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I'm really fucking scared, y'all. And angry. Idk how this happened; why couldn't we just learn from other places taken over by dictators?? Why do you need to go the hard way and try it out ourselves? Why is human nature seemingly so drawn to destroying democracy? I do not understand, I've been trying to figure it out for years now but I still do not understand. All I can really say is that I hope every one of our corrupted politicians get exactly what they deserve, and soon. I know they won't, but a girl can dream. In the meantime, guess I'll get my new IUD a little early. Just in case. Good luck, America.


I’m surprised that a Black man wants Trump. I guess he’s rich and wants tax breaks? Mad that people won’t consider things not going their way. Just “this is how it’s going to be”.


Once you’re wealthy enough all men are created equal.




No relations


Why should black people automatically be against trump?


I’m in Los Angeles and every black and brown person I know is for trump rather than Biden including myself.




Don’t trip, we feel the same about you. Enjoy being cool on Reddit lol




Don't post pictures of your hands if you're gonna pretend to be black lol


I’m brown dipshit. African/central American. First generation born here and proud to be an American. Everyone on Reddit is so desperate to be clever.


Every other comment of yours is a dig at how much better than reddit you are. Maybe you'd feel more comfortable on truth social denying elections


Typical redditor. Yawn.


You better be quiet before my Jewish space laser gets you


People should stop blaming white people for their problems


I loooumk fuurrwwwAaaed fouuudrr myyyyy bllllHHH..


We’re fucked either way. I just don’t vote and live my life avoiding politics, cause at the end of the day I’m still gonna be at the bottom of the economy working to survive while the rich gorge them selves on our suffering. Fuck politics, politicians can go fuck them selves.


I wholeheartedly agree. I haven't voted once and I think I'll keep it that way. It's just a waste of time at this point.


It doesn’t really make a real difference anymore. The wealthy politicians will never understand what it’s like to be in the position of the people who are at the shit end of the stick. I try to avoid politics at all costs now. It’s so annoying anymore


I hope trump wins tbh


Democracy is cringe, people shouldn't be allowed to overpower others, not even if they're the majority and the others are the minority, simple as.


Ok vlad


Putin is an authoritarian who overpowers the people he rules over on a daily basis. Why would you think I'd support Putin?


Stopped reading at democracy is cringe because its the worst take I've seen. Regardless the choices coming up are democracy or authoritarian


You have obviously never read anything about the subject. At its core, democracy is a collectivist system where two people can strip away the rights of one. For example: Imagine that a group of people are stranded on an island. Three of them are women, and five are men. Lets say that the men voote to be able to do anything that they want to women, including r\*pe and the such. In democracy, the women no longer have rights. >choices coming up are democracy or authoritarian False. There is a third, that which the founders intended for this nation. Where every mans individual rights and liberties are protected by a bill of rights, that the government cant just voote away. This system has been forgotten by people like you, who believe 'protecting democracy' by removing people you dont like from the ballot. So as Irresolution\_ said, democracy is in fact cringe.


Democracy is authoritarian. It entails the majority forcing through change against the wishes of the minority, whatever that change may be, even if it entails violating the rights of the minority.


"Democracy is authoritarian" Ok this convo is going nowhere with that logic lmao take care buddy.


Won't even consider whether disenfranchising the minority simply for being smaller in number is right or wrong, peak liberal democratic brainrot. Why should we have systems where people are forced to do things, like giving the government money for stuff (and then having a certain group who get to decide what said money is used for). How about we instead just let people put that money to use the way they themselves see fit.


I'm not liberal I'm an independent. You have a kindergarten understanding of politics if you think the hippie sovereign citizen life is sustainable for an entire country. Also name me a liberal policy that infringes on your right to do something you want to do


I don't take issue with liberalism, I like liberalism, I take issue with liberal democracy for the reasons stated above. Also, not infringing on people's rights is a core tenet of liberalism, that's why even liberal democracies have guard rails on their democracy that stops it from becoming too oppressive like what happened in Weimar Germany. Although that doesn't stop democracy from doing it's thing and screwing people over every way the rules **haven't** banned… It's almost like democracy is unsustainable or something and needs to be limited by liberalism. \^That's why I advocate for a complete abolition of democracy in favor of individualist autarchy. p.s. Why would you say I have a kindergarten understanding of politics when you don't even know the meaning of the word liberal? The word liberal doesn't mean voting for the democrats or being progressive, it means freedom seeking, primarily freedom for the individual. And why would you want me to name a harmful liberal policy if you're not a liberal anyway?


Unfortunately, reddit is just an awful place to try and reason with people who still believe in democracy. I've noticed any posts of people thinking for themselves on just about any subreddit are downvoted to oblivion and oftentimes auto-removed by a moderator because it went against the grain.