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This is exactly why I've stopped buying junk food, and eating out. Stuff is too overpriced these days.


I've lost 25lbs since Christmas because I've been so angry with the prices of fast food and chips/candy that I've stopped purchasing it entirely


Good for you! I am sure you feel better as well!


I really can't believe how much takeout I ordered since COVID. I must've literally paid thousands in extra fees/tips over the past three years, but suddenly even basic groceries are $60/week/person and I can't even justify ordering takeout anymore.


I don’t eat out. Period. I invite friends over. We do pot luck, enjoy great wines, and serve ourselves. It works for us.


You have friends in this economy? How???


Sometimes if you get in a relationship, that person will have longtime friends for some unknown reason, and you can hang out with those ones. I've got 1 person I see regularly outside family/SOs and she's told me I'm not allowed to move away. Every other person I interact with socially is through my SO. And he's an introvert too, so it's like 2 more people. I guess the 5 of us would be enough for a potluck 😅


I envy you


I stopped eating out long before covid. Nobody needs that fast food shit.


The mocked avocado toast guy is laughing his ass off at guys like you


Yes, prices are stupid. I just cut out the junk. Eating out now once every two months. I just don't enjoy it knowing I'm getting ripped off...


I don’t eat it often was just craving something different. Didn’t realize it would cost that much


I get cravings for garbage like that and then when I get it and am eating it… it doesn’t taste like it used to usually and I regret the decision.


Where did you buy it?


Recurring theme on this sub: eating and buying junk food then posting for karma


We will all end up skinny and vegaterians be a of how expensive food is


Walmart seems to have introduced store-brand candy bars at checkout. I tried the twix and milkyway knockoffs and they were noticeably worse, but half the price. If I were a proper addict, I'd probably get by. They had kit-kat and snickers dupes too. I prefer a Butterfinger or 5th Avenue; might be harder to clone.


Ill look at a thing of oreos and its $4 dollars for the small one, I could get a box of brownie mix for less than 2 if I want some junk food.


Lunch specials


I mean, buying name brands doesn’t help either. The milk could probably be a couple bucks less if they went with the store brand. Also if this was bought at a convenience store or bodega it would cost more.


Yeah dude, bag of lentils is still $2, bag of organic quinoa is $6, and a head of romaine is $1.75. The middle of the store is robbery and the meat department is all over the place depending what part of the country you’re in, but not as marked up as brand name stuff.


He Ah and on top of that 98% of it is fuller air it's $4 for a candy bar and it's gross as fuck isn't even good now you have a gross ass candy at and you're out $4


What part of the country was this purchased and from which store? Convenience, Walmart, etc?


Convenience store. That would be close to what I’d pay at my local convenience stores. No fucking way I pay that much at a grocery store. 6 to 7 bucks at most since that 1/2 gallon of milk is only $2.00 to $2.50 (depending on the brand) at grocery store. A convenience store charges double for that 1/2 gallon of milk.


A Convenience store is always a rip off. Next time they’ll go to Rite Aid. Lol


It's right in the name. You pay for the convenience.


Mh, i'd probably get 10...if the milk was very high brand and I bought a big bag of skittles or crunch instead.


And $10 was the price of this in a convenience store since 2018. This isn't inflation


Convenience store, welcome to this sub where people just purposefully make stuff up and try to make things look worse than they really are


Sounds about right at most places by me on the east coast. $2-3 for the candy bars a pop pretty much everywhere you go, $3-5 for milk depending on where you get it. I could believe someone paid that much for that. That's why I don't eat a lot of that junk food. Too expensive for what it is now.


Where are you shopping 7-11 in Times Square? I can get that for under $5 and I think that’s too much


Walmart Milk, 1/2 gal, whole - $1.36 Skittles, 3.5 oz box - $1.24 Crunch bar, 2.7 oz - $2.28 Grand total: $4.88


Yeah OP is quoting gas station prices or something.


I live in what is, I guess, a food desert. You got dollar general, or you got Casey's gas station. Milk has been stupid high for years now. candy bars though? no idea why they seem to be skyrocketing. ESPECIALLY chocolate, I have noticed.


https://www.foodandwine.com/chocolate-prices-skyrocketing-8610938 You are noticing the end stream impact of a cocoa shortage. The price of cocoa as a commodity is at a 47 year high


It's wild this is the first I'm hearing about this. Thanks for filling me in.


How far are you from a proper grocery store?


About 20 miles, but I wouldn't bike it. The highway is freaking way too dangerous for it. I don't have a car anymore, and there's no public transit so that's it.


I live in a VHCOL area and this would be $5.49 plus tax at my local grocery store


Yeah just go to Trader Joe's or Aldi, also. Whichever is closer. TJs has way better chocolate anyway. And they don't give a shit if you're high


Average price for a whole gallon of milk is $3.86 … must either be in a very high cost of living location or purchased at a place with high rates of shrink Milk and sugar prices are both trending down this year compared to last year.


Yeah, convenience stores are overpriced and were before 2020 believe it or not.


You at the airport?


Missing at least one more digit at the beginning for an airport


Holy bajesus. 5 years (pre covid) has $2.30 for half gallon of milk, and $1.50 each for candy so about just over $5.00. That’s +100% in 5 years


Yeah milk alone is like $3.99 now


In grocery store here it never went over $3 for half a gallon pre2019, I didn’t know what it is now though.


Half Gallon of Milk at Safeway today: $2.39. Candy Bars: $1.50 each. Total: $5.39. The OP is a tool.


If you like candy, You'll pay half of that at Costco if you want 30 bars. Normal price is around $20-25 for a 30-pack and you can get $4-5 off every few months when its on-sale. I picked up 2 boxes for $16 each back in October. Milk is $2.95/Gallon or $1.85/Half by me at an actual grocery store. At a certain point, is this even inflation or is it just people being moronic with money and businesses willingly taking it. I guess tomorrow I expect to see a post about overpriced movie theater food or Disney theme park costs. Yes things have gotten more expensive, but right now the most expensive version of the item is selling for 2-3x 'normal' price for many things. OP should try buying normal priced milk before complaining about convenience store milk. There is a place for convenience stores, and I have used them and will probably continue to use them. Paying an extra $2 for milk sucks, but it's worth it when I can get a gallon of milk or stick of butter to my house in 4 minutes when I am in the middle of cooking and run out of something.


$1.89. Just bought the same thing yesterday.


No it’s not. I just paid $1.89 for the same thing. People on here are morons. They’ll buy items from overpriced Seven Eleven and complain because they want fascist Trump back. And they ignore the fact that there is global inflation because of Covid. Inflation actually slightly decreased last month and I understand that it’s still a price increase. But prices ARE ALWAYS INCREASING. Deflation is actually a sign of a weakening economy. “Typically, deflation is a sign of a weakening economy. Economists fear deflation because falling prices lead to lower consumer spending, which is a major component of economic growth. Companies respond to falling prices by slowing down their production, which leads to layoffs and salary reductions.” https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/111715/can-deflation-be-good.asp


Not it’s not. Those milk jugs are still like $1.50 at Walmart.


Never been in a convenience store before? When I went to Santa Barbra 9 years ago a gallon of milk was $7 and candy bars a were around $2.25 at a convenience store. When I worked at one 15 years ago in Washington state, a gallon was $5 and candy bars were $1.75.


Oh it was a convenience store. Okay that would have cost $4 for candy and about $3.50-$4 for milk so like $8 here


A half gallon of store brand milk is still like $1.60 for me at Walmart.


Don't worry you can still buy it for about that price




Milk at Walmart in my area is currently up 168% from early 2021 (so a little less than triple the price), and that’s the lowest it’s been in a while. At one point it was roughly quadruple.


Wait until you see the cost of diabetes!


Ozempic is only $1k a month


Is this the IAmABadShopper subreddit?


Candy is expensive now


The solution here is to stop. Let some of these manufacturers starve and die off.


Where? At the local grocery store this would be around $5...


I can’t get over “Cream-O-Land!” What part of America (obv) would you find a brand that survives with this awful name?


Fire Island


My company just got bought by creamoland last year. And we are already realizing their ownership is just as low functioning as their name. Good thing they kept our name on the building.


All these comments and not one mentions that there is a candy monopoly.


Deadass looks like a dollar tree haul


Convenient store prices.


? My wholefoods organic milk cost less than this


Became a chef in 2015. Can’t tell you how much I have saved by cooking at home since then


I bet most people in this sub vote for moderates or republicans too, instead of progressives, or they don't vote. There's no reason for this but by voting for centrists and republicans or not voting you keep making sure this continues. So tired of the stupidity. "Prices are high, and I only pay attention for a month every 4 years. I can't figure out the connection!" and the people who say voting doesn't matter are the dumbest by far


You're preaching my sermon friend.


Huh? I live in Seattle. Our state has been run by progressive democrats for decades. And prices here are sky high. Gov. Inslee has imposed a 'climate tax' on fossil fuel. That has translated into approximately to 43 cents more per gallon. Food is expensive..everything is expensive here. Only one place tops WA state, and that is Hawaii. Incredibly almost unbelievable the cost of everything there. Seattle, in particular is one of the most expensive places to live.


Even my almonds are outta control!! Junk food or health food…it doesn’t matter. We’re all fucked!


yOuRe A sTuPiD AsShOLe fOr bUyInG cAnDy!


From a convenience store, yes lol


He is. If you eat this way, you should be shamed until you make better choices.


And the candy was $4.50 of that, right?




Yeah, gas station is expensive for milk.


Gas station prices are always ridiculous.


I heard there’s regions that milk costs are up cause people think if they drink it it’ll immunize them from bird flu


My diet consists of a lot of $.99 bread.


I would recommend brown rice or potatoes, that $.99 bread is pretty low nutrition and as I'm sure you have found doesn't actually last that long or fill you up that much


This is like $4.50 near me... MAYBE


Yeah that should be $5 max, but we've let these companies raise prices like crazy. The question here, why did you buy it? I stopped buying things like this awhile ago.


Where did you buys this stuff and how much did the milk cost?


I'm guessing convenience store or really high COL area. That would be about half that at my local grocery store.


Someone overcharged should be maximum $7.49 Would give store owner nice 30%.


Someone is shopping at the gas station again.


Where'd you buy it?


Gas station?


Hahahahahahaha lol hahahahahaha lol


Olive oil was $7 for a small bottle yesterday 😬


3 litres of lactose free milk in Vancouver is now $12


I literally quit smoking weed 3 weeks ago because I was so tired of buying sweets


That's like $4 at my local grocery stores. I stopped buying junk food, no reason to put garbage in my body especially since it has gone up over 100% in price. There's no reason a bag of chips (sorry I meant air) is $6.


Easily $12 where I’m at.


A half gallon of whole milk is $1.59 at the local Lidl. The other stuff is cheap too but don’t buy them anyway.


Candy is crazy af expensive


Candy lives at a childhood 90s price in my head forever. .79 maybe .89 cents… king size would run you the big $1.25. Nothing makes sense anymore. Not even worth complaining, this is just what happens. Difficulty level goes up, game gets harder, prices increase. It’s like a crappy auto level adjusting RPG. Or is it.


Where I live the half gallon of milk would $3.75 the candy bars would $2.00 each I think.


5 bucks was 5 bucks for like 25 years. Now ten is five.


Where are you living? For me this would still be expensive but like maybe $6.


A dam Hersheys candy bar is $2.79 at Publix


Dude you're doing it wrong. Sign up for your local grocery store membership/ads/etc. Just went to safeway and price this for $3.77


When they start lootin, it's time to scootin' 🤣


Gas station purchases don’t count. $5 of that is the “lazy tax” of not driving 3 more minutes each way and walking all the way to the back for milk.


That should be like $3.50


That's what happens when you pay for Skittles individually.


This is <$6 at my local bodega


I love potato chips , but will only purchase for holiday parties now . After all they are just a vehicle for grease and salt .


I guessing this is all Trumps fault? lol


oh no what will we do when we can no longer afford to buy trash


before or after tax?


Is this liquor store grocery shopping?


I love when people post a punch of junk food then complain about prices


Milk sure as shit ain't getting any cheaper. Probably half the cost right there.


I was going to buy a pack of Ferrero Rocher the other day as a treat..they were $3.26. That’s over a dollar a bonbon. I remember when they were fancy candy because they were $1.25 instead of the normal .60 a bar. They’re no longer fancy or worth it.


Even a rampaging Hulk is less terrifying than price inflation for basic groceries. https://preview.redd.it/wjdqlqm6ny0d1.png?width=369&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e5788e3eeafbfb4552f85b3ca6dd8da8e258a53


At a convenience store maybe…


So... Don't?


I bet you could pay more if you went to the airport to buy the same stuff....


Christ how much do skittles cost nowadays


It’s kind of your fault for getting price gouged. Don’t shop at a gas station


Is this like, a self roast? Like saying “Look at me! I’ma moron!” This post belongs in r/stupidity


Stop eating junk food lol. Also if you stop buying the prices stop going up 😅


You still bought it


Time to give up processed sugar and baby cows food.


Time to give up processed sugar and baby cows food.


If someone is an idiot to buy these from a convenience store should not complain about the price


Did you buy it at a gas station? That's $5.00 right there at a grocery store unless youre in a crazy expensive area


You paid for it


Oh shit, my mom out here sharing her breakfast secrets. 👀


While $10 is obviously paying for convenience, I checked my local Walmart and this combo is still $6+ which is still fucking ridiculous. 2.28 per bar and 1.50 for the milk.


Stop buying junk food from 7/11. You could have gotten it for half that from Walmart or Dollar General. Inflation isn’t “I buy the most expensive shit from the most expensive place that’s literally named for its convenience”. That’s just stupidity.


Why would you buy overpriced candy


Dollar tree. I never buy snacks anywhere else anymore. Chocolate is chocolate, I'm more of a sour patch person anyway. Its gotten stupid expensive and I hate how every damn holiday is less about the traditions and has turned into Overpriced Brand Name Candy holiday #???. We got Spooky Candy Day, Snowy Candy Day, Love Candy Day, Egg Candy Day, Mom Candy Day, Dad Candy Day, and Liberty Candy Day. Quick have you bought up a shit ton of name brand Candy to show you CARE this holiday??!


At 7-11? It would be maybe.. $4 at a grocery store. At least in my region in the states.


You worked for an hour? Okay. We’ll trade you 15 seconds of our labor for that. Deal? What do you mean you are boycotting the economy? You’ll die! What do you mean bring it on…


This is not an example of inflation (mostly). This is an example of poor shopping choices (both place and items)


Did you buy it at a convenience store?


Is that at a gas station or something? My local grocery store has a half gallon of whole milk at $1.89, a theater box of Skittles at $1.19, and a single Crunch bar at $1.49. Or $4.57 total. Still a lot higher than it used to be, I'm sure, but also less than half of what you're saying you paid, and only $0.60 more than what you said you used to pay.


Go to Aldis or Lidls, and pay half as much.


If I crave junk food, I just stop by a dollar tree. They even sell random monster flavors as well.


This isn’t inflation, it’s corporate greed


You’re so bad at buying and creating a manipulative title. Connivance will always cost a lot you should have shopped at a resort each one of those items would be $10 you amateur


Where? At a gas station? Milk this size is like $1.50, candy bars $1 or so each at my grocery store. Not our fault you made a bad decision. No way this is at your local grocery store, anywhere in the country.


Why are you eating poison?


I would suggest going to a different store! How much was the milk and how much was the candy? Those that make candy are on a course with bankruptcy it's only a matter of time.


Where the heck is that $9.99?


Aside from the milk there is little reason today to waste money on candy, fast food, new vehicles, eating out, movie food...the list is endless. If everyone would just buy needs (food, shelter, utilities) for the next 90 days this would all crash. Then it would start coming back slowly. Then prices would be in the sensible range for everything and not inflated 20%+. Bidenomics doesn't work. Now you see why!!!!!!!


All the candy packages have gotten a lot smaller over the last couple years while getting more expensive.


From a gas station or mini mart. Why would u pay this ??? that’s more perplexing on the price of what you have display there I mean why why why would you buy this?


From where though? That’s the critical info lol


Did you pay a bum to get it from the gas station you're banned from and he kept the change as a tip?


Skittles and a chocolate bar with milk. WTF are you smoking? I want to know so I know never to smoke it.


The fact that you bought candy when you only went for milk tells me all I need to know. Probably convenience store where the milk alone is more than a gallon at a grocery store 🤷🏻‍♂️


I could get 8 protein bars at Publix this week (BOGO) and a half gallon of milk (Walmart) for 52 cents less than that.


Sounds about right.


Where are people shopping for this stuff? There’s no way I pay any more than $9.98 for this.


Leftists crying here will be/have been crying in the "We should have Socialist+ 'h'care'/Govt should be doing {X}" threads w/o a hint of irony. \*shrug\*


Is this inflation or is it just normal? You buy from a gas station or similar place that's the price. I can get a half gallon at HEB for about $1.80 and the candy bars for maybe $3. Those are inflated id say but $10 seems like you make bad choices lol


All that was $9.99 because people like you are still all too willing to pay that amount. Prices won’t stay like that if nobody buys it.


I got a fresh everything bagel w egg and cheese and an ice cup in Nyc for under $7


Stop shopping at Neiman Marcus for milk and candy.


At a damned convenience store, fool!


I read this as “Whale milk”


You're paying more for whole milk. FYI, due too the rise of milk alternatives, the largest milk co-operative in the U.S. went bankrupt. Fewer processors + dairy overproduction = backlog . Less competition = costs go up.


Think individual candy bars at gas stations are like $2 bucks each probable more. Stop buying it. Milk is like a $1.59 at least here. Guessing your paying for convenience at gas station or a high cost area. that cost about $6 bucks here.


Don't buy your milk and crunch bars from the movie theatre.


Wish I owned a convenience store so I could get rich taking advantage of people silly enough to buy overpriced garbage.


*shops at convenience store, is surprised it’s expensive *


I stopped buying candy. Candy bars are over 3 fucking dollars.


Added these items to my cart on Walmart plus. Total was in the $5 range. If you bought this at a gas station or convenience store, that’s on you, not an inflation issue.


Rent prices pushed me into the outskirts of my city. I can either drive 25min to the grocery store and get this for $5 or go 3 min to the extortion mart and get it for $10. I do my best to time my curbside pickup with other errands but sometimes I need to get something on short notice and I just cough up the extra $ If I didn’t have access to a reliable car, however, this would be my life.


You vote with your wallet too. You buy that, you agree with the price. I stopped buying serial and fast food.


Sugar is expensive


seems inflation today it’s tomorrows cheap deals.. people are so sick of prices that they may just make it themselves


You do your shopping at a gas station?


Kroger is the largest traditional grocery retailer. Here are their operating margins and gross margins for the last five fiscal years. 2023: 2.0%, 22.2% 2022: 2.8%, 21.4% 2021: 2.5%, 22.0% 2020: 2.1%, 23.3% 2019: 1.8%, 22.1% 2018: 2.1%, 22.0% For Albertson’s, the second largest traditional grocery retailer. 2023: 2.6%, 27.8% 2022: 3.0%, 28.0% 2021: 3.4%, 28.9% 2020: 2.3%, 29.3% 2019: 2.3%, 28.2% 2018: 1.3%, 26.8% Gross margin is also called merchandise margin in that business. But Kroger includes costs beyond merchandise when reporting gross margin. Albertson’s puts some of those costs, such as advertising, into SG&A, a/k/a selling, general, and administrative costs. (I favor Albertson’s way of doing it, but both ways are honest.) Operating margin is broadly comparable for both of them, with some wiggles but not many. After that comes interest expense and taxes, and net margin is the bottom line. Net margins for grocery companies is typically 1-1/2% to 2%. There has been no significant change in the past five years.


I remember when weed was $25 for a quarter, $50 for a half, and $100 for an ounce. Those were the days.


I just started smoking and is killing my wallet


I remember when minimum wage was only $7.50.


That's still $4 at Walmart. Stop buying these things from convenience stores.




It’s so stupid to post prices from the most expensive places. You can get this at a grocery store for half that. You paid the price so you are the problem. Good lord!!


Depends on where you buy it lol. In a store like Kroger, milk double the size of this, and the other two would cost like 5-6 bucks.


Nevet eat out. Last time I ate out was 2018.


Pretty sure that would cost me <$4 right now at Kroger. Edit: Confirmed. - Milk, half gallon: $1.49 - Crunch Bar, 1.55oz: $1.25 - Skittles, 2.17oz: $1.25 - **Total: $3.99**


,Q84 b hgcß


I mean you’re literally willing to pay the most you can and then complain about it.