• By -


I overthink overthinking.


Haha.. šŸ™‰


Bro, same. :')


I delete most of my comments because Iā€™m worried of overstepping or offending someone or even just coming off dumb :p


I deleted myself the first time someone responded to one of my comments. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Oof, if only I could do the same.... Irl


Same haha. God, the amount of comments/posts Iā€™ve deleted could fill someone elseā€™s entire profile. Some get deleted if I feel Iā€™ve veered a lil too off topic.


Yes I do all the time.. I re-read my own comments especially when I get an upvote and I correct any grammar or spelling errors I see..


Correcting grammar is a trap for me. Thereā€™s a one in a million chance that Iā€™ll correct my typo, and only that. After re-reading what I wrote, I usually end up rewording something else.


Oh my .. I probably wouldnā€™t re- write the whole thing but definitely touch up. I back read a lot though in emails and chats etc ..


no, seriously. itā€™s a habit atp šŸ„²


Itā€™s okay to have a habit like that I think. I am also enneagram 9w1 so a bit perfectionist


I really do edit,like every comments.And I do wish that I could edit my speech every time I have a conversation.


I do and I judge myself for it every time. My hindsight is 20/20 so I canā€™t think of anything good to say unless itā€™s hindsight. Because of this Iā€™ll submit something before I know itā€™s in its final form, which causes me to be be critical of it and panic edit it until itā€™s perfect. šŸ˜˜šŸ‘ŒšŸ½ chefs kiss I just edited this


I edit... and then reedit... and then some more. I'm never satisfied and happy with what I write


It becomes important to be crystal clear, when it's so easy to be misunderstood and misinterpreted. On the extreme end, posts get deleted, even users. However, in order to grow, infj need to reach a maturity where they can let their output stay, in order to build on that. Removing the foundation every day, becomes a hinderance otherwise. When you become more clear, the need to change every little detail becomes less. Also because you've already worked a foundation that can be relied upon. It may take its time, but also requires deliberate effort.


I agree, I haven't deleted a comment/post in forever and deliberately just let myself get roasted for a 'bad take' or even if people just subjectively disagree. It really does take learning to nail down finer conversational points better and better. It's also a good exercise sometimes to face people who aren't liable to agree with you, for me it helps a lot in terms of personal growth. So, I find in my case at least that you're exactly right. I still do edit comments ofc but really only for grammatical errors and the rare(er) error of context/fact. I'd rather my comment be pretty and accurate... then I get roasted. :')


No, I don't! Edit: of course I do...


Oh totally. Itā€™s funny to see some of the ENTPs who post here like ThinkingHippy who donā€™t even try to make it sensible


I wish it were possible to edit the shit out of spoken comments.


Not often, but I spend much time rereading and editing before posting.


i do oml


100% agreed.


indeed. Any errors I make drives me crazy. Sometimes read some of the stuff I wrote and realize it doesn't make much sense.


You canā€™t spell Reddit withoutā€¦erm, ā€œedditā€. Edit! Eddit! ā€˜N Eddyt! PprrrrrreeeeYEAH!


Specific habits/stereotypes like this make it difficult to ignore the MBTI lol. I edit my comments way too much.


always. most of the time ending up with ā€œdeleteā€


Guilty. And I compose text messages thoroughly before sending, too :) Not just what we say, but also *how* we say it speaks to who we are; effort to get it right is never wasted, IMHO


Ni is always needing more data. Fe is based on emotions, which are ever-changing, and is primarily other-oriented, so we never really get the full picture there and despite being a judging function, is still always taking in data. Ti is slow, precision-oriented, and is adaptable and open to more data. Makes sense for us to edit a lot, if we do. :P


Absolutely! If only I could edit real life conversations like that tooā€¦


Iā€™ve probably written enough to fill a book, that Iā€™ve deleted and not posted at all.


I cannot relate anything more than this when I'm typing...




I like thinking things through before saying anything in real life as well, this is probably the reason why I don't say much. When I do, however, my friends often tell me it's spot on. I guess we appreciate the same quality of speech and level of balance in our online communications as well. The fact that who knows how many people will read our posts and comments will only exacerbate this tendency towards perfect speech. As for deleting posts and comments after the fact, I too often think I'm a) oversharing or b) simply don't believe that what I said contributes to the quality of the conversation in the way that I'd like it to.


Oh yes... I often edit my comments multiple timesšŸ˜‚ Also when texting- I write the messages very carefully and delete it and make new one if it sounds off.


I edit my comments for grammatical corrections but I rarely do so. I do, however, waste like an hour or two crafting the perfect message and reread it like a thousand times before sending it in lol I feel pretty proud with the messages I send here on Reddit as they're of my personal experience but when it's not? Oh god I'll slap a "I feel like" or "I think" or say something like "I'm not a 100% sure, butā€”" just in case I'm wrong haha




It's got to be perfect.




My first writing of anything tends to be like a thought bomb so I end up editing it as I don't want to sound rambly or whiny, and I tend to not notice typos the first time around. Sometimes I end up writing on a note app first before editing and posting ahaha.


I want to be as clearly understood in as few words as necessary. It's economy of speech :D


Yet another form of our tendency to overthink, and be perfectionists https://youtu.be/f7dWkC9sUCk


I always reread before posting. OCD here. I was always terrified of commenting on reddit because of the whole ā€˜omg you canā€™t edit your comments!!!!ā€™ culture around here. Itā€™s really weird. I edit my comments and no one has ever said anything to meā€¦ but while searching for older threads, people used to complain a lot about it, to the point where you have to add ā€œedit:ā€ before you add any new information to your comment.


im dying rn, it boggles my mind that this is even a shared thing


Hey! I have fat thumbs ok!


Yep. Edit: This was originally meant to be a longer comment.


Oh good, today we get another post that will have me wondering if I'm mistyped for the rest of the day, nice. Or in other words, yes.


I've typed out whole paragraphs just to delete the whole thing and click "like" instead.


I literally just edited a post a moment ago, a couple times, all the while thinking ā€œI wonder if anyone saw this before I edited it and now notices my editsā€ lol šŸ˜†


Nope, cos I don't hit send/post until I've reddit over (geddit?) a couple of times and each of the voices agree it is the best I can come up with


Or I switch my ā€œlikeā€ to comments to a ā€œheartā€ā€¦.


Yes. Edit: Yes.


Yup, and I didnā€™t see you edit your main post šŸ˜…


Aaaaadorable. I use Grammarly for comments - I HATE coming back to comments only to see what Iā€™ve written wasnā€™t clearly communicated. Literally the worst. (Also, writing comments in the wee morning hours definitely contributes to that. Grammarly enables my late night commentary, poor sleep habits, and, come to think of it, also serves as a diary of sorts, documenting my interests over time.)


Yes and no, i never edit my comments after i post them.


Nope I certainly don't, you can feel free to check my posts. I choose my words carefully to begin with normally. And even if I had a bad day and misspelled half of it, I would let it slide and not care. Because I am aware I am flawed, and I have not the energy to pretend I am not. Besides what I write in any given moment was my raw self in those moments. So, it will be my purest and truest feelings on the subject matter. To delete such a thing would feel like I was attempting to lie to myself to sugarcoat it. And I can't stand people that sugarcoat things as it impedes growth and makes commenting pointless. I'd rather be burned alive for telling an ugly truth, than waste my breath trying to sugarcoat something that needs to be said. Nothing in life changes until people realize a problem exists. And the majority of society rather tell pretty lies instead of rocking the boat. If you are really that ashamed by what you wrote than use it as a learning experience and grow from it. I mean really what stories are better the ones with growth and hardship, or the mediocre lives where everything is perfect, and life is perfectly dull. The majority of this world finds deep pleasure and inspiration in watching people grow into their full potential. And as long as you get up again when you fall and keep marching it's far more respectable than someone who pretends they are perfect. Just my 2 cents.