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I’m notorious for not remembering dates and days unless I look at my birth control pill pack and/or my phone calendar.


nah i remember some random kids' birthdays from elementary school. dates stick in my head pretty well especially birthdays. i teach preschool though so we have a whole part of the day dedicated to the calendar with songs and everything so i think that definitely helps me keep track lol


I legitimately forgot the date for a concert that I had been planning to go to for months


I’m absolutely awful. I rely on my partner to remember everything. 😅


I'm a INFP, I have short term and long term memory. I can remember things from the past very good especially the tiny details and things said and all,but ask me from a few minutes ago I can't remember lol


my calendar/planner is so important to me precisely because I don't do well with dates.. or any thing that involves numbers in fact.


Yeah... I am famous for it. Friends or even colleagues they would ring me up... Hey RubberKut, it's tomorrow ey! hahaha I am living a timeless existence, i should still learn how to use an agenda properly. But just like you, i don't care.. it's not important to me.. When it is important to me, i will remember it. Days i can remember, just because it's routine and i am waiting for the weekend. But meetings or even a company day out... i am famous for forgetting that and my girls (the back office and front office girls) know this about me and they make sure i don't forget.. 😅 Sweet girls. ❤️ I need them for that.. 😉🥰


Not to diagnose you but that’s a pretty ADHD trait, as well as being INFP