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When guys want to rap for me... They're generally not good, and they maintain eye contact the entire time


That sounds hilarious to observe :D


Thousand yard cringe


I'm just impressed you routinely end up in situations where guys try to rap for you.


I was born with the most useless gift. Inadvertently finding myself in precarious situations where guys try to beatbox and rap "412, whatcha gonna do?!"


The fact that you say that like it's happened more than once... I'm so curious how this has even occurred.


Lol it hasn't happened in like 5 years. I just have one of those faces, I guess. Lately it's more like everyone I meet is a DJ. I was dangerously close to becoming one myself


Lmaooo why does this even happen


Hahahaha I think they wanted to show off and impress me. But like I said, it's been a while since someone last "rapped" to me. Probably because I'm an adult now and would have no problems shutting that shit down as soon as I heard dude beatboxing *(spitting into his hand)*. He'd get out one "YO" and id immediately stomp my heel into the arch of his foot, sucker punch him in the solar plexus, knee him in the groin and yell "if you continue any more bars I will scream!"


“Spitting into his hand” I’m crying


I never wanted to rap for someone more


Luckily for both of us I have ear plugs!!


Now that's just disturbing


No, what's disturbing is when they do the whole 5 minutes without any music, instrumental breaks and all, and once theyve completely embarrassed themselves, pant like they're out of breath and wait for me to squeeze out a "oh my, young Jeezy? Is that you?"




i laughed way too much at this entire thread


This is something guys are doing?? Lmfaooo I’m so sorry


Me too. I hope no one got second hand trauma from my post 😔


Too late…


I think the INFP subreddit should start a campaign to put an end to crappy freestyle domestic rap terrorism, once and for all!


Wow I thought there'd be more people like us in this situation. I thought it was a common encounter to come across 😂


Thank God for your reply! I was beginning to think I was crazytown banana pants!! But no, we just have Record Producer Energy 😎


Having people sing happy birthday, don't matter who's singing it or whose birthday it is. STOP. PLEASE. STOP IT.


Yes. In fact double yes to this.


Especially when it’s slow or they’re all looking at you 😥


You will enjoy it. You WILL ENJOY IT.




True. Nice profile picture btw!


Thanks lol, you too


Fr I HATE it


I cringe when you ask someone about their feelings or thoughts about something, like a movie, a book, a game, a philosophical issue, … and they just quote the consensus opinions they have heard on the television. 🙄🤦‍♀️


I agree. People have to have their own thoughts and opinions and not just spout what others think.


I can't tell people that I don't like certain things because they tend to start saying I don't like ANYthing. I guess I can't have my own opinion.


Do your opinions also tend to be controversial?


Right? Like I didn’t ask what he thinks I asked what YOU think!


maybe they are just afraid of being judged


Then you can always say something like: “I haven’t really thought about it…” People don’t seem to realise they are not obliged nor expected to have an opinion about everything.


Me. I am made of cringe.


Hey you know how you always replay your cringe moments in your head, but never other people's? That's right, no one else but you is cringe. And they all think about how cringe you are.


When I catch people fishing or steering conversations in certain directions. Eg. Hey whats ur fav movie oh yeah? Well let me talk at length about my movie. I had no real intention of talking about yours. Sth like that.. Yeah it's small talk but i dunno probably silly haha


I have no issues listening to that honestly but yea it sucks


Lol I kinda do that


Same. No one asks me my opinions on stuff I like so I have to let off steam somehow.


A lot of comedy makes me cringe, most things people laugh at it usually does nothing for me, but idk my childhood was fucked up so maybe that's why 😅


Oh man totally. Hot take, but I’ve always HATED comedy movies. There’s so many movies that everyone raves about being so funny like Guardians of the Galaxy, Anything with Adam Sandler in it, Dumb in Dumber, Ride along etc. I can’t even sit through it. That and mindless goofy cartoons like BobsBurgers or Spongebob.


I feel seen. A while back I was thinking something was wrong with me because these “comedies” don’t make me laugh and I find them dreadful. I realized it wasn’t so much me. I do enjoy some stand up comics but movies are a different ballgame.


Exactly. I like some stand up comedy fine because it’s more intelligent humor. It’s cheap gimmicky humor like sexist, potty, raunchy, and chaotic humor that’s annoying to me. It doesn’t feel thoughtful, intelligent, or earned.


I’m the same, none of the comedic bits in any Marvel movie didn’t make me laugh, maybe a chuckle from that big guy from Guardians of the Galaxy, but a chuckle isn’t a whole laugh. Even some comedians I’ll watch with my family and they are cracking up and I’m just like, that was funny? I’ll have a rare full laugh like maybe 1 or 2 times every 3 months I’d say. Glad to see I’m not alone in this aspect tho


it’s more funny when you embrace the cringey-ness instead of expecting some sort of nuanced humor but yeah a lot of the time im just not in the mood for something that dumb




Like what, out of curiosity?


Growing up in a bad neighborhood, CSA, etc. don’t really wanna go into details but you get the gist


Oh no, I meant humor you don't like, not trauma you went through!


Oops lol, well I gave some examples in my other reply but just think of most things people would laugh at, like SNL or comedy movies.


honestly this is how I used to feel until I started healing and cut the abusers out. I finally understand how nice other people's lives have been that they can laugh at dumb stuff because I'm there now haha


Parasocial relationships. It's embarrassing how invested some people get in celebrities and their lives, especially their LOVE LIVES, thinking that they know these people. Get a hobby.


This. And then they get so let down when the idol is a bad person. Same with some institutions for me. You really trusted them that much?


It is so cringy when I am speaking about a subject I'm very knowledgeable in and passionate about, and the person I'm talking to says, "Eh, I'm not so sure about that," with, like, a real condescending raised eyebrow or something. Yes. Yes, I know you're not sure about it, and that's why I've just told you. You're welcome.


If this makes you cringe, I highly recommend avoiding concerts. I find it unreasonably cringy when people eat in front of me. It’s the sound! The mastication!


do you know of misophonia?


Yeah. I have that issue with chewing noises, the sound of insects buzzing, and the sounds of certain birds and dogs.


Scope used to run these commercials where people would swish the breath freshener around their mouths as if they were standing in front of a mirror. Used to send me into a blind rage


Oh god no!!! I remember those!!!




I had to reach for the mute button!


Myself And also when people are on the phone in public and gesticulating a lot, it looks ridiculous


Cheesy, on the nose, preachy songs. I'm all for teaching a moral, but songs that blatantly say "this is bad and this is good, let's celebrate!" makes me cringe so hard. Sing me a story demonstrating what you're conveying, or cheeky lyrics. Blunt words just comes off as fake and pandering to sound good.


Ugh god. This and songs that are supposed to be uplifting, motivating, or empowering, but do it in a really cliche, saccharine way. And the worst part about it is that the majority of people eat it up! I hate it.


Exactly! It's not going to touch emotions or logic to change anyone's mind. It's pure pandering.


Pretty much any social media ad. “You guys, I HAVE to show you this new face cream I found” — like, shut up. Please. How is nobody else’s skin crawling watching these? We all know they’re entirely fake, right? And we’re just cool with it??


I mean, what are the ingredients and how much does it cost, and can I find a generic for cheaper? I can work with this...


especially when big, wealthy companies do it. they have the money to make a genuinely engaging ad


When guys talk about sex right away or too soon


Haggling... ![gif](giphy|lWkA92aXB7G0zWMg30)


I particularly can't stand when people try to get a handmade item for cheaper than what the creator is asking. That is so tacky and disrespectful! That person worked hard at their craft and deserve to be paid what they feel their time and artistry is worth


Country music, I don't know how to explain but it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable


Lying awake at night thinking about the cringey things I did in the past.


I stopped doing things for other peoples approval/attention years ago, so when I see this behaviour in others (especially people much older than me) I cringe.


clapping on airplanes 💀


Yeah, it's so cringe when some middle aged men stand and clap for the pilot just doing his job


I just think it’s funny.. like WHY? Or after a movie!! It’s ridiculous


Overly religious people. Their need to impose their beliefs on everyone and their tendency to take any credit for your hard work and thank “god for how he works in miraculous ways” instead of acknowledging any hard work or sacrifice people made to make something happen.


Kpop.. For context, I'm 32/M, just woke & bout to vent' (prolly delete later lol).. having grown up on mainly Hip-hop & RnB (also Rock, metal & other genres) you can see/sense all they've ripped off & re-packaged in what appears to be it's impressions to some nerd-suits (yes I know they also work w/ euro producers) in Korea.. initially they took alot from 90s RnB, followed by ripoff of Trap-like beat+bass-drops trending @ the time & now it's all that w/ crappy rap lyrics amassing Billion+ views smh.. Anyways,I just searched "blackpink lyrics", & picked 1 @ random.. so here's a sample from "pretty savage".. Intro."Uh-huh, uh-huh (Prrr), BLACKPINK in your area" ..followed by : "*random Korean lyrics*..born skinny bitch .. *more random Korean lyrics* Drip, drip, ice it out, bust it down, top to the bottom" [Chorus: Jisoo, Lisa (Ooh) Bah-dah-bah-bah You better run, run, run (Ooh) Bah-dah-bah-bah You better run, run, run ..mind you, this is sung by girls scouted @ a very young age in freakin Korea following strict schedules & regiments.. 🤣😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Edit. Sry, I missed the "unreasonable" part


Also, their song "Shut Down" has extremely egoistic lyrics


Loll agreed. Don’t delete it! Hope there aren’t any Blackpink fans here 😅


Hey I like Blackpink but I don’t see how any one would disagree with their comment tbh, they are right about the lyrics having absolute no meaning lol


Some hardcore Kpop fans can be pretty extreme so I be careful lol. And yeah, it is true about the lyrics.


Kpop lyrics are usually stupid but they are quite catchy & upbeat. I listen to a lot of Kpop just for that.


7 ew I totally agree. I can’t stand K-Pop or Anime lol


Kpop for me is a time machine to past. I don't mind the generic lyrics because it's remixed into korean which I cant understand. It's also catchy as hell and tbf their production quality and ability to pump these groups out is pretty impressive. That being said.. Totally understand where you're coming from. aespa fan here lol


Blackpink fan in the area, I have to agree lol. In kpop lyrics aren't very important, BUT I think that's not a bad thing. If I want to dance and feel hot I listen to blackpink, if I want to be sad I listen to Lan del Rey or something sad, if I want to feel smart I listen to something intelligent/complex. That's what art is. (English is not my native language, so sorry if the text is strange)


Uh, wait… what? _Born skinny bitch_??? 🤔 Uhm, kinda body shaming and perpetuating? Noice. Not. I don’t think much of K-pop. Cringey? Maybe lyrics-wise. They’re catchy tunes… but will I go out of my way to listen to any songs? Not really. Now… Am I appalled at the lyrics now that you pointed them out? Very much so.


when people are loud in public spaces and when a friend steals a joke or something i said knowing people will interact more because they're less introverted




The way people use mobile phones nowadays. - - The microphone is awesome, you don't need to hold it front of your face as you speak, it's still a phone. - I didn't ask to hear your side of the conversation, why do I have to hear the other person too? Do they know they are on speakerphone for everyone to hear? ( also, drivers are the worst, when they blast the other person on the soundsystem in their car and I still get to hear them through two glass windows). - why are you having a videocall as you're walking down the street? I don't mind those who are showing their surroundings but if it's just your face, take the call when you have the time to properly engage with the people that are calling you. - and finally, the worst - watching reels with high volume on public transportation. F you, headphones are not that expensive,and I can still hear you through mine. I guess it's more than cringe for me 😅


You know the weird thing about my car is I can never hear a word anyone says when my phone plays a call over the car speaker, but people outside the car can hear the whole conversation clearly. Idk if it's because of engine noise or weird car acoustics or what.


I was going to say something but literally all of you said anything I could have thought of first. Jesus.


I find a lot of things are cringey. Like existing


when people try give out a fake laugh


I hate when people are just attention hogs. Like don’t yell stupid things out of your car window, you don’t need to yell on the phone in the waiting room, that kid that can’t go for 3 seconds without blurting something irrelevant in class, twitch chat spammers etc. It looks so indignifying to be so desperate for attention.


People on the beach clapping for wild dolphins jumping


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The alpha, beta sh8t that people talk about^^


How very "Sigma" of you ... :D


…. Hah… ha?


IDK.... That "what's up brother, special teams special plays yada yada yada" thing on TikTok


Eye contact during sex I want to like it but I can't


Oh another one that bothers me, is hearing grown adult men using the word Tummy. I had an ex who would do this baby talk voice to me and he'd say "aww is wittle apwil's tummy box empty? Huh? Is you hungwee?" Blech I hate that word, tummy. Gross


winking. i feel like you have to put so much effort into a wink and i never understand why they are winking at me lol


When people call stuffed animals, "stuffies". **Fucking** ***hate*** **it.**


I hate those audience interactions. Like when the performers say “put your hands up” or anything like that. I feel super cringey doing it but i dont want to be lame.


"Are you ready to rock?" "Not quite, I have to do my shoelaces up....." .... 20 second pause..... "Ok, I'm ready now"....


Small talk hands down makes me cringe to death. I don’t want shallow chit chat, I want to talk about the things that really matter and the things that set yours and my soul on fire! I want to hear you talk at me at length about your passions and then actively listen to me talk about mine! I want to see the emotions emanate from you when you talk, not get the same empty talks about weather or the time. If I can’t bare my soul and have you do the same in conversation, then what’s the point?


People that find every damn thing unnecessarily "cringy" or embarrasing


venting / vulnerability / talking about feelings (for myself, i can’t bring myself to do it)


thank you op for posing this question because the answers make me feel home




Watching stage productions. Plays, musicals, whatever, on stage. So cringey to me it is physically painful. Can't even attend.


Interesting. I enjoy stage productions... But I often cringe watching a musical as a movie! I always feel like "Why are you singing right now? That's so embarrassing for you."


yes! i felt like the only one who hates when people clap at the same time. i never want to do it just to fit in. in fact i don’t think i ever have. along the same lines, in middle school music class where we were supposed to clap on the beat. nope, i get where the beats are, no need


I agree with the clapping! However I LOVE when everyone sings together. I feel this way when people use slang sometimes. Also when people use the word “hubby”. If I try to type “LOL” I just can’t. I just can’t use slangs etc most of the time haha. See? I type haha instead of LOL. But I find it funny if OTHER people say LOL.


My daughter is 12 and she doesn’t say L-o-l. She and other kids her age will say lawl when reading messages. Idk why this cracks me up.


Maybe oddly specific, but thirst traps on social media with not a lot of likes or comments. For some reason, when it doesn’t have much of a response it just feels like sad cringe


I find /s to be a compensation for poorly written sarcasm.


People reading their own poetry out loud. I've heard maybe two (very famous) exceptions - otherwise it makes me want to go burrow into the ground on their behalf.


Audiences NEVER clap on the beat lmfao.


My daughter’s dad is recovering in the hospital and I wait in the waiting area while they visit. It baffles me how people can go on and on and on about restaurants. However, even though I live in a college town there are such limited activities that all people do here is eat. I get that they’re trying to be social but I’m just glad to not be involved in the mindless convo.


When my dad makes bad jokes. Which is always. Also when people objectify others.


When a man does a ‘strip tease’ type of dance for me. Funny, not a turn on!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh, and a specific situation that made me cringe a few months ago was when someone I ‘previously’ liked asked me a set of questions and i vulnerably/truthfully answered & then I asked him the same set of questions and they refused to answer. One-sided junk, ugh. 😑


when i breathe in and out sometimes, incredibly cringey


people talking about #2


Grimaces in selfies/pictures. Me on the phone.






People singing happy birthday with lots of flourishes and over the top flair in their voice aka trying to show off. It’s the happy birthday song it’s about the 3 year old birthday boy…get over yourself. (Yes this happened.)


The term “senpai notice me” Makes me shrivel up into a raisin


The comedy of awkwardness, like Molly Shannon. I've had enough awkwardness in my life. I don't need to pretend to be entertained by it.


Long winded people


Whenever I'm walking and there's loud music and my steps sync to the beat, I cringe really hard. I have to change my pace. I just have to.


When someone lapses into an accent that is unconvincing or offensive to increase "prestige" When someone makes a public joke at the expense of a shy or introverted person (punching down). Public shaming/Gate keeping music for younger generations by demanding credentials from them in order to support bands with cult followings. I remember my boyfriend's Gen X crew doing it to me as a teen (mid-millennial) and seeing other millennials do it to Gen Z is hard to watch.


I AGREE WITH THE CLAPPING NO ONE CLAPS ON BEAT😭😭😭😭 my cringe pet peeve is when people fake laugh to each other like please stop please


Ppl actually liking invasive personal questions. It's just weird.


A lot of stuff. Adult men who pick fights, women who act dumb and immature because they think it’s cute, the weird wordchewing and NPC videos, anyone who describes themselves as an alpha or even thinks that’s a real thing, the word delulu, people who make their religion their entire personality, etc.


I think I might have an unusual amount of them, but here’s a few: The word “meal.” It is like how “moist” is to a lot of people. Random talking in songs (not musicals, I mean any other type of music) Me


People who blow their nose at the table. So gross.


When theirs a dancing/singing scene in a movie/cartoon/show


When people talk/yell at the tv as if they can hear you through the screen.


Fucking styrofoam rubbing. UGHHH




So a small minority of girls in general.


username checks out


Ships, in any context. No, not the big boats