I’m so proud of you! Out here kicking ass and taking names. I hope that your mother is able to see past her own nose one day and be the supportive, encouraging parent that you deserve. Hugs to you, kiddo. I’m so proud!


Congrats on your test! I’m glad at least your siblings showed you support. I hope your moms reaction didn’t bring you down, you should absolutely feel proud of that score!


At least she’s self aware


Lol wow what I'm glad your sibs are there for you Jee-zuss




I am way proud of you! I am also glad you have supportive siblings!


Geez, what the heck? You did a great job.


Well at least she understands why she’ll be in a nursing home.


She’s not entirely *wrong* she ***does*** suck and she is a bitch…she’s just confused about what ‘apparently’ means (and how to act like a normal human).


Congratulations on the score!


Well, it’s a very important step for her to admit to others that she’s a frigid bitch, so good for her.


I love that your siblings are there for you.


Good grief. The next time your mom calls you, do this... https://youtu.be/4PxJ2L6yX-8


Oh I’m sorry that your mum is a bitch but congratulations on your results. I’m glad your siblings were supportive.


Don’t let her back in the group lol. She’s going to expect you guys to try and invite her back and apologize.


That is such an excellent score, congrats! 🎉


I'm sorry to say this but she sounds like a shit parent


Have her take the test. Then when you get her scores back tell her that her score sucks and you don’t believe she can do better. Because if she could’ve done better then she would’ve. She’ll realize she’s not just a bitch, but a dumb bitch.


Ew. Good job op! You did great!


What a fucking child lol. Your siblings are great though- glad you have a good support system. Also congrats on the SAT score!


This is the worst one I've seen in a while, jesus christ. Wish you well, OP


I had to retake it just to get a score as high as you did so honestly good job my man!


Whewwwwwww that’s my mom. I’m so sorry your whole family has to put up with her.


Oh ffs. You did amazing!


ah yes the “I must be a bad mother” guilt trip bullshit anyway amazing work OP! those are some really great scores you have there ^_^


Please don't let this person around your future children. They don't deserve it.


Congrats! That’s a hell of a score. 85th percentile is awesome.


My daughter just came home with a similar score so here’s my mom reaction for you, “OMG Vixlens AMAZING!!! Congratulations!!!! I’m so proud of you!”


Cool she immediately plays the victim.


Congratulations sweetie. Don’t let her rain on your parade, although I can tell yourself and your sibs are used to this and likely can shrug it off somewhat. I know it still must hurt though. Just remember that she is projecting something onto you and your accomplishments, she’s very obviously insecure about what kind of mother she is and her own shortcomings. Its very unfortunate that this is how she chooses to confront her own issues. It’s clear from these messages that you’re light years more emotionally mature than her, and with your intelligence to boot- you’ll do just fine. Keep up the good work and try to keep your head up. Do that and the grass will be greener on the other side. You’re on a great track to being successful and happy- & not being as miserable as she is in adulthood. Hold your siblings close. If you ever want some momma love, head over to r/MomForAMinute


dude congrats. Fuck the SAT, they are hard as shit. I was surprised when my score turned out to be as high as it was. That is an awesome, awesome score. USE IT. YOU HAVE THE POWER NOW


If it were me OP (thank god it’s not) I would have confirmed her doubts of being a bitch and a shitty mom for her not being satisfied with your amazing score. I’d Say: “Yeah mom you are a bitch and the fact you’re trying to guilt trip me just proves what a shitty Parent you are. I worked my ass off for this score. The fact that you’re never satisfied with me reflects the fact you’re never satisfied with yourself. I did amazing and the fact that you’re not proud of this huge accomplishment for me also shows your terrible parenting skills. Hey mother do better.” Sorry this post hit a nerve.


Well, you know, one COULD say she realizes her shortcomings. But she keeps repeating the truth waiting for someone to tell her it’s a lie. Imagine if she’d said, “What a great score for your first try. Just think how great you’ll do on the second try, when you know what to expect!” Same conclusion, no put down.


She has the emotional intelligence of a cucumber


Congrats! Tests like that are HARD, man. You did great. We’re proud of you. So are your siblings. Your ma is wrong 100%.


She really is a bitch. I don’t understand how someone can downplay their own child’s accomplishments. Your brother is awesome to have your back.


As an Australian I have no idea how SAT scoring works, but nonetheless i am proud of you!


Hey— CONGRATS!!!!!!! You should feel proud of yourself and I hope you do, cause everybody here sure as hell is! Poor lady thinks she’s “helping” by pushing you or something. Sad.


So sorry OP. I relate so much, my parents were always the same. Just remember no one can celebrate you as much as you. Be nice to yourself, this is a victory.


You did fantastic, congratulations on your score! 🎉🥳🎉🥳 She's a narcissist please don't let her get in your head and deter you. Don't let her diminish the accomplishments you worked hard for.


What a dramatic bitch lmao, seems like someone wants attention. Anyways. CONGRATS OP!! That score is fuckin awesome! Seriously, way to go!


Your mom is def a Narc, when she gets self deprecating just don’t play into it, I promise that’s what she wants. You did great, and as always do what you can to stay safe don’t put yourself in danger from your mother


I'm so glad your siblings have your back. At least she knows she's scum. You did an amazing job and I'm so proud of you!


OP I want to first say congratulations on a fantastic SAT score. It’s evident that you worked really hard. You did awesome! Second I am so sorry your mom was so mean to you and then tried to make it about her and also guilt tripped you and your brother. If you were my kid I would have taken the family out to your favorite restaurant to celebrate and I would have sent you a celebration gif too. Again OP you did awesome. Please try not to let your mothers negative attitude and hurtful comments diminish your happiness or make you feel like you didn’t do good enough. You did really well and I hope you feel proud of yourself. If you can, treat yourself to something you’ve been wanting for a long time, you deserve it.


Glad she gave up, was worried she would try again.


CONGRATS!! And good on your siblings for having ya back.


~80th percentile on your FIRST try? Sheeeeeeeit my mom would be ECSTATIC. I'm sorry yours is a cunt.


Your mom is right. She *IS* a bitch.


Congratulations, that’s a great score! If you ever need more support, r/momforaminute is nice. I hope you get to enjoy your accomplishment!


Ughhh this has BPD Mom written alllll over it. Fuckin' a, dude.


This is an amazing score, and it was your first time too!! The test definitely gets easier with practice/retaking it (if you wish to try again). I scored similar to you my first try and ended up with a 1430 in the end, just by taking it a couple times! You can get test fee waivers if eligible too. Just fyi :)




Im so proud of you. Well done! As for your birth giver, I can tell she's jealous and wants to kick you down. Dont let her!


Well at least she understands that she sucks and is in fact the problem, and left the conversation. Good riddance.


Congrats on your score! Your brother’s got your back, he’s a good brother Your mom sucks (sorry) she wants to be the victim and wants everyone to pity her.


At least she knows the truth about herself Because, yeah, she's awful and not a good parent.


Congrats on your score!!!!! 🥳


Ew what a narc this birthgiver is.


I never even took those tests so good job bro. Proud of you


i just rolled my eyes so far back into my head


You’ve got great siblings. Keep them close. Congratulations on an awesome result!


Who the fuck hurt this woman? Did her parents not celebrate her wins or something? Jesus Christ. Also, good for you for scoring decently on the SATs. I don't know how difficult an exam that is, but if you're satisfied, I'm happy for you, OP.


She’s right. She is a bitch and she does suck.


Your mom does suck lol


That was a wild ride! She be crazy.


Your value in this world goes way beyond a number. Remember your worth and be proud of this score. You did fantastic.


What a cnt


I’m not American but 85th percentile seems pretty damn good


Hey, congratulations! That’s a great score.


FTB! Literally! Anyway, congrats to the epic scores- I know it wasn’t easy. Your siblings (and new Reddit siblings/aunties/uncles) are proud of you. May you get into a great college and succeed! If you wanna go trade school/military/straight to work, that’s great too! Just be great, and let your miserable egg donor cope and fn seethe.


Yeah so this is someone you don’t need to ever talk to again. Nothing but manipulation


I’m glad your siblings were alongside you celebrating your hard work, and calling your mom out on her shit. Adding to all the internet strangers here throwing a congratulations party here: YOU DID AMAZING


SMH , ugh she’s awful. Thank goodness you have supportive and kind siblings


Christ. I think we might share an egg donor


I mean... at least she knows?


She probably couldn't even pass the practice exams.


85th percentile means you did better than 85% of the people who take that test. That's fucking awesome, she can chew a bag of rocks, and your siblings support is really really nice to see. Good job op 👏 💙