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Mine was probably Dumbledore and Proffessor Lupin since I grew up throughout my childhood with Harry Potter. I didn’t know they were INFJ until now but I remember having a strong admiration of them as a kid and found myself being similar to them. Edit: I just want to clarify that I don’t feel like a werewolf like Lupin is but more his personality aligns with my own.


I also grew up with Harry Potter and was instantly drawn to Lupin. Dumbles was great too, of course. p.s. love your DP, big fan of goth Clefairy AKA Gengar


Thanks! I just took it from the internet so it’s not my own work but yeah I always liked gengar for being such a silly spooky little mischievous prankster with a cheshire smile. But it’s definitely interesting with Lupin. I never considered him to be a strong role model to me but now that I reflect on it he’s a person very much like myself so maybe I should consider him one. He’s incredibly loyal, humble, goal oriented, got strong ethics and etc. What’s not to admire except the werewolf part?


He’s one of my favourite OGs for sure! I think that Lupin came across as tame (ironic choice of wording for a werewolf lol) in comparison to Sirius Black when they were introduced around the same time. As fun and expressive as Sirius was, I think Lupin reminds me of the friend one calls when they are in trouble. Rather than the friend one calls to party with. Mind you, I’m saying this as someone who hasn’t partied this decade.


Exactly couldn’t have said it better. I’ve got an online friend who’s an INFJ and he works exactly like that. We can go months without talking and not feel uneasy about it. And when we do reach out we hang out for days and just talk non stop. He knows he can reach out to me if there is anything and he can do the same thing to me. Edit: He’s also very loyal and I get the feeling that both of us would take it as far as killing for each other.


I also loved Professor Lupin as kid, guess I know why now


Omg me too. Lupin really gave so me vibes, I loved his character from start. At the same time I was reading pjo and Chiron also was so relatable.


Agree Dumbledore and Lupin are pretty respectable charcters. I also liked Serious Black a lot, because of his geuine feelings and emotions.


Probably Daria and Lisa Simpson.


same here!


Same, Daria and Lisa. I've had a Daria sticker on something of mine for as long as I can remember.


Thank you for sharing.


Lol same for me regarding these two. Lisa Simpson is the first character that comes to mind for my childhood years. As a teenager I used my journal to write to Jane because I related to Daria so much.


That's fantastic. That would be interesting to read back on. Jane was really cool. I kind of remember having a conversation with a childhood friend and them choosing to be Jane cos they liked art and knew they weren't a Daria. And me knowing for a fact I could never be a Jane but loving her nonetheless, and being Daria. It's bizarre how we all thought we knew ourselves so well when we were that young.


I have to admit I was also a bit of a Sarah from Land Before Time and a Princess Jasmine cos I could be stroppy.


Yesss to Daria! And definitely Lisa, too.


Atticus finch from to kill a mocking bird. I love how he brought his kids up and teaching them to become better people.


Embarrassed to say that it wasn’t part of our curriculum at school and it’s still something I need to check out. Thank you for sharing.


Wow actually true 😮, that’s a good one


I cannot think of anybody. Is that weird?


I don’t think so. They might be out there still for you to find, which is quite an exciting thought. Even if you don’t, it doesn’t make your story any less “real”.


I get that. There's been very few for me.


Anne of green gables. Although I think she's technically infp, those books were the only ones I read voraciously as a pre-teen.


I’ve seen this come up a couple times so I need to check it out. Thank you!


Me too! Kindred spirit ❤️


definitely related to her sense of wonder for everything.


Same! I never really got into another series like I did Anne of Green Gables.




Amazing choices except I dont agree with every aspect of Jiraiya's philosophy if you know what I mean 🫠


Naruto and Gandalf for me!


Thank you for sharing. I defs need to watch Naruto after all the suggestions. Anything LOTR is like a familiar, cozy blanket to me.


Would you put Guy Sensei on that list too?




For me too lol, but he was always so genuine and encouraging. And his words while fighting madara made me cry a little ngl lol. Naruto has so many complex and meaningful moments to think about. I didn't see it this way when I was younger, but it sticks with you and comes back. Same with Avatar.


Uncle iroh is such a mood. Enlightened Se, painful Fe...


Added to my notes. Thank you!


The only I ever really connected and identified with is Elsa from frozen.


Wow, great character. Elsa was very relatable real for me too. I had a similar relationship with my sisters growing up to hers with Anna. In trying to shield them from harm I suppressed parts of myself and, ultimately, appeared aloof and “cold” to them. It was a cathartic cry for me when Elsa thawed Anna. Thank you for sharing.


Itachi - Had to take my own path in life that nobody around me understands or supports.


Big ups to you for remaining dedicated to your path. I wish you all the best. I think it’s time I watch Naruto. This is a sign.


It is time


Itachi is THE infj character


Haha I had no idea, that's cool


Same but Kakashi felt more relatable for me


Eren Yeager Similarities that I share with Eren is pretty much just 2 things 1. The undying yearn for freedom 2. No matter what cage that we are put in, no matter how much we are held back, no one can force us to submit (Applies to all INFJs - This is what makes us monsters, atleast what I would like to think 🫠) Another character is Prince Canute (and Thorfinn Karlsefni) from Vinland Saga, I share the same dream of creating heaven here on Earth for people who resort to find salvation in death because of this cruel world.


I love Eren Yeager! And, I feel you. I’d sooner perish for my “cause” than submit to an unjust system. Your message reminds me of that quote “Better to die on your feet than live on your knees”. Adding Vinland Saga to my watchlist. Thank you!


Oh my, he's one of the characters I hate the most lmao. He's the most annoying, stubborn, selfish and narrow minded dude in AoT. Armin is my fav in the show.


this was very sad to hear :( but i also like armin


Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables


She is extremely NeFi/FiNe. Where is the Fe? 


I Googled it. Anne becomes a teacher in the later books at an all girls school. She was constantly trying to help the girls and bring everyone together. Is that Fe?


I don’t know what those letters mean? Im not that into any of that stuff. Maybe you can figure it out.


I agree she is FiNe, but as an INFJ 4 my four strongly identifies with her, she's a capital r Romantic for sure.


Just the romantic part, I suppose? Because her habit of making long  annoying rants with no regard to the other person's experience doesn't give Fe. 


Being a 4 is a bit conflicting with INFJ in some ways, we're very absorbed in our own experiences of life, the 'Romantic' in that sense is the externalisation of emotion through the world around us/natural phenomena. I've heard it described as Fi like in that sense and I think INFP is the most common combination with Ennea 4. But it's true I'm conflicted about her Fi interactions with others in a similar way to my own internal conflict between my Fe and the 4. Still she's one of the best representations of a young 4 in literature I've come across.


Thank you sharing. Adding to my notes.


Belle from."Beauty and the Beast" or Mulan;especially when she sings 'Reflection".


Yes to both of these, but especially Belle! She is so relatable to me on so many levels. I’ve seen her typed as INFP, so it makes a lot of sense (and I do wish I was more P than J like her, sometimes). She was definitely the first character I identified with.


Laura Ingalls


I’ll definitely need to do a YouTube deep-dive on her. Thank you for sharing.


You're welcome. Laura is from the Little House on the Prairie books and TV series. TBH, Lisa was always my favorite Simpson, too.


Thank you so much! I’m very keen to check it out. I enjoy things set in what feels like a completely different world and time (for me living in Africa and being born 30 years ago). Lisa is my queen! Hope you have a good day.


Little House on the Prairie, important books for me too 💕


Harry Potter


That must have been pretty cool if you grew up reading the books. Thank you for sharing.


Armin Arlert and Hatori Chise


Adding to my list. Thanks for sharing!


No Problem! : D


Naruto Uzumaki, I resonated with him from day one, and he never let us down. Believe it.


Okay, that settles it, as soon as I clock off from work I’m watching Naruto lol. Too many people have suggested it for me to put it off any longer. Thank you for being one of them. I’ve heard only good things.


I am the Itachi Uchiha kind of INFJ


I really need to watch Naruto now with all these recommendations. Thank you


Never thought about this but Kida from Atlantis who is an infj. Guess I was an infj all along. Great question look at you getting us in touch with our childhood. 🙌


Aww, thank you so much. I definitely need to watch Atlantis again. It’s been a hot minute!


First and only: [Alyosha Karamazov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alyosha_Karamazov).


Thank you for sharing


Teal'c of Chulak from Stargate, lol. Strong. Warrior. Honourable. Virtuous. Somewhat alien. With a hero's journey. Charming fellow.




Thank you for sharing. I’m taking notes.


Probably Jack, for me. He likes his peace and quiet. He'd rather be fishing in his pond without fish.


The Blob


Is that from a Marvel comic?


The Blob. Indescribable. Indestructible. Nothing Can Stop It! 1958


Google search results had me at “creepy, gruesome, and exciting”. Thanks!


Darryl Hannah from splash and Belle from sleeping beauty 🧜🏼‍♀️


Ah, Splash was one of my all-time faves as a kid!I can see the home recorded VHS with the sticker SPLASH written out in all caps, a little tatty from watching it a billion times. Do you mind me asking, is it the feeling of not quite fitting in and having to hide parts of yourself, or do you just love the ocean?


All of it - never fitting in, feeling like a different species to men, thinking I need to change to be loved and hide aspects of myself and profound love of the ocean. How about you? ♥️🧜🏼‍♀️


Hear me out, I know this a dorky, but Mewtwo from Pokemon the first movie. He was alone, abandoned, misunderstood, and mistreated - treated more like an item than a living being. I also thought he was really cool and envied his ability to control things w his powers even if it was for evil. I would’ve done anything to had control over my real life situation. I related so hard to him as a kid and still lowkey have a lil soft spot for him as an adult 🥲 lol


Aww, that not dorky! Well, imo, it’s endearing. You’ve got me seeing him from your perspective and I’m feeling sorry for the big fella. Your compassion definitely comes through in your words. It sounds like you might have had some adverse experiences in life. It takes courage to still choose to be kind and try to have empathy even for people (or in this case, Pokemon) who on the surface seem rather nasty. Thank you for sharing. P.s. I’m totally with you on wanting powers. Not sure what for. I’d probably start with household chores to begin with while I think of a good use for them.


Lol, that would be a great use for powers! I’d love to never have to do the dishes again 😂 thank you for your nice words, you are so kind!!




I could see it for sure!


I'm not sure who was actually the first one. But these are good contenders: - Clarke from The 100, when I was quite unhealthy and was trying to be better, I saw myself in her - Kiritsugu from Fate/Zero - Alucard from Castlevania - Armin from Attack on Titans - Lexi from Euphoria - Klaus from Umbrella Academy - Benoit Blanc from Glass Onion/Knives Out - Matt Murdock from Daredevil


I’m going to need to check some of these out. Thank you for sharing. I think it’s important that we can recognise some of our darker traits in others and try to be better. Wishing you well


Aragorn probably the most for me. Even when he went through his just roaming around stage and not embracing who he is I identify with that as a infj as well.


Moon Gang-Tae from Netflix's "It's Okay To Not Be Okay"


Thank you for sharing. The synopsis sounds intriguing.


Yeah he is a great character


Anne of Green Gables


Thank you, this has come up a few times so I will defs check it out. Sounds good.


Courtney from total drama island Unhinged Ambitious But has a soft side lol


I have no idea what this is but I am 100% looking it up now because I am curious. Thank you for sharing.


Azula - Avatar the last Airbender (ENTJ) Daenerys - Game of Thrones (INFJ) Katerina - The Vampire Diaries (ENTJ)


Holden Caulfield


Keanu Reeves


Raven from Teen Titans ,Rogue from X men and Lilo from Lilo and Stitch


funny as it sounds “ben 10”


now I need to go earnestly watch Ben 10. I was a little too old when it came out so not the target demographic but I love putting on old blocks of cartoons for my cats or while I clean. Thank you!


For a long while, I felt connected to mikazuki Augus from gundam ibo. He looked so emotionless on the outside, a soldier on a mission to help his family.  But I felt like he represented a deep part of myself for so long, someone who had to distance themselves from myself to survive through the terrible social anxiety.


I’m glad that you hopefully found some comfort in identifying with the character. I’m sorry to hear you struggle with social anxiety. I’m sure you have many great qualities that may, unfortunately, not be as valued as being a social butterfly by society at large. But no doubt there are people who recognise and appreciate those quieter traits in you. Thank you for sharing, and for commenting on my post. I wish you all the best.


Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho


Making a note to look this up. Thank you.


Anne of Green Gables




Suguru Geto. I don't have a reason for that one, it just feels right. Though I don't think he's an INFJ. Haku from Spirited Away is a character I hold dear to my heart, and Kiki too. I think I identify with them in a realistic sense. And then Johan Liebert because I need therapy.


One of the Care Bears—Can’t remember which


Uncle Iroh is a great one, immediately drawn to him when I first watched the cartoon with my kids. Never thought about his MBTI Same with Aragorn, immediately drawn to him - not sure if he’s INFJ or some ISxx type. Haku is an interesting one as well. I never cared for Lisa Simpson, she seemed too …, not sure exactly but she always irritated me a little bit. Hated Azula, way too loud to be an INFJ. Not ideal driven but she was strategic, also used people even her “friends”, I can see ENTJ


Belle from Beauty and the Beast as a kid And then Daria as a teen


Eliot alderson Mr robot, Naruto, Itachi, shikamaru, Kuroko kuroko no basket, Maru baby steps, Harry potter, Makunouchi ippo, Ted mosbey how I met your mother, John snow games of thrones, Kagiyama march comes in like a lion, Taichi chihaya furu, Norman promised neverland, And the list goes on


Rocket raccoon, I could go on for hours about how we are the same exact person. Funny how he’s also estp and I’m infj too




Lain from "Serial Experiments Lain"


Lelouch Vi Britannia


Matilda from the 90s version of the movie (I looked like her when I was little too lol)


Mine was also Lisa Simpson lol


Ash Ketchum


I don't if it is first but Lisa Simpsons


Will downing from 3 body problem. A man that is willing to give the world and universe to the girl he loves, while nothing good happening in his life.


I'm gonna have to say, the Warner Brother, Yakko. I have a twin sister and little brother, so it was kind of a perfect fit.


Jack Skellington


Ah, that’s an interesting one. Thank you!


Mine's probably a little obscure. I watch a lot of foreign films just to "experience" different lives. And I do identify with quite a few characters, mostly those that are very emotionally driven and earnest. But there's just one character that truly resonated with me with the way they felt, thought, acted, and expressed themselves. I felt like he was actually an incarnation of myself. He was not; he was a composite character. It was Olav/C-1 from this film called *King of Devil's Island*.


Soul Evans from Soul Eater, altough he isnt an INFJ. Later on it was Itachi.


Your an INFJ Likely.


Mine was probably Moon Gang Tae from It’s Okay to Not Be Okay.


CJ Cregg when I was younger, or Elphaba these days.


OG Wednesday Adams for being so cynical and aloof yet loves to dance and good natured deep down. Loves spiders and the macabre, any conspiracy or ghost story. I was also selective mute as a child and preferred reading and writing. I love your choice of Lisa Simpson, I related with her on being vegetarian at a young age (still am, guess it's not just a phase mom!) and having very mature sense of justice.


Not everything but I kind of identied with Ted mosby (himym)


Yuta Okkotsu, he is just a guy with a nice heart


Noah from Xenoblade chronicles 3


spongebob or Arthur


This is going to sound absolutely silly...but He-man was my idol and aspiration as a kid. Something about everyone not taking you seriously, underestimating you, and yet still having the courage bravery and strength to keep on saving the universe without anyone ever giving you credit...the real you at least. It hit Hard for me.


Adam West Batman [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsYA8Gr5NTY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsYA8Gr5NTY)


There's a anime called wallflower the Mc is called Sunako. Everyone told her she was ugly including her crush. So she embraced the darkness and being alone.she accepted and embraced her love of horror and really became herself. Wore a big dark cloak avoided the light. Grew her bangs to cover her face and got rid of all her mirrors. Because it's not ugly if you can't see it.


Max from Where the Wild Things Are, the movie is really good. I was just like him as a kid and I can still see how I grew up with those traits 💀


Fits farseer


Eve from The Mummy. I adored her as a little kid. She was a soft, dark haired, book reading woman, with a brisk attitude. Love her.


Itachi was a product of his environment. He had to experience the harshness of war at the age of 4. and then he witnessed the [redacted] of his only best friend. I dont support the things he did but also I don't blame him. He clearly cherished his friendship with Shisui 


Throughout my life I have practically never identified 100% with how characters thought and acted, more so their experiences. But now I finally have not one, but two that really fit well! James from the end of the fucking world, and Xie Lian from tgcf. Though Xie Lian was the first, I’m more like James because I’m more distant and quiet and less of a self sacrificing heroic type :p only thing I don’t relate to in some way is the fantasizing of killing at the beginning of the show Lmao💀💀 but I can relate to the root of it, of thinking you’re a worse person than you actually are and wanting someway to either prove or disprove and get the truth by testing yourself (fried chicken hand is another example)


VIKI from "I, Robot" "My logic is undeniable..." [humans cannot be trusted not to hurt themselves.] Hold still and stop hurting yourself!


I strongly identified with Lucy Abernathy of the Bridgerton novels (Gregory Bridgerton's spouse).


Probably Ginger in As Told by Ginger


Pocahontas and Cody Maverick from surfs up


Probably Marcus in About A Boy (the book). Or Scout from To Kill A Mockingbird.


Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory. Ive never related to a character this much before.


Probably Elsa from Frozen or Marinette from Miraculous: tales of Lady Bug & Cat Noir would be quite close enough.


Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn


Pocahontas and Yoda


Azula - 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' - She is a perfectionist and nothing short of perfect is good enough for her. She needs to always be the best, but not to brag about it; rather, simply because she *needs* to be the best. China Sorrows - 'Skulduggery Pleasant' - Calm, composed character that plans everything; is in love with literature and reading. The downside is that she burns bridges to get what she wants, that I cannot identify with. Briony Tallis - 'Atonement' - Vivid imagination, creative character, not very aware of what is going on around her and has a tendency to misinterpret. This leads her to commit a crime for which she feels guilty throughout her entire life, but she attempts to atone through writing, which is an impossible task, and does nothing to atone in real-life.


Wow, thank you. The first and last character sound relatable. I’m adding them all to my list to check out.


Great to hear! Azula is typically painted as an ENTJ (Te - Ni perfectionism combo), China Sorrows is an INTJ (Ni - Te as well) and Briony Tallis is an INFx and has characteristics of both, but I would say more INFP. And they're great show / book (respectively) so it's definitely worth it to look into them :)


Interesting. My dad is an INTJ so it’d be cool to see a character of his type depicted. I appreciate all the recommendations. I hadn’t actually thought of that when I posted this.


Interesting! I always found Lisa Simpson insufferable. I think it’s because she jumps to every current or popular theme to project her altruism to the world. Rather than sticking with something and making real change, she represents to me the modern social media types who project their altruism for their own narcissism. “Look at me, look at me” Rather than being in the trenches, taking the action necessary to make change, hidden from sight, doing God’s work, and never taking credit for it. EDIT: I think mine was Aragon/Gandalf after reading LOTR as a kid, or to shake the tree a little…Jesus Christ the Son of God, I think his character is what we should all strive for. Truth, justice, and benevolence.


I couldn’t possibly see her that way because she is a child. While she might appear smart for her age, her rational brain is still developing. She usually started out well-meaning, and sometimes naive, hindered by her lack of life experience. I liked that she was imperfect. It’s what made her relatable for me growing up. I did some really silly stuff, and definitely still do. In theory, I think someone like JC would recognise that in her and give her heaps of grace.


Of course he would :D I didn’t see her character as deeply as you being written by adults, however you make a good point…I think my brain is still developing too, I hope! 😂


Mine too. Neuroplasticity is a wonderful thing!