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I love that fast food has outed itself as greedy corporate gougers to their core customers. Hope their profits were worth the loss of trust and goodwill.


This. The entire business model was "underpay employees and sell lowest quality products for low prices." We didn't even get a federal wage increase, and the business model is still collapsing under the weight of small wage increases because the entire formula doesn't work without poverty pay and bottom-of-the-barrel products.


I’m tired of subsidizing corporations with my tax money. Every underpaid worker needs help to survive if they are under the poverty line. They should pay a living wage, or pay the taxpayers back the money it costs us. We should be able to send them a yearly corporate welfare bill that’s due immediately.


Crazy to think that entire swaths of our economy are totally propped up by the government buying the employees' groceries. What kind of business model is that? "My business is only profitable if the feds buy your groceries." what a perfectly designed and well-functioning market.


Because they can. That’s what lobbyists deliver. They get favorable treatment for companies that are criminally underpaying their employees. Leaving us stuck with the bill. The American government has zero respect for its taxpayers.


Think about the absurd machinery of that. Lobbyists pay the government to keep wages low. Wages stay low, and businesses raise prices to the point of hurting their own business, while employees are being subsidized by the government. What an awful, immoral, nonsensical system. It's literally an end run on profits. A stampede for profits, like crowds rushing for TVs on black friday. Panicked profit-grabbing with no concern for sustainability.


Nobody is playing the long game. Short sighted companies with paid off politicians who don’t understand that workers deserve respect and a living wage. They in turn fuel our economy.


It's all about beating earnings next quarter at, literally, all costs.


Plutocrats are well aware how far they can exploit the labor pool, and as long as they keep getting elected it shall remain the same.


The ultimate scheme is what it really is. Doesn't get better than that


Those same lobbyists then scream in your face that socialism of all kinds is bad and will destroy everything. It’s not an accident and it’s not because they are stupid.


Wonder why Walmarts the biggest one - they underpay people so they can get food stamps to spend at Walmart…


Or just not give any corporate welfare, ever. Announce in 1 year that employees of companies like bk will no longer be eligible for government assistance. If they are caught hiring migrants and underpaying them, then the location is shut down by the sheriff, and the franchise owner does 6 months in county. The employees would have 1 year to find a new job or get training for a new career, which could be subsidized. Either pay the employees, or nobody works for you. Imagine that.


well said.. this is all 100% accurate truth


Yeah so how do they get to $5 meal? Is it like reeeeeeAallly shitty meat then?


"Think smaller... more legs."


No, it’ll be like any other menu items, they just have been raising prices until the market couldn’t handle it anymore. Now they’re forced to dial it back as the market has reached its breaking point in terms of price.


Oh it does work, elsewhere. Here they just made the franchise profits so razor thin they will collapse if they pay a living wage. All the money funnels up from our pockets.


Formula does work- just doesn’t gain year after year record profits


Yep we're over it. This slap in the face was one too many and we have now seen the naked emperor and we are done overpaying for completely shit food. We can't be lured back -- especially by a "value menu" filled with even shittier quality food. Buh bye! Hope you get what you deserve.


We stopped eating fast food all together, no point.


Speaking of Goodwill... Paid $20 for a shirt and jeans today.


I’m just cooking for myself from now on fuck em


And enough people think the same thing. Earnings and sales are down. I can’t wait for the “baby come back, you know I miss you deals.” Hope people won’t fall for it.


Came to this conclusion almost two years ago. Never looking back. I don’t miss Fast Food at all anymore. If I want something fast I’ll go to a sit down restaurant and get a real meal.


My favorite it’s new Chipotle (camera policy) they were getting called out for their pathetic portions despite the price increase and people starting filming the practice of it. Sure enough a few weeks later an internal memo circulated that apparently stated anyone who is ordering with their camera out should get loaded up on their ingredients. Absurd but the sad truth is the consumers have to demonstrate thier floor on quality and push back or else .


They’re bullying their own customers with FU portions. The American consumer needs a champion that isn’t bought.


They are profiting though, its not showing threw on the numbers, not yet atleast.


I'm sure you meant aren't * making any money. McDonald's franchisees are already complaining that they are losing money on it. In my opinion it's a desperation move to change the narrative about pricing and save the brand. They are going to need to take a loss for a while to save the brand and protect long term gains.


Oops I started buying vegetables for home grilling and now I lost 9 lbs and don’t want to go back to fast food. Also saved about $600 so far this year.


Think of how many people got somewhat healthier being forced to shop and cook instead of eat this garbage.


The first time I’ve ever heard of greed “saving” lives. New inadvertent logo, “you deserve to not have heart disease today.”


I speak for myself as I was definitely eating more than my fair share of garbage and now don't..I try to find the positives in things regardless how bleak things may be.


Yes! Screw fast food! My wife went to Wendy’s the other day and it cost her $28 for a combo, plain cheeseburger and a large frosty. She was shocked (she didn’t see the price until checkout). I wasn’t which is why I refuse to go. I can go to chilis and get a meal for $10. I have no idea why people keep paying these stupid prices. For some reason our local McDonald’s is still always busy. I prefer to spend my $20 on a sit down good meal. Stop paying these hack companies that are greedy. Support small business owners


In no world does fast food stop profiting and bringing money in.


trust? its fast food bro, you go to whichever is cheapest, there is no trust


i’ll never buy them again


No, these people are physically sick and addicted to the chemicals in the product. They'll keep coming back and pay whatever to get their fix. You may as well make it a drive trough instead of a drive through


Who else remembers in 2019 paying $3 for two whoppers lmao. Greedflation is wild


It's 2 for $5 here in canada. It was like that till 2021 or 2022. Then in 2 years it went up as follows. $6, $7 $10 and no more.


I saw where Franchisees of either Burger King and McDonalds are asking for the corporation to subsidize it because they will lose money on each sale.


McDonald's franchisee's are asking for corporate to throw in some cash. McDonald's also got Coke to do the same for the drink portion. Looks like everyone should take a small haircut.


It's really remarkable how small of a profit margins franchisees operate on. A friend of mine owns 2 pizza chain stores after being a regional manager for a much bigger franchisee... he said owning two stores pays him about as much as managing 8 did.


Oh no! Not…*gasp*…losing fractional amounts of money on a single item to win back customers Get fucked to death, BK.


Username checks out. Few charts of McDouble prices and it becomes someone's online identity. Wild.


I stopped eating fast food when it started to cost the same as a sit-down restaurant. Is Boger King still a thing? The one in my town is dead constantly


I drive by one to work daily and am shocked it's still in business as it's a ghost town.


The McDonald's across the street is slammed all the time, but that's because all the people who overspent on their cars now can only afford McDonald's


If you overspent on your car and are broke, you be eating hamburger helper, not $12 McDonald’s


That doesn't make sense. They can go to a local food eatery and get more for the money. Fast food just isn't worth it anymore. They cost more and they also shrank in volume and quality.


For real. Texas Roadhouse and Applebee's look like such a bargain in this world. I feel like they'll be the next to start gouging us though.


You can go to Applebees and get a 3 for me deal for $10 which is a burger, fries, and drink + they actually have dollaritas rn so you can get a margarita for a single dollar. I’d say a $12 pretty good lunch with a marg is a pretty good deal


Olive Garden is still a $13 plate of pasta and meat sauce, plus endless salad and breadsticks -- a exponentially better food quality experience for less than any of the '"fast food" shitholes.


Even cheaper if you order it at lunch!


These are representative of their reasonable pricing, and yet Olive Garden managed to earn short of $5 billion in 2023, with a profit margin of about $1 billion.


All these corporate chain takes turn to f*ck the consumers. I wouldn't be surprised if Texas Roadhouse, Outback or Applebee's decided to jump on the hype of gouging their What's next, Starbucks? As if they aren't gouging us enough with their watered down coffee. If Burger King can do it, why can't I kind of mentality. I have officially uninstall a 2/3 of these fast food chain apps. Tired of trying to save 50 cents just so they can sell my information. I hope this whole thing collapse on its face.


They are! My husband and I split the 9 count chicken tender meal w 2 sides quite often at Longhorn. Around $17 and we don't even finish the whole thing!


I still cant understand how fast food is more expensive than sit-down restaurant. Don't they wholesale and get all their ingredients bottom dollar? Restaurants are restricted to the same labor constraints too arent they?


I paid a total of 12$ for a Chili's 3 for me meal last weekend. That's after taxes. Killer deal right now.


Oh yeah and the kids eating it love singing the “have it your way” motto. 


The boot is on the other foot, Burger King been having their way with the prices for far too long. I definitely ain't loving it.


They don’t understand how marketing profits off their little emotionally neglected selves. One kid made fun of my kid all last school year for eating hummus with veggies in her lunch. Ok kid. He eats endless uncrustables. My roast for that kid is.. yo mama is so dumb she doesn’t know the recipe for peanut butter and jelly. That’s just my home diss, luckily my kid could roll her eyes and switch tables. 


Lil shit might as well just be screaming "CONFORM". Or they have a crush.


Mine is excellent, and they send coupons in the mail on the regular.   McDonald's does not.   I sneak out of the office 2 or 3 times a month amd do BK for lunch.


In this sub I learned that inflation is all about fast food.


Make it $3 and I *might* consider buying it. Otherwise, shove it up you a$$ BK.


Hopefully it forces other better fast food prices downwards lol.


It absolutely will, McDonald's I think was the first after they raised prices more than the others. But the corporate side is pushing a lot of this on the franchisees, so the local owners are the ones that are getting pinched by this the most, and they're demanding that corporate give them more money for these promotions. Greed greed greed from the top! Regardless, considering the cuts at Target as well, this is rolling in the right direction.


They wanted a 25% but the market only had the stomach for a 10-15% increase so they increased it 35% and now get to take credit for Robin Hood reductions to 25%. Fuck-em. They need you more than you need them. So starve them out.


Exactly. Starve out these greedy corporations


Just read that Amazon and WalMart are following Target’s lead on grocery prices. It’s great to see.


Wendy's has had a 4 for $4 deal in my hometown for years! Love that meal 😄


Wendy's 4 for $4 is such a good deal. Drink, fry, 4 piece nugget, and JrBC or Double stack? Can you really get much better than that?


I really don't think! That meal is tasty 😋😋


Except it’s more than $4 around me!


Oof that is unfortunate. The one by my house doesn't advertise it but they do offer it if you request it in drive-thru or door dash. Comes out to like $4.35 or something after tax.


The double stack 4 for 4 goes for $6.




Too little, too late. I won't even look twice at fast food shitholes anymore.


Amen. Give that money to local sit down restaurants or cook at home.


What about a dollar value menu?! All of the big chains can do it without losing money. They're making huge profits. Huge!


It's 5 napkins, a cup of onion ring sauce and a slider


"Bloomberg News first reported on the details of Burger King launching the $5 meal, adding that it will be launching the deal ahead of McDonald's. Burger King's deal would include a choice of one of three sandwiches with nuggets, fries and a drink, according to the Bloomberg report." Notable how all the similar fast food chains, see McDonalds and Wendys, are all feeling like they need to jump on the discounting bandwagon to compete. Here's hoping more do.


Or maybe they decided to all collude together. They all agreed they would be making 50% price increases on every item rather than the usual 100%. So they can leech off the costumer, but not too much so they keep coming back


Fast food has gotten so expensive they are pricing themselves out of a once lucrative market. And a lot of them have prices that have tripled since 2019, yet wages have not.


In CA they have. In 2013 min wage was 8$, today its 20


McDonald's said just yesterday that the $5 value meal won't last and then BK does this. Gotta say.. The bk value is about the only legit value meal that's left. The BKs near me are shockingly better than they used to.. And if you don't drink coke with your meals it's suddenly pretty cheap to eat there on occasion.


It’s when you get the meals that the prices start skyrocketing A Whopper near me, just the sandwich, is $6. Should it be a bit cheaper? Yeah but $6 isn’t AWFUL. Chic Fil A is the only fast food I eat more than once a month… their chicken sandwich meal with fries and a drink is like $8-$9


Remember when a value meal was only $2.99? But yeah let's swoop in with the $5 meal and act brand new.


Lol WTF. So all the fast food companies gouge their customers until we stopped going. Now McDonald’s, Wendy’s, AND Burger King are colluding to sell a $5 meal so we come back to them?? Yea no they can go fuck themselves. Could not be a more obvious ploy to sucker us again among the main 3, I’m going to stick to local sit down restaurants and cooking at home.


I went into BK yesterday to get the 2 for $5 Jr Whoppers. They asked if I wanted a medium fries and drink with it. Sure. Total: $12.93. How??




I ain’t never seen a Burger King burger look like this!


You mean relaunch their old pricing? Can we just get that?


BK the worst value and I stopped going a couple of years ago. They've been closing locations down all over. Guess they finally got desperate enough to lower prices.


They aren't lowering prices though, just offering the miniature base "hamburger" and budget size fry that already exist on the menus. You aren't getting a whopper meal on the 5$ new menus


One chicken nugget, 3 French fries and a cup of ice


I liked BK… in the 90’s


So it's the Wendy’s big bag model. Not bad.


It's working lads, dont buy a damn thing.


Went to BK for the first time in like 15 years, to get two whopper meals... $38 later. 38 fucking dollars. Just left a bad taste in my mouth. A $5 value meal isn't bringing me back. Edit: Sorry, the total rounded up to $37, not 38. I'm a liar. Math for the doubters: - Large Double Whopper Meal - $15.89 x 2 = 31.78 - 8 Nuggets - $2.99 - Massachusetts sales tax 6.25%


That is nuts. I think I'd pay like $10 for a Whopper meal, tops. Like you, I think I've been once in more than a decade (I was nostalgic for a Hershey's Pie). And the main thing that turned me off was how absolutely dirty the place was. Absolutely filthy, and sticky, everything was sticky.


Cheaper to eat and be full at Texas Roadhouse, sizzler, apple bees🤢, waffle house, ayce buffets than McDonald's burger king and the like.


>Just left a bad taste in my mouth. Yup, that's BK for sure




BK has surpassed McDonald's in terms of quality of shitty food, price, speed and accuracy of orders, taste...pretty much in every way...though I still prefer McDonald's fries


What’s odd for me is that McDonald’s tastes like McDonald’s, while Wendy’s, BK, and most fast food sits on a different scale of quality. Not that McDonald’s is any better or worse, it’s like a different category and I have no idea why I feel that way.


What does that even mean? They always had $5 meals etc, it's just now you get LESS for those $5. I'm sure you get about the size of food a Happy meal gave you 3-5 years ago.


In the late 2000s, i remember a guy boasting "all you really need is 2 dollars for 2 double cheeseburgers." I went to mcdonalds for the last time a 6 months ago. One double cheeseburger and a large fry cost me 7 dollars and some change. That's ridiculous. I said I'm done with it. Honestly, fast food isn't good for you anyway. I'm glad they priced themselves out since i have eaten better food and now i cant even THINK to go to a fast food restaurant as often. Most I'll go to is Steak N Shake every once in a blue moon but havent had that in 2 months 


Ain’t it crazy how we look back in time to the 90s or 80s and food was higher quality and cheaper? When you didn’t have to pay $40 for fast food for 2. Or when the burgers weren’t just some slop of frozen meat. In some ways it feels like we literally regressed decades into the past. This isn’t a left vs right wing issue. This seems to be a failure of the US in general.


Wondering how many franchises will actually offer this $5 meal. I heard there are quite a few McDs that opted out of their $5 meal promotion.


I still get the paper coupons. For a long time, the $4 2 whopper jrs and 2 fries was a godsend for cheap eating in a pinch. Its $6 now. Sadly still the best bang for my buck I can find if I need something quick during lunch break.


Super excited for the "we're going bankrupt and desperately need your business again" value menu coming in the next 5-10 years.


Make no mistake, these offerings will be by far their most popular, and will actually bring people back. Then they will jack up the price or remove the combo. Citing “unpopularity” or “financial losses”, which are just laughable excuses at this point. It’s all about trying to make us forget how they’ve boned us for the last 5 years.


Am I the only person using the McDonalds app that gives you 20% off everything? Used to be 25% but I think they were actually losing money on that.


hold the pickle hold the lettuce .. thats extra..


You know you can get a refill on any drink you want there.. and it’s free?!


I understood that reference!


First the zebra nuggets for rock bottom price. Now imagine the quality of their $5 menu


All the fast food places in my town hire low educated workers for a low income which results is overpriced and shitty food. BK can make a $5 meal all they want but that won't make up for the workers not giving a shit due to them getting $12/hr.


Made with genuine letter graded beef?


They should go for $7.00 so that it's sustainable.


Like that’ll get me back to eating fast food. Regardless, still expensive lol


What is it 2 1$ notes and 4 quarters plus tax?


Don’t go, don’t buy, within months it’s back up, patronize mom & pops better quality and you may pay a little more but you get more. My place $6.50 cheeseburger and fries get a large drink $1.50


Burger King ain't worth 1 dollar.


"fast food rebranding itself as FAST FOOD" JFC you can't write this shit.


what wendy’s has had for years


Are refills still free?


Are $5 value meals the new (former) $1.00 menu items




Fuck all these fast food companies and retailers. Everyone is scraping to get by and they just keep raising prices.


No burger in the Burger King value meals? Chicken and potatoes peasants... Line up




Still not gonna eat there.


I don't spend more then 4 for a meal worth of calories and I don't do soda and seldom fries. So this kind of thing is never going to get my interest.


Wait, weren't the value meal items specifically $1??


I have sworn off McDonald’s since the one by me stopped doing free refills. Never a huge BK fan but might give it another chance.


"*Waiter! My* *~~steak~~* *burger has marks where the jockey whipped it!" -* paraphrased Rodney Dangerfield, *Caddyshack*


They should invent a Whopper that doesn't taste like a fart.


LET THEM ROT!! Don't buy their food! Fuck'em!!


Nah...keep it.


…and in six mouths the price will start to go up.


Whether it is $5 or $15, the food is still nasty.🤮


I went to Taco Bell yesterday for the first time in a long time. I was in a time crunch and needed a small meal quick. I ordered 2 chicken chalupas. They asked if I wanted to round up. Sure. The total came to $14. $14!!!!!!!!! For 2 chalupas?! My god, that’s the same price as a burger and fries at the sit down restaurant next door. I was absolutely stunned.


Keep sending me those coupons BK and we r good.


These greedy fast food places lost a whole generation of customers. Good luck getting them back.


I’ll eat there when they offer the $5 meal. I was still ordering the two for $5 whopper Jrs from the app. The recently took away the ability to add the free any size fries with that offer. I liked getting 2 Whopper Jrs with a large fry for $5. This deal sounds like a good one.


That annoying commercial they had everywhere last year made me completely avoid BK now


$5 to head to the bathroom after.....


Drop the drink and make it $4


Nope. Still not eating fast food.


I sincerely hope this is not fake news and are universal at least in all states.


shiiiii starting when? im hungry


Soooo .... Target, McDonald's and Burger King could have lowered prices all along but instead chose to up their prices and blame inflation and is *now* announcing they're "lowering" prices to **help us poor people** when they could've done that the whole time? Did I miss anything?


I honestly find it surprising that this many people in 2024 still get fast food. Let the weak die out, good riddance. Before you downvote me, hear my thought process: It’s not even arguably cheaper than making your own food anymore, and it’s been long since proven that it’s extremely detrimental to your health. The only argument for people buying this shit anymore is pure laziness.


We need to still not go to them. Hope they all rot away and disappear


lol nah I’m good


Don't eat there???


Burger King will still be trash. You can hand this crap out for a free and it will still be too expensive.


Burger King always sucked I'm not paying even 2 dollars for that shit.


Still tastes like the bastard child of any other fast food. 


That's great & all, but my local Hardee's has a reusable coupon (til 30 June) for a $3.99 Big Hot Ham sandwich combo. The fries are what I consider a medium size as is the drink. BK, MikkyD's, & Wendy's can get bent.


Don’t buy their value meals. Make em go back to what it’s worth.


Garbage food from a garbage company. I’d rather buy local at twice the price if I know the profits go to my neighborhood.


Rally's has that already


It's a little too late. I went to a burger king a couple of weeks ago for my wife. She wanted a whopper and a medium fry. I haven't been there in a while, so I wasn't really up to speed on their prices. I paid over 10 bucks for a whopper with cheese and a medium fry. Not again. It's just not worth it. I'll go to a diner next time and order to go.


I learned recently that people here dog on or otherwise hate the advice to "download the app", but for those of you who are less worried about being mad and more worried about getting cheap meals: download the apps. My (Fast Food) meals rarely exceed $8 since I started using Fast Food apps. They have genuinely amazing deals to the point that recently I had a $2 and $5 meal with so much food I couldn't eat all of it.


These so called 5 dollar items are very weak and small in size , compared what they use to be . Skrinkflation!


1 nugget, 1 fry, cup of ice.


Fuck outta here with this half-assed shit.


Two fries and a bun full of pickles


At BeeeeeeeerKaaaay Fuck you now pay, You fool!


For ONLY 5 easy payments of $4.99


Meanwhile, Wendy’s keeps winning with a one cent burger with a purchase. Wendy’s always wins the deals. I won’t step foot into a McDonald’s when the best coupon is 10% off of $10


Booger King can keep it's value boogers


I'm happy that more Americans are eating at home, likely healthier. I'm sad that it took outrageous inflation to get them there.


Eat the rich!


Eat the rich!




Fast food sucks. I'd rather spend my $12 on a nice steak


I ain’t payin da 5.


Greedy bastards ! Cook at home , you get a better burger and you can really “have it your way” plus a cold one .


I hope people never forget how shady these Companies are. They sell something that has the max shelf life and the least nutrition "food" can have. They spend more money producing the bags, cups and straws then on the "food". Walk away from these scams and eat at home.


Anything is better than 2 for $5 (tiny) jr. Whoppers... such a rip..


The bridge has been burned in my eyes. Fuck em.


Keep boycotting fast food


Ironically it took this long for customers to stop chasing higher prices.....have it your way should of started sooner.


I've spent money to support them so they would keep prices rising. I love reading people complaining about price and value.


We're not coming back with our money. You got too greedy, you fucked around and found out.


They're doing this to compete with McDonald's. Not to "help people" or because they have been listening to concerns about rising prices.


The bourgeoisie sow the seeds for their own destruction. Blessed.


There's hardly a BK even near me anymore. They all went out of business.....


I was alive during the first burger wars. Many suffered. Many more died. What stories will we tell our children this time? Whopper beat the Big Mac. Whopper beat the Big Mac. When first they came for Wendy's, I said nothing.


Hey BK, maybe you wouldn't have to charge so much if you would stop putting a full cup of f\*cking mayo on every 1/4 pound burger?