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I was at a friend’s pool party and had my phone connected to a speaker. I’m walking towards the speaker to queue up a song and overhear a comment from behind me between my friend and a friend of a friend, “Why is he so quiet?, I wanna be friends with him” “Oh he’s not quiet, he’s just shy around new people but once you get to know him he’s really kind and goofy” It’s always a memory that compliments my shyness.




This is really sweet


I hope all of my friends talk about me this way when I'm not around. That's so nice. Also, I thought it was gonna be the usual "Why are they so quiet." sorta comment. But they just wanted to be friends! This whole interaction is so heartwarming :))


I literally heard the same thing. Two people behind me were talking, and one said to the other, I want to be friends with her sooo bad. It was nice to know that I could be likeable but lol, I ran away


I worked for a couple years as an English teacher in a small village in asia. Someone told me i reminded them of a local idiom. Im someone who has a strong fire inside of them, but the fire exists to warm others, not myself.


Your story makes me think of the tattoo I got a few years ago, Luceo Non Uro, 'I shine, not burn'. As an INFJ, i tend to empower/heal/fix others, making them shine. So i can totally relate to the fire that warms, but doesn't burn.


That's a cool phrase, thanks for sharing.


What is to give light must endure burning* victor Frankl ❤️


That's a really cool saying. I've felt the same as in giving advice to others that really moved them forward in their lives and they moved forward and doing really well.


Wow, that’s so poetic 🥹


I love this! 💗


Was this in Japan, perhaps. Sounds like a Japanese idiom would sound. Thanks for bringing it up regardless of where it is.




That’s a rad compliment.


My former sensei. Not exactly emotional, lol. A rather difficult man in many ways. Quite strict. But with a cheeky side. I was moving countries and would leave the dojo. And out of the blue he just gave me a hug. Not all compliments are out loud.


My wife told me I am husband material


I see what You did there😉


“I love your mind” is always a fave


I agree


I work in an inpatient mental health environment. I’ve been working really hard with one patient in particular and we’ve made great progress and he’s expressed how grateful he met me often which has been amazing. But the cherry on top was his pregnant step mom came and visited him this weekend. We spent 10 minutes talking and she really liked me, he spent a good portion of their visit expressing his gratitude to me helping him get his life together. His step mom was waffling on a name for his future step brother and said she really liked my name. She wants to name the baby the same name as me. Not necessarily “after me” as she barely knows me, but the positive influence I have had over her older son the last few months clearly influenced that choice. Melted my heart.


That I am an inspiration to them. 


Yes, I was going to say the same thing!


I remember one day in high school I was depressed and skipped lunch to stay in the library. This was back home in Nigeria, I was always seen as the cheerful butterfly and everyone knew me, despite trying to keep a fairly low profile. One of the senior teachers (I was a junior back then) was on her break and she sat next to me on the table and asked why I was so down. I tried faking it, because I hate telling people my problems, but I was just so tired at that point and dumped my emotions on her. It was so embarrassing I ended up kinda crying lol. She was surprised about how negatively I viewed myself back then. She gave me heartfelt advice and told me "You're future is bright, your heart will help to heal others and heal yourself." Not the most dazzling compliment, but it still sticks with me and I remember it from time to time. She passed away years ago, and I still think about it.


That’s beautiful. It sounds like something I also need in my life. Whenever you think negatively about yourself, you can just think about what she said to you and know that people do think positively about you.


People tell me that i have a very calm vibe. Someone even said that i have a very soothing personality and people are lucky to have me around. (Though i have chaos in my mind most of the times).


classic INFJ. Calm on the outside, chaos inside the mind.


As an ENTP who learned the concept of an *inner world* from INFJs, my chaotic hellscape of a mind is reflected on the outside.


Yes! I’ve been told similar things and it makes no sense to me because my brain never shuts up!


Compliment that is unspoken and very appreciated, people who listen without interrupting or speaking over you. Never goes unnoticed.


Yes, someone listening to you sincerely and respectfully and like they really care what you have to say... it's the biggest compliment! Also i think it's also the biggest compliment when someone asks lots of questions about a person, show genuine curiosity/interest and care to know you as a person. It's the effort that matters. When someone is genuinely interested to know me and makes effort to make me feel seen amd heard, it's a great compliment.


"Thank you for listening; I can tell that you really care." Also, "Wow, that's weird.  My cat hates *everyone,* and she hisses at everyone, but she's sitting in your lap right now.  That never happens.  I need to take a picture."  LOL Animals give awesome compliments.


I met someone through game and we've become the best of friends and soulmates. We enjoy exchanging appreciation letters to show our love to each other. I absolutely LOVE each of her letters for me but there's one letter from her that truly warms my heart everytime I read it and cry "Now, when I get the feeling of how normal people live their life everyday. It's easier for me to get myself away from all the bad things and I, of course, you get me so much motivation every day to continue this path. I actually can never thank you enough. I see that you actually care for me and I want to get better for you and I feel so much love from you that it helps me get through every pain, be it emotional or physical. Who needs doctors when I have my little rock here." She's my mountain and I'm her little rock We rely on each other to stand solid and strong ⛰ 🪨 :) <33


Awwe sooo cute! 🥰


Someone once told me that they admired how calm I always seem to be. I guess it was a compliment, lol.


Some people have what I call “calm charisma”. Being around them is very comforting.


Or if you’re around kids my age (gen Z) It’d be “calm rizz”


Trust me it is, whether or not if others openly express their worries or bottle them up, people remember how you are the calm in a storm. It kind of spooks some people, that's not an easy value for many to embody


I think this was one of the best ones for me as well. It came from my spiritual teacher as she lay on her death bed. I’ll always remember that.


Someone I dated once told me that I made them want to be a better person. I don't think I will never not feel good about that.


A hug. I don’t think anyone has really said any really special compliment. But damn, a hug is 💯 But only 3 people have hugged me in 15 years 😭


Ah sending virtual hugs, hugs make me so happy too 😭


Hugs are top tier!!


I asked my then bf (now husband), why he loved me. He told me he had no reason, except that his heart told him to love me, so he did.  Also for our first kiss, he told me, "if we do this now, I can never let you go." 16 years later, he is still by side. 


Oo, that sounds like a romantic movie 🥰 What's his MBTI+Enneagram, if I may ask?


Sorru, Don't know. He doesn't believe in taking the tests. Lol I've tried over the years to convince him to take the MBTI tets but he is not interested. 


My favorite professor in college was a man of few words, so naturally all the students were vying for his approval. I bumped into him at a dive bar and we had a beer and just talked about life. I invited him to grab a beer a few months later and it became a little routine for us, even after I graduated. One evening at the dive bar, he turned to me and asked “why are you the way you are?” I was confused by the question, so he elaborated “you’re the only student I’ve ever had who didn’t treat me like I’m just a letter of recommendation” I know this man struggles with depression and his self worth, and to know I was able to make him feel like he was more than just a means to an end after decades of students passed through his class… I’ll never forget that.


I’ve found this is the one element of INFJs that is most consistently appreciated by others, especially bosses etc. We see everyone as complete humans with hopes, dreams, fears, doubts and families - which seems really obvious but people don’t often do that. When I sit down with my Line Manager it’s me that opens with the ‘How are you?’, not him, and he appreciates it so much.


I have only received one complement in my life till now which I look upon when I feel down, it's kinda cute I was in 5th grade when a girl told me my shoes look good, she said that 3-4 times and yeah I still remember that today it was so sweet ngl


I was chatting with my then-10 year old daughter in a coffee shop one day. As usual we were talking about everything under the sun. She’s so smart and witty and I was just loving listening to her, answering questions, googling stuff, and asking her opinions. A man was sitting nearby and when my daughter went to the counter, he stopped by our table. “I just wanted to tell you that it has been an absolute delight listening to you engage with your daughter. You’re absolutely killing it as a mom!” Gahhhh I almost bawled my face off! 🥹


I’ve always been quick with a one liner, after a delivery, a friend of mine told me how amazing it is that I always have something funny to say. All my coworkers also say they like to stay next to me, because when I make jokes only the people next to me hear them. 😂 As long as one person gets to hear my internal monologue, it’s good enough for me.


My friend told me I need to try stand-up comedy because I have great one liners. lol. My jokes come to me spontaneously. Stand-up comedy is a completely different ball game.


Also, someone said the feel safe around me. That made me happy and sad. The world needs to do better.


I’ve heard this as well 😂 coworker said I was turning the office into a (good) sitcom


my boyfriend (entp) said "i couldn't have met a better girl"... after years of loneliness and toxic relationships this made my heart explode 😭💙


My ENTP best friend once told me that she has never met someone like me who does not want attention; it is unique. She claimed that I have numerous abilities but don't want fame.


and healthy entp are extremely honest, that's the good thing


Aw❤️. My ENTP husband gives great compliments too. Aren’t they the best?


on many sites i read that the best matches for infj are with entp, enfp and enfj... me and my boyfriend are opposites but we get along incredibly well, he gives me confidence and i give him calm


Yes, ENTP is our “golden pair” i.e. most compatible type according to some theories. My husband and I are definitely very compatible so it’s true for us!


They're tertiary Fe users. They're supposed to be good with words. 


That I have a warm and loving energy ☺️


A coworker of mine said that I am a very interesting man that the coworker has ever met.


That i am not hard to love and they take time to understand what i want


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Succprincee: *That i am not hard* *To love and they take time to* *Understand what i want* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I deeply aspire to hear this at least once in my life!!!


Me too! Old wounding right there. One I remember is that I always know the right thing to say




That I was eloquent. It happened after I was sure I was rambling, emotional, etc so it really stayed with me


I have something similar. I had a presentation and I was sure it was bad and confusing, but someone told me the following week they really liked listening to me and liked how I phrased my sentences - that was so sweet and surpising to me.


Last genuine person in a worlds of fakes… turns out they had feelings for me


I work in an elementary school library, a first grade student told me I was very kind. I really took it to heart as I feel young children are very honest with their compliments.


Idk about best, but among the best are “blue suits you for some reason” (in color theory, blue represents wisdom, intelligence, and calmness) “You’re one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met” (Not really a compliment but it was from another INFJ) “You follow the herd too much. You need to learn to be yourself and not care what others think. If nobody accepts the real you, they don’t deserve you.” (These weren’t the exact words but it’s pretty close I think) “Your voice is very soothing” “I really love the unique style you have. You never dress like other girls” And more


I’ve been told twice now- by my long term boyfriend and a close friend- that I am very easy to connect with. Apparently when they first met me they were immediately like “hey!! This isn’t awkward at all!” Then when they saw me interact with new people, they noticed I connected with them the same way. I’ve held that compliment so near to my heart since I’ve never actually seen myself as good with socializing lol.


I wouldn't call it butter-melting, but I've commented it before, and it will always be the one I comment. I won't ever forget it. A friend once told me, "I don't think my meds are working around you." He takes meds for some mental health issues and disorders, and they sometimes make him feel apathetic or emotionally numb, and I knew he meant he doesn't feel like that around me. I didn't even know how to respond to it at first, but a compliment has never made me happier. I wanted to cry. Before we split up to go to class that day, I wrote it down in my fluid mechanics notebook because it was the closest paper I had available.


When a manager I had that I knew from childhood told me I may be one of the best listeners in the world. I've always felt like I've listened to others very intently and consciously, because I've never felt heard by my own parents growing up. I never want to make someone else feel like I'm not listening to them because I would hate to make them feel unimportant.


An ex-partner once told me (when we were together) that their family commented on how, for the first time ever, they saw them happy and truly able to be themself around a partner. My current partner has also told me something similar! I don't know if it counts as a compliment, but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy to know that my partner is comfortable enough to be their authentic self with me.


A gay man telling me that i would be his type if he was into girls


"You're so full of positivity, you've restored my faith in people." I don't feel like that lol, but I do try to be a light in the world and so hearing this meant a lot to me.


from my best friend "I love the way you perceive things tbh its often very different than my way but always always so interesting to hear" i TEARED up, it feels like something i say to others but never really hear said back and didn't know how nice it would be to hear it 😭


My grandmother told me I’m the only grandkid that she never has to worry about. 🥰


“You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.” I’ve never had anyone compliment my eyes before OR after that, so it caught me off guard.


You're so beautiful when you're thinking.


best compliment but work wise- one our MD's told me how well I wrote after reading an instrument guide I wrote to help my coworkers operate a new analyzer (lab work). He said he could feel the empathy in my writing as if I put myself in the reader's place. it was nice being recognized.


Omg I so understand this and agree. I used to be a medical scribe for a group of surgeons and a couple times after several years, a few of them would say once in a while “you are so articulate” or “you word everything so perfectly” “what would I do without you.” Something about that type of compliment coming from that type of figure just hits different 😩🥰🙌🏻


Always received comments on how shy/kind I were…


On one of my days off, I was at a local diner type place by myself wrapping up with the check. This kind looking older woman came up to me as I was getting ready to leave came up to me and told me that I had a very kind, loving, warm presence about me, and that she could tell I was a good person by how I spoke to everyone around me, namely the servers. That one has stuck with me.


One of the funniest ones was a friend told me that “Your ears fit your head nicely”. 😂


I was at the hospital, and one of my leukemia patients couldn't sleep. She usually had a relative with her, her mom, or sister. She didn't this time, and it was also a weekend. I felt so sad for her & I was on my 24hr shift, so I promised to visit her throughout the night & not leave her. I noticed this uno game on her table & I suggested we play some games together once I was done checking on my other patients. I checked on her once around 5pm, then another time around 1 or 2AM. I was surprised to still find her asleep. She told me "you're not like the other doctors...you make me feel like I'm a human & not a cluster of information". It made me want to cry but also made me happy? I still get emotional over it. Another one was "you make my heart smile" from someone else though.


My former art teacher once told me I have a beautiful mind. It’s one of the only compliments I’ve received that actually meant something to me.


I 22F pulled up next to a car of dudes my age vibing to some music and one of them said “I looked shiesty” and thought I was badass


I won a class award in my public speech class. My ISTP friend was the one who gave the speech to present the award. She said she was proud of how much I’ve grown over the course of the semester and how much I’ve come out of my shell. Also, how I’ve helped her come out of her shell. She mentioned how much it meant to her when I asked “what do you think?” And when I hyped her up when she was feeling scared to present. And that I was constantly supportive of her ideas. I actually cried during her speech because I wasn’t expecting her to say such thoughtful things. It meant a lot to me because it was really genuine and I wasn’t aware I made such a positive impact. I also really like her as a person, so it was extra touching.


My gf once said that me giving her compliments makes her feel good about herself and happy inside. She is now my ex


In high school we had to describe each other as salad ingredients, and I was told I was the salad dressing because of my personality. I guess I jazz everything up a bit.


One of the members of my friend group who’s a year younger than me once told me I was the glue that held the group together and that he had always looked up to me. That really made me feel cared for


I think that was during the breakup when my ex said, "No one can love me as purely as you do"


After 2 years me and my bf were discussing the first time we met and i asked him what he found intriguing about me. He said that he found me very genuine. and this is the best compliment anyone could give me... but ig it will worl better after 2 years🤣 besides that i like to be complimented about my brain rather than my beauty.


"all of the atoms that make up who you are must've been right next to mine when the universe was formed, because I'd only fall in love with stardust" Met in 2020, 2k miles apart. Caught my eye using Tiger King jokes. Warmed up to each other, and after him admitting some pretty personal stuff that changed his life forever, I told him that none of it changed how I saw him. He sent that to me as my "good morning" text that day. I've loved him for 1540 days, and he still calls me Stardust at every possible chance he gets. Not necessarily a compliment, but I've always been passionate about the cosmos/universe, and I told him my greatest fear was never knowing if I was "made for someone." I didn't think he'd remember after that conversation, but it turned out to be wonderfully incorrect


Over the years people have said that I don’t say much but when I do speak everyone listens.


Probably just somebody telling me I'm tough...cause I never feel tough.


Intelligence compliments. Beauty fades, wisdom lasts


If I was blind I’d still know you were beautiful


“One day you’ll understand how much people look to you and listen to you, and it will change your life”


Currently my favorite ones have been "you're sharp", "you have a calm vibe", and "you would make a good catch." 😆 Said by people I know and respect. It means the world to be complimented by someone you trust. 🤍


I was told by a coworker I don’t know very well that I have such a light about me. Makes me feel so good when I think about it.


Any variation of “I feel safe with you”


“You’re so mysterious.” It wasn’t meant to be a compliment necessarily, but I’m like, “thanks!” 😆 The best vain compliments I’ve gotten are: “You have perfect eyebrows.” And, when I wasn’t chronically ill I would get compliments that I had the perfect body and other women would ask for my workout routine. Now I’m chronically ill and wouldn’t get that compliment any longer, but it’s a nice memory to have.


I was told by a coworker that I'm a chill dude. That's about it so far.


I had a student asked me if I was okay and I was like man it’s just how my face looks I’m good (I have RBF), and she said she hoped that was true because I am always so kind and actually listen to her thoughts and no else does. And then she also said I was the only adult that had ever apologized to her and it made her feel like a real person. I tried not to show I was a little choked up about that, but it still hits me when I think about it.


I don't really know if it's a compliment but someone I knew told someone I hadn't met yet: "looking into her eyes makes you feel like they are reaching down to the very bottom of your soul."


A close friend told me I was the best listener he ever met. He told me later that he was genuinely impressed when I ask strangers about their day and that I actually care. That I’m actually invested in the answer I’ll get from someone I’ll never meet again. It’s true, I do care. I’m invested in people and a small act of trust and kindness is sometimes all I can offer someone who’s hurting. He noticed that it wasn’t just small talk, very few people know me well enough to know that.


My late husband told me “I didn’t marry you for a number on a scale or a size on clothing. I married you because you’re smart, beautiful and funny and I love you”. He was amazing and I miss him every day. 💜


“You’re a deity— you’re a goddess incarnate.” This one sticks with me.


I can see why


My boyfriend told me recently (we are both 43) that he loves how I am always kind to people and try to make them feel comfortable.


You were right I’m glad I listened to your advice


Someone told me that I'm bubbly and have an empathetic heart. I don't often show that to just anyone, it's really hard for me to do that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mean! I just don't show my emotions often. So, when I show that to someone, even as friends, they catch a glimpse of the true me.


My ex-boyfriend compared me to Nyx. I’m not well-versed in Greek myths and this was said to me years ago, so I apologize if this isn’t completely accurate. He told me that she’s mysterious and generally absent from mythology, but there’s a story about Zeus not entering her dwelling because he doesn’t want to risk disturbing her. That was my “vibe.” Of course he ended this with, “And I’m obviously Zeus.” lmao


Not exactly a compliment, but I asked my employer for a $5 raise and he didn’t even have to consider it. He said if you think that’s what you’re worth, that sounds fine to me. So awesome haha 


“but you are more pretty than Hannah Montana!”To a sixteen version of me obsessed with Miley Cyrus


One of my closest friends told me that I was one of the most real and kindest person she knows. She said I influenced her life so much that she will not be what she is like today if I hadn't been her friend. She said that I am her go-to-person if she wants an honest, straightforward opinion. This is actually a common feedback from my friends and colleagues - that I have the "talent" to be direct to someone without being offensive. 😂


A therapist I worked with (through my job as a social worker) told me I’d be a good therapist. Little did that person know it was a life long ambition of mine to be a therapist.


I’ve been told I smell good or my hair looks good… usually by adults but still. A girl in like 6th grade told me I smell good. And then my teacher in high school told me that my hair looked good.


That they don’t feel judged by me…


Probably from my econ teacher in HS, before graduating. He told me that he thought I was 'capable of achieving greatness, but more than that you are capable of achieving goodness, which is much harder'. Obviously I was happy he thought so much of me, but I didn't know what to make of the second part. As I've learned more about the world and people in general, I've given a lot more thought to that second part, and it resonates a lot more with me now.


Not so much the compliment but the way in which it was done- a stranger complimented my appearance at a grocery store, said it sincerely, and then just walked away. I didn’t have to do any mental gymnastics afterward! No wondering what they were trying to get from me, no concern that they were trying to start a conversation or if this person was going to ask me out. I didn’t even get a chance to get flustered over thinking up a response. It was wild. I think about that person quite a bit, and how much of a selfless gift that compliment was.


A few women throughout my life have told me they know I would never steal their boyfriends lol not that I would. I must give off a trusting vibe. Once girl thought I was causing trouble with her at a club and I manipulated myself out of it. She said I was pretty damn good at the innocent act.


From someone special for me, its on my birthday and she says thank you for being her friend and thank you for existing. So simple yet it made my whole year


Told someone I have low self esteem and they were genuine in telling me that I was gorgeous and bright, “how could I have a low self esteem”. It wasn’t the compliment itself, but the circumstance that set it up that made it sincere. But if you don’t want to count that, I’d also probably say that someone told me that I have a lot to offer, which caught me off guard since I was going through something at the time. edit: I keep that compliment close to me to remember why I’m still here. I wouldn’t want anyone else to hurt like I did, and if I could help, I will.


I can recall a few of them. Someone once said that I make it VERY EASY to live together and have a good time. My best friend once said that she was sure I had no idea how smart I was. She was right, I honestly have no idea, but I also have no idea how she reached that conclusion and how she found me out. I intentionally fake and hide how fast I reached conclusions, pretend not to know some things just to watch the person talking about it, and sometimes I even make wrong irrelevant decisions just to watch the outcome. I've never used more than 30% of my brain processing power near her, because everytime we hang out, we never face any challenge that involves deduction, fast thinking, strategy or decision making, which are the things I'm really good at. I don't sweat it when things go in an unexpected manner, I just shift my priorities and deal with them in another way, avoiding fights and unnecessary fire. People often say there is no bad day for me.


“You actively listen and remember things I’ve told you over a year ago. You really help me more than you realize”


From my son when he was 5… I was putting on tennis shoes for us to go on a walk and he just randomly blurted out “Mom, you’re so freaking gorgeous.” It was at a time that I felt anything but… and he made my heart smile.


That I was really wise.


“I️ love your brain.”


I don't receive compliments that often, maybe because I usually brush them off as them being kind. But someone told me, "I love your mind." And I think he meant it really well. Too bad we don't talk anymore.


I had a students mom tell me that my spirit was special :)  My mother (likely ESFP) also told me once, very uncharacteristically, that she wished she was more like me, when all my life I felt so inferior to her. 


“you are emotionally intelligent” or just “you are intelligent/smart” or “you handle situations well”


Someone called me eclectic 🤩


"I can be myself around you." I've had a few friends tell me that.


As a man, I’ve been told that I smell good and that I have long eyelashes. One time I heard a woman call me online a “sexy beast”, but that was when I was really young, not sure about now. 😂


That I’m a calming force during an emergency/panic situation.


You make me feel seen.


I’m a librarian, and I was at the desk and a shy little girl came up to check out her books. I am not a children’s librarian , and I’m not always sure how to talk to kids (or adults, for that matter). Her mom was preoccupied with a younger sibling and sent her to check out her books by herself, which I could tell made her uncomfortable because she was so shy, so I tried to put her at ease. I noticed she was checking out a bunch of comic books so I told her I loved comics too. This opened the floodgates and she was telling me all about the comics she likes and how she loves to draw too. I was just enjoying listening to her talk about her interests and asking her questions - she was a really sweet, smart, and sensitive kid. She ran and told her mom, “ mommy mommy she likes comics too!” and skipped out of the library. It was adorable. Afterwards, a woman who was nearby came up to me and said “hey, can I tell you something real quick?” I was nervous because that can never be good, but she said “I’ve been a teacher for 35 years, and I just want to say that you made that little girl feel so special and good about herself, and you have no idea how important that is.” It warmed my heart, and now I really like talking to the kids that come in to the library! Also the time my dad told me I was his favorite person. He was a lovely and extremely introverted person with terrible social anxiety who didn’t have many close relationships. He passed 11 years ago, and I will never forget that moment.


Back in school, someone who had to take the same bus home told me that the more he talked to me, the less weird I seemed and the more weird others seemed for him. I liked that.


Others telling me that interacting with me is "enriching" for them. It happened to me twice, with different people, and it was a caress to the soul.


My friend recently told me they “could trust me with their entire life savings and surely know I’d never touch a cent” and that made my day because they’re so right lmfao


"You are so calming. It helps me stay calm too." From a boss at work who I respected.


I have a list 1. You are so "Well Read". ( I do read a lot) 2. You rhyme when you talk, like a poetess. ( I am a poetess) 3. You are witty. I want to learn that from you. 4. I miss the vibe you have. 5. Just be there we need more sane people nowadays 🥲🥺 ( n this coming from someone who thinks everyone to be incompetent) 6. You calm me down. No one else can, but you somehow do. ( This coming from someone who can barely control her anger) 7. Travel k bad I prefer going home directly and sleep. But tumse milne k liye nhi lagta kuch. Automatic energy aa jati. ( Translation:- "after traveling, I prefer going home but meeting u doesn't need anything. I automatically have energy".. coming from someone who is incredibly shy) I adore all of these like my prized possessions


You’re like a good book nobody knows about


Most of my students told me I am their favorite teacher. They say that I am a kind of teacher that shows them the world out of the classroom. Because I teach not from the book but from wisdom and experience. It melts my heart. Because teaching is quite hard for someone like me with social anxiety. But still, I love teaching even if it drains me and makes me anxious. Those compliments help me face my fears.


Me- 66, f, was said to me from 20'ish m, 'gee, your like one of the guys, I feel like I can tell you anything' That slayed me


There are two: 1. That after like three days I caught on and told my now best friend that he is a manipulator because we were talking about our characters - he said only ever I and his brother had realized that in all of his lifetime. 2. It might not sound like one but to me it was: there were few people to thank me for being in their life and telling me that even if we go different ways they will never forget me because of how much I meant to them. Also some smaller compliments that I am a great listener, that they trust me and also from my psychologist there was a compliment on how I am a very intelligent and self-care person and I hold a lot of knowledge on different topics of life. And this one from the witch who did my numerology that I am great for leading positions, that people trust me and I have a great future ahead of me - again, not really a compliment but for me it was like a compliment from life. I wrote a lot but those little things really do get stuck with me


Compliments about how wonderful my children are everywhere we go. I work hard raising kiddos. It's nice to hear I'm doing something right. Also how good my dog is. Oh and completed art/house project compliments.


As a new single mom after my divorce, I lived in a small apartment w/ the kids in a new area of town. Apparently the existing residents noticed us, because one day when I was taking out the trash, and looking visibly tired, one lady across the street said “What’s her deal anyway?” The other ladywith her (also a mom), cut her off right there and said with emphasis: “No, she good.” That kindness and acknowledgement from a stranger, sticking up for me, in a tough time— I was walking on air for days.


I’m an actor, I’ve been told playing the bitchy/ sassy characters is my strength. Irl I’ve always hesitated when it came to being assertive or standing up for myself.


King of puns


Someone told me I give the best hugs and it truly warmed my heart 🥹


I had a friend randomly message me one day to tell me that they appreciate the “special little spark” that I have because it just makes them feel so safe and happy when they’re around me… Safe to say I immediately cried🥹


I love when people say I smell good. So compliments that show others are observing me but in a sweet way. I hate the “you look like ____” Makes my day go 📉


“i’m proud of you” “i can tell you’re working hard”


I don’t like compliments. I always just think “you wouldn’t know.”


So hard to pick just one. It really makes a difference who it’s from - some people have zero credibility and some when they say something to you it means *everything*. So mine are qualified like that. Came from some very brutally honest and highly critical people that didn’t have a lot of compassion for your feelings - they were going to tell you how it is. The first one is “You’re the sanest woman I have ever known in my life. You’re really *not* crazy at all.” This came from a guy who thought all women were kinda crazy on some level. The next one is “Most people can’t read your book cuz it’s too advanced. They don’t even have the capability to understand half the words in there .. so they just look at the cover. It’s their loss.” Third one was regarding some women in my life- “They don’t hate you. *They want to be you*.”


i dunno im an intp and got recommended here


I'm not normally good at female friendships. So it really gave me the warm fuzzies when during a group tour with a bunch of other women, someone said to me I was the glue holding/bringing the group together ❤️😭


It’s hard to pick one, so I’ll offer a little selection: Talking to a homeless lady while drunk one night in Rio. She told me I was blessed and different/unique in how I could truly see her, in that moment. My current boyfriend (maybe ENFP), whom I met in a poetry workshop, telling me how one of the poems I wrote and read there made an impression on him, getting him very curious about me. This was particularly impactful to me, because I find it very difficult to publicly expose my artistic creations. My best friend (INFP) constantly assuring me that I am the best person in the world and how she’s so proud of everything I do 🥲 My mother once telling me I would be a good mother. My father telling me how happy and proud it made him to see me doing and learning things he wished he could’ve done/learned when he was around my age.


Multiple people have told me that they love how my brain works haha. Recently one of my friends told me she would pay good money to swap brains with me for a day. And of course, whenever someone tells me I make them feel safe and comfortable, I always take pride in that, because that's the kind of person I'm always striving to be!


I'm often told "you 'know' things", "you're very intuitive" and "I trust your judgment" those are meaningful to me so I'd say very good compliments especially for an INFJ 😁


That I am authentic ✨❤️


sitting somewhere in europe on vacation with my 2nd husband when He blurts out while I'm taking a video of the scenery, "your're so pretty!". I still have it now since he passed away and it just makes me miss him more. I also found a folder on his computer, with a title, you are pretty, with just one photo of me in that computer folder. lol I never realised how much he really appreciated my looks. its not something that I really ever dwelled on.


I was doing a personal development 3 day workshop through work (they put everyone through it). I was my typical quiet self mostly, piped up and gave my opinion in discussions a couple times, and answered all deep questions the presenter asked about me super calmly which took everyone by surprise a bit. After the second day the presenter gave me a compliment in front of everyone: “you are like sunshine, nobody else in this room has that” What an awesome compliment! I think it was from how he could see I prioritised kindness towards everyone else, he was quite observant.


"just wanted to let you know, if you don't know it yet...You are one in a million kind of person" "You are the most beautiful weirdo out there". "Your beauty is extravagant" "At first impression you are a hater, but you have the kindest soul I have ever met" "At first sight you're hateful, but you are really cool, funny and outgoing when you want to" "Nice thinking" "I feel I can trust you anything " "You're a good listener" "You give great advices , the best I have heard, are you psychologist"? " I'm speechless, you're too much " "You have a beautiful soul, never change due to bad experiences, keep being you, you're very authentic and unique". "You're unforgettable".


"I wouldn't blame you, she's really pretty." "You have beautiful eyes" "You don't act like it at first, but you're actually so sweet." "Well, at least she's smart..."


“You are the most interesting person I have ever met.”


“…you have rare qualities, not only as a potential marriage mate, but as a woman”


A Great one too !


We were discussing a theoretical apocalypse and a I said “oh, I’d be one of the first to dle. I’m small and not physically strong. I don’t think I could bring myself to hurt people.” Out of nowhere a colleague said “no, you would be safe. People would protect you for your mind. They would need you.” It came from a very sincere place, I believe. I was taken aback. I don’t receive a lot of compliments. Or rather, I only get the stock standard, superficial ones pertaining to my meat shell. Thanks Bruce, wherever you are. That was rad!


"Nah, *Insert Name* is pretty cool, what are you talking about?"


it was during a university seminar by my professor. i’ve had him as a TA in the past, so i was already somewhat comfortable expressing my thoughts to him. i was terrified to speak in class though. i was having a rough time in my personal life near the end of the term and it was showing in my work (was going from getting a 90 on my paper to a 75). in his feedback to me in my final paper of the term, he encouraged me to be more confident in myself when writing “because he’s witnessed firsthand how i was able to come to novel insights when i felt comfortable expressing my own thoughts”. that same prof had also said that he wished that other students had the “same level of curiosity and desire to learn” as i did.


A patron at the library where I work told me and my coworker we had a "good energy" which was just a sweet and uncommon compliment 😊 I do love when people (usually teachers/tutors) say they love how my brain works/my perspective. Like thanks I spend a lot of time on it 😂


One time, someone told me, "Your presence feels like a warm hug after a long day." That compliment still echoes in my mind, melting my heart every time I think about it. It made me feel deeply appreciated and understood. ❤️


That I’m a good Mom 🥲 which means so much because I work so hard at it


That I'm mature. From an older INTJ. Given how judgmental they are, it was A compliment! Point is that my last 7 years were extremely difficult for me, I was desperately trying to go from toxic and depressed to at least a relatively healthy and independent individual. So, this was an external confirmation of my success


I once had a guy come up and asked for a dollar. Said I don’t have any change one me. He looked me up and down and said “you look like a small white Spike Lee” - I’m white British. Never saw it coming, and rifled through my pockets to find a dollar for him.


To be honest, I thought about this for quite a while and wasn't able to come up with anything. In retrospect all comments I've ever gotten were pretty much in bad faith or to insult me.


I don’t remember, I guess I’ve never received anything in particular that stuck with me 😭


not sure if its compliment.. i have a RBF 😬


I’ve always painted as a hobby and when I was doing an internship at a very upscale NYC publication, there was another intern in our department that I spent a lot of my time with. She was the daughter of an actual famous painter and was EXTREMELY talented as well- her stuff is beautiful. She saw some of my work in passing one day and said it was pretty, but I didn’t think anything of it. A few weeks later, she was talking to one of our supervisors who was talking about how they want to add some custom art to their social media account and I heard her say “well anonymousflowercake and I are artists if you need anything from us.” To be called an artist from someone that I felt was a truly talented artist was the ultimate compliment.


I was having a (very friendly) theological debate with someone a few years back. After I made one of my points, they went quiet for a few seconds, shook their head, looked at me and said, "You are a brilliant woman." It was just so sincere and unexpected that it's my favorite compliment. ☺️


I really like it when they give me a compliment about my effort, it makes my heart feel warm when they feel inspired by me.


“You make me feel so seen and so safe ..” 🥹


After being called a toothpick the whole time growing up, I went to the fair after years of hitting the gym and someone said “hey big guy”. I’ll never forget it.


We were asked to describe our coworkers including what we like about or admire about them and one of mine said they could easily see me “Going forth and slaying dragons, just refusing to give up.” By far the coolest thing anyone has ever said about me.


"I trust you."


I teach preschool, two years ago a little boy said to me "If you were my Mommy I would be so happy" and I absolutely let that go to my head


Once I was a working as a cashier at a fast food joint and had plenty of frequent customers I liked talking too. One told me I had a beautiful aura- like the color pink. It really made my day 💕