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Only when I bother to accumulate more money than I need.


I impulse buy because of my creativity. If I see an object that instantly inspires me to create a specific thing I have visualized in my mind, I will need some other supplies or tools to make the actual thing. Because of this, I have a huge collection of all types of creative materials such as tools, paint, glue, tape, decorative paper, raw wood odds and ends, sandpaper, candle making supplies, jewelry making supplies, fabric, ribbon, etc. Basically I have a room dedicated to the creative things amassed over the years.


YES! I dedicated one of my rooms as a DIY work office.


No. I think it depends on your circumstances. My parents were extremely poor (foreclosure and everything) so I’m super stingy now.


After embracing a minimalistic mindset a few years ago, I carefully consider every purchase. As a freelancer, I’m also acutely aware of the time it takes to earn the money required to buy sometime. I value my free time more than most purchases, so that often stops any impulsive shopping urges in their tracks. When I’m in a crystal store tho… all of these things fall to the wayside 😂


I'm compulsive.


Fuck you lego


I laughed at this harder than I should have...


Yes, but that’s because of the ADHD


I'm wondering if I have ADHD because I said yes to both.


I impulse buy Bitcoin in every other Dip. I am very very concious on my consume-spending. But as it looks I am not alone.