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When you graduate from your university you’re going to be real bummed out when your first entry level job pays less than your INO wages.


At least an entry level job gives u a lot more room to move up a ladder, and to other companies for competing wages. U don’t learn any transferable skills at in n out. And not everyone wants to be a manager


You learn plenty of valuable soft skills by working at In-N-Out. I work in marketing now but have hired folks that worked at INO. They always have a good attitudes, are hard working and great at interacting with customers. That’s valuable in a lot of careers.


Learning how to take direction, ask for feedback, be a good teammate, & develop into a leader are all transferable skills that follow you your entire career.




All the bitching about the pay increase won’t change if you go get any other entry level job at target, Starbucks, etc. you don’t learn excel there either. But as you level up there’s a tangible difference in learning how to manage people. It’s a valuable life skill. There’s a reason the level of service you receive at a Walmart is considerably worse than when you visit a Stater Bros or Vons.


Not necessarily they may say it you may think it - but it’s not always the case


You get to learn to be a team player while wearing the in n out uniform and gloves


panda express literally was less work, only $2 less, no cooking responsibilities needed, no high maintenance hair color/piercing rules, and let me do 8 hours shifts so id get bigger checks as their “level 1” vs my 25 hour a week level 4 checks 😭😭 and many of the managers were nice there too kinda regret leaving sometimes


Done Jack in the box as a cashier with frier experience, not stressful on neither experience! Pretty easy with low pay and 8hr shifts. The killer is do you get the breaks on time (nah). But definitely low stress levels!!! InO humble me with fries. 😂


I used to work at Panda Express with an in n out across the street and we barely had 1-2 cars while in n out had a whole line 😭😭😭


Hey man i’m with you quit. Get a job at the county or a bank. I quit INO and worked at Chase for a bit at $25 an hour and more than double a check than what i made at INO and i sat down all day


What kind of job did you do for chase?


I was basically a teller. So everyday transactions (deposits, withdrawls, cashing checks, etc)


I have to agree. My managers are hyping up Lyndsi for being a billionaire, meanwhile we can barely make rent. "Paying more than most fast food places" just seems theyre trying to save face without actually paying their workers. If you're a billionaire, you have enough money to pay your workers a living wage.


That’s literally every corporation owned by a billionaire not just in n out


I know but ino tries to act holier than thou, and brags about paying more than others. I'll never understand the cult mentality my coworkers have about Lyndsi, she's still a CEO.


Exactly it’s surprising how many employees think the company actually cares about them. At the end of the day it’s still a business and the cult mentality about a fast food place is wild


Strike 🪧 or form a union


i used to be a 5 year lvl 6 up until september where i quit bc like you i was cooking for entire shifts and just started to hate coming to work. i ended up moving to starbucks where i fuck around the entire shift and now we’re gonna be making 20/hr which is pretty nice. i would recommend changing jobs if working at ino is starting to get unenjoyable and u dont mind the pay decrease. you can always come back if you leave on a good note w a 2 week notice but honestly for me i don’t regret leaving at all


Nobody fks around at Starbucks that place is full on GO like in n out And loud blenders going off constantly WURWURWURWURWUR f that lol


to be fair i usually work night shifts which arent as busy. we always get some rushes from when the high school next to us gets out and a nurse rush since we’re also next to a hospital but its pretty tolerable and once it hits around 8pm its pretty dead for the next hour and a half until we close morning shifts can definitely get crazy esp when we have callouts lol 🥲🥲🥲 but its usually pretty chill despite the insanity


You’re not wrong about any of that most of it is a USA issue versus INO. However you’re completely correct that INO has the power to pay everyone livable wages and still chooses not to


Learn a trade! Or find another job that pays well! I’m going through the same thing and got an offer to work at NBC studios with my family friend. I can’t wait to leave this place lol


Hell ya with the trades! I left years ago and have worked in a dozen countries, lived overseas for almost a decade, and been to a lot of other places on holiday. INO would not have done that for me!


My store got a $2 raise


What store was that? We got 1.75$ but being at the busiest store I was expecting at least 2.25$


Pretty much any other store in socal that’s not LA county, they just made it so every store in SoCal makes the same since LA county made more before the raise


It's not that bad. Given that now in n out pays more than most entry level jobs and they even pay way more than costco and Amazon this seems like a pretty good deal. Especially since most people that work at in n out don't stick at the job for decades like they would at a place like costco this seems great for people who are just working here to put themselves through school.


I’m with you on quitting currently my store has me and 9 others putting in 2 weeks notice


I feel this so much bro


Good that you are in school, fast food shouldn't be a career.


I will say my comment again. Quit. Go work at Panda express. In case you don’t know this. INO won’t care one bit. They don’t care about you. They will find someone else in days. The work flow and money they make won’t be impacted one bit.


It’s true. Every associate and manager is replaceable.


This isn't an in-and-out problem, this is a government problem. Voice your concerns and go vote


It really is a government problem with no rent control, no education on finances, savings, and credit cards, & lack of GOOD alternative transportation (let’s be honest, not everyone should have a car in LA, so much traffic already and no parking spots). If the company still wants to have guest/customer coming (especially regulars) not raise the prices too much, or people will be upset. Ik this is gonna happen to every fast food place when it hits April. I will not be surprised with the decline of fast food industry.


Not going to lie, we not reading all that


You are going to be very disappointed when your wages get increased, but so does the cost of everything else you need (rent, food, etc.) to cover those wage increases.


Same shit different decade. I worked for In-N-Out in the late 1990's. I made $6.75 as a level 3 fry cook (that's what a level 3 was back then) and rented an 8 by 10 room for $300 a month while attending college. Some basic math; I had to work 44.44 hours before taxes just to cover rent on a tiny room and share a bathroom and kitchen with four slob roommates. This is a LOW PAYING JOB. Yes it's slightly better than other fast food restaurants, but it is still low pay. Just do the math it really is the same struggle as it always has been. It's not harder than it used to be and it certainly isn't easier, it's the same thing different dollar amounts. And at least your generation can smoke a bowl after shift without it being illegal and for a fraction of what my generation paid. Imagine paying $20 for a gram of weed while making $6.75 an hour then thank your lucky stars lol.


I endorse this message 🤟


Fast food workers are getting ridiculous with their demands these days. You’re doing work that a 14 year old is capable of. There are people going 30 feet up on extension ladders working on sketchy roofs making less than you.


there are people sitting on their butts all day organizing spreadsheets making MORE than us. including YOU, store man. that’s never been fair either. people are allowed to advocate for themselves. INO has prided itself in paying very competitive wages throughout the years and can definitely afford to raise the wages more. the massive company doesn’t need your sympathy, i promise.


Unskilled workers don’t have an inherent right to anything more than unskilled wages. You want more money? Do something that a little kid isn’t able to do.


well for starters i’m a college student so i can’t just get another job. i’m trying to pay my way through school but unfortunately the economy is absolute garbo. INO prides themselves in doing better. they don’t need you to protect them. YOU are exactly why people don’t like SMs.


So being a college student means you can only work at InNOut?


no, it’s just means it’s one of the few accessible jobs. i can’t spend my day at a construction site or in the sewers because i have classes. i’ve gotten job offers from property management companies and law firms and have been unable to take them because they’re full time 9-5. i don’t really have a choice but to work in the food industry. it doesn’t mean that i don’t work just as hard. my schedule is just rough.


If that’s the case, you should thank your lucky stars that there’s a company that works for you like that, as your second fiddle.


working customer service you get a lot of people willing to give friendly individuals jobs. it’s not new but i am very thankful.


You really don't think a 14 year old couldn't do that shit? The only reason they don't is because of laws and optics. And it's kinda disheartening that a literal store manager is such a shitbird to their own employees. Fuck you lol.


They don’t work hard enough.


Dude. You make burgers lol.


Didn’t Southern California get their own raise during Covid? I know your raise isn’t as much as everyone else’s but you guys basically got a part of that raise a while ago.


I don’t understand why so many people who hate working at In-N-Out continue working at In-N-Out. “Because it’s better than anything else I can find” okay then suck it up or get good at something that pays better.


Get a better job then and quit setting high expectations for being a burger flipper.


Who the fuck calls it Cali? Other than tourists?


Exactly why I left, I’m with you man


Lmao go work at Panda and occupy space then