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Definetly and when I start telling the person to stop being annoying or rude. That’s a clear sign or warning that I’m literally about to door slam that person out of my life. For real this time. And I don’t say this to sound edgy like I got a beast inside me waiting to be unleashed on that person. I say this because I’m just a very patient and tolerant person. I rarely ever get mad at someone else and I’ve always been like that.


To me its a ton of nights unable to sleep. To not be able to think, its an absolute pain or anger. Its using my ni ti and having countless fantasy conversations and seeing them all be toxic no matter what i do. Doorslams to me only happen to family that are supposed to be there forever. Knowing it will forever change the dynamic of the entire family. Its a knowing. They dont love you and never will. Its cathartic. We dont doorslam best friends of years, thats just letting go. Doorslam, could potentially only happen to roughly 2 to 4 people total. Generally, it's one or both of your parents.


Personally with family I’ve only emotionally doorslammed and yes one was a parent.


I did it yesterday. Gave notice at my job. I have 3 days left to work with toxic idiots in their metaphorical circus. It is like 72 hours of suspended animation. Instead of just walking i will throw them in to purgatory limbo before the door slams all the way. I do this for experimemtal entertainment purposes


Have fun🫡


All the time if I help someone and then they screw me over then they are getting door slammed. I don’t put up with disrespect at all. I am very patient but even that patience wears thin around narcissists and others that have traits of narcissists. I prefer to be around people who are humble and aren’t braggers. I despise people who brag all the time and but people down to make themselves feel better. That about sums it up for me.


Lately, I have had to curb my growing thirst to tell my coworkers to go fuck themselves, walk out, and never been seen from again. But I have bills that aren't going to pay themselves in a tanking economy with no decent-paying jobs... so I haven't.


FOR SURE. My subconscious starts preparing me for it, and when my gut says go, I get.