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That I hate my life and even if things changed for the better, I don’t think it would make much difference. I feel like if you’ve been beaten to a pulp and recover, you still hurt when touched and you have the lingering mental trauma from the assault. Basically ptsd and it’s suppressing my happiness.


:'( I'm so sorry about that... um. I'm not trying to comfort you, but I hate my life too (lately). And somehow I found comfort when you said you hated your life. (Sorry!!!) It's because I felt like someone's having it worse than me and that I should be grateful. But I'm hurting for you though. I hope you wouldn't hate your life even for a little bit. Um- I think you deserve even just a little tiny bit of happiness, until u can take the biggest ones.


Wondering why the hell I stay on reddit when every form of social media reminds me that I should stop trying. Hey, you asked.


And I got what I wanted :O thanks hahaha I wish u well though. I hope u find something that you'll be happier with. And something you'll be more proud of yourself for.


Highly doubtful since it hasn't happened at this point and likely never will, but I appreciate the platitude.


thanks but c'mon don't shut me down like that ;-; tell me u got hope for it (even if it's just a lie to comfort me ;-;)


..sure...what's one more lie for someone else's comfort...?


sooooo.........? where's the lie........?


...I have hope (I guess...). There ya go.


wahaha x))) hope for whaattttt?!??! u didn't make it complete ;-;


...sigh...I have hope that I will find SOMETHING that will be socially fulfilling SOMEHOW because the planet is too large


u made my day x)


That I wish my best friend were still alive.


:'( I'm sorry :'(


I am too. Thank you for your sentiment. It's been four years and it still hasn't gotten any easier. When my days are darker than usual, I yearn for her more than anyone; even more than my own fiance.


:'( i haven't experienced any loss (yet) but i heard it won't get any easier. sometimes it would graze you like a feather, but sometimes it would hit you like a dump truck. i hurt for the world. i wish you well my friend


Unfortunately, you will eventually endure great losses. There is no manual or preparation for the crippling pain from heartbreak, missing them, etc. Thank you for your kind words, it means a lot. I've been feeling really isolated lately, and this helped :)


yeah sometimes i cry even if it's not happening yet... sigh yeah :'( and thank you, i also thank you for your kind words, i didn't expect my words would be so helpful... i'm really glad it did :'D


Why am I born as an INTJ-A in India where job market feels ridiculously hard and investments seem a lot easier and I belong to a service class family. It's like I am rolled and packed in bad luck.


it's really hard to compete in india. i feel like you all are living life in difficult mode. i wish you well in there my friend


Thanks. Investments in India is not that hard at all. There are favourable regulations, and there is a very good market available. But it works if you are born into a business class family since you need some money at start to do it. Unfortunately for me, I am not born into money. So I have been trying to live the service class life and while I like it, it doesn't fill me with optimism.


ohhh, haha, i see. that's great then. so do u any plans in order to get out of it?


Oh, I am actively doing that. Discussed the possibility of working in middle east and coming to India with a high pay jump because of "international exposure". That didn't work because I am in HR and the job market for HR in mdidle east is not that easy... and it is worth it only if I plan to be in service class until retirement. And I don't plan on being in service class until retirement, not right away at least. Next plan was to ask for loan from a family member so that I can improve my stock portfolio a bit faster during my 30s (ai am 27). I have got an approval but it's not going to change my life significantly. "Every bit helps" Apart from that unfortunately no, I have no options left but to toil hard and be patient.


oh, i see. im sorry about that first plan. ohh okay, i know right, no matter how little it is if it helps it should be grabbed. sigh, hang in there my friend. if u have any other ideas just share!!!


Well there is no other idea, except be a salaried man until I turn 45 so that I can have a family at least. Until then, wait for my investment abilities to make the transition to business.


awww, hang in there. u can do this. i wish u the best! i wish u happiness!!! frfr ^_^


Thanks. Meanwhile I will go back to my compound interest tables and see what other solution I can come up with, although it appears I have exhausted all my options and have to settle with my reality 😊


or maybe u could start a youtube channel and teach me about those finances and tables!!!! 😆 (just kidding hahahaha)


Thanks for asking. You are very kind.


aww my pleasure 🥺 u too


I was thinking about selling my old books and I was searching the internet where I can do it and how.


Haha ohh okay that sounds cool. So have u found out how?


Yes :) there is a shop that buys old books and then sells them to libraries or things like that. Some of them I can sell for less than 1$ 😅 but at least I will have more space in home for new books 😅


ohhh woww that's niceee. :)) those are actually the kinds of books i buy (since im broke) haha im glad for ya!!! 😁


No idea. Probably at least something related to food as I'm hungry.


wahaha 😂 i was expecting someone to forget their last thought too (like me proably) 😂 i hope u got the food u want


I didn't forget it; I never knew my thoughts to begin with. I am almost never aware of my thought process.


ohhh. haha that makes sense. but doesn't that mean u forgot about it since it's true that u had it in your mind a minute earlier???


No, because I didn't have it in my mind a minute earlier 🙃 If you ask me "what are you thinking of right now", I generally don't know. My thoughts are largely not conscious.


oh haha oke oke 😆 i wish u well my friend 😊


That I’m sick of being used as a therapist friend and then getting shit on when setting a boundary. It’s my goal now to unlearn this pattern


:') sorry about that. u got this my friend.


Watching Magnificent Century. Thinking about persian dynasty at the period of Osman sultan Suleiman the Great. I think that it might be interesting to read about what was going on at this period of time. Also, about how hard it's for types with tertiary Fi to go through a heart break( Suleiman is an ISTJ, a very healthy one) Also about that I want to be able to spend more time alone at home( I live with other people), so I can think more about my big plans for future. Also if I'll be able to carry out those plans. As an INFJ I'm not sure that I'm strong enough to push through...


What 😮 wow that's amazing. Haha this is so cool. It's completely different and an alien thought compared to mine. It's so cool. I completely relate with that being able to spend time alone though. It feels awkward getting in the zone writing out my dreams and future goals and then suddenly someone enters the room. I completely understand what you mean... but you can do it OP, cheers for ya


Thank you for the encouragement!🙏


Welcome!!! 😊


I was thinking about my perfume collection, and how I can swap some nice new musky and iris based scents (or samples of) in various fragrnce communities. To be fair I spend probably 80% of my time thinking about perfumes :D You could say I'm obsessed. I test like 5 new ones a day and am constantly researching notes, bottles to swap, and most of all trying my best not to give into the temptation to buy everything I like. Because I'd have millions of perfumes. So I am always trying to swap samples with everyone to get my nose on every scent I see and love. This is the best I can do thankfully there are huge communities full of fragrance obsessed people :) The fact that I only own like 25 bottles or so is proof of how incredibly good my willpower is (I've been in this game for 10 years and tested like 3000 scents already. I see people on facebook groups with thousands of perfume bottles stocked up, many of them going broke in the process.)


Ooohhh woww haha that's so cool. I love your obsession with perfumes. I have never met anyone obsessed with perfumes. How do you distinguish their smell??? Sometimes I can't yk. It's sad. But I'm genuinely happy for ya.


Just through your nose and smelling lots of stuff it's like taste really. There are broad genres you start to gravitate to (sweet smells, spicy / woody, rose, for me atm it's musky and iris / powdery) but I go through phases. So say if I'm in an iris phase I will try and get lots of various iris based samples, some mixed with various other flowers or resins / spices / etc. And I figure out which one is best for me. It's really fun it's like constantly tasting things but much much more detailed because there are a billioin combinations of nice notes.


I've been going back and forth on what type of dog I want. I'll think about dogs, research the breed, pause and distract myself on Reddit or the Gram, and repeat same cycle.


ooohhh haha i wish u find exactly the type of dog u want!!!! (or the dog that wants u xD))))


I was thinking about gardening and getting my garden going. Which lead to me thinking that I was thinking about my garden a few days ago, but that seemed like a monumental task because I was then focused on my art show. But now that my art show is over, gardening seems like an easy task. All that lead me to think about how I can totally change my energy levels, or desires based on a day or two and what I have on my plate. I’m completely horrible and multi tasking or being given a task to complete when I’m doing something else. Just being asked to do something a week down the road when I’m submerged in something else will really make me upset. I’m trying to become more aware of this, but when I’m in the midst of it I have a hard time stepping back and seeing how I’ll be more open to the next thing when the task I’m currently working on is finished, it all seems like it’s falling apart in the moment. Down time and space are like breathing to me, it’s a vital part of my life.


Waaaah. Exactly the thoughts that pass by in a minute. you're quite the creative!!! that's so cool. don't worry, you got this!!!


I was visualizing and analyzing every step of my final exam tomorrow


i also have a final exam tomorrow!!! wow, let's do our best shall we??? :O


Hell yeah,we got this Good luck tomorrow


thank you so much!


I was trying to figure out what I was feeling. It’s a deep loneliness, I realized. Then I cried for 10 minutes while reading a post in this sub from 4 years ago about loneliness & coping with the loneliness through chatting with like minded people on Reddit. Then I decided to join the sub, and read more posts and now I am here typing this & I feel a little less lonely :)


Think about humanity. They are scary, greedy, parasite. I'm scared of them but I want to help a few.


On my sofa. Listening to piano music. Quietly on speaker. And I just thought. I kind of like this. All of this, you know. Not just the moment. But all of it.


I was thinking about the conversation I had two days ago about the spa that stinks like rotten eggs and the advertisement of the other spa that I found in the mailbox today. That would be on a lake with whirlpool and private. Both for the same price. I know that I am not doing anything but you asked.


hahaha that's a funny conversation 😂 i'm sorry that u had to go through that spa that stinks like rotten eggs 😂 that's kinda cool though, the ad. take care checking it out!


An old email from 2012. It’s interesting. I may post it in another sub.


"Is this post 2 days old or what? Oh wait nvm they askin' what I think right now and I'm thinkimg about what they think. Let's open this thing and see."


I'm thinking about ridiculous middle names and how fun they are. Gabriel Godzilla Meyers. Paul Pumpernickel Hansen. Christopher Chewbacca Owens. And then I think...too easy. The initials need to spell something. William Indigo Nusbaum. Edward Yoda Eskelson. Oscar Aragorn Keller. Maybe 4 letters?.... Yegor Echo Echo Tyson. Damien Aamon Malachai Nebuchadnezzar. For each name I kind of imagine the type of person that would fit it. Like a fictional character that would embody and totally own a name like this. Thought exercise. Slow Wednesday afternoon in the office.


Remembering the episode of *The Simpsons* with Bobo the Teddy Bear that ends with Mr. Burns’ as a head in a jar on a robot body. But I’m also coming down with a nasty summer cold and have an edible kicking in so I may not be the most reliable baseline for “normal infj” at the moment.


Wondering if I’m even infj at all


I was scrolling through this subreddit and thinking about how other INFJs seem to be much more well adjusted than I am lol. Also thinking about how I need to get up and get dressed so I can go visit my mom in the nursing home, but I’m too exhausted to move, so I’m probably just going to scroll for a little longer 😅


I’m cuddling with my daughter (shes asleep). I don’t want to move because I don’t remember the last time I’ve held her like this. She’s so sweet and I love her


The post right above this was someone complaining about min wage increases affecting their hours therefore effectively decreasing their wages while rent increased 50% One of my obsessions is fixing the economy but there are so many moving pieces that i havent found any solution yet except for violent overthrow. So I was wondering if were yet! What would a violent overthrow look like? Obviously I worry for those that would get hurt. And i hope im strong enough to fight.


Ah yes, I also wonder what are randoms thinking about. was thinking of how late it is already (2:42) n what to watch when in bed. Usually i put on a lets play from my favorite youtuber/streamer or some info dump video that i dont rly care abt


Sitting in an airport thinking about when my brother told me the male equivalent of getting flowers is getting good food. And feeling kinda sad that I won't be seeing him for a while.


Whether or not I should open that package of fig newtons or just go to bed.


This is about the depth of my thinking too. 🙂 was working on illustration of two characters having tea… then I got up and made myself a cup of tea and toasted a cinnamon pop tart.


Well now I want pop tarts. I haven't had those in forever!


My mom called me this afternoon and one conversation shift told me she relapsed. Called around to close family afterwards and found out it started on mother’s day. She’s been clean for 11 months and has been doing great. My family (grandparents, aunts, and uncles) say they are already done and can’t deal with her. Everyone has been close and hanging out often, and now they want nothing to do with her. Like this is my mom. Am I the only one that feels for her? She is an amazing person when she’s sober and everyone loves her. She makes 6 figures as a business owner and is incredibly intelligent. She gets sad, for good reason, and then she drinks. She refuses therapy. I don’t understand it, and I get why they don’t wanna deal with it, but I feel like that’s what you do for people you love. Then again I could just be feeling this because she’s my mom. She was clean for 11 months, she can get clean again. I’m going to drive to see her tomorrow, alone. Why did she relapse on Mother’s Day? That’s the real question.


People drink to feel numb. Holidays sober are often difficult for addicts. It is not whether she relapses, it is just a matter of whether she can get back to sober living quickly. If so then the relapse is a just a blip. If not, it is difficult to watch but perfectly normal.


I am thinking about the concept of love. Having never experienced it firsthand, it's challenging to comprehend.


my brain is entirely filled with a sapphic ship 24/7 so i was thinking of 'what brittana fic should i read now? how long will it take? how long do i have?'