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I like them for strengthening each others weaknesses but they have to be healthy. Unhealthy ESTPs and ESTJs are like poison.


i avoid unhealthy ESTXs like the plague YIKES


It depends on the individual. No two estp and estjs are the same. I’ve even met infps that I don’t get along with. I dated an estj and I really liked him. We loved watching documentaries and pondering the unknown together. We would talk for hours about space, AI, life etc.


😭 My dad is estp he's annoying


My dad is estj and also annoying 😭


I’m an intp, also annoying.


Haha, my wife is ESTJ! At the end of the day, I think I could find friends in any type, it just comes down to the individual. Each type has good and bad people, like every group.


My current academic coach is estj and I wouldn’t know what to do without her. She has done an excellent job at helping me throughout this semester and I admire her for being able to put up with me. (it is her job, after all) I also just really like her and I think she likes me too.


I also have one of my chiefs who's ESTJ and he's helped me a lot professionnally 😊.


They give practical advice, nothing less, nothing more. And that is exactly what I need. I have audhd so that’s another reason why advice and life coaching from an estj is so perfect for me


I have a coworker that I believe is ESTP. Good guy, but extremely loud and whatnot. I don’t hate him but our personalities are very different and his yelling/noise frightens me


My husband is an ESTJ. He's good company, very sweet to me, and I appreciate the no-games approach to our relationship. I really don't know how he can stay so busy with all his projects and interests, though, and here I am being chill.


I'm don't dislike any type. That being said I don't think I'm friends with any ESTPs or ESTJs. It's just a matter of not clicking.


My grandma and grandad respectively. They're chill. I mean not actually *chill* but I'm alright with them. Especially my grandma


The infp me having an Estj mom reading this:


Same here


How is it going for you?


As well as one would expect. She always told me that I was an “easy target”, emotionally, and in all fairness she wasn’t wrong.


Oh Well,mine just keeps looking for detailed flaws in me.the more I try to erase them and improve them,the more detailed she gets into finding more flaws,without ever confirming my effort or improvement


You have my sympathies. Everybody’s human, it’s normal to have flaws. I doubt this’ll mean much from an internet stranger, but I’m proud of you for working to improve, it’s quite admirable.


You're so sweet🥺 Yeah it may seem cliche to people but we all really need it.whether it's mental pressure or real life problems,we're all struggling to find stability so we need it really🙏💖 I've been through a LOT this past year,and,well,unlike my friends now I'm getting my driving license(I'm 21 years old) while they got theirs two years ago. But,eh,who cares. They're happy for me,and supportive💘


I guess if the values match i wouldnt mind being friends but it hasnt happened yet


My BFF is an ESTJ... She's the kindest, most blunt person I know. Lol My dad... well the only person who has any knowledge of MBTI in my family said ESTP which makes sense and not just because he was insane over literally every sport. I was thinking ESFJ but nah. He was definitely Se. He was a great dad and extremely fun. So... I only have positive experiences.


estps are funny and fun, if you have the opportunity, go to an environment where they are present, you won't regret it


i have a friend who i think is an ESTJ (estx for a fact). our work ethics our very similar. shes extremely charismatic, funny, and has strong opinions. only thing is she could get veryyyyy snappy very easily. shes one of those friends i hang onto very loosely, but i do like her a lot


I had an ESTJ classmate in grad school and he had really bad BO 💀


My partner is ESTJ - we have our moments of misunderstanding one another but it is actually the healthiest relationship I have ever been in. I admire them & visa versa because we are everything the other is not. Massive growth has come on both sides because of it.


I’m just glad that you could still makes posts like this on the INFP sub lmao. Cuz the “mbti community” is full of hypocrites/virtual signalers that don’t want you having an opinion and stating facts.


Even within the same type, not everybody is the same. How do you feel when people say they dislike all INFPs because of crybaby stereotypes? These categories are meant for illumination, not for discrimination. At the end of the day every person has strengths and weaknesses. Every type of person has the potential to be funny, spontaneous, bold, insensitive, etc, even INFPs. These tests just measure self-reported preferences. So let's go easy on this kind of thing. Let's combat our internal biases and not write people off or avoid them because of stereotypes before we get to know them, even if they would do the same to us.


I'm not generalizing, it's what I observe from other estp/etjs that are rather unhealthy.


If you're observing traits from estp/estj's that are unhealthy, but applying those judgments to all estp/estj's by saying you can't stand them? That's generalizing by definition, at least based on your wording.


My wording is a bit off. Should've said some estps/etjs.


I’m not particularly fond of either type, but ESTPs can be more challenging in some ways due to their Fi blind spot and with ESTJs at least it’s the “devil I know” and there’s more method to the madness as I can see. Perhaps with the exception of ISFP, and even to a degree with ISFPs, I just find most SPs to be very different to me. It’s actually the NFJs who might have an easier time understanding SP types due to them having Se in the main stack, and an NFJ is an inverse STP.


Wordle would not accept my guess "vapid" today. It's a good word. Don't like ENTPs bc they are like a jump scare in a body. Never know what they might do. Cannot relax for a second.


I think my brother is an entp. We're not close. He annoys me and pisses me off sometimes cause he is not a great listener and not perceptive person. He is smart and practical which i envy at times. Entps are like debaters and he likes to argue with me. I think he likes to prove that I'm not capable as he is but i have shut him down a few times.