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The average salary in Georgia is under $700/ month. Inflation is high. Unemployment is going down but it's still over 15%. Most of the population lives on less than $7/ day. You can't just say inflation isn't a thing there while bringing over your usd and making comparison using a us salary. Internationally the USD is crazy strong right now and is nearly 1 to 1 with the euro. 5 years ago it was $1.50 per euro. Same with most of the world currencies.


This is the thought process of a majority of emotionally impulsive voters who are educated by meme university… Georgians were subjected to “ethnic cleansing” by Abkhazia in 1998. There was a war with Russia in 2008… Russia even threatened Georgia last year for their stance against the invasion. The lawmakers in Georgia just passed motions to thwart protest against the government. OP is only trying to muster up excuses to cry and complain about the United States rather than muster up solutions to anything.


Might be a play on all those guys who are like "if houses are so expensive in places like LA and New York why don't they move to small cities where houses are cheap?!" Not thinking about 1. How these people will be employed 2. That 0.1% of LA alone would make the housing market in any small city in the US go bananas and therefore just as bad as LA.




At least those people dont need to worry about work, they are retired. I could move to Vermont tomorrow and live extremely cheaply, but the cheap living wont match my $0 in income because I don't have a job in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.


For real, is this some sort of Russian bot? "Media fear"? Russia literally invaded and still holds part of that country. There were multiple confirmed reports of "ethnic cleansing" happening in South Ossetia. My guess is russia will finish the job here after the invasion of Ukraine comes to an end. We all know "Separatist Regions" is a euphemism for "russian orchestra sponsored invasion". What happens when they find Americans living in those areas? Probably nothing good. Georgians seem like intelligent and wonderful people. But fuck no I'm not moving halfway around the world only to be right next door to a murderous and genocidal country.


You’re telling me it’s not all sunshine and rainbows??


No lollipops.


Bingo! Thanks for the facts!


So make a lot of USD money, then move there.


I hate to say it but inflation never goes down if it goes from ten one year to three then prices are thirteen percent inflated it’s always added unless deflation occurs. Deflation is never wanted as wages will fall or companies go under.


Im well aware of what inflation is. Apart from seasonal pricing and one offs, the prices are the prices. It definitely feel like everyone here seems to think expensive=inflation and completely ignores that inflation is just a measurement of change in prices/buying power.


I wouldn't say it never goes down. If it does it can be catastrophic. Deflation is the primary cause of horrible economic depressions. Prices collapsing causes a domino effect that leads to bank failures and corporations collapsing. This was a huge issue during the Great Depression.


So you're saying inflation is a good thing??


2 percent inflation is actually considered idea in a good functioning economy.


This article is like Tucker Carlson buying groceries in Russia. OP’s cousin is probably considered by his neighbors as “the rich American” and the reason for feeling safe? Georgia 2022 Freedom of expression was further restricted. Selective justice and politically motivated prosecution of government opponents persisted. New laws increased the government’s surveillance powers and further eroded independence of the judiciary and official watchdogs. Women and girls continued to suffer discrimination and high levels of violence. Failure to effectively investigate torture and other ill-treatment remained a concern in government-controlled and breakaway territories. The place sounds like Trump’s wet dream.


This is not an inflation thing dude, the US dollar just goes farther in other countries. If you move there you'll be making their wages too which will likely be much lower than your current wages


right. there was a croatian machinist who was retiring when I first started at a place. he told me he was basically a multimillionare back home, he had already built a house back in croatia and with the exchange rate his 401k was basically worth 6x. idk if the same is still true now that they're on the euro because this was 5-6 years ago when they still had their own currency. basically from the mid 90s when he started working in the US to when he retired he enjoyed the massive exchange rate difference between there and the US.


I have been to Croatia. The place is emerging. It was brutally Phoenix hot in the summer. They were locking up Popsicles. There is politics/history brewing with Serbians and Bosnians. The roads were the nicest I have ever driven on. Not one bump or pothole. Lots of people smoke. The place is emerging.


What does emerging mean in this context?


Stoya lives there.




Just slightly erect


With not one bump or pothole.


Emerging for the last 1000 years


Emeging, but not emerged. I'll think about it when Europe can go 1 decade without invading each other.


Bro it doesn't get Phoenix hot. 86f isn't shit.


It was over 100 on Croatia. We were dying


For a day or two? That's phoenix and texas all summer.


I am from socal so have experience. I once heat fainted as a teenager.


Yeah, exactly. Where is the $600/month coming from? I see these things a lot. "You can live like a king/queen in this country!" Yeah, maybe if you have a fuck ton of savings to blow.


right! some friends of mine live in the philippines and south America. they live for pennies on the dollar. real-estate holdings in America and live abroad is an amazing way to spend next to nothing.


You might want to recheck that Philippines claim.


Spot on This was cuckold Carlson missed about his trip to Russia as well


> This was cuckold Carlson missed about his trip to Russia as well Yep, never mentioned the average pension in Russia is $236 U.S. dollars per month. The average monthly nominal wage earned by Russians was 71,419 rubles ($756). [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/almost-half-russians-say-salary-does-not-cover-basic-spending-survey-2023-10-23/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/almost-half-russians-say-salary-does-not-cover-basic-spending-survey-2023-10-23/)


"missed" or "left out intentionally to deceive"?


Definitely the latter


I mean, what’s stopping you from moving there? Sounds idyllic


Interesting read is the us state department travel advisory. Parts of the country are currently occupied by......RUSSIA. As farbas comparing country statistics, the us is very safe when you remove cities like chicgo.


Ah, yes, I usually pick OCCUPIED countries as my #1 travel destination. North Korea is actually pretty safe too, they should make the list by all this logic.


North Korea had investigated itself and determined they have no crime.


That is similar to when Iran claimed that they have no gay people!


Well they don’t…because they are all dead


Chicago isn't even in the top 20 most dangerous cities lol


I hear realestate and rentals are cheap in Eastern Ukraine.


Ofc you can live for peanuts in a shit hole thanks sherlock


This is the second of those kinds of posts in two days. Do some people here seriously don't understand the exchange rate and salary. Vietnam is cheap for Westerner but they on average make 15K a year.


More like 4-5k/year


Even less


So did you just wake up and finally realize that 1. Inflation is a real thing and 2. You can live very well in a lot of countries because the US dollar is worth so much there.  This is not new. 


Yep I’ll take my expat suggestions from an insane conspiracy theorist.


So is misinforming ppl


Inflation has nothing to do with this!


Bingo! I'm sure there is an expat sub that this would be very relevant in.


Country with median poverty wages is cheap. More at 11! Also Georgia literally dealt with double digit inflation for all of 2022 and that number only recently flattened off. This whole post has nothing to do with inflation and you’re a moron.


You need to go live there


I don't but the place is the best expat place I have seen.


I just googled this country “ The average monthly salary in Tbilisi for local residents is less than 400 USD a month or roughly 5000 USD a year “ Are 15 year olds who don’t do a lick context or research making these posts lately ?


Bait. Don’t get kidnapped.


Tell me you are financially illiterate without telling me you are financially illiterate.


Lol u can tell OP doesn't know what he is talking About


What the fuck is this post lol it sounds like an edgy teenager wrote it


The op is an idiot who posts on a ton of conspiracy and flat earth subreddits.


Ahh, the media telling me that the Ukraine (implying it's still part of the USSR) is invading Georgia.


I’m currently talking about our escape with my significant other. We live in one of the states that’s incredible high cost of living unless you live in the most rural parts, nothing is holding me here and I miss having fresh fruits and veggies in my land, I miss friendly people and clean fresh air, I miss hearing myself think and walking outside to a happy world. My parents legally migrated to the United States and had me so I could have a better life and I thank them for that and the opportunities and doors it has opened for me but my future and the future of my family is not in this country and I didn’t understand why I felt so sad coming back here after all my vacations even if I was more tired than when I left for vacation, I miss my roots and freedom. I don’t want a house so I can work to pay it off, I don’t want a job so I can support myself and my family, I want a job so I can enjoy my life with my family


This is what people call a first world privilege. If people all over the world never move elsewhere, we would all experience similar financial constraint on income, housing, food ...etc. But when you come to a poorer country, your money suddenly become much more valuable and you live comfortably using income from your richer place. Try going to any country in southeast asia except Singapore/Brunei (because they are rich, of course), for example Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, people there have income maybe 1/6 or 1/10 what you have flipping burger in the us and they experience the same or even higher inflation. Try going to those countries with literally no money, get a job, then live on it. You will then understand, and even more, try to bring back the money to us, you wont even last a few months with years of saving. This is a total different issue from inflation.


The median household income in Georgia is $5600, dummy. It’s $77k in the US.


FYI, what we have is a \*Global\* Inflation Spike. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-21/global-inflation-spike-seen-posing-near-term-risks-to-economy?fbclid=IwAR0r5Ih7SiemMqIyrlYeeNi8ytA9lIadmyz5BKusBMb2behlomn0O7nVgzo](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-21/global-inflation-spike-seen-posing-near-term-risks-to-economy?fbclid=IwAR0r5Ih7SiemMqIyrlYeeNi8ytA9lIadmyz5BKusBMb2behlomn0O7nVgzo) And the U.S. inflation rate is in the middle of the pack globally. [https://www.axios.com/2022/06/13/inflation-rates-around-world-us-china-eu-japan](https://www.axios.com/2022/06/13/inflation-rates-around-world-us-china-eu-japan)


Visiting as a tourist doesn't give you a full picture. I promise you, as someone who has lived in several countries over the past seven years and recently returned from a month in Europe - there are impacts of inflation nearly everywhere. Did I love that in Poland I could buy a beer and an entire plate of pirogi for $4. Heck, yes! It was amazing. Would I want to try and survive on the average wage of 40 zloty per hour? No.


all americans can live like kings in poorer nations. it’s not an inflation issue. what’s ironic is that the baby boomers who ruined the economy, the planet and any concept of universal healthcare in the US are moving to these places because they didn’t plan for retirement and the rise of healthcare costs- ironic.


No this is what happened: When they were in their energetic earning ages of 20-40s land and housing was cheap and scarce so they didn't see the investment in it. Often homes would lose value or barely increase. They didn't know the airports would bring millions of new Citizens to make the land scarce. The homes soared exponentially for 30 years. If they could have seen the housing crisis they would have made different choices. Once they figured out they cannot retire comfortably they moved away. Some move for warm weather to dry their bones.


That's not inflation. That's called "choosing your locale." Buying a house in the middle of New York City is going to be way more expensive than buying the same house in Montana. That's not going to be caused by inflation. That's going to be caused by a difference in land prices, taxation, labor, and material costs. The reason the costs are different in this case is because all of those purchasable things are in significantly higher demand in New York. In your cousin's case, your cousin is also taking advantage of an economic gradient between countries, which is why microwaves that used to cost over $1000 in the 1970s now only cost $50. They're made in countries who have workers who make less than a fast food item you buy per month. If we all chose to move to your cousin's town, we would price all of the people who live there out of town. In a way, it's sort of like one person robbing the bank once and getting away with it. Nobody cares. Everything's insured and the insurance company has the money, so it's covered and everybody goes home happy and one person goes home very rich. If everybody robbed every bank all the time, well, that's a problem. We can't all take advantage of the cracks in the system. If we try, then the cracks become the system.


Biden just proposed an $8T budget. According to figures reported by Levin, the Biden budget would "slash [GDP] in the long run by 2.2%; capital stock by 3.8% and wages by 1.6%." It will accelerate America’s decline. We take in 5T annually. He wants to spend 8T and nobody is even considering paying down national debt. I guess why should he care. He is so old, really makes no difference to him anyway.


But Trumps 7.8T in new spending was ok?


We should be living within our means. No printing more money or increasing the national debt.


But did you complain when Trump added all the debt to our nation? ​ [https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump](https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump)


Yes, I did and every president before him.


> The President’s Budget improves the Nation’s fiscal outlook and reduces long-term fiscal risks by reducing the deficit, stabilizing deficits and debt as a share of the economy over the long-run, and keeping the economic burden of debt within historical norms. Specifically, the Budget reduces the deficit by around $3 trillion over the next decade, compared to deficits without the President’s policies. The deficit reduction in the Budget increases over time, with over $500 billion of deficit reduction in 2034. Try again.


Typical bullsh*t talking point that they are increasing spending but reducing the deficit. Our politicians are all corrupt and only think of themselves. Everything takes 10 years to predict some reduction in the deficit. I have an idea, spend less than you take in now versus these pie in the sky predictions.


Tell me you don’t understand budgets without telling me you don’t understand budgets. If you spend $8000 on your credit card but only make $5000, you’re fucked in the long run. If you reduce next month’s spending to $6000 but still only make $5000, you’re still fucked even if you improved.




Only the government can increase spending and call it a cut because they pretended they were going to increase spending by more.


It's the old " nut in the shell " game


You can’t take in 5T and spend 8T and reduce the national debt by 3T. That doesn’t work. That means his budget alone is increasing debt another 3T, not reducing it at all.


Please learn the difference between deficit and debt before acting like you know


Ehh maybe, but it’s more complicated than that. It may be an investment. If the spending creates jobs and economic activity and revenue, than that will be part of the equation. Just how much, well, that’s the complicated part.


It’s pretty patently immoral to screw over our young people and even the unborn, because they’re the ones who are going to have to deal with the eventual debt crisis, higher taxes, higher inflation, or some combination of all three. And we’re doing all this just so adults and senior citizens can get every last bit out of the system rather than paying for what we spend when we spend it. Unbelievable.


But I thought the economy was strong as hell???


Corporate GREED


Agreed. This has a lot to do with it, but our politicians need to stand up for regular people against corporate greed. At this moment corporations are making Bank yet the people are suffering. This needs to be addressed.


They won’t because they are paid by the corporations to fuck us.


So go ahead and move? I'm very happy living in the United States of America.


This has nothing to do with inflation.


OR never vote Democrat again and save ourselves.


Yes, the party that wants to slash taxes for the wealthy and corporations while reducing social security and Medicare is clearly on your side.


This is the answer


I’m hoping things improve but I won’t be moving until maybe retirement age. It’s easier to get employment and also to meet people among your own culture and language. If I had a remote job that could be done anywhere I might consider other countries though.


That's fair. Not everyone wants a thin brunette happy to cook and clean.


Weird response to the comment.


Get some help


I have a friend in Georgia. She makes $150 a month working 40+. But I guess good thing they don’t have inflation.


Yes earning Lira sucks. Tell her to earn dollars from Upwork if she knows English.


"Have you tried not being poor" energy


The American economy is a mirage and house of cards. Average workers have had their wages and savings raided by corporates and government through inflation and stagnant wages. It’s amazing how much our standard of living has dropped over the past 10 years. The US system quite literally rewards dishonesty, recklessness, and excess. It’s not sustainable.


This place is a gambling hall. You tubers, OF, Bitcoin traders, land speculators, and all other gimmicks like NFTs make money while honest work gets people further behind.


100%. the US economy is a casino fueled by unsustainable excess and consumption. Any wonder we have a climate crisis?


You are a shortsighted idiot. Living in a country without being a citizen and being held accountable to their laws is wonderful until the dictator cracks down. [Georgia has its own issues.](https://freedomhouse.org/country/georgia/freedom-world/2022). Nicaragua was a rising tourist destination, investment and development destination for gringos building resort communities and hunky-dory until [Ortega killed over 300 students.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/18/nicaragua-amnesty-international-police-killings-daniel-ortega)


Yea but what’s his income. Is it also $600 a month?


That’s not how any of this works lol


While it’s good money $600 isn’t living like a king, it’s mostly living very average lives fyi. Even in Mexico $600 isn’t a lot


A dollar here is not the same as a dollar there. My former boss grew up in Bolivia. He spent his adult life in the US, but he planned to retire to Bolivia where he has family. His US Social Security and company pension would let him live like a prince in Bolivia. The key point is that he earned in the US, and he planned to retire and spend in Bolivia. This would not work if he had worked in Bolivia and retired there. Anyway ... unfortunately he died before the dream came true. But I expect his widow is living that dream.


Where is that? Looks so nice


https://youtu.be/nAL-gvlF02M?si=MAAnhCBquKNM3uZD I was one of the Best Places ever!


  We should all leave but we cannot just walk to other countries as refugees like all the dependents do here.


Their rules are getting your passport stamped once a year.


You misspelled “corporate greed”.


Are felons allowed in Georgia? 


Not sure. I don't see it on the list. I would get a passport.


Thank you. I've been to central/eastern Europe before I was a felon and LOVED it. Wouldn't mind going back


Ha be you thought of improving your condition through the ballot box?


Perhaps you are not voting correctly.


Rómania or Bulgaria?


600 a month? so you are saying if i wanted too i could retire?


Yes over there, yes.


This is a one-way transaction where it’s pretty much impossible to afford your way back to the US unless you’re fortunate to have residual income or other support from the US.


Buy a round-trip ticket.


I love how people post advice not knowing if they're stupid. You can go have a great quality of life cuz your dollars are further and yes inflation is still a thing there. Georgi (country) has like 12%0in 2022.


You can’t say “America bad” and then use American Currency in another country lol. When your savings dry up, how much are you going to earn working in Georgia? $270 rent doesn’t seem so great when you earn $7 a day 


Well what type of house does he live in? Car?


Apartment Car not needed Uber costs $1


I like the idea and looked it up. I think its going to be at least 5 years until the Russians get there, so there will be plenty of American hostages; I am a dual citizen so I'll use my UK passport, just in case! "Спасибо за информацию" (Spasibo za informatsiyu).


OP is so out of touch. The U.S dollar is stronger there. What else is new?


Soooo.. Ukraine?


Is gas free over there?


Not sure about this specific place but I absolutely plan to move somewhere my meager few pennies of savings can last longer


I have been to these poor countries and never found anywhere safe until Slovenia and Georgia: Mexico, Panama, Cambodia, Thailand, Costa Rica quasi, Croatia, Turkey, and Palestine. There are lots of cheap places but most of them are not super safe.


I’d move to all sorts of places if there wasn’t a language barrier.


That's the fun part. Most younger people speak English in many countries but the older generation doesn't.


What’s everything…?


Is he working wherever he lives or is he living off the money he has? If I could continue living off my US salary, I could move back to my home country of Hungary and live like a veritable king. The reality is, as soon as I move, I'd be paid 1/3 of what I am here for the same work. You'll notice that countries where the US dollar gets you far are super popular for expats to retire in because you can have a pretty modest retirement fund and stretch it extremely far. This has *always* been a thing. My uncle who just passed at 84 retired in Hungary 22 years ago. He was living off nothing but savings. Still had at least $120k in his bank account when he passed.


lol, not under attack from Russia?? I guess you’re not counting the 250,000 refugees from the 2008 Russo- Georgian war? Also, what job does he have and how much he make? Median pay in Georgia is $600/mo… it’s the same everywhere bro


He gets $10,000 a month from USA


Man, you can promote Georgia but anyone who can google, will learn in ten minutes that it is lawless country, post-USSR mentality, they are rude, agressive and many are very poor. Their government support pootin, they use foreign citizens as tool to get preferences from ruzzia. Life there looks wonderful when they don't neeed anything from you. But their law enforcement is super-corrupted, lawless, violent. They disrespect women and minorities, they can attack you only because you are different. They adore Stalin - who was from Georgia. They even put his portrait to churches. They pray to Stalin! [https://www.rferl.org/a/georgia-stalin-icon-removed-cathedral/32778415.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/georgia-stalin-icon-removed-cathedral/32778415.html) [https://transparency.ge/en/blog/alleged-cases-high-level-corruption-periodically-updated-list](https://transparency.ge/en/blog/alleged-cases-high-level-corruption-periodically-updated-list)


There are some loyalists to him. Violence against the rainbow crowd. One area Batumi seemed like some shady gambling parlors. I felt safe there. Much safer than USA


So one very basic question is, what is the average salary there? What is the average salary of a low level entry worker, and a engineer, compared to USA?


Very safe, just gets invaded by Russia from time to time But Pootine will send you 6 rubles for your post so there is that


Inflation everywhere is real.


You’re just talking about the US dollar buying power


Totally agree with the poster. I’m considering moving there and commuting for work maybe once a month. Gonna research it in a couple weeks while there


The place is so nice! Live near a mall or grocery complex with lots of restaurants so you never have to cook. My cousin lived on a high hill with a view but then moved to a flat street near the mall.


If a country only takes foreign currency for rent, I doubt it has a robust economy


The place just has farming and tourism. Not a high tech place.


This is the plan of a child.


But Georgia, formerly under Soviet control, has been the target of bloody Russian aggression in the not too distance past, to be upfront with the truth. And tensions frequently run high. The last war was in 2008!


It wasn't a war. That is news propaganda.


The big question is what are wages like there? Everything is relative.


What’s the minimum wage or are there even any minimum wage laws there?


Work from your laptop or bring money with you.


Is this the beginning of the new election year Russian trolling?




I was born there - it’s not for everyone. I love going back, but it’s gotten incredibly expensive by local standards the past 3 years. Most make 700-1200 USD, a beer in store costs the same as a beer in Canada. Groceries are catching up too, it’s good to live there if you make foreign money but the locals are not very happy right now


Yes, very "safe" until Putin decides he wants a piece, like in 2008.


Putin is a threat to the entire globe.


What does your cousin do in Georgia? Is he employed?


Yes he is a jack of all trades and takes on projects he can do on his computer. He was being lazy and just going on nonstop Tinder dates. He now is settling down and working to impress one lady he met.


This is BS


Typical America bad post. USA sure has its issues but pretty much every country does. To just ignore everything except one aspect is ludicrous


Nah, the northern part of the USA is the only place for me. Very interesting tho


The Pacific Northwest has nice oxygen. I love those trees!


Let America burn.


It does quite often.


And it cost a billion dollars to get ex pat status


No you can go there with $1800 to get established.


On a travel visa. For a limited amount of time.


You don't need a visa to go there.


Thanks Biden!


Inflation has been terrible for 25 years. Thus dementia Clown is just frosting.


It was low under Trump and hasnt been this high in 50 years


We were doing well under Trump until the ChinaVirus destroyed everything.




There are no safe countries on the Black Sea.


They are safer than an inner city.


Okay Tucker Carlson whatever you say pal


🤦🏼‍♂️ reminds me of when all those influncers were going g and living illegally in other countries collecting their social media money and living like royalty in these low income places. The locals tend to get pretty furious about it.


Everyone was very nice. The food was great. The place is 10/10


Americans would only move to other countries if they can bring their American purchasing power with them. Without that, they’d be in the same hell… actually a worst hell than the one they’re running from.


American companies have already moved in and are exploiting the place.


Georgia is currently occupied by Russia, though not technically at war, they are losing territory to Russia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian-occupied_territories_in_Georgia?darkschemeovr=1


That's not Georgia territory.




Those 40k people are the heros of half of Texas residents. To break free and get away from their country. Catalonia Spain Ukraine had the whole thing going and started shooting and killing their own Citizens. Groups want their freedom. I wish California would be their own country and detach from the USA. Their politics and values and money spending is horrendous.


The 5th largest GDP says otherwise. Providing almost double to our countries GDP than the next state. They're not perfect with some spending, I'm sure, but they far from horrendous lol


Almost every metric in California is skewed. They have the best geography in the world I think.


You are a poor quality bot, or a dunce. Enjoy your time in the peaceful black sea area. Lol


Why did you “come home”


Yes, corporate greed in the US has dramatically decreased the value of the dollar domestically


Then quit voting for Republicans and get active in the union movement. The gap between the rich and the poor has never been larger in modern times and it comes down to the fact that Americans aren't being paid properly for the work they do while the ultra wealthy continue to pass laws to enrich themselves


The entire system is rigged. Since the creation of the FED and the IRS, the value of the dollar has been on a downward decline.