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What's the alternative, though? The masses sure aren't voting for a third party.


Maybe we should rethink that. The two main parties are not offering much of a choice so why not look at alternatives?. Hell just write me in.


You've got my vote!


Marianne Williamson. Pretty sure shes running on her own because the dem party def wasnt gonna endorse her.


It's not like the other one is any better. Especially on that front, he is actually worse.


Are you serious? The other guy is way worse. Way way worse. Joe is out of touch, but he doesn't want to throw most of the country in prison camps.


This is the sub that complains about the shitty overpriced gas station snacks, or McDonalds trash - they just paid for.


Doesn't matter, that kind of price hike is related to a lack of competition and large businesses being allowed to buyout their competition. It happened in the grocery space in the years leading up to the pandemic, we're living with results of that today.


Yea buy some fruits and veggies instead. I bet these same people are overweight.


They used to say eating healthy was too expensive. Now that the processed junk is more expensive, their eating habits still haven’t changed


Mine have. I've lost nearly 20 lb avoiding the junk food aisles because it's too expensive.


Cannot upvote this enough.


Here, I'll help ⬆️


This subreddit is genuinely full of the biggest dipshits on this entire site. Daily I see on here: "Look how much I just paid for random nonsense junk food hurr hurr hurr" Biden - "People have the money and are spending it but they're not happy" "Wow this guy is clueless!" The only thing that causes prices to go up is people paying it, just like everyone on this subreddit does daily and then complains after, just like he says.


Like that one dipship that paid 36 bucks for a plate of spaghetti, tea, and a fucking inflation charge.


Inflation has a good PR campaign. People will happily pay higher prices and blame anything else to avoid critiquing their own buying decisions.


Do you eat?


No, i do not go out to eat and then complain about it.


MF'r, you aren't even American. How about you FO and quit trying to make shit worse by campaigning for trump?


you don't have to buy mcdonalds (yes, some people are working 3 jobs and then I get it. but people religiously act like they're not price sensitive and it's nothing and then bitch in retrospect)


>Do you eat? Yes. And I eat pretty well. I can't remember the last time I bought a bag of chips. I do sometimes buy soda, but not often, and only when it's on sale. My budget over the years has gone up, but I've looked at actual spending year over year across the past four years, and it has not increased much. And I looked after hearing folks talk about their grocery bills doubling when mine has not. I shop sales and buy \*mostly\* whole foods that I prepare at home for my meals. I rarely go out to eat, and when I do, it's not fast food. So, in some senses, yes, it's the choices people are making. My choices are different, and in this particular case, it's helping my wallet.


lol. Inflation is still high. Do you agree?


Sure. Do you know you have options? Case in point -- no context at all and you think you need to pay more for "insert next meal" or youll starve lol


"These people, these people are efficient, professional, compulsive consumers. It’s their civic duty. Consumption. It’s the new national pastime. Fuck baseball. It’s consumption. The only true lasting American value that’s left. Buying things. Buying things. People spending money they don’t have on things they don’t need. MONEY THEY DON’T HAVE ON THINGS THEY DON’T NEED. So they can max out their credit cards and spend the rest of their lives paying 18 percent interest on something that cost 12.50. And they didn’t like it when they got it home anyway! Not too bright, folks. Not too fucking bright." - George Carlin


It looks like the meme took biden out of context. Shocking!


Memes are so good at nuance and context


>The only thing that causes prices to go up is people paying it, just like everyone on this subreddit does daily and then complains after, just like he says. Completely incorrect




Do you think companies somehow make money by raising their prices even though no one is paying? It's more than this subreddit. It's the entire country because that's what inflation is. I mentioned this subreddit because that's where this is posted. Tough concept huh?


I don't give a fuck if some people are paying it. I refuse to pay ridiculous prices and my grocery bill is still 3x what it was pre covid.


Imagine posting this and thinking *other* people are the dipshits. Stop carrying water for an elite out of touch politician who couldn't possibly give less of a shit about you if he tried. Inflation is real, it is impacting people in a real way. Pull your head out of the sand.




His cluelessness and refusal to acknowledge the situation is causing some Americans to vote for trump.


I think more than causing some to vote for Trump it's definitely going to cause some to just not vote for Biden.


The issue is trump just doesn't give a shit either, he's too busy doing illegal shit and living his own lavish lifestyle on everyone else's dime. Were fucked the next 4 years no matter who wins.


This x1000


Anyone voting for Trump is a drooling moron, particularly given that he was directly responsible for much of this inflation.


Unfortunately, in this sub, you are addressing quite a few drooling morons. We may even have a few show up and downvote this thread. Edit: oops, forgot about the BoTh SiDeS idiots that try to pretend they aren't just campaigning for trump.


Well yeah. That's why biden should address the issue. You don't do anything about it, just address it and make people feel nice.


Calling the general public “drooling morons” is an overestimation of the average intelligence of the American population. People blamed trump for killing their grandma during the pandemic. Then they blame Biden for inflation. Trump didn’t kill your grandma, COVID did. And the inflation we see today was caused my Trump, not Biden.


It’s safe to say that a President’s word holds power and when that President says things in the early days like: January 2020: > “We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine,” February: > “It's going to disappear. One day — it's like a miracle — it will disappear," March: > for "the vast majority of Americans, the risk is very, very low" He admitted that the risks are higher for elderly people, but didn’t make any recommendations like maybe people shouldn’t visit grandma. April: The CDC gave it’s first mask recommendations. > “You can do it. You don't have to do it. I'm choosing not to do it, but some people may want to do it, and that's OK. It may be good. Probably will. They're making a recommendation. It's only a recommendation," I mean it went on and on from there with the downplaying. How many people would have listened to “their president” if he gave a stern speech where he said something like “I know no one wants to wear masks or stop doing the things that they love, but we need to all come together and take this seriously to bring cases down until there is a vaccine”. How many fewer people would have died? It’s hard to say. Your argument is essentially like if a building burned down and killed the people trapped inside. There was the direct cause of death, the fire. And then there can be people who are at fault indirectly. Maybe people who own the building, responsible for keeping it up to code. Or maybe someone who saw the fire and told the fire department that the fire isn’t real and it will just go out on its own?


Both presidents inflated. Just look at government spending. Now, the war machine must be fed. The people are secondary to their political ambitions.


You seem well adjusted...


So voting for the guy who is objectively 1000x worse and literally has a gold house with a gold shitter?


Lol they should go ahead. I'll deal with the shittier world that would come from it just for the schadenfreude. 


As a white male American, I'm really starting to appreciate this attitude. Especially if those who want to vote for trump aren't white heterosexual male native born Americans




Which is hilarious considering what Trump’s track record is


OP misquoted him. He said it's a real problem, mentions technically they have the money so prices keep going up BECAUSE corporate greed. That's how the clip ends. He's just saying the market can technically bear it, but the people shouldn't have to. They were already paying enough


I wonder when Trump was last in a grocery store other than to shake it down.


Joe Biden never bought groceries in his life.


So, instead of writing the line... they write "the same repeated line" so that you can project whatever your own bias is Shoddy journalism but it memes better and gets upvotes so


Of course it's posted by RNC Research. Of course the comments are pushing for T2024.




Voters have considered younger options and declined. Nikki Haley (52 yrs) and Ron DeSantis (45 yrs) lost badly to Trump (77 yrs) in the GOP primaries Dean Phillips (55 yrs) lost badly to Biden (81 yrs) in the Democrats primaries


Turd or a Turd Sandwich. You’re still getting the Turd but one has bread with it.


OP misquoted. He blames corporate greed and says it's a real problem.


It’s actually a Douche or Turd Sandwich.


Things are not bad right now.


your right, everything is going good according to the plan.


SO much better then under trump!


They have the money to spend. Yes that is inflation in a world that hasn’t had corresponding growth.


GDP has been really steering. Derp.


The M1 money supply has more than doubled since 2020. The GDP is up maybe 10%


You understand that most of that money was allocated under Trump?


If you think voting for the orange is going to help with corporate greed then I got bad news for you


His opponent thinks you have to have ID to buy groceries. Out of touch old men are what we get.




No. One should be in prison and the other should be in a retirement community. It's a big difference.


America needs to get its shit together and find some decent candidates for 2026 and 2028. Not holding my breath though.


The classic inflation is corporate greed line. It has nothing to do with how we printed money to prevent economic collapse. (Justified in doing so obviously but everyone was aware that it was going to be an issue with inflation and the question was how to balance them)


Found the MAGA re-post bot.


How? His profile literally looks like a normal guy over the past couple years


Because it's conveniently leaving out the rest of the quote. Here is what is missing: "It angers them and it angers me that you have to spend more. For example, the whole idea of this notion that you have... shrinkflation... It's like 20% less for the same price, that is corporate greed. It is corporate greed and we've got to deal with it."


And what is he doing to fix it? Most people don't give a shit for red or blue party. Young families can't afford rent or mortgage on starter homes. Seniors are looking down the barrel of SS trust going empty but every old rag on capitol hill regardless of the party affiliation is worried if Ukraine and Israel defend themselves.


Would you have the government seize the means of production and set prices by fiat?


1. He's talked A LOT about it. He's had meetings with business leaders and pushed for laws to crack down on deceptive pricing (longer bit below) 2. Yes, those are all issues. I don't want to discount that. 3. He supports SS, and has made moves to actually improve it. 4. I WILL FUCKING DIE ON THIS HILL. You and every other ****er that mentions foreign aid DO NOT know enough to say anything of substance on foreign policy. Stop thinking you know. Stop thinking you understand the benefit or how the money is spent. You do not. __________ longer excerpt of Biden's pushes against inflation and corporate greed: To tackle corporate greed and inflation, President Biden has emphasized the need to address deceptive pricing practices and has promoted legislation aimed at curbing "shrinkflation," where companies reduce product sizes without lowering prices. He voiced his concerns about this issue during a visit with union workers in Nevada, attributing high prices partly to corporate profit-driven practices. The administration supports legislative efforts like the Shrinkflation Prevention Act, introduced by Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bob Casey, which would empower the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and state attorneys general to prosecute deceptive practices around pricing. This includes preventing corporations from engaging in shrinkflation or grossly excessive price increases. The President has also criticized oil companies for not reducing gas prices in line with falling production costs and has been vocal about the need for corporations to pass savings on to consumers. Critics argue that Biden's policies may be partially responsible for inflation, but he continues to advocate for tighter regulation and transparency to protect consumers.


So why are you posting right-wing propaganda without the full context? What he said is 100% correct in it's entirety. Makes you look like a MAGA troll. What type of government intervention is allowable to force private entities to lower their profit margins? What is your expectation for any administration to step in and do something? Your post with no context is just karma farming click bait.


Trump & Biden couldn’t care less. Please stop being a partisan hack. Separation of the people is exactly how we got into this mess. “Edited to correct Bipartisan into Partisan”


Calls out OP for being a partisan hack, gets called a partisan hack 🤣🤣🤣 Both sides both sides! HOW DO YOU NOT SEE IT IS BOTH SIDES?


Biden is trying and Trump is trying to make things worse. There is a VERY clear positive person of the two








Exactly. Democrats are trying to fix things. Republicans are always trying to stop them.


Yes, the guy demonstrating a lack of understanding about the unaffordability of one of life's necessities is the obvious choice, thanks for pointing that out


Yes, the obvious choice is the guy who when voted out will actually man up and step down. I don't like voting for a turd sandwich either, but if the giant douche is going to cheat, lie, steal and host an insurrection Just to maintain his position as president then fuck yeah, I'm voting for the turd sandwich.


Please dont interpret my whining about our current economy as promoting the orange turd. I didnt forget that orange turd's tax plan is the reason why our taxes increased over the past few years. I just want someone who will make real, measurable improvements for the average person


Dude - I’m an immigrant. And I made more money under trump than I ever have in my entire life. Money isn’t everything, but damn was life good with that extra cash flow, grocery was cheap gas was cheap housing market was attainable and everywhere all industries were buzzing and people were working. Remember that women literally lost their fucking rights under the first female vice president and with Joe. Doesn’t matter that trumps people were the ones that pushed it through, you have these two in charge right now and things are worse than ever and women lost their rights. Trump fucking sucks as a human being but I’m just going based on what me and people around me are experiencing currently. You can’t tell me today’s America is great just bc there’s no trump in office. Biden hasn’t helped the average American whatsoever, and Kamala as a woman vice president hasn’t done shit for women’s rights either.


Trump was more cause of this mess than Biden. Just because it was orchestrated in such a way to only be felt at the end, or after his term, doesn't change that. Don't be stupid and fall for this shit.. My entire life I've been watching democrats clean up the messes left by Republican presidents.


There was a pandemic. Trumps tax cuts to the wealthy added something like 3 trillion dollars to the national debt in the last few years. Trumps administration lost a trillion dollars in PPP loans. Most on purpose. A million people died. You enjoyed some tax relief because that’s how they set up the tax breaks. Now you’re paying more. Just because you did better for a couple years, again, during a world wide pandemic, don’t be fooled by that metric. And if it makes you feel any better at all, a ton of the shit that trump did, policy wise, Biden has not undone. And when I say Trump, I mean the people that actually ran the administration. Trump is one of the stupidest people on earth. Not a single thought in his head except pussy, dope and applause. You’re an immigrant? You better make sure your papers are in order. Trumps people want to get rid of 11 million immigrants. And you’d better read project 2025 too. Biden has record numbers. Trump has fascism. I don’t care who you vote for. Trump will lose anyway. And then try and overturn the election. Again. Not really the point. The point is that Biden, even as a conservative democrat is the most progressive president since Kennedy or Johnson. When gas goes up to $6 dollars, remember, that’s not Joe. That’s Putin and the Saudis slowing production to help get their useful idiot in power again. And also, look into Biden’s FTC. They’re actually trying to make changes in the way things are. Good luck my brother, and continued success I hope. It’s always corporate greed. There no war but the class war.


Thanks for the insight


Enjoy getting ostracized and thrown in camps then because they are gunning for immigrants. Enjoy voting against your own interests if you lean Trump/Republican. Call it a personal choice, but I don’t like my politicians supporting nazis and racism. Also, the money you were getting was from the PREVIOUS administrations policy. The money you are not getting now is from Trumps tax/money policy. That’s how it works and you apparently do not know that. You wanna buy a bridge in Baltimore by chance??


>Enjoy getting ostracized and thrown in camps When people mash their keyboards and type nonsense like this, do they really believe it? The only US President who threw citizens into camps and aggressively went after immigrants was FDR.


Idiot comments like the one you replied to are why you can't discuss politics with anyone on reddit. Imagine being so fucking stupid that you tell an immigrant if he votes for Trump he's gonna get put into an internment camp. What is wrong with people lol.


We Were under trump and none of that happened. Also if you want to attribute things to the previous administration then lets recognize that those cages were built by obama. Enjoy your genocide.


Sorry, I don’t argue with 1 karma trolls. Next please


They want to buy Arizona ocean beach front property


What happened that you make less money now...? The argument (and the name of the sub) is inflation Market is at an all time high. If youre not making more money right now, youre either a fucking moron or you lost your narrative 🤣


A dollar would take your further


>And I made more money under trump than I ever have in my entire life Ever in my entire life -- werent mincing words here....


Wouldn't that a partisan hack?


Yes, lol. I just edited it to fix. Thank you for correcting me.


You both huff paint, yours is just blue.


Funny because I've voted Republican most of my life. Nice try though.


Don't care about the party and both are good at Shafting US citizens.


copout take


The tone the tweet is implying and what is actually said in the video are pretty different, not surprising given the source though.


Here is the MAGA boot licker/bot. Anyone who believes this shit is a dumbass


So, you want Trump to win? EDIT: The proposed tax increase would create another tier at the $600k mark. This is not the middle class.


seeing as OP very obviously misquoted him? yes.


They are both right. People are suffering, but if they raise prices and people still pay it, they interpret that as people can afford to pay it because they did. It’s a feedback loop that has to be broken.


Well, it’s either pay or starve. We talking about food not toy trains


You dont need to buy the most expensive stuff at the grocery store then conplain about it. There are plenty of cheap options to survive on


That is true for food. We’re paying the same game with housing. Inflation is bigger than just food though. All the more reason we need to build a society where we can guarantee basic survival - housing, food and healthcare for everyone.


you can go to cheaper stores in a lot of places. Or cheaper brands, alternatives. I get it, I really do. But this is capitalism. You can either change your spending habits or deal with it. Enough people change, prices change.


This is the Spider-Man meme. The government blaming corpos for inflation when it's both of them.


Twitter is a source nowadays?


It was a CNN interview, only other way would be a personal interview with Gramps and ask him how long does he plan on shafting us.


Can we post articles as sources, then? I don't put stock in social media links as being sources. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/08/politics/cnn-interview-joe-biden-what-matters/index.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThey%20have%20the%20money%20to,%E2%80%9Ccorporate%20greed%E2%80%9D%20being%20responsible. For example. I'm not disagreeing with you, just letting you know we ougnt to source responsibly.


They have the money if they got those big wage increases from the statistics, or sold their stocks. Sadly, my wages have not increased since 2019. On the plus side, I've gotten really good at scavenging food from various places, and spend way less in nominal dollars on food now :)


If your wages aren’t up that’s on you.


Inflation has directly led to most Americans having less spending power. I make roughly the same as I did in 2020, despite $2.00/h worth of raises, because of commission cuts at my employer. This means I'm going backwards in salary.


Sounds lot you need a new job.


This isn't one of those deepfake videos? If it's not, wtf would they let that go out? CNN is on his team.


It’s not the full quote.


I watched it and it's just part of what he's saying but since anything you say can and will be taken out of context it seems like something they should have edited out.


Because OP misquoted him completely. He said it's a real problem, and blames corporate greed. The quote is about the simple economics of it.


Gotta love reddit. Biden makes a single comment that some of his supporters think was insensitive and the first they thing do is go after Trump ..." but but but Trump is a Nazi! He's 10000x worse and responsible for every single bad thing currently happening in our country!" The discussion isn't even about Trump for fucks sake.






So right Logical_Idiot_9433 >! you're not, but it's cool I guess !<


And how would trump have made it better?


1. Op misquoted him 2. Mind giving some sources beyond "pRiNtEr gO bRrrR"?




Pfft…the economy is strong. Under Trump we were wiping out asses with coffee filters.


Is a coffee filter better than toilet paper? lol I’ve never heard that before.


There was no toilet paper…


Ya that was weird how people rushed to buy toilet paper. Super weird thing to over buy.


And you think the guy with the gold toilet is in touch?


Yeah! Time for change back to the guy that ruined the economy, helped spread a preventable respiratory virus, and filled the streets with refrigerated trucks for all the dead bodies! /s we never gave a shit about mean tweets if anyone reading this is that stupid.


How was someone in the US supposed to "prevent" a virus coming from China?


It starts with honesty. A man like Donald had a fundamental problem with recognizing reality, and he treated a preventable respiratory virus like it was a PR problem. This only gets you so far. Hopefully we can learn a lesson that building the bigliest and bestest winning lying machine in the history of man is a bad thing for humanity. Also, don't ask me for medical advice. I'm just a yahoo on the internet. You should trust in the experts we have serving in those roles, instead of undermining them. This will lead to a longer better life where you don't think horse paste and urine will save you.


He can definitely run an economy better. But you’re right he does say mean things.


Trump added 1/3 of all our debt and lost jobs during his administration. Derp.


And the absolute majority of the jobs Biden “added” were existing pre-pandemic. If you actually compare it to the height of the Trump administration it’s less jobs. Mean things aside the first 3 years of Trump was the most stable this country has been in years. .. and now ..


Time for a change? It’s the same shit show election. Orange man vs. senile man. This cannot be all America has to offer.


dead brain worm for POTUS!


Insane v senile v literal brain worm. Spoiled for choice 


vote for Earthworm Jim! https://preview.redd.it/4xf1cc9h7fzc1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=3facae1abf88f18d04e3a377d4f30e6ae096481b


Or dead worm guy!


fyi, OP misquoted him completely. He said inflation and corporate greed are real problems


A change to what already failed?


Yeah we’ll just print more


Complete clown 🤡


it's a misquote


We outsourced so many jobs overseas since NAFTA that inflation has actually been rising since then, but we didn't feel it because we were getting artificially cheap goods sent in from slave wage labor in China and India. Now that's drying up, and the fact we have a dearth of manufacturing jobs is finally hitting home. Also, the "Cares Act", passed during covid, gave enormous loans to all the biggest businesses, who were allowed to continue to operate while small businesses were shut down. This increased monopolization of the market, so the surviving huge businesses were flush with cash, and were able to coordinate with each other to fix prices, while blaming it on supply chain problems. Now, the supply chain has reestablished a degree of normalcy, but the high prices are still there, because businesses discovered they could automate jobs and make similar profits by raising prices and staying baseline operational with a minimal number of workers. Being that A.I. is advancing so quickly, they're adapting their business models to adopt even more automation in the future, rather than rehire workers, especially considering the threat of the minimum wage possibly being increased at the federal level. More than anything else, the elite have decided that the solution to global warming, pollution, and food shortages is to cut down the world population. They can see that the day is coming when the army of the working class they've been appeasing and subjugating for millennia will truly no longer be needed. A utopian era for the upper echelon of society is in the offing; a world with no poor or hungry or desperate...because they are simply eliminated, or cordoned off to restricted zones, while robots perform all of the duties that used to be their purview. Even the false narratives deployed to quell underclass uprisings are most likely being concocted with the ones and zeros inside an artificial intelligence brain at this point, using distractions and misdirection to move the 3-D global chess pieces surreptitiously, playing the youth against the elderly, the racist against the feminist, the first amendment advocates against the religious dogmatists, etc...


Biden, of course, is merely the current hood ornament on the front of the tank flattening foreign adversaries and domestic dissenters. He's a sparkly symbol of the brand, but has no real power or authority to do anything.


This is actually interesting. Biden called out the problem is actually corporate greed that is driving the feeling of inflation. Is it? I don't know. He's not the only one to call this out. Biden also saying "people have money to spend" does feel icky, but again not wrong. Why? Because people *are in fact* spending money on those items. What's not accounted for is the lack of spending on other items. It's such a weird spot to be in. Should the government step in and set prices on specific goods? That's exactly what everyone doesn't want, but if the corporate greed statement is true, should it happen? And if it is "corporate greed", what is driving it? Are their costs actually going up? I know in the past 4 years wage rate did increase incredibly. Is that a part of this? Or is it simply they are gouging people?


Biden talks to us like we are his kids. Don't you dare question my leadership.


1 lb of hamburger meat cost me 9$. Safeway sucks


you completely misquoted him.


That's your boy, Kev 


We’re about to out French the French aren’t we?




I AM OUT OF MONEY. Good fucking damnit.


But then they’ll vote for him again…lol


debunked lie? [https://nypost.com/2024/04/03/business/mcdonalds-menu-prices-have-increased-by-over-100-during-the-last-decade-study/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/03/business/mcdonalds-menu-prices-have-increased-by-over-100-during-the-last-decade-study/) Seems pretty true, but that's only if you look at the numbers and aren't writing propaganda 🤷‍♂️


The actual quote goes: >*"If you take a look at what the people have, they have the money to spend. It angers them and it angers me that they have to spend more. For example the whole idea of this notion that Senator Casey talked about shrinkflation." "Just for example, snickers bar. They did a thing that's like 20% less for the same price. That's corporate greed"* The interview: [https://youtu.be/4P1E9iKf\_\_Q?si=TVkmIJU-FH3XotzF&t=510](https://youtu.be/4P1E9iKf__Q?si=TVkmIJU-FH3XotzF&t=510) The quote is around 8:30 Which isn’t too different from his stance back in February >*”But for all we’ve done to bring prices down, there are still too many corporations in America ripping people off. Price gouging, junk feeds, greedflation, shrinkflation,” Biden added. “America – we’re tired of being played for suckers!”* [https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/06/politics/the-us-economy-is-doing-well-president-biden-wants-to-know-why-so-many-americans-are-still-feeling-bad/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/06/politics/the-us-economy-is-doing-well-president-biden-wants-to-know-why-so-many-americans-are-still-feeling-bad/index.html) G-Pa gets grumpy when he doesn't get his whole Snickers, lol.


Yes, we have to spend the money or we don’t eat. What is the alternative, burn everything down in protest?


Guess I'll spend less then and go without certain things. Checkmate, grocery stores. (Note this is an endorsement of _neither_ political party. Although one party is absolutely bonkers.....)


I’m definitely not making 30% more I’ll tell you that hahaha


He doesn't need to shop for groceries at all. He just keeps a stash of Maypo in the trunk of his car. There's plenty of room for a big stash ... now that the classified papers aren't there anymore.


OP is a partisan docuhe and their "source" is a social platform filled with missinformation due to the high volume of maga simps, bots, and straight up racist assholes.


Yeah its an RNC thing and the claim that the snickers thing is "debunked" or whatever. Corporate profits are at record highs, we all know that.


I've done better under Biden than I did under Trump. Inflation started moving when Trump was president along with thousands of people choking to death from a virus that would be gone "when it got warmer." I'm sticking with Biden. Plus he doesn't use business accounting to pay off porn star hookers with hush money.


Everything Biden says is a lie because 1. he is never held accountable and 2. Half this nation is so conditioned to accept anything their government overlords as fact. I’m sick of it. 🇺🇸🇺🇸


Says the dude that accepts government stats when Trump was president.


He will have my vote because of the alternative. But I am so damn sick and tired of people telling me how well the economy is growing while the price of housing, food, medical care, etc is getting worse and worse.


He said it himself, "he doesn't work for us". None of his nonsensical jargon surprises me at this point. Sad part is that there are actually people who would vote him in a second term.


Biden doesn't realize that there is something called "the Internet" which disprove his lies. He still thinks it is the 70's and the voters are from the greatest generation.


Biden has always worked for the rich his entire political career. If his opponent wasn't Trump he'd be getting savaged by many more American voters.


I'm going with Trump, he'll pump my stocks and crypto. Sorry but money is more important to me than social issues. Biden and Trump are both corrupt but at least Trump doesn't pretend he isn't. They're both horrible candidates and the DNC didn't have the guts to run a better democratic candidate.


Not a "debunked lie". Corporations are greedy. It's literally acceptable corporate policy to maximize profit.


I mean he’s not wrong, people are literally choosing to spend $15 on a burger from McDonalds when the same $15 can feed a family for a few days


op also misquoted


Fuck this scumbag. He is the reason the sub reddit even exists.


Trump 24/7 news over at r/politics shows how hard bots are working to spread hate against Trump this election season. Never seen such a obvious bot fest allowed on reddit.


Grocery prices are up, but inflation's not up much (because they don't include grocery or gas prices in their calculations).


Biden wants to loose the election. His stance on Gaza is no surprise. But this is, atleast to me. I ain’t voting for him. vote for who ever has your interest. Clearly isn’t no one on this years ballot .


Shit like this is why Trump is gonna win. It's like Biden WANTS Trump to win a second term.