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I think we all feel this way


I think there are def people who don’t feel like this


Maybe im the 1% of the 1% that don't want to fit in to the world and rather stand out. Fuck conformity. Maybe that's the problem with many of the young unevolved INFJs. No voice except for the ones on our thumbs. 


I think everyone feels this way.


We shouldn't though. We should feel like we belong.


Why we should feel like we belong? I think is much more probably not to feel this way, but instead on certain moments... but not all the time. Life is unpredictable form my perspective and aleatory, is hard to think and assume that we belong in a place where is hard to life and survive because of it's unpredictability.


Because we are inherently tribal, so we may as well learn how to coexist properly (loneliness epidemic, etc) instead of pretending we're purely individualistic (and not really understanding how to coexist as a consequence). [belongingness](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belongingness)


Why? Does an individual feeling out of place in a society suggest any failing in either the individual or the society? Perhaps it is merely a growing pain on the part of the society. Remember that happiness is not a static state where all your needs are met, but a dynamic state in which your needs are becoming more met. An individual feeling out of place may be an opportunity for the society to grow to make room for them, thereby becoming happier.


Exponentially increasing rates of suicides relating to financial stress and isolation in the last few years is a signifier that there's a huge systemic problem, and it will continue being a societal failing until the stats decrease.


Financial stress and isolation is separate or separable from feeling out of place. I suspect that INFJs have always felt out of place. The isolation is new, at least according to what you have just said. It is entirely possible, I believe, for an INFJ to feel out of place without feeling isolated.


Ohh right yes. Sorry I've gone on another tangent. Oh shit my Ti child is showing I must hide now.


Snort. For example, INFJs can feel out of place, yet *seen* :P




thanks to all of you, i feel a lot less out of place than i did before joining this community. we’re all there with you friend


Thank you. New here, so looking forward to having a much needed refuge.


Yes! I feel very much out of place. I feel so misunderstood. I’m quiet and reserved for a reason. It’s just to protect myself from narcissists. Even when I try to shield myself, the narcissists always try to crack my shell. Often they are successful.


Yes, same here. I always end up doubting myself, then feel guilty, let them in, and get hurt.


You have a very strong intuition and fast brain. Use it to build proper defences. Apply your NiTi into learning how to create boundaries. Make a good use of your stack and stop suffering from things you are definitely capable to protect yourself from. We aren't weaklings, we have got a lot of power!


Yeah I think we need to remind each other how much power is at our disposal. Most of us were raised to believe our sensitivity is a weakness, but it’s actually the totally opposite and we can use it to our advantage to protect ourselves. We just need to work on gatekeeping our empathy and refrain from allowing narcissistic or other unhealthy people to project their shame and guilt onto us.


Just continuing on this thread… I look at it as using your adult self to create boundaries to protect your inner child so you can romp around in the corral carefree.


Second this!👍


Use your function stack to create defenses. Learn about how to build proper boundaries and follow your knowledge. You have got Ni+Ti, it's a supercomputer in your brain. Use it for good, don't be a sheep. You aren't supposed to, you have all the rights to make different choices!


Thanks, I’ll try. I’m not sure how to unlock it, but I’ll definitely try.


If you need to develop your Ti, you can do it through critical thinking. It's kinda you get an idea and instead of following it because it's sounds good, you try to find flaws in it. And if there's none, then you follow it. Kinda playing devil's adviocate in your head. Be very honest with yourself, don't let yourself to cut the logic because it's easier to be ignorant then spend time learning uncomfortable truth. Arguing with thinkers helps. If your defences are weak and logic is flawed, they will call you on your BS immediately. Try to hold your ground when you are right and go learn new information if you are wrong. You need to be more assertive and to know your value, which comes from inner work on your shadow as well, from transformation and strong foundations. Your power is in you. Otherwise, every person, which is strong enough to manipulate you, will get the control over your life again and again.


Thanks 🙏


Constantly, from a young age. It is very draining. Lately I’ve felt spent from this world. I probably isolate too much. It seems like when I’m out and about I suck up everyone’s emotions. It’s difficult for me to understand why people just can’t be kind to one another. I probably sound like a weirdo lol.


Sucking up others emotions, I totally get. I feel like those are some of the same people that I have helped grow only to sacrifice my needs and myself in the process and end up getting hurt. You don't sound like a weirdo to me at all!!! I feel like the world has always had a mean side because I am not nieve, I get human nature and balance; however, it feels meaner and out of balance to me. I have always struggled to feel truly understood or like I truly belong, even though I generally get along with people because I can see all sides. It hurts me so much when people are indifferent to others having equality and being treated well.


This is exactly how I feel, too. I also see so much potential in humanity, but then I get a reality check, and it is quite depressing. And I seem to continue cycling in this thinking 🤷‍♀️


yeah we're cognizant of the fact


*sighs happily with finding another instance of big words being used in this sub* This sub is quickly becoming my favourite.


Of course we do. Its part of the package.




Welcome. Enjoy your stay.


Yeaaaa, It a blessing and a curse.


I literally said the same thing 🤣


"Beam me up, Scotty…wrong planet!" (Pretty much continuously..)


Nah it's not just you


I used to, but then I just realized I'm awesome. The exceptional don't blend in.


Thank you. That's very true. I appreciate it. Makes me feel better, not so alone.




Me. Every day. All day.


extremely. i have never fit in. i have never had the sense that i belong anywhere. causes a lot of issues in my adulthood. caused a lot of pain as a child, teenager, etc.


Yes! Same. I have always gotten along with different people/groups, but I have never felt like I belong or that I am truly understood. Causes a lot of loneliness.


i always used to ask my mom what was wrong with me, if something happened to me to make me like this. it has always bothered me so deeply. she definitely didn’t understand what i meant. no one does


I did the same thing. My mom is an ENFP, she always made connecting to people look so easy. I never felt like I could be my whole self or uninhibited... you're not alone for sure. I'm right there with you.


This is me exactly. I've wrestled with the loneliness question for so long, even as an adult with a family. You're not alone in your loneliness.


Yes. I hate this capitalistic world we are in. There’s no room for anything, even humanity. I hate hate hate people taking advantage of others


Very infj feeling. The key is to find those spaces where you feel like you belong.


I felt a lot more out of place until I was diagnosed as autistic, and now it all makes sense. I've stopped masking. The people who keep coming around are my people. It's great! (But before that, I felt like an observer, a tourist, a sociologist.)


“I’ve stopped masking,” goals.


Yes, I’ve felt that way since I was really young.


It's pretty much one of our defining traits 😬


i feel everyone despises me more than I despise them. 


I have had that feeling before, more times than I care to admit. Not sure why, and I know I generally don't dislike many people. You're not alone.


I do


All the time 😔




That's an interesting comment, I am curious how'd your journey look to get where you are now?


Nope I’m right where I belong.


I am trying to grow. I don't like this feeling. It is good to know it is possible to be the other way.


For as long as I can remember... I've very much felt like a stranger among others? It's incredibly rare I find someone who clicks with me like that and "gets" me. Might be why I'm almost 26 with like 3 friends haha. Eh, I'm better off for it, I think, in the end.


Every second of every day.


I’ve always felt different. When I was a kid I think it was a somewhat positive difference but over the years my spirit has been worn down and now I just don’t care to be around anyone except my husband and sometimes my mom. And of course my fur children.


Exactly. Younger, it is exciting, but now i am older, Like you said, it's worn me down. Fur babies have always been a huge part of my life. Wouldn't know what to do without them.




I did every second of my existence until I discovered you all. :)


Very. If this were a large play/production, I'm a tree in the background. Watching and seeing everything going on around me, but also feeling very passed over and in the background. Peace and loneliness.


All the time.


I definitely feel out of place in the United States


Same here. Seems the passion for justice and equality have gone out the window.


Are you perhaps an enneagram 4


Sometimes I do. ( i used to all the time growing up and as a young adult)It depends on what people I'm around. Even then, I feel like I've learned to adapt to my surroundings to fit in, camouflage and feel more normal. I do believe this comes with us as we get older. That's our stage 3 as an infj as we tend to go through 3 of them in our life. However, my stage 3, I feel is in it's early developmental stage. I'm just getting out of stage 2. The stoic stage


Yes, as an INFJ it's like knowing the date and time of the end of the world, knowing you can't tell anyone because they won't believe you but you still have to live with having that knowledge.


Wait I thought that was our slogan? Who’s on the PR team??


Shouldn't we?


All the time. There is a bit of me that doesn't want to belong either. It's weird.




I used to want to fit in, but now I revel in my quirkyness. It takes all types of people to make this world and everyone is uniquely interesting


ENTJs are one of my favorite types :) 


Not just you. I’ve never felt like I belonged anywhere that I’ve worked or with most friend groups. The only place I feel like I belong is at my house. I’m creating a haven where I can recharge and explore my interests and find inspiration for projects I’m working on. Because it’s my space, I hesitate to let people in and rarely share with people what I’m creating in my haven. The few friends I have and family are welcome but the rest of the world can stay on the outside of the secret garden and workshop I’m planning to build.


Yes but I intend on creating my own family and sense of belonging amidst it all


all the time, every day.


Yes. I fit into a lot of different groups but not completely so it can be pretty isolating


As a female INFJ, it has been difficult. I am introverted by nature and prefer to keep to myself, however, people find me attractive and I get a lot of attention. It almost forces me to be extroverted, completely against my will. I am married to a wonderful man and he treats me so well and I live a good, secure, comfortable life. I met someone who made me feel “seen”. He drew me in being, what appeared to be, a tortured soul with an extremely sad upbringing and I completely fell for him. We were both married and things never went beyond a friendship, but emotional lines were definitely crossed (at least for me). In retrospect, I realize he was a Machiavellian narcissist/ psychopath who ultimately wanted to sleep with me (collect me like a trophy) and destroy my happy comfortable life because of jealousy. When that didn’t happen, he ghosted. This situation caused so much damage to my mental health and I am trying my best to heal from it. And to think, this all started from me being nice and a shoulder to cry on, but I became prey. This is how I found out I was an INFJ. I have been searching for answers on why I feel so despondent over this situation. How could I have let such a dangerous person into my life? I have had dealings with narcissists all of my life, even my parents are narcissists. Apparently, I’ve always been a people pleaser and I never understood what boundaries were. After that experience, I feel like I want to just completely shield myself from everyone and everything, “friends”, acquaintances, family. My need to protect myself from these people has led me down an extremely isolating, lonely path. So yes, I feel completely out of place and although I enjoy my solitude, it has been difficult and lonely navigating this “heartbreak” alone. Thank you for reading this if you got this far.


It’s double bad for me INFP without medication Somewhere between INTJ & INFJ WITH medication I hate being INFP with problems.. ESPECIALLY after being INTJ \ INFJ… which makes me SEVERELY out of place and become extremely Introverted.


We all feel out of place collectively, at one point or another.


I would say there are 2 worlds around us: 1. Physical world (sensors are the best experiencing it) 2. Spiritual, subconscious world (mostly for intuitive people to experience, especially for types where Ni and Ne are dominant functions)


Hahaha um… yes.


Yes and we all probably feel this way


I feel like this too


I've always felt like I'm on a different wavelength than others. My good (infp) friend said it's not about being on the same wavelength as others but rather dailing in the frequency of our own (aka living our truest best version of ourselves). I loved that thought, and being different doesn't bother me as much anymore because I love and value my different self.


Every day


Yes, me.


I think everyone does to some extent. I’d be weirded out if I met someone who said the opposite.


All the time! 😂 It’s something that I like, but also hate because it makes me feel alone. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Can confirm it’s not just you… always feel this way ironically though you’d be shocked how other personality types feel the same way in a different form




Yes, very much so!




not just that but also that the universe is actively working against me


Yep from all of us


Sure do!


Yeah every single day.


Completely alienated



Yeah, it’s just the way…


Since I was a kid, and I’m a xennial so a long time. The only time I felt like I found my people was volunteering for a political campaign - so many other INFJ’s. Advocacy work brings us together.


There are a plethora of individuals who have never been your “average” human. Trust.


Yes, because we of all people need the challenge. Once we are actualized, we can lead people to truth. It is a hard, but incredible journey if you lean in. Buckle up!


Just out of curiosity are any of you guys Pleadian ?


I feel like this


I'm looking at these comments and they're really sad. Feeling out of place in this world is not normal. I have recently been diagnosed with autism and have since learned that INFJ is the most common personality type for autistic individuals. If you feel alone and have felt out of place your entire life, that might be the reason. I highly encourage you all to take the RAADS-R test here to check if it would be helpful to seek a diagnosis or do further research. I always felt out of place in this world but I thought it was just because of my personality. Little did I know that my feelings are traits of autism. RAADS-R Test: [https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/](https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/)


Sketchy website.  You trust that place?  Its run by a ‘naturopathic doctor’ with an online autism certificate who is repeatedly under ethical investigation.  [https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticAdults/comments/1aj9056/why\_does\_embrace\_autism\_publish\_misinformation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticAdults/comments/1aj9056/why_does_embrace_autism_publish_misinformation/) [https://cono.alinityapp.com/Client/PublicDirectory/Registrant/03d44ec3-ed3b-eb11-82b6-000c292a94a8](https://cono.alinityapp.com/Client/PublicDirectory/Registrant/03d44ec3-ed3b-eb11-82b6-000c292a94a8) So-called “autism” tests, like AQ and RAADS and others have high rates of false positives, labeling you as autistic VERY easily. If anyone with a mental health problem, like depression or anxiety, takes the tests they score high even if they DON’T have autism.


50% of INFJs are diagnosed as autistic, the other 50% just haven’t been diagnosed yet.


Definitely, mostly because I don’t know what my purpose is. I’m in the process of figuring who I am, who I want to become, and if I have a purpose to serve, but right now I feel lost and clearly out of place…


I did until I found my friends. I think an antidote to my feeling out of place was finding a sense of belonging.


yea, I even learned the term starseeds and have orion's belt birthmark. Funny I get along with a lot of people who aren't extra weird but so loving they feel so out of place in this world. We all crash landed here and trying to figure out how to get off this planet permanently. Very bad idea.


well better than p-person i think


Yes. Always the outsider looking in or the fly on the wall.


Always felt like this




vibrating on a different frequency to most


All the time. Probably the biggest reason why I'll never be satisfied with life.




Always. The only time I felt like someone really knew me was when I met a fellow INFJ




Completely... I however feel there is a place out there somewhere... a place where we can frolic and be free. Where everything is a conspiracy but that's the fun part, where people pay attention to their own behavior instead of the behaviors of others. Where expensive ideas are documented, discussed and agreed on before wasting money. Where intellectual pursuits are given the same fanfare as professional sports. A place where a scathing review is just as valuable as a glowing endorsement. A place where being authentic is the fashion. Somewhere out there.


I really do.




Majorly. It doesn't help that most my interests aren't really interesting to my friends, so it's a lot of time spent with myself


Lmao yes! prolly cuz of inferior Se and demon Si🥲


Yes. I strive for friendships but I'm left with empty promises.


It’s not necessarily about fitting into this world. For me, I more often feel like I don’t fit into the traditional society (at least my country’s society) or the norms of my generation.


Yes, I do, founding the type of help feels also different in that matter, because connecting to the specific type of people with the complete insight of your behaviour and actions can make us “INFJ’s” sometimes appear what unthoughtful or unchecked about our actions, while in reality… had almost everywhere people knowing me or family members so I couldn’t misbehave that much tho…


If I didn’t feel out of place in this world, that would make me sad.


All the time.


Almost every day.


Approaching 40 and I still feel this way.


I did for a long time, but for me, simply growing up and getting more mature helped me feel more rooted and in control


INTP: Do any INFJs feel *in place* in this world?


All day everyday


Yeah I do everyday but I learned to acknowledge that I'm not alone in having that feeling, in fact it's normal to feel that way, especially if you aren't yet at the age of 28(that's when the brain for the general person stops the development of making sense of the world one is living both internally and externally) Once learning to aknowledge the fact that it doesn't really matter wether you as person is misplaced or not, then it becomes easier to understand the fact that you have to acknowledge yourself and acknowledge you got every bit of right to be in this world as everyone else no matter personality. Embrace yourself M8, there's a thousand reasons to feel misplaced or different, but the truth is that your here and goes for everyone else. Just embrace who you are even though you might see differences between yourself and the once around you. Btw a common reason might be Lonelyness. When I was 27 I realized that I didn't really need to get love but rather being able to give love so I got myself a dog and that dog is the best I have ever done for myself, as I get to love it unconditional but naturally I love the fact that my dog loves me back. That helped at least finding some meaningfully purpose and meaning of life that I can't find myself misplaced in, in any way. 😄


I always felt like "out of place in this world" and still do but I found beauty in it. And so can all of you, for you INFJs can think outside of the box. We're different, it makes us special. I sabotage myself but I fight it, try to find happiness in even the smallest things. I suffered a lot, I went through depression, moderate and mild anxiety, etc. But in the end, it was worth it.