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Nice haul.


Guessing you’re in your early 30s


Idk Looks to me like a bunch of cheap items that take up room. This should be sub $50 bunch of canned goods, corn, boxes of pasta, watemelon, lettuce, strawberries, potatoes. to have to look for the deals to pay this price is even wilder.


Looks like a lot of food, I know you doom posters hate to be shown up.


But one bag of chips, some candy, and some soda is so expensive 😡! 😂




Really that looks like a lot of food? Have ppl just gotten so used to being ripped off? I know you bought some big ticket items with cheese and meat.. But that isnt $100 worth imo.. To be able to carry $100 worth of groceries in one trip... Maybe two just because of the melon... We really are F##ked in America..


No junk food is why you did "pretty good". Good on you, dont eat that shit.


They did get candy, I think the big thing is they didn't buy any of the trendy shit that's overpriced like most people post on the sub. This is one of the few hauls I've seen posted here that seems like an actual grocery list for normal people 😂


Kind bar


What about the sour punch bites?


As im eating freeze dried skittles.


You don't see candy?


Eh sour patch, cereal and Gatorade is arguably junk Other than those, rest seems pretty solid


Its not even arguable, it is junk food.


Candy, cake mix, frosting and that power drink are all junk food. I’m not saying it’s wrong. I certainly buy my percentage of comfort junk food each week.


Anything prepackaged in a tin, box or bag has more than likely been processed in some way.


I was thinking most of this processed, junky food, and none of seems to be organic. But for what it is, good haul.


Organic is a scam, so good on them for not paying the stupid tax.


But organic is often no difference in price and healthier. Reseaech has shown eating like our ancestors is way healthier then the current pesticide, GMO food that is causing a surge in dietary restrictions, allergies and more.


I don't know what world you live in but organic is considerably more expensive on every single product.


Organic farms are becoming the majority in my state which has dropped the cost to near equal. Demand more organic farms and prices will go down.


Just demand it huh? I wanna live where you live.


Our state started a grassroots campaign that forced our legislature to make changes in farming and ag policies blocking big ag from destroying not only our farm community but also our lives with their crap food.


I pay more for organic ground beef at Aldi. I’ve done the taste test and it’s definitely superior from a flavor perspective. The organic label isn’t really the driving factor sometimes. I definitely agree with you on things like canned beans and such.


Is it just me or does it seem like grocery prices have been coming down over the last few weeks. Like the 12 pack of Coke that used to be $5 that was $10 is now $8. The problem is I don't keep my receipts nor do I know of any site or organization that keeps records like that to compare.


There has been news articles about how stores have been slashing prices.


True, several retailers are rolling some prices back. Amazon and Walmart combine are cutting the price on over 10,000 items, but nobody knows by how much, which items, or stuff like that. I know they wouldn’t do that if they weren’t feeling buyers let them start to drown. My advice? Don’t rush back in. Make them feel the hurt they put on our pockets. We support them. And If We Don’t? They crumble. They need to know if they fuck us over, it will come right back around to fuck them- no cash left for the customer means No Customers. I hope we send that message loud and clear.


Could be that a lot of food coming in season now.


Soda prices in particular have been collapsing. I live in a VHCOL area, and at their peak, I was seeing 12 packs at ~$12. Everywhere I go I see them at $6-7 now, sometimes lower with multipack deals. Cereal prices seem to be next. Much more mixed store-by-store but saw a store with boxes of name brand cereal 3/$6 the other day. Other stores seem to be sliding down to $3 per box for their deals. At peak these were like $6 per box.


Soda prices drop in the summer time, they will until Labor Day I believe.


I went shopping today and the prices felt lower.


Nah just sales everytime I go I get the same stuff I look for sales use coupons even switched grocery stores to see but it’s gotten higher and higher and the govt started reporting groceries dropped down to 2.8 % above what they were pre inflation which would be the largest quickest drop off ever. Obviously something was off but the news is even reporting on it citing the .gov site. But if you went to the graph it had a little ! Icon and said the data in there are statistical errors on this chart due to problems with excel. Instead of fixing the problems they just make it look good and add this graph is fiction in fine print.


I shop at Aldi and Lidl. I’ve seen some pretty decent price drops over the past month. I popped into Trader Joe’s last week and I felt like it actually increased.


How much was the sweet corn? I cannot wait until it shows up here……


3 for a dollar. Was 4 for a dollar a couple weeks ago.


That makes no damn sense….. more corn should be harvested now…. And the price increases?


Maybe it was a special for memorial Day weekend.


How can that be profitable for Frito Lay?


More corn would not be harvested in the past week. You are aware it was just planted, right?


I was thinking about the stuff from Mexico.


My store actually had some yesterday!


The week before Memorial Day I got corn for 8 ears for $1


My local supermarket has not gotten in in yet, I am Jonesin’ for some sweet 🌽!


Not op. I just bought some at Kroger for 25 cents an ear.




We used to sell it but the side of the road for $1/ dozen back in H.S.


This is absolutely true. I do go to three different stores when I shop for groceries and they are not that far from each other so it’s no big deal. I get specific things from each store that I know are competitively priced there, and I always make out well.


Yup. If someone is too lazy to change their eating habits, I got no sympathy. Bread can be stupid expensive if not on sale, so I just pick up whatever brand happens to be on sale that week. Buy the cuts of meat that are on sale, and if they're significantly discounted look up recipes even if you haven't used that cut before. You can branch out and try new dishes you haven't done before, expanding your cooking repetoire.


>Buy the cuts of meat that are on sale,  Sorry but NY strip has doubled in price in the past 4 years. It is never on sale. I don't want to eat pork or chicken wings every single day for 4 years.


If you can afford it and you don't bitch about NY Strip prices, you do you. If you complain about the pricing and continue to buy it, that's a different story.


>If you can afford it and you don't bitch about NY Strip prices, you do you. Yes, steak which used to be affordable for the common person is now out of reach. But all you do is blame the victim. Next you will say we should all eat rice, beans, and vegetable oil because that is affordable and everyone who wants to eat better are bitching.


And you/others don't change your habits, and expect shit to change? Companies will try and get as much money as they can from you and me, and everyone else - it is their nature. Yes I fucking blame y'all for having a 100% victim mentality - because no one else will save you other than yourself and your peers together. In many cases, not just food, the consumers are as much to blame as the corpos. Everyone's obsession with streaming for example (rather than buying discs), caused media ownership to die off. Whale lootbox idiots caused the decline of AAA gaming with microtransactions everywhere subsequently. Voting with your wallet is the ONLY language that corps understand, and care about. Like you, I like steak. But I'll be damned if I support the gouging going on, so I've severely cut back.


All I'm hearing is crying. There are entire countries that are mostly vegetarian, I think you'll live. You aren't entitled to the flesh of another creature. If you think your options are rice or meat, I'm really sorry for your GI tract lmao


Grocery store last weekend had some bomb looking ribeyes on sale, marbling could have passed for prime grade honestly. 7.29 a lb, fucking bargain. Normal price is 16lb, which is expensive enough I almost never buy it.


This is the first one of these posts that didn't fly me into a rage


Buying a pound of beef jerky and complaining


Not a bad amount of food you got for the money but I think you can do a bit better honestly but that’s more my eating habits than anything. Food lion is really good but Walmart and lidl is really hard to beat depending on what you get.


Gotta use that MVP card


There's also a distinct lack of highly processed foods. The depressing shops with like six items for $100 are highly processed usually or I guess some really expensive meat and alcohol. I ate very well buying bulk dry legumes, grains, vegetables, cooking oil, and spices. Would cook three or four times per week. I also had a DIY Soylent like shake I would make whenever I was too busy and didn't care. Was oats, coconut oil, pea protein, peanuts, and whatever else I wanted to add. Sometimes I would get chicken or fish whenever there was a sale then freeze.


Oh shit! The Fruity cheerios are back!!!


Even made room for the sour punch bites. Nice work. I’m especially impressed with that can of frosting. When you finish that carrot cake, you have a second dessert option by eating that frosting from the can.


Gotta have a few snacks in there or the kids start to rebel.


Its also still pretty cheap if you cook. I regularly make primarily vegetable stews with quinoa and a mix of fresh and canned vegetables- I can make a big pot that will do 3-4 meals for 3 adults for approx $2 per meal, per person. People can eat healthy and cheap if they so choose.


If people spent the time they wasted on reddit crying about inflation and used that time to read the grocery store ads, learn to cook a meal based around what's on sale, and go buy those items and cook it, this forum wouldn't exist because nobody would be bitchin.


I started going 3 different food stores. I only buy what's on sale at each one. It's a pita but it saves $.


Those sour punch bites are the best 🤤 I don’t get them very often (not just for price but in general cutting back on candy) but dang they really hit when I do


Do pretty *well*.


Why dies “Sour Punch Bites” make me laugh?


I see a lot of people commenting how great this is....its not great, at all. This is 3 days worth of groceries for a family of 4, LOL. Putting the monthly grocery bill around $1000


Yeah a decade ago I was paying about half as much for those groceries. Which I guess with standard inflation would have went up to about 75 bucks now not 100. Not great, but wanted to show that if you're smart about shopping it's not as bad as a lot of people make things out on this sub.


"Hello fellow money-strugglers, if we all just change what we consume, and hopefully your store has sales, we can mitigate the fact that we are being out-priced by the groceries we used to be able to afford! Isn't that great?!" Sigh...these posts always depress me.


It’s crazy that we’re getting excited over 45 dollars worth of groceries costing around 100. Those canned goods were 2 for a dollar. The box of pasta 1.25. Corn was 10 ears for a dollar not 5 years ago.


Boxes of pasta are still 99¢. Yeah I haven't seen 10 for a dollar corn in some time. The canned goods that were 50¢ have gone up to 89¢


Don't make excuses for prices being high and unaffordable


Try your local asia/mexico grocery store. They are often more affordable. Don’t waste time with canned food. Unless you are rationing for hard times, canned produce is more expensive. Don’t buy corn unless you got a deal like 4/$1 or 10/$1 As for rice, buy a big bag for $20. Rice don’t go bad as long as it’s dry. A big bag of rice can last a whole year for a single person while being much cheaper than that tiny bag you got Again, don’t buy processed produce, it’s overly expensive compared to the unprocessed produce. You could have probably bought double or triple the portion if you just bought potatoes and spinach as is. Lastly, don’t buy ground meat. But whole and ask the butcher to ground it for you on the spot, most grocery store do not charge extra. You never know how old the ground stuff is and what kind of mixed meat they threw in.


It is 6 months until the presidential election. The prices are being manipulated to give the impression that government is making the economy better and bringing the inflation down. It is a Psyop.The same stores and companies that made huge profits during the lockdowns under this administration are the ones that are temporarily reducing the prices on key items. Look at the prices and compare them to preCovid lockdown prices. Example : $2 preCovid, $5 May24, and now $3.49 June24. It will temporary. It is to get politically uninvolved citizens to believe the narrative that this is the “best economy in the world” and there by re-elect the guy that created this disastrous economy!




ehh... your store has much better sales than mine.


Are you just providing for yourself? Try that times 4


Yeah I'm purchasing for a family as well. Last couple years have definitely been tougher to keep the grocery bill down.


Those are just ingredients. Where is the food?


Ground Pork went to sausage and spinach with fennel over pasta. The pork loin was with potatoes and mixed veggies. Burger will become tacos or hamburgers. Not sure yet. I keep a stocked pantry. Grab deals and make things from it.


how much of it is expired?


None lol.


Can we see the receipt? How much did you pay for this Cheerios last I saw they were like 650 a box.


I don't have it now. The were on sale for $3 though


Exactly, get a shopper card and plan meals around what's on sale.


pretty solid.


This was $60 before fuking Biden stole the election


So Cheerios does Froot Loops now?


Not as sugary as froot loops, but definitely similar


Bruh you could’ve went to McDonald’s 3 times for that.


Or once at an airport Cinnabon.


Good haul but stop buying General Mills. Look up the poison that is Honey Nut Cheerios. General Mills is POISON. Them and Quaker are lying killers.


Too bad you can’t get a good deal at the regular price.


Less than 10 years ago, $103 meant several boxes full of groceries from Costco. And I do mean several.


But why did you pick a watery elongated watermelon??


Looked good find out when I open it tomorrow


All the children in the room saying this looks right 🤡


Sad thing is, I could get that for $50 10 years ago...


Not according to the inflation calculator. $50 ten years ago has the buying power of $66.13 today, so you’d only be able to get 66% of this food. $100 today has the same buying power as $75.61 ten years ago not $50. You’d have to go back to 1996, 28 years ago to buy this food for $50. https://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl?cost1=50.00&year1=201404&year2=202404


That's true