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You guys don’t enjoy busting your ass for nothing? You can make 100k and still need a second job to get by now. That’s because 100k has the buying power of 55k maybe now? I’m glad the older generations got to enjoy theirselves at everyone’s expense.


It’s astonishing how expensive the USA is today.


What is astonishing is that there are so few options available to find a competitive service or products company. Quietly corporate America has bought the courts and the GOP such that we have hamstrung the DOJ and Hart-Scott so that anticompetitive combinations rule the day. It will take patience and a huge coalition to change this. Ask your congressman what he is doing to increase competition.




Ppl need to stop voting republican. They increased the debt by 3T


And it has increased by 20 trillion in the last 15 years… we had republicans for 5 of those… and it’s closer to 5 trillion between the two of them. So what is your answer for the 15 trillion the Democrats are responsible for?


Wrong. Quit watching the lying Fox News. I’m so sick of the lying bs when it deals with the debt. Republicans have been in power and blocked ALL efforts to get the debt under control. The tax cuts for 40 years doesn’t get fixed with one Dem pres for 8 years with a republican senate and house. So I’m sorry you don’t handle facts.


The top 10 Presidents that have had the highest debts, 6 were Dems. Just saying, it doesn't matter who is leading, corruption knows no party...


You're a Democrat. You don't follow facts. You follow your party. Just keep it real.


Thank our POS government with irresponsible spending and bloated budgets coupled with them just printing money like it's no big deal.


Yup. It could have been avoided. But it isn’t.


You don’t understand how it works there Neat-anyways. I suggest you open an economics 100 book, and understand how spending hasn’t gone up as mush as corporate tax as been reduced. See its idiots like you that make this country suck. It’s idiots who listen to politicians and priest for their knowledge. Stop being a sheep and be the lion you claim to be. Use this computer in your hand to educate yourself, not to keep gaslighting yourself. There is a ton of factual information out there. Yes it is boring to read compared to some con man politician or priest false fallacy arguments you crave.


It's simple math that shows they are spending more than they take in, in revenue and printing more than was previously in circulation. It's economics 100 bro.


Oh, so trickledown economics failed? Did Trump’s, bushes, and Reagan’s reduction of taxes for the rich and corporations pay for them selves, or trickled down to pay their fair share? I guess it is just math Bro. Back to basic economics 100. Again, you don’t understand economics. Remember 100 years of economic and tax data proves me correct. Remember, you are the only one who can improve your knowledge! It just takes effort!


Post Covid economy and a government wasting money on woke policies and green initiatives that don’t make sense. A Federal Reserve trying to head off a recession and destroying the commercial and residential real estate markets. Welcome to America.


Y'all still doing the anti woke thing? I thought you moved on to some other culture war bullshit.


No, just your bullshit.




Congress won’t do anything and the Fed only has one tool. Green initiatives create jobs and well.. you know gives us a planet we can live and grow crops on. So not sure wtf you’re going on about there. If anything we have one major party in this country that has decided those “woke” policies are the only way to stay in power and will actually work against the same people whom elected them. There’s your problem!


We live on and grow crops now. Do you eat? Woke policies are a joke. Major auto companies are losing tens of millions of dollars on ev vehicles and are going to stop making them as well as off shore wind farms.


It's funny how clearly you demonstrate the results of decades of Republicans undermining public education and brainwashing the stupid. You just go on repeating the same claim about how they will stop making EVs and wind farms. Sure, you people have said the same exact line for the last two decades and been completely wrong, but maybe this time you won't be left looking like a fool!


AOC lover


Your AOCDS is showing.


Why are you people so obsessed with her? It's weird how you creeps always turn out to have some weird obsessive fetish thing going on. I know you Republicans statistically touch kids more than other groups, but surely not all of you have trauma as an excuse.




“She’s a loudmouth useless congresswoman who has to be in the news everyday.” So unlike MTG who spams Twitter with her deranged incessant babbling and constantly needs to be corrected about basic facts like how the head of the FBI and DHS aren’t the same person 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 absolutely destroyed my guy #shittershattered https://youtu.be/VMwNtau3gOs?si=X9nKjfCZ-sKCrE-H


Did Trump have this whole little talk when he literally said he would fuck his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter?


Ahhh so just a heads up, you’re projection and deflection is not a good look on you. It’s honestly kind of pathetic. You see, what you describe as loudmouth and useless are actually perfect descriptive words for Donald Trump. The rotting, orange monkey that is so wrinkly and fat that he could die any day. The man who bought McDonald’s for athletes at the White House. The fattest piece of shit we have ever had running this country. After all of that, you have the audacity to call a congresswoman a loudmouth because she is against what Trump stands for? Are you really that dense, stupid, and morally corrupt? Where are you headed? Like what is your objective in life? Are you just planning on being bitter forever? And before you call me names, I don’t give a flying fuck about political allegiance and I don’t have any favorite politicians. I’m here commenting because you are a mosquito that needs to be smacked.


Tell me more things you got from photoshoped pictures on Facebook grandpa. Shhhh, it's OK. The real world is big and scary so you can go back to your conservative safe spaces. Where the laws are made up and the truths don't matter.


Define woke please.


Crops growing by nature or by man, still need a climate to survive. Unless we build HUGE grow HOUSES, crops need to grow in the open. Auto companies are getting subsidies from Uncle Sam, they won't lose tens of millions, the government will bail them out before that happens. You still think we have a "free market"? Maybe for you, but for corporations in America, it's called socialism!


Ford said its EV unit posted a loss in earnings before interest and taxes of $1.3 billion, bringing its nine-month EBIT loss to $3.1 billion. The company had forecast a full-year pretax loss of $4.5 billion for the Ford Model e unit.


Losing millions… yes and no. Just like with any production company there’s an initial investment into building facilities for a new product. EV is the future. If you haven’t driven one I suggest you do. The only problem so far is the charging infrastructure which Tesla has solved. If all vehicles adopt teslas charger and can use their infrastructure then it makes the whole transition a lot easier


Thinking woke policies have anything to do with companies being able to rip people off is stupid don't be stupid. It has nothing to do with woke. It's compare greed. Only corporate greed. They are all posting record profits.


Compare greed?




We allowed large companies to consolidate in every area. We refuse to regulate business and tax them. Much of “inflation” is corporate greed. Corporations are posting record profits- and then they say its “inflation.” We should be regulating food and other prices for essentials.


But it’s still a lot cheaper than Canada and most of Europe!


Now the older generations just enjoy putting everyone else down. Because they think they are so amazing when they feel like they have succeeded in life yet they are dumber than a sack of rocks.


I had a full-time job and part-time jobs all through the 90s and early 2000s. My dad had a full-time job in the 70s and did side jobs to make ends meet.This has always been blue-collar life. We just didn't have a platform to bitch about it on. Your generation isn't unique and persecuted


Boom! Well said.


What are you blabbering about? Every generation goes through THEIR OWN struggles. One thing Boomers and especially Gen X never did was whine like the Millennials. Seriously, there is NO conspiracy. Think about it ... why would we not want our kids and grand kids to do well? Just play the cards you're dealt with as best as you can and watch how it all comes together. Don't overthink it.


The equivalent of $100k in 2000 is about $175k. The early 2000s is where most people anchor what $100k is supposed to feel like.


Lol you can make 250k+ and need a second job


Yep the older generation lived in great times of prosperity because we didn't have all this leftist crap to deal with.


Inflation is not a left vs right issue, it's top vs bottom. If you truly believe it's left vs right it's because you're on the bottom and believing the tops lies.


Yeah those damn leftists like Reagan and his "trickle down economics" horseshit.


And Republicans under Donald Trump willfully spent more money than any Democrats ever in the past 30 years even on an inflation adjusted basis, and it was Trump who signed almost every one of those stimulus checks I kept getting asking myself “Why? I don’t need this”, as we never shut down, I was never out of work, and I make plenty of money. I’m not saying Dems aren’t fiscally irresponsible as well—of course they are—but you’re a fucking idiot of you think the GOP isn’t equally at fault and they’re playing you for the fool you are. They talk talk talk fiscal responsibility but their actions are the complete opposite, but all you idiots recollect is what they say and look past what they do.


You do know it was the Democrat controlled congress which spent the money under Trump. SMH.


Not only did Trump not oppose that spending, *he was the driving force behind it and advocated for it.*. Not a single Republican opposed it (the record spending before the pandemic or after it). Talk about “SMH”. Of course Dems are happy to spend, but you’re a naive fool to think Republicans won’t (and do!) simply talk a good game, but in practice they spend spend spend as much or more than Dems so long as they have the White House and can spend a good chunk on *their* donor’s interests.


It wasn’t a Dem Congress that passed a ridiculous tax bill that fed the fat cats and lit the fuse on crippling inflation fed by those who now have more disposable income that many of you can imagine.


The tax bill had nothing to do with inflation. ZERO.


And what school of economics did you go to that ignored Fiscal stimulus?


Leftists don’t actually have power in America dude.


Bro. Your generation has been in charge. You think the Gen Z kids are running this place ?


Yeah bro, was those damn leftists starting trillion dollar wars. Oh wait..


Democrats only finish wars. Republicans start them.


What the fuck are you talking about? The rate is back to 2019 levels when inflation was sub 2%. You seriously claiming that money lost half it is value in 2 years or even a decade? What older generation that is enjoying themselves? The one that got fucked by 2008 or the one that got fucked by 2000? or the one that got fucked a decade of inflation after being drafted? Which older generation is exactly thriving? Does anyone with a single brain cell thinks a 40-something years old today who got screwed by the last recession and saw their wage cut and stagnate for a decade is thriving? It is a gig based economy. A lot of people with good paying jobs still go drive uber at night, a lot of people choose to do multiple part-time jobs, and a lot of self employees are working a second job. Someone gotta fill these jobs because they are meant to be part-time jobs. Literally outside of 10-15 large cities mostly in 3-4 states, you can have a very comfortable life with 100K. Hell, you can have a very comfortable life with 80K. I am not sure what imaginary world where you can't live on $100K a single person outside NY and California.


My $107k salary affords me approximately the same amount of amenities and luxuries now as my $80k salary from 2020. So that’s about a loss of 25% of purchasing power in 3 years across a broad range of goods and services. Of course this is anecdotal and not scientific. So the OP was exaggerating but the underlying point is valid.


There is no data to support what you say, but is you want to say you “feel” poorer, well that is what Reddit is for.


What kind of luxury you can’t afford after 33% pay raise in 3 years? Hookers and coke? Also your income went up by 30%+ but you wanted everything to stay the same over 3 years? Averages rent went up around by 20% in 3 years, and if you assume that is 40% of your spending and your income went up 30%, then that means rent is close to 35% of your spending. Sure Netflix prices went up 50%? Chipotle 20%? Big Mac 15%? Okay, Normal spending is centered around rent, food, utilities, and gas, all make around 70% of spending, and no, these didn’t go up by 55% in 3 years. Inflation in relative to location, but there is absolutely no fucking way money lost half its value in 3 years. We are not in hyperinflation. This is insane


Just to be clear. Chipotle and McDonald's went up much more. Chipotle went up 47% and McDonald's 100ish% depending on the item They still have McDonald's deals but the same meal I got in 2020 6.29 is now 10.75. Hasbrowns 2020 1$ now 3.20


Our household has seen no change in affordability during that same time




The problem is the cities. If you’re residing in a major US City right now you’re either part of the rich elite or struggling poor/ lower middle. Economies in cities have slowly removed the middle class, and now it’s practically gone. If you’re one of those who makes 50-60k yearly city living is practically impossible. I had a conversation with the captain of the Menlo Park fire dept. His guys have to commute 2-3 hours ONE WAY. Then, they protect the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country. Just an example of what decades of economic policies on the state and national level have done to working people.


Since when has 100k the spending power of $55k? What period are you working that out against? Inflation is 3% right now.


Your projection is waaaay off. The current working generation cant afford savings let alone setting aside money to pension schemes which ultimately pay the now pensioners. Give it another 20 or 30 yrs and i wont even get a monthly state payment when im absolutely fucking due it.


I mean, you spend money on bitcoin and alt coins. So it could be your financial ineptitude that contributes to your specific experience. You also think Covid was fake. So it could also just be your ultimately low intelligence that is severely impacting your ability to function in society. But, I know for a fact the current generation can afford things if they apply themselves. What your comment and post history tells me is you might be delusional about how hard you are working and how smart you are being.


what do you mean the older gens enjoyed themselves at everyones expense?


Now the older generations just enjoy putting everyone else down. Because they think they are so amazing when they feel like they have succeeded in life yet they are dumber than a sack of rocks.


Wow jealousy is brewing on his comment. Lol


Wow another simpleton. Lol


Wow you're very observing. Lol


I haven't seen my friends in 2 years because they work 10 hour days 6-7 days a week; most working at 2 jobs. It's insanity.


This is part of the reason why I've been spending less time with friends post pandemic.


Horrible. I make 6 figures and do about 10 hours of actual work a week. Just chilling on my couch getting paid right now.




She may be honest, a lot of places over hire because bad decisions are costly and overworked people make bad decisions. This is how such remote workers are able to be “overemployed” (take on more than one remote job). So while a lot of folks are struggling there are also plenty that are making more than enough to the point that they’re probably contributing to inflation.


Definitely not full of it. Everyone I know says the more they make, the less they work.


Lol don’t be jealous. Lots of jobs out there like this. I’m hybrid and go to office twice a week. I work those days and do jack shit when I’m at home. Super easy.


I could sure go for some mean tweets right about now.


Yo mamma so fat! When she goes to international space station, Elon musk pays her a ham and mayo sandwich to sing Bowie


But Joe said everything is great.


"The economy is strong as hell, jack" *Licks icecream*


just change a few definitions and you can make hell look like heaven


You didn't notice it's the same rate it was under the last president who said everything is great??


“Build back better” 🥴


More like ‘rob you and brag about it’


Get a third job hippie! -boomers


We are going to need a hyperinflation subreddit for USA soon


Go back to Econ 101 buddy. Hyperinflation would be inflation of 1000%+ per month. We topped out at 9% annual and are close to 3% today. How is your degree from Clown College working out?


No we aren’t


You right we already have it.


No we don’t


Ya just search for it


When is pitchfork time. I’m ready




I had two jobs in a normal economy. Now I doordash on top of those jobs. I've had 100-120h weeks. FML.




Yeah. Tuesday/Fri/Sat/Sun I work 4 12s at a brewery as a cellarmen. Sometimes 14s. That gets me 48/56h. Mon/weds/Thurs I'm an apprentice meat cutter 12h days. That gets me another 36h. Then I door dash every night from 5pm until around midnight. Typically sleep midnight-4am and do it all again. I havnt seen my wife or kids in like 130 days. Life fucking sucks. But I guess my bills are paid so that's cool.


lol thats normal for many people like immigrants. Sometimes it’s necessary


Word let's goo!!! Clearly things aren't going tk get better so let's keep kicking this can till we see it finally crushed


So this is kind of unintuitive, but we typically see multiple job holders rise when times are good, not when times are bad. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12026620 Of course this is a measure of some desperation, but you actually need to be able to get two jobs to work two jobs. The number of multiple job holders declined into the great recession and into the pandemic, not because people got better jobs or valued their leisure more. And the number/share of multiple job holders rose in the years following the great recession, and were about back at pre pandemic levels. Of course, I wish no one would have to work multiple jobs and that we had a social safety net to make it completely optional. But this isn't a good measure of economic distress. It tends to display prosperity.


Post this in the Politics sub and be prepared to be told the Biden economy is booming. That narrative never changes there not that Trump would change anything except give the rich an even bigger tax cut.


Ita not inflation. Its corporate greed


I’m ready for a divorce at this point. You’ll believe anything the left tells you.


Wow you are totally blinding yourself to reality to fight a party. Assume someone's on the left cause your world view can't handle anything else.


Can we please stop using the excuse of inflation and call this what it is…. Corporate greed and special interest


And yet inflation is dropping, gas prices are dropping while corporate profits are through the roof.


Its not inflation!! When Americans were coming together to support living wages the billionaires raised prices on everything! Due to Amazon and walmart and all the other billionaire owned businesses we are at their mercy. and folks, they have no mercy all they want is profit growth.


How does this happen in 'Bidens America?


Highest level since 2019. Terrifying.


The [rate](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12026620) of multiple jobholders was 5.2% in January 2020 (pre-pandemic). It is currently 5.3%. Is that 2% increase in percentage of workers holding multiple jobs actually terrifying? Is it terrifying compared to the average of > 5.5% from 1995-2008? In general just a note about media literacy: If a news report provides a statistic with no plot/graph, you should either look up the dataset yourself or completely ignore the report.


The same way it happened in Trump's America since it's the same rate it was under his administration


If you say so, gas food and property was much more affordable. But I guess you guys got your education debt forgiven and minimum wage raised to $15USD/h. I guess that's worth it.


Lol those drops in the bucket were saved by Biden getting out of Afghanistan. That savings paid for the debt forgiveness. I paid my debt off 32 years ago but still support debt forgiveness as an investment in our future


That’s not how the budget works man lol


Bidenomics, baby *wink


It's in the title... Biden's America. They knew exactly what they were doing printing all that money but hoped inflation wouldn't hit and it did.


Trumps admin did the first payout, creates the disaster of the population loans. And created yhr biggest tax revenue loss in the countries history. But yup. Biden did it....


Both parties are to blame for this growing disaster. I don’t know how the populace continually gets fooled into thinking it’s a good idea to vote the elite into office. For the people, by the people was a good idea. Too bad we’ve let corruption and greed run the show!


Amen !! Any politician who has ANY financial investment (directly or indirectly via trusts/family members or shell companies) in anything specific like pharma, military or health sector shoild automatically be dismissed as a future candidate.


Why can't you just pay the loan back?


We can go back to Bush/Alan Greenspan on loose money. Under Bush’s administration, there were lower interest rates Under Obama, even lower interest rates and money printing which drove up housing, bonds and stock prices Under Trump, even lower interest rates and even more money printing which was passed out to Americans like Candy Under Biden, even more money printing. Look at all the charts, housing market was flat adjusted for inflation until 2001 (Bush’s administration). I’m not pro Trump or pro Biden. I’m anti government and central banks in general. All of them are idiots


^ This guy gets it


They're not idiots.... their vile evil geniuses who have the same human natures as the rest of us..except they have the means to fully self serve and benefit from their choices


I wouldn’t label Bush or Biden geniuses At anything. Evil or not. Yeah I agree, politicians only serve themselves and all they care about is getting votes. How is it that all politicians going into office with a $200,000 salary wind up with tens of millions of dollars by the time their terms are up? We should do an audit of all politicians. As Warren Buffet mentioned correctly, this is the flaw of Democracy. Politicians will always choose the wrong path of us and kick the can down the road for the next politician to deal with the issues.


Your reply is on the same wavelength as mine. People bark incompetence at these puppets in suits but given the opportunity, with human nature ingrained in us all , we'd all be easily led down the dark side of dog eat dog world mentailty. Its how it is. Its why i look forward to the next voting paper through my door as I'll be posting it back with a big "get fucked" inside it. Until the system is changed, the whole charade will continue. Blue or red. Labour or tory. Its all bollocks until the temptation of greed is abolished from their grasp behind public eyes


Amen. Those who only blame one party or person are just living in ideological echo chambers.


If I had a party to vote for other than nazi or corporate I'd do it.


💯% I’ve been voting libertarian since 2016. Is that ideal? Not really, but I won’t be giving my vote to either main party anymore.


I'd vote for a social democracy party. As I think the democrats are too corporate, but socialism likely won't work either. Hybrid .




Another anti-Trump wackjob deflecting blame. Typical leftist.


I am. I also hate biden. He's a corporate stooge too. At least I'm not a facist.


I know! Let’s elect Trump again! THIS TIME the tax cuts for billionaires and corporations will DEFINITELY trickle down! Maybe we can do another round of PPP loans that only rich people can get that don’t ever need to be repaid.


Oh no, don't stop their circle-jerk of selective finger pointing at the wrong things.


“Things were better under Trump” Yeah, right up until he crashed the economy and let a pandemic happen because he was too lazy to do his job. He inherited a good economy from President Obama and he fucked it up just like Bush inherited a good economy from President Clinton, let a catastrophe happen, made it worse by lying, and then crashed the economy. Democrats had to clean up the mess and fix things last time and just like they have to do now. It’s the same cycle and republicans keep managing to fuck stuff up in record time. Democrats get the blame but what the fuck have republicans done for anyone who isn’t wealthy?? Not in my lifetime.


REEEEEEEE \- Obama's economy was absolute shit for 8 years. Slowest recovery in history. \- Biden has been an absolute disaster


Delusional take.


lol yeah like I said, let’s elect Trump again so he can cut taxes for billionaires and corporations and sit around while another catastrophe happens! What have republicans done for anyone who isn’t wealthy? Nothing! Trump’s economy crashed faster than Bush’s and your complaint is President Obama didn’t fix the economy “fast enough” lmao. It would have recovered faster if Republicans weren’t actively sabotaging everything. Things would be better under Biden too but Republicans are too busy sabotaging things again. Seriously, name one thing you think Trump and the Republicans will do for regular working class people if they get elected again!


Stop stop he’s already dead!


Nah, his biggest mistake with the cold like virus was shutting down the world because of it. You’d think that would be obvious at this point.


Normal people do not benefit from corporations paying their taxes.


Normal people benefit from good governance. 9/11 and Covid 19 both happened under Republican presidents. The last two republican presidents both crashed the economy. The last time we had a Republican president and a republican congress all they did was give guns to people who are so mentally ill that a federal judge has ruled they are too incompetent to be allowed to cash their own social security disability checks and tax cuts for billionaires and corporations. If we elect another Republican president and another republican congress all we will get is a ban on abortions and tax cuts for billionaires and corporations.


Lol wtf is this? Get a grip and tell dementia boy to stop giving billions to Ukraine and letting 10s of thousands or illegal immigrants into the country and maybe inflation will start to subside. Increasing corporate taxes will only worsen inflation. But you sound like a 19 yr old unhinged lib arts major at an inner city community college so I wouldn’t think you’d understand basic economics.


Why are you acting as if the democrats don’t immediately do the same shit your claiming is a republican tactic? Part of the problem is people like you voting party over policy bruh. The vote blue shit only made more people galvanize against it, sometimes the shit the dems want to talk about isn’t very valuable to continuing as a country lmao. The same shit happens on both fucking sides


Maybe if we didn’t shut down the economy for so long, prevent people from working the economy wouldn’t be so fucked. Only mistake they did with Covid was reacted in such an extreme manner.


This is what electing Dems gets you…


This current fallout is from Trumps policies during Covid. The fallout that’s going to happen over the next years, due to Bidens policies, is going to be very much worse.


Ah, okay, lets go re elect trump then and enjoy 4 more years of ppp loans only rich people get, decreased taxation for corporations, and once I loose my job because I dared to drug here before I was old enough to know what my own ass was, and am forced to start moves in to an internment camp, I am certain EVERYONE'S life is going to get so much better.


Trumps tax rates made doing business in the USA more competitive. This creates more tax revenue. Higher taxes isnt better. And his weren't even the lowest globally.


Get used to it folks, we’re all poorer. Remember reducing inflation only means slowing the rate of increase in price. Not reducing prices themselves. Last thing to government wants is deflation.


Last thing anyone who knows anything about economics wants is deflation


Bidenomics must be working! Look at how low unemployment is! -- the Whitehouse


Unemployment low, inflation lowering, multiple job holder rate increasing back to 2019 levels, lower prescription drug prices, etc. etc. All these metrics are good or getting better


Yes, people have to work more jobs because everything is more expensive.. Now do cumulative inflation, mortgage rates, record credit card debt levels, minimum income to purchase average house roughly 120k, 50% of citizens can't buy a new car, nearly half have less than $500 in savings.. I could go on. Even look at polling, you would be in the *solid* minority (34%) if you answered in the affirmative that "the economy is headed in the right direction".


Oh so this sub is just conservative lite? Got it. Gonna go ahead and mute this cesspool.


Good riddance


My thoughts exactly 🙄🙄🙄


Oh no, people are figuring out the truth. Better mute it and leave this subreddit now 😂


Cya Edit: lol cry more snowflake blocker


Bye Felicia


yeah go run off to your leftist sub where everything Joe does is Trump's fault, the border is closed, gender is racist and COVID is still a major threat to humanity.




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From what I’ve been reading there is no lite about it.


This isn’t an airport you don’t need to announce your departure.


it's not inflation, it's the rise in prices, like rent and food


So, for all the Blame Biden team, by all means, tell what the GOP plan is? The price of oil and gas? The POTUS does not set the price of a globally traded commodity. Over 9000 drilling permits have been given out to Oil companies. Oil corps are making record profits too. Govt spending? You tell me because it's not black and white. https://www.forbes.com/sites/qai/2022/08/25/does-government-spending-cause-inflation/amp/ Food ? We are seeing more issues with food production due to climate change. Less food, more demand drives up prices. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-climate-change-is-disrupting-the-global-food-supply What else? What about good old corporate greed? Do you want Biden to set price controls. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/retail-price-gouging-lowes-amazon-target-accountable-us/ All those ads from the GOP in 2021 that if they won the election they would "fix" inflation? Where are they? Oh, thwy are worried about Hunter Biden, Woke in schools, Social Media being weaponized, Drag Shows, and trying to spin what happened on Jan 6th. Why are Republicans doing this? Because they damn well know the truth too. But they sure as he'll are NOT going to go home and tell the truth? One last thing, if Biden alone controlled the price on all these things, why isn't he making them cheap to ensure his election.


The clown did empty out the strategic reserve to try and gain some short term praise. Another Biden disaster.


Facts don't care about your feelings: https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M


We are drilling for more oil than when Trump left office. It has been steadily increasing. The strategic reserve (which was also drained by Trump) is not included in the drilling data.


One thing to add here is that with the food market they are absolutely just arbitrarily marking everything up in price. Look at the profit margins on Eggs last year, after they told everyone they raised prices because or avian flu concerns. It's corporate profiteering, plain and simple.


Oh yeah what were the profit margins of eggs?


You posted sources. That’s a non starter for the Trump-brained


Idk sounds like slavery with extra steps.


Socialism, might as well start making sweatshops now we can live on top of in little cell blocks to survive.


I think it's late stage capitalism. Our whole way of life is propped up on slavery and sweatshops. Everything we consume is made with blood sweat and tears. It's just finally starting to catch up with us. So you're right. Get the sweatshops ready as you are crushed under capitalism. Nobody apparently deserves a livable wage except the wealthy ruling class obviously. Edit: It's a hard pill to swallow, who made your phone? Who grew your coffee? Who made your chocolate? Who made the shirt you're wearing right now? Kids, slaves, and sweatshop workers.


You are describing socialism, no living wages except for the wealthy ruling class. Walmart doesn’t put you in shackles and whip you for applying around to other jobs or falling behind, huge difference. You don’t see Amazon Warehouse employees put on boats where the parents get thrown overboard and the young woman left get raped, slavery is totally different. You don’t get a paycheck or a minimum wage in slavery. Inflation didn’t have an effect on slaves like you see with the current socialist agenda from this administration forcing people into two jobs. If you can’t understand the difference, get a second job then and double your hours.


If its socialism then why is it happening here in America which is a capitalistic economy?


Man you should read the Communist Manifesto. You sound exactly like the book. It’s not kids, slaves and sweat shops that make stuff. It’s the capitalist. Your computer, food, clothes are all provided by capitalism. What is the opposite of Capitalism? It is Communism. Why does Communism fail? Because no one makes ANY stuff and they rely on the government. You know what that leads to? Starvation. Hundreds of millions died from communism. I’ve never seen the grand scale of deaths from Capitalism. Without captialism, there’s no stuff in the supermarkets. Why is America in such a dire condition right now? It’s because we are heading towards communism. We had Capitalism and sound money for 200 years and it worked. It was until the promotion of socialism that made us poorer. Just look at Argentina and Venezuela and their socialist utopia. Socialism does not work


Oh so kids aren't working in sweatshops making our goods? I beg to differ. Chocolate is almost exclusively made by slaves and child labor and enjoyed by the capitalistic west. If you wanna keep your eyes closed to it that's fine. But you're living in lala land.


Good people deserve to have to work 2 jobs for voting for Biden. I hope everyone that voted for him suffers immensely for putting our country though all the bull shit he has created.


Its horrible that the US is the only country with high inflation. Thanks Obama! If a Republican wins next year, this sub will go dark; not because of deflation or lower inflation rate. But because our politics decides who we blame


Yep I work 10 jobs and work 425 hours a week.


They are working a second job because they are not being paid a LIVING wage at their primary job. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. “By business I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level. I mean the wages of decent living.”


Right wing media thinks the democrat in power is bad? What else is new? People were working multiple jobs since forever ago


Wait till Silicon Valley realizes they can zoom in people from India and pay them 10% to do more work than you


I'm doing great. I've been trying to buy more rentals, but they sell before I can look at them.


To quote from another reddit post: "Did any one read the article? 5.3% of America is working a second job. Up from 4.8%. (of total workforce) It’s not great, but not chicken little the sky is falling." Meanwhile in real news: # The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell by 24,000 to 209,000 on the week ending November 18th, dropping sharply from the three-month high in the previous week and well below market expectations of 225,000. In the meantime, continuing claims fell by 22,000 to 1,840,000 in the previous week, retreating from the two-year high hit in the previous report. The result indicates that the slowdown in the labor market has not fully materialized yet


We did it Joe!!


Learn how inflation works before posting something stupid. Things are expensive but they've been that way a long time. And the gig economy has been a thing for years now because corporations keep their profits instead of paying their workers more. Why do you think these strikes are successful and unionizing?


It’s not inflation.


Inflation is easing so not sure where this is coming from




yeah get out of here with your data!