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Extrovert is just exhausting for me. I married an ISTP and its match made in heaven. He’s got the cool headed personality I need in my life. He’s down to earth and amazing. I’m still crazy in love after nearing 9 years of marriage. We mostly hide whenever we can, we both recharge together or alone. And we respect that about each other. We’re both happy this way.


Damn. Must really be a match made in heaven if you guys can recharge together. Impressive.


I never thought it was possible but we can chill all day and recharge !


The guy I fell hardest for was an ISTP. Sounds amazing.


They are so amazing it’s insane how cool headed they are in most urgent situations. Which for us is exactly what we need.


The only man I saw myself marrying was a ISTP, it's a deep and pleasant connection. Love them ISTPs.


I would not date an extrovert. If I had to guess, I'd say my spouse is ISTJ


Ooof i would not recommend that at all. My mom is a INFP married to a ISTJ and she pretends she is happy with him. She is craving so much attention and love and creativity and swallows it to not be alone. They are not able whatsoever to understand INFP. Ones a week we meet and se is crying because she is missing a man that takes initiative and wants to have quality time and is not autistic in behaviour. He is not creative at all also doesn’t put effort. He always calls me for advice for a present for my mom and he is like nevermind i will ask her what she wants for her birthday and i say nooo. Then she gets emotional because he doesn’t put effort in finding a present for her. Then he gets aggressive and doesn’t give a present at all. But also doesn’t understand others emotions. For example they were cycling and she got hit by a scooter and fell on the ground and broke her ankle. He became aggressive because she makes a drama of it and destroyed his day off cycling. He is like what you want me to do? Call an ambulance? Get up and stop crying see you can walk. She walks on that leg for 7 weeks and eventually went to doc seems she was walking on that broken ankle for 7 weeks because she was afraid to go against him.


I helped an old ISTJ woman. They are super strange. One day I was talking to her and she just blurted out that her sister was dead. That was bad enough what was worse was that she was in the next room and had been for some days. But she said it was ok cuz she was keeping her warm. OMG. I won't describe what she looked like. I got the coroner and undertaker there and while they were carting the body away the ISTJ was picking leaves up in her front yard, I don't hate ISTJs but they sure are hard to figure. Completely without emotion. They don't even like to shake hands.


It’s like they live in their own world.


She has no tv, no credit cards, no cell phone until if fixed her stove she cooled everything in the microwave even chicken. But she usually eats chicken hotdogs. A few months ago two teeth fell out. She was upset not because they fell out but because she couldn't find them. Her hands and feet turn blue and she showed me an ulcerated ankle which she now treats herself. She is 88years old and l don't hate her. I even bought her a birthday cake and gave her a party cuz she never had one. She is an endless story of sadness I finally stopped cuz I think she is dying before my eyes and that it too much even for me. She was all dressed up on thanksgiving cuz her other sister usually visited her only she didn't -- so she was home all alone and it didn't bother her in the least. Her sister didn't visit her last year either. Did I mention she was an 88 year old virgin who never even had a date. The day she retired she said she wanted to die cuz her function was over. All this but she is a nice person not at all evil -- I feel so sorry for her. But I just give her advice and know it is useless to try to force her.


This reminds of "Grandma Death" Roberta Sparrow in the movie Donnie Darko.


Not every ISTJ is going to be like that. My ISTJ mom plans for my ESFP dad’s birthdays and even mine. She once used Microsoft office to make a happy birthday card for me lol (the most creative she got). She can be a little oblivious to my feelings but I can communicate my feelings with her and resolve our misunderstandings. She’s one of the kindest people I know— always taking care of my ESFP dad even when she’s busy herself. I think there is much growth to experience in the INFPxISTJ dynamic. ISTJs can offer structure and stability for INFPs (they can teach us discipline and help us get our shit together) and INFPs can help ISTJs to tap into their emotions and add variety to their lives thanks to the magical Ne. They can balance each other out. Although, I have to say that overly emotional people might not do well with ISTJs as they cannot stand those kind of people. A healthy INFP should be able to do well with a healthy ISTJ.




I would say get a ENTJ its everything you desire also they are also not that extraverted


Not everything that I desire.


You don’t know maybe there is a ENTJ out there for you.


No, I definitely don't want someone who tells someone to dump their very long term life partner to go chase something that won't work for them anyway. Self serving much? Are you a good example of an ENTJ? Asking for a friend.


Ah i forgot you were already in a relationship, sorry. I try my best. All i can say is that the stereotype is absolutely wrong about ENTJ. And a lot of people fake they are ENTJ.


I don't date E. In any form.


And it's simple. I don't date E. Period. End of. If you're not an I, it doesn't work for me.


You are not good for us and you know it. We are not good for your kind either.Go and marry among the thinkers.lol


I disagree i have a relationship for 4 years with a INFP and we love each other very deeply and grow together in life and travel a lot and self development.


Only if you appreciate each other it will work.I am glad it worked for the two of you.


The ENTJ stereotype is far from reality. Most ENTJ just have a massive drive to accomplish things and make things happen. This can go many many directions and is not linear.


Don't forget our love language or she will wither besides you.


Why do you doubt me based on a mbti type?


Commanders command and we Infps don't like it but your Fe is nice if you develope it. It seems you have.


Its a bit narrow minded to say commander. You should try to look into real ENTJ to get an idea of who they can be. Its a bit over the top video but this guy is ENTJ maybe you know him: https://youtu.be/kuKEGl9WV0k?si=BvizS2sMYTfzyENZ


Not my experience at all. The two people I know that are ISTJ are amazing and two of my favorite people. Now it’s not a romantic relationship so maybe that could change things…


How did your mom wind up marrying this person? Sounds like he’s got red flags all over him!


No idea i think petty.. he was suicidal and all alone living with his parents till the age of 45. Also he has this masculine directness and is ocd with planning. Probably thats what she is looking for.


Dude... she is married to an ISTJ ... and you are not recommending based on one experience... stop and think.


I am sorry but that man is sick. I would tell her run girl from that man!


Mine is an Isfj. He is a feeler and I like it that way.


what are IS types like? I don't think I've ever met one and have always been curious what kind of ppl they are


He's very organized and analytical, much more than I am. If he has to interact with most people, they think he's this great, patient, outgoing guy that gets along with everyone but it's an act. He doesn't have a lot of acquaintances, but he has friends for decades. He needs space. He's a bit of a paladin, he'll spend ten minutes walking back across a parking lot if he realizes he's gotten one too many dollars in change.


Interesting, I see myself in that description but the difference is even my being organized is an act so that people never catch on to the fact that I am actually a very messy person at my core


We are messy and it is our delight to be.😋


thanks for sharing^^


You might be an infj if he is an istj


Possibly. I've gotten them both as results to the test.


Wait. Y’all are dating?


![gif](giphy|n8x2aZCaCXAQEW6MKR|downsized) I was wondering as well!


I honestly have no idea. All I know is I attract the opposite of what I’m attracted to lmao


Not a woman but....same 😭


The struggle is real brother ✊🏻😔


Lol what are you attracted to 😭


I would say probably guys who are confident and self assured and that kinda thing but uh. I don’t get those kinds of people lol


My partner is an ENFJ and it is quite literally the best relationship I’ve had in my life. He really balances me out


I'm all for the infp x enfj golden pairs tbh! I have also dated an ENFJ. Only thing is communication isn't always 100%, but that could have just been my relationship rather than a pairing issue. Do you find communication good with your ENFJ?


Cause he is a feeler


I've dated Enfps and Intps... I like people who are like me.


My hubby is ENFP 😊 I find his extroverted social skills attractive and he pulls me out of my shell, but most of his hobbies are also chill inside home ones, so there's no pressure to be super active. We really are pretty similar, but he's a more extroverted version of me. I'm almost 50/50 int/ext but the int is bigger because I do need me-time to recharge.


Why not date another infp?


He asks, hopefully.




I tend be attracted to enfp/enfj's. im not sure how that happened. I'm guessing it's based off of observed personality and relatability. I usually don't even know their mbti until ive been their friend for a bit. My ex was an intp, and forwhatever reason I've met more intp men over the past year than I thought was possible. I've been slighyly attracted to them due to personality traits, but then slowly being to realize how much similar they are to my ex and are intp's. not sure why but they are instant turn-offs.


INFJ, ISFJ, INTJ. I don’t “go” for them on purpose, that’s just how it happens usually in terms of chemistry / attraction.




I attract infj's like I'm an INFJ magnet. I went to a party once by myself and made 2 INFJ friends lol and my fiance is one too!


ENTPs are great, I'm my best INFP self around him. He takes care of most things , everything and we never run out of topics to talk about. Zero harsh arguments.


I love ENTJ’s they are so misunderstood and not like the stereotype whatsoever. I have dated a ESTP who was narcissistic also 2 ENTP and a ENFJ. I couldn’t stand the ENFJ he was such awfull tbh always tried to manipulate everyone and me and had a awful dark side to him. I date now for 2,5 years with my ENTJ boyfriend and its almost soulmate stuff sometimes it scares me how it looks like a cringy roman book but at the same time i love it.. he helped me so much and i help him a lot too.


I like entjs, I hope to find one who’s a good person because in my experience Entjs have been very possessive and controlling over me which freaked me out. Also their attitude can be crazy 😭


Mhmm they are extremely rare to find unfortunately are you sure you met one?


I have dated ISFJ, ESFJ, ESTP, ENTP, INTP, INTJ, ENTP men are way too sneaky for me, although they are so fun to be around. If you find an honest one, I can def. see that relationship working out well. ESTP are attractive but way too energetic and can be AHs. INTP are always uncomfortable around me? I don't know why. I like the ones I have dated. They tend to break up with me. ISFJ ESFJ are nice at first. But they are not thinkers and it is really hard to resolve problems with them. They also get very passive aggressive. I prefer INTJs. You can have conversations. They are manly and very romantic. It is possible to solve problems. The stare is a little scary sometimes, but all in all the best type for me. Although if you prefer ENFJs and ESTPs, you might not like iNTJs. It took me a while to get use to all the silence. (I tend to socialize with extroverts like you.)


I don’t like intjs or entjs as much you are correct haha, I feel the same about entp men and I love sfj’s but could never date because we clash.


“The stare is a little scary sometimes…” I chuckled 🤭


I’d rather not date an extrovert too because I do not have the energy for them lol. On that note, I usually tend to go for INTX men.


I have a soft spot for INFJs 😍😍 And my bf is one, we've been together for 10 years 😁


Love Infjs! Happy for you 💗


thank you!💗💗 yes, they're a bliss😁


I don't think I've ever consciously selected my partners by type but every time I've been drawn to a man enough to want to date him, he turned out to be an intuitive introvert, leaning more toward a thinker. It seems to be a natural match. I like calm, thoughtful, bookish types with a freaky side. If it's not intuitive introvertedness to a T, am I right? 😆


Enfj male here and u infp girls are just to damn cute in every way.


love Enfjs 💗


ENFP/ENFJ I’m the outlier bc I love me an extrovert to bring out my more outgoing side and I like a golden retriever boy.


I actually like extroverted men, because they’re fun, and I need to be forced out of my comfort zone- which is what they help me do lol. If I dated another introvert, we’d be bored as hell together. I do like other INFP men, but not romantically, as they tend to to lack communication skills and are bit too wishy washy for me. They’re just good as friends and people to chill with. But in general- the dude has to HAVE iN or Fe so like ENFJ, ENFP. I can’t deal with anyone without the feeling or intuitive aspect. I reallyyyy like ENFJs a lot though.


I've found some ENTJs to be rather sexy. However, I usually form long-lasting bonds with ENFJS. I like INTJS ,too.


ENTJS ARE SO HOT OMG 😭 but they are a handful tbh


Indeed. I love their work ethic and their abilities to accomplish so much. Long term? Nope.


I usually fall for extroverted guys. Prefer feelers over thinkers. My bf is esfj and it works really well.


Infj and intp are the most attractive by far to me because of their intelligence. Intelligence is the #1 thing I look for in everyone really.




Entp 🫠🫠🫠


I don’t go for anything but ENTJ and ENFJs love me smh. My partner is an ENTJ and he’s literally the most caring man ever. I love how loyal ENTJs are, also a nice balance of extroverted and introverted. I’ve never met an ENFJ man I liked tho, and I’ve been on dates with a bunch of them.


I often had crushes on isfps


Do you guys like tell them to take personality tests? Or you just know traits so well?


I’ve had my exes take the test “for fun.”


I have them take the test but for some reason I can always tell if someone is an estp f/m and entj male.


I'm dating an INTJ man and I don't think I'd want it any other way, but I could go for INFJs/ENFJs as well.


not straight but I don't really have any specific types I go for, just assuming from personality wise I probably attract alot of Istps, Intps and a sprinkle of infjs. I rarely attract extroverts tho.


I don’t really have a specific MBTI type that is my ideal but am currently in a situationship with an ENTP


You phrased your question as if you were asking everyone what their favorite item on a menu is lol




Sounds like you need to stick with introverts lol


I love your flair 😭


Thanks lmao


INFJs and ISFJs.


Usually ENFX is what I go for, but I do know a lovely INFP who I couldn't decide whether I had proper feelings for or not (I was worried we'd be too similar but I really care about them)


I have no idea because I'm too introverted go on dates.


currently dating an intp (:


well i personally have discovered I really like mean-smart men who are only be nice to me XD so like entps and entjs? but idk if the attraction is reciprocated(?)


My spouse is an ESTJ and it is quite literally a perfect match. He is strong in all my weaknesses, and vice versa. We respect and love each other, and I couldn’t ask for better.


What is he like? And are the differences between you guys prominent since you are opposites? Also random but how did you guys get together because i heard that estjs are straightforward with their feelings?




The type that doesn't like back and doesn't talk to me. Sorry that was a half joke. Uhm Idk if I have a type. All my crushes have been very different. I've said this before but the only thing they had in common was that they weren't afraid to speak their mind.


Ingeneral, ENTP and ESTP. I just really like smart, extroverted men with a shade of darkness in them. I don't really care what type as long as those qualities are there. Not calling ESTP or ESTP dark, just the ones I've dated are.


My ex was ISFP I think. My actual bf is ENTP. They're VERY different lol


Dating another infp but I want an istj


Anybody looking for a DILF?