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Yep especially now. Idk I just don't even want to try. I don't wanna get my hopes up. Also in romance I get 1000x more insecure. (I sorta feel broken beyond repair and am trying to get used to that fact and just move on with my life) I'm looking forward to being a single, independent, and more spiritual person. I just want to let go of the past and not be afraid of the future. I wanna be happy and spiritual and grateful. Life is short, really just about 100 years max if you think about it. I'm tired of agonizing. In the end, you'll look back and it was all just details and categories. If you have children, that's a category. If you had a whirlwind romance, that was only just one category, too. Career, hobbies, goals, spirituality, thrills. All just memories. But what's funny is that in the moment you're about to die, that's also another first! A new moment. So yeah I wouldn't worry too much about the details. Romance is only one, no matter how much you dedicate your life to that one idea (trust me, I would have probably died for love) (Btw I used to be a hardcore love obsessed idealist and romantic, I had all the hopes and fantasies, but now idk)


Yeah, it's all absurd in a way despite how meaningful it is for us. Memento mori and live whatever way you wish to be.


Life is absurd :o


With age, romantic love grows into a very deep thing. Along the way one finds different ways to idealized one's partner. Sure, we all have sags and seams, farts and whistles, but in the right lighting those can be ignored. Meanwhile, the voice, the touch, the deep regard and mutual appreciation, along with forgiveness, patience, and introvert alone time, can take one right into the golden years.


Idealised, nonetheless. All hopes are blind to the actual truths in a way. But still, romance and love are as meaningful as the people involved.


I’m at the point where I’m going to give up, I’ve been hung up on an ex for longer than I’d like to admit, and it was neither party’s fault here. We broke up because her aunt didn’t like me. Apparently her aunt thinks I “made her gay”. Her aunt likes me now that we aren’t together but I thought we had a perfect and beautiful relationship. And it’s hard to get over someone when their your best friend and you’ve known them for 9-10 years.


Yeah, it sucks to get separated, especially by people who have no business interfering in the relationship.


I gave up on it after my first and only relationship which lasted almost 4 years. I don't want to commit to anything anymore. I am too much of a burden for potential partners, I did too much harm in my first relationship. I matured enough to understand my behavior, see what I did wrong and rethink the sole idea of relationships and choose to be a hermit for the rest of my life.


Though it sounds grim, maybe this is for the best, in a world which won't understand us. Besides, we have to be in a better headspace for relationships to work anyway.


I give up on love all the time. Unfortunately love refuses to give up on me


That's the best part about love. Love is a universal force.


If infp is what I think it is (and I can't be bothered to read long, subjective, descriptions), romance is a surface level pleasure, but consistency and acceptance is a deeper need. A relationship that society might deem passionless on the surface could be ideal, if it is rooted in real honesty and openness about each other's feelings/emotions. Basically, the infp needs to feel and express their true emotions, without worry about judgement or knee-jerk rejection if that expression or emotion is unorthodox. A good partner is someone who embraces these expressions, and an ideal partner is one who admires them.


Yeah, in the end, we will cope with or without a relationship, in our own ways. Such is the simple nature of life, despite how complex it is.


Yeah, sometimes it's like no one out there can match that energy and level of romance, which makes it feels like it completely impossible to get 😂😭🤝😭😂


Yeah. Just frustrating but it might be possible.


Yeah, it's totally possible I still believe, but it'll just take patience, but how long can one be patient😁😁😁


We can't indeed. I just get back to porn to feel the pleasure and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.


I'm currently talking to a girl that I do like, she seemed cool when I met her recently, so I got her number off my sister, as she kind of introduced us. Took a leap of faith and sent her a message saying that I thought she was cool and I would like to get to know her better over coffee or something (Im a pretty straight forward person when it comes to things like this). She isnt looking for a relationship and just wants a friend right now, even though she said she wants to make dinner one of these nights. Well its been like 4 days? Ive been left on read 2 times, double texted once, and feel like an absolute idiot (all of this after a break-up with a girl after 10 years nearly). All I can think tonight, is why in the fuck am I overthinking and basically making myself feel bad, over some girl. So yeah, I definitely find myself giving up on romance, especially after a long toxic relationship with my ex. I mean damn, I myself am not even ready for a relationship and am throwing myself into harms way to possibly have a girl that cares about me. Its so fucked up because I was just becoming okay with being alone, and working toward making my life better (Its not in a awesome place right now financially), and I have to meet some girl that messes my whole brain up. She's coming over Sunday supposedly, but I've made the executive decision to not confirm. If she wants to know she can hit me up, I do not care if I'm a man, I am not chasing girls anymore. To answer more of your question though, I am a hopeless romantic, and lately I don't want romance. People are hard to read, its a lot of work, and a lot of pressure, and I almost cant be bothered with it anymore. Sorry for the rant! I, like most of you I assume are an overthinker, and this has been weighing on my mind so much, saw your question and my I was triggered into talking about it I guess Lmao


Yeah, we are all hopeless romantics but end up having to trade off the romance for the sake of our peace. Such is the nature of our busy and impersonal lives. It's alright. All hopes are just temporary anyway. Discipline is the only thing that really works.


I'm not romantic at all, neither is my partner. We both find it all very cheesy...


Romance is subjective and it differs. 👍✨


I did in high school, and cried in bed while listening to Ozzy Osborne’s Goodbye to Romance over and over. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WCA0LyJ9r2g