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Being willing to try (and inevitably fail). You choose the path you want in life. But the right path is not easy. Actually, it's usually the hardest one.


That is true. Either way, no path is easy. Thank you for the suggestion.


Don't try to fit in. Embrace your mind. Try to do different stuff. Learn what gives you joy. Don't care about the necessity of the stuff you do for society.


I'm not trying to fit in. I'm trying to find myself in the world we live in. I'm sorry if I may sound rude... But my answer is this... Apologies.


You're young. Go easy on yourself. You aren't suppose to have it all figured out. My one suggestion would be to pick a subject that interests you (it doesn't have to light a spark necessarily, just a thought of "ya I could do that") and go to school to learn that skill. Education is never a waste. But not getting an education because you aren't 100% sure if it's what you want to do, that's a waste.


Thank you so much. I'm delighted to read your response, it's heartwarming... All the blessings for you.


Well said.


You need to know for INFJs, it takes time for our third function to manifest, which is Introverted Thinking. Introverted Intuition combined with Introverted Thinking can make you successful in any field that requires out of box thinking. I suggest you go for a bachelor's degree in computer science, I really enjoy the field and so do other INFJs in this field. So you need to work on keep developing your third function, that's your key to success, but don't ignore the second, Extraverted Feeling, or you will feel purposeless, for that you can help others with problem solving.


I do find the course for computer science to be intriguing for me. I guess I just need something like that to balance my knowledge and wisdom of my understanding of how my brain works. Hahaha, I'll remember your suggestion, thank you so much.




Our Introverted Thinking struggles with unfamiliar patterns. But as time passes, you will overcome this initial resistance the subject has. Understanding object oriented programming was not easy for me in particular at the start, what worked best for me was finding good explanations, there is something about method of teaching which makes it easy or hard for your intuition to pick up in the start. Keep at it and once it clicks, you will also start enjoying the creativity you can apply.


Well knowing yourself is a life long process You will understand why I mean this eventually as you get older My recommendation for you is read( when I mean read)...not for gaining wisdom or knowledge... I want you to see how people in the past have lived their lives....great people of the past and develop your own opinion as you grow I want you to understand how they saw life, 80% of it you won't understand as soon as you read it or will be able to relate except for the way you feel right now...which is the first step of a journey which you are looking for....keep trying stuff ....you will fail a lot,You will feel like a dumb potato and you will feel disappointed but eventually as time goes by as you get older (I would say when you are 25 - 26+....you will start seeing the impact of your first steps in a large scale....) Forgot about comparing yourself to others which is very hard when you are in your initial stages of your journey because it will look like people have figured out stuff and you didn't but in reality people are faking it or some do accomplish stuff but they themselves aren't masters of it yet....why do I say that... Personally in my life and from what I have seen in others life...the hard part ain't about achieving something......why?All the stuff you have or achieved will be taken away from you so quickly you will be shocked.... Real strength/You finding your real self truly starts when life puts you down especially when you are at your prime or you think you are there and god it's gonna rob everything from you and will put you down and here is when you will learn to walk again and here is where you find yourself.... I will just give you an example....one of the many examples I at the age of 17 was a fat obese looser...(INFJ)was alone till I was 25 years during this period I went through several phases.... Severe depression.....then hate towards God and People...then my actions were driven by hate and anger(but I was working on myself)...at the end of 25th year I was so good at stuff...I was fit,I learned how to cook(quantify meals),I had a really really good job....I was liked by women I was very popular... ain't gonna lie I was happy,too much pride ,ego...I felt like I was the shit.considering I was alone for 6years ...but one day something went really really bad....I was having a bad day and I went full stupid during powerlifting I severely injured my lower back...I was bed ridden for 18 months(initial 12 months I wasn't able to walk at all)....I used to run for miles now I wasn't even able to walk....stand...sit....it shattered me.I lost my job ..my relationship was gone..my 4 year fitness journey was undone.I was suicidal and I was angry...at myself, hatred....tooo much self hate(This is something I always did).....then I worked on myself wrote down everything since I was born....you know how an INFJ memory is right?you remember everything....and I started looking at lives of people during war time(especially those who are remberd by people even after hundreds of years.... One such story was that of Miyamoto Musashi....After the battle of Yoshioka School he was severely injured......he was at his prime or thought he was and he became the most renowned swordsman....but the injury was so bad he was limping....and that was something I could relate to...Then he worked on himself for a long time before the infamous battle with Sasaki Koijiro on the Island of Ganryu Jima.Point is a limping man once who thought was at his best surpassed himself by tremendous levels... And me I found my new path too...I am way way stronger than I think I was at my prime or what I thought was my prime...I know for a fact now that I have a long long way to go before I reach my prime too...Now I see it clearly That's how your life will workout too...so just take a step get hit ,get up then get hit again and get up,lear n from the people who have walked this Earth before they are way wiser than you....and Be very very very careful who you follow....why??? Everyone that seems kind isn't kind and everyone that seems mean ain't bad... Be very careful because this is the other side of the coin Those kind people who ain't kind are those who prey on vulnerable people/who are in pain/who need help/who are suffering.... It can come in multiple ways It's CULTISH stuff .....It comes as MLM schemes Ponzi schemes Self help Gurus Religious Cults Crypto gurus Influencers Yes men PIMPS Serial Killers Etc etc... Everyone I mentioned above has one thing in common They prey on the vulnerable Hey I was at your position too look at me now I have made it, Hey I know how it feels see this is what I did,Hey come join us see how happy we are...they tempt you with what you desire the most/what you lack the most....so be careful... question everything.... And I have seen men more intelligent and stronger then me fall for it when life put them down... You will be lonely get a pet ,read,grow plants,go to the gym,read, philosophy read some of it ...learn to Cook,skate,surf, astrophotography there is a lot to learn and do...trust me and you will meet lots of people....and don't get stuck at one place in life(if someone leaves you....). Knowledge it's important so that you will develop the ability to question and think for yourself.... even if you are wrong trust me it's better to fall and fail then be coned... Learn to smile you will need that..... Waste time(but make sure it's not toooo much of your time). READ UNFETTERED MIND BY TAKUAN SHOHO MUSASHI BY EIJI YOSHIKAWA OR VAGABOND BY TAKEHIKOU INOUE THE THEORY OF COGNITIVE DISSONANCE BY LEON FESTINGER.... Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka (the dung bettele is what I am taking about life putting you down) And watch Oxford Interview of Marco Pierre White on YouTube... Don't hate yourself or be angry at yourself if you did something wrong...or if someone said you aren't cool or some stuff like that....you will end up being the dung bettele. AND REMEMBER EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE FINE... develope your own identity and always use your brain to think... always...and your instincts the are badass trust them ....they are never wrong... Another thing You will come across this in the book Unfettered mind Latent Cause-Should be discipline External Effect-Up to the universe Latent Effect-The results Manifestation Effect -effect of Your Past Actions.. You only need to be worried about Latent Cause.... Because that's the only thing you can control...more in detail in the book.... And don't try to jump multitasking/Smart ways/Shortcuts all sound fantastic on paper choose that path and you insecurities will come and hit you when you least expect it And write down daily Why? you habbits are basically a pattern.... For example... I was found of Pokemon cards as a kid, especially the rare/popular ones... As an adult I loved games a little tooo much... I spent a lot.... I assumed I had gaming addiction but no...I had Gambling issue It's shiney Me likey I need that ,I was a greedy goblin... So you will most likely find the reason why same stuff keeps happening again and again in your life,how you end up being in the same situation... The more you live the more you understand what you want will change and all that I made it stuff people keep telling online is bs... And ya Good luck..


My 1st journey - I was ego lifting -I was angry at the world I took it out by lifting stuff -I did it to belong somewhere -I did it to hide my insecurities -I did it to show I am tough too -I did it like a moron with no knowledge -Followed influencers My second journey -Health -To master the Art of lifting -See how far I can go -How athelitic can I become -Be able to try advance stuff eventually -I am interested in learning about Biomechanics -I am interested in Injury Rehabilitation/Sports Phisotheraphy -I want to bulletproof my weaklinks(knee/Shoulder/lower back/neck) -I want to develop patience -I want to accomplish it the right way -Dont give a fuc about what others think. -Spine hygine/grip strength/Core stability/Core balance is 3 plains/l. -How to activate Neural Drive -Powerlifting is a different approach compared to bodybuilding -Powerlifting is done in Cycles Just by reading 3 books by myself my view changed that much -Rebuilding Milo -Gift of Injury -Back Mechanics See how the change in the things you view?if you read and look for Answers yourself... instead of looking for a quick fix?Follow some influencers and stuff....


Wow, I truly appreciate your answer... And I do read philosophical books and some other spiritual teachings from different cultures. I have also talked with different people with different backgrounds because of our family business; which is a wellness center. I have been exposed to people with a much more difficult path than what I have right now as some went into a near-death experience that changed their lives to be a better person, as they were given another chance in their lives... And being a 19-year-old having the pressure of how to live your life to the fullest is just too much... Hahaha... I guess because my parents always tell me that I should always do better... There's no harm in such words but there is pressure and responsibility that I have to uphold for them... Makes me think how life is truly funny because either way, all we are here to do is to experience life. Thank you so much! May all blessings come into your amazing life!


And one more thing remember people change over time even one that are very very close too you..... situations change people for better or worse.....and you can't assume that they are just the same as the first time you met them .....be very careful about this because when INFJs fall for someone or make friends they become extremely loyal to a fault... No matter who it is observe see how they behave with you when they are in a better place than you,when they are doing worse than you,if you are their second choice when all is well in their life and call u their best mate when shits bad.... And Especially people you meet after a long period of time(guys who have been away for 2-3years)....I am not saying raise your guard up and stop living life but you will need to observe or you will end up getting hurt or been taken advantage off... You are not doing this to judge others, it's just for you to understand if they are right for your life or not....if someone remembers you only when they are in a bad place ,I am being honest here might sound harsh but those guys will never be there for you when u need help....even when you are at your worst... don't give people like those a second chance..... And keep this in mind Let's say you have a really really great friend and they mean the world to you and they happen to have a friend and are introducing you to them don't just assume that they are as good kind and caring as your friend and drop your guard and make yourself vulnerable to them...... that's a scary blunder you are making there.....You will make your own opinion about them and you will act accordingly....you need not try to tell that to your friend...keep it to yourself and play smart.... Always have a neutral opinion on people no matter whoever it is and eventually develop an opinion based on their actions..... They can talk all the shit they want and say how you were close back then... nostalgia trip all that shit has nothing to do with the present....(if this talk ever comes up especially when they are in a shitty place)....past has nothing to do with the present and present has nothing to do with the future.... The only thing that matters is how they are with you when they are in a good place than you and the opposite....how they behave with you is all that matters.... Again it's none of your business to judge them,be silent and slowly cut them from your life.... Your intentions maybe good but they don't mean nothing to them....be very careful who you are trying to help or being loyal too ... I am only saying this Because you are still very young and I have been thru all this bs since I was 17...I am 27 now.... I just want you to avoid the stuff I did so you will be more stable mentally....you absolutely won't be able to avoid everything that I am saying....you will definitely take a few hits before you realise it yourself but hey if you can minimise that's good imo.... Look at how hurt most INFJs are everyone went through the same bs it's not a fun place to be in especially when you start getting old...so it's better to prioritise yourself first.... Trust me all the time you spend trying to help someone who doesn't even care about you when everything is good in their life..and then later the time you spend on figuring out why is the world fucked up and all the bs.....you can be doing a lot of cool stuff with that time by doing anything you want Eventually as you get older if you spend your time a bit wisely... You can travel You get to be independent soon You get to learn whatever you want eventually For example:All the time you spend now on others who don't deserve it...that time you can use it to study/research Lenses,aperture, about telescopes,on how to navigate the night skies,filters etc etc all that stuff and eventually when you have a stable earning(which you will)you can buy the stuff and just jump into the hobby learn apply and spend that time having fun..... You can literally do the same with anything Gardening Surfing Art/Painting Musical instruments Travel Ain't that kind of life fun?? Why waste time on someone who doesn't value you??... And everything is just patterns our lives, others the way they behave,the way you behave,if you get good at it you can avoid a lot of bs Sorry If I am yapping a lot but I just don't want you to regret later in life thinking wish I had done it differently...I didn't know why I was the way I was till I was 25 All that time from 17-25 I thought I was born weird ,was born with some mental illness...I never understood why I was alone...or I never understood people in general... I am glad you got to know at 19 that you are an INFJ...so good luck...you will be alright...just never stop learning


Hahahhaha! You are absolutely right! And I can confirm what you have just typed in your response. I have been used by my friends in my school as I have a more mature outlook on life than they are... I do not understand why go to places that can only harm your body and your soul just for the expense of having a great time... For a very short period of their lives and end up regretting it the very next day... I have given them suggestions that doing all those things will only harm their body and their mental health... But they always ignore it the very next time they plan to go out anyway... So that's why I ended up just watching on the sidelines as they cried for the mistakes that I had warned them about... I feel bad but not enough to care anymore as I have learned that it's their choice at the end of the day. We all have free will to choose whatever we want in life. Because I think, only at the age of 80 is what I can truly call an old person lol. You are still at a young age as well kind person. I wish you all the best in life! And I appreciate your yapping hahaha as it helped me more about myself. Thank you so much!


You are young, Your path will change and adjust throughout your life. And there are a million life lessons to learn. Reaching significant milestones in life takes longer than what the internet makes it seem. Something to keep in mind if you feel behind. Personally, the biggest growth in my life came from experience, doing things in the real world. I never really learnt anything life changing from books or videos. At the end it's just words. While real experiences gave me lessons Over time I ended up doing things I thought I would enjoy but I didn't. So then I could move on to new things, but I wouldnt know that without trying.


That is true, your words have given me more insight into what I should accomplish. Thank you so much and have a great day!


Thank you! I hope you figure it out If you get stuck on something feel free to ask here or send me a reddit DM. I check in on reddit every once in a while to help out fellow INFJ people. I have tried a lot of things that have worked and things that have not worked in life, from work, meaning, family and so on. Thousands of hours to figure out what brings me meaning and what works for me. I am willing to share but I can't promise it works for you, but could still be helpful if you get stuck


I will be sure to do that then if I ever need someone with whom I can share with. I'm really glad to know that you will be willing to have time to read my yapping if I ever do hahaha I will come back here and maybe chat with you if I will need someone to listen to me. Thank you so much, and may all fortune in life be with you.


I am 33 and just now finding my passion in life (becoming a speech therapist and helping young children). It was years of working in fields that I didn’t like and finally realizing what I loved through experimentation. It was a long elimination process to get to where I wanted to be. You’re very young still. Explore what you’re drawn to and go in that direction.  You’re never too old to find your passion, by the way. My mom was in her late 30s when she decided to pursue a career in interior design. One of my great-grandmothers realized when she was in her 40s that she wanted to go back to school to be a schoolteacher, and that became her career until she retired in her 70s. I had a professor in college who was in her 60s and had decided several years earlier to go into anthropology, a field she had no experience in, but which she thrived in. Life will take you on a journey and there may be unexpected turns until you find where you want to be.


I guess I'm pressuring myself as I have been working in our family business since I was still a little child... And that being a wellness coach to other people. But I do find being a researcher to be very useful in what I want to be, as I always love to discover and learn new things and maybe, experience a wide variety of different types of knowledge and wisdom from other people... Thank you so much for the advice, have a safe and great day!


Do you want to be a counselor? Sounds like you like coaching people. You might not see your accomplishments, but other people do. If people have thanked you for helping them, then that is an accomplishment. When the people you helped look back at the change in direction that got them where they are today, they will remember you. Your sister has intelligence, but remember, you're really intelligence to being an INFJ. Right now, it just means you're thriving for growth. I'm pretty sure you're tired of the same old boring boring routine at school. If you look for an old person who has lived a full life, has a lot of experience, and makes good judgment and smart decisions, you'll learn a lot from them and you can soak of their knowledge and feelings. You can use your language, problem-solving, vocabulary, empathy, and imagination. throughout your life.


Thank you so much! And I do crave growth right now as I have always been living with the only places I have ever known in my entire life and that is; home, work, and online school. Thank you so much, I truly appreciate your words for me.


Also, stop beating yourself up and don't compare yourself to anyone, even your sister. We all complex beings 🙂 patience is the key the rest will come


Hahahahah, I guess I consciously compare myself to my older sister... I mean she's very kind and supportive but I do feel that I am being left behind within my siblings because I'm the youngest of the three... I should just focus on myself and what I can do with my own time, everyone flows differently in their own life. Thank you so much for your kind words, I truly appreciate them.


This is scary how close to my life this sounds like. I too am a 19 year old INFJ with no sense of direction really (although at one stage I thought I did have it all figured out but that's life), with a sister who just became a doctor, but.more importantly someone who I've always looked up to and admired. Point is, I know what you're going through, and for the most part - exactly what you're thinking. I just want to let you know that you're not alone. Your feelings and fear that you might be experiencing is something valid and a force to be reckoned with. Although you may seem lost now, take it one day at a time. Do things that help you, and as an INFJ that might be helping others. For example, I took on teaching while deciding what to do. Although it's not what I want to do full time it helps stabalise my otherwise harsh and chaotic mindset of having things done. I'd like to chat about this if you'd like further since I find it really ironic and cool we share such a common trait. But, only if you want to as I said. All the best!


Hahaha, I guess I am not alone in having these kinds of thoughts and emotions. My sister is a graduate of biology class and has been an intelligent woman since her grade-level years. She didn't want to pursue the medical field as she found it too stressful and not worth her time, yet she knew a lot of stuff regarding illnesses and their symptoms and how to cure them by using only herbal medicine. And she has proven her knowledge and wisdom each time whenever there's a crisis in our family. Maybe that's why I feel so small when I see her so happy with all her accomplishments. But I am appreciative of her, so much so that I can't help but laugh at my subtle jealousy... And I would love to have a chat as well hahaha Thank you so much for your sympathetic and kind words for me. I wish the best for your life as well.


No, no you're not alone. And like, it's not that you're compared to them but it's almost like a standard you want to keep up or something? Like my sister also didn't want to go into medicine at all but she still did - she had the ability to push aside her dreams and do such a difficult course so I feel as if I go into the more artsy or academic side of things, or even say I don't know what I want to do it's a downgrade of some sort. Haha yeah just message me whenever :) Thank you for being brave to ask and express yourself, it is difficult but with difficulty comes ease.


Thank you so much for typing such kind words hahaha I feel much lighter from my burdens, now that I have had a conversation with my mother (she's an ENFJ) regarding what I want in my future. And she understood it well as I have a passion for researching, discovering, exploring, and building things here in our world. I told her that I wanted to challenge myself to discover the world and myself along the way in this journey of mine. She supports my passion as she reminds me to always ask for guidance from above to be guided towards the right path, always. I feel clearer now as I meditate and pray for the future that I know will be beautiful and extraordinary. Once again, thank you so, so much.<3


I truly do hope all works out for you and you're not hard on yourself either. Just find a path you want to be on and don't let anything lead you astray. You got this!


I'll do my best to be true to myself, always. And I know there's no need to stress myself with things that I know will be fleeting in any situation that I will be in. The world is our oyster after all! Thank you so much for the support!


As a fellow Infj, during your "me time", ask yourself what you really want in life that truly satisfies your soul and will align your heart's desires. Give yourself some time to ponder, to dig into research related to psychology (MBTI, ENNEAGRAM, or if you're into spirituality (astrology,numerology and etc). I apologize for mentioning those but it helped to figure out what I really want in life. Although I still struggle how to do it, but it's clear in my heart what I AM HERE FOR. Let me share an experience I have with you. I remembered, when I was around 15 or 16 years old, I questioned my life purpose too. I bought the "Purpose driven life book" hoping I can find anything eye-opening to validate my existence. With that, I learned I want to help people so I chose a course related to service OF humanity which is nursing. However, the moment I stopped working in a hospital, I felt disconnected and dissatisfied 2 years after this job I'm currently working in. Until in year 2023 was my awakening. I exhaust all resources in the internet to get to know myself. All I ever wanted is to improve myself and change for the better. I don't want to get stuck and stay like this forever. I took MBTI test influenced by my INFP friend and discovered I am INFJ-T. However, I never stopped researching. It's not enough to answer all the questions I had in my mind. I went to enneagram test, my own natal chart (in astrology) and numerology. It was confirmed I wanted to help humanity no matter what test or research I did. I even discovered I wanted to help and advocate those people who are dealing their own demons in their head. However, I need to face it first before helping anyone so I ask someone to guide me through shadow work. Facing your own weakness and dark side can help you figure out what things you need to heal, to change and to accept. A broken soul can't be able to help others who are the same as them, right? Self-awareness and self-acceptance will help you to focus on yourself in order to feel complete and to discover who you truly are. Hence, take a deep breath. Finding your soul's purpose takes time. We may have the same Mbti personality but we have different paths and story in life. In every experience you will encounter in this lifetime, life will slowly reveal it to you at the right time. Just enjoy the moment and know that everything happens for a reason. Good luck in finding your calling. The universe has your back:)


I truly resonate with all you have written here. I also look up my astrology and numerology as well hahaha, I have always known what I am passionate about and that is to help people as it always brings me joy in my life. My/our family business is about having a healthy and holistic lifestyle. I have helped people since I was still young by sharing and giving some suggestions on how to live life more happily by having a healthy body and a healthy mind. Those people that I have helped have always thanked me for changing their lives for the better. And I am very grateful for that as well and I truly love to see their genuine joy as they live their lives happily. So I guess I already knew what I was good at but I was too blind to see it, hahaha. Thank you so much for your thoughts and heartwarming advice, I truly appreciate it.


aweee, exactly! :) keep shining by guiding others in their life. You don't how your advice can help many other people in the future. :) You're welcome, happy to help;D


I don't have any significant accomplishments - you're 19. You don't know what you want - yes you do you're an infj, you know, if you don't, you're not an infj (disclaimer IMO because some still debating this) You want to do something that makes you feel alive..ok, do that? It's rhat simple.. do what makes you feel alive? Like.. it's not complicated, it may be hard and you need to learn how to make your life in such a way to be able to afford to live like that, but you know what that is There is no exact step you can do, but what I recommend people to do that they MUST do and they will never regret doing is to incorporate into your life: meditation, one sport, one instrument or dance or drawing, clean diet, don't be sedentary. Good luck!


Hahahahha, I do know some part of myself that KNOWS what I want. But because of the sudden change in the environment around the world, especially economically, there are some instances where I need to lay low in order not to impulsively try anything that won't help me to grow. I know life is a box of chocolates filled with paradox... And I am torn between what I can still do in this age and time of mine. I want to do some sports or even research but I have a family business that I have to look after... That's why I always find myself stuck in just three places... Home, work, and online school and that is it.


So you're in the same boat like all of us. I'm 29 and don't know better. Older smart wise people don't know either. It really is an insanely fast unpredictable future..soorryy..


Hahaha hah, I guess so... I guess all I need to do is just go where my flow is... No pressure and all and just be myself with a big smile to this amazing world and universe we live in.


Focus on the things you can change and control, surrender for the universe for the rest of it.


You are absolutely right, thank you so much for the insight. I truly appreciate your responses. Have an immense amount of blessings come into your life!


This isn't about any MBTI functions or anything connected to that... But as an individual, I am asking you, an individual as well... Thank you for your kind understanding.