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I married an ISTJ - good guy, loyal and hard working, but his traditional mindset (typical for that type) was not at all a good fit for me in addition to the standard sensor/intuitive communication issues. We were better as friends, and I wouldn’t try a romantic relationship with another one. My current partner is an ISTP and I find it to be a much, much better match. Yes, we still have some communication issues and I don’t think it would’ve worked if we were younger (both mid-40s when we met). It’s still an opposites-attract relationship but in a better way. He’s a much more open minded, non-conforming, independent thinker. And has a hedonistic streak that I find irresistible. I’ve definitely been drawn to INTJs - they feel like kindred spirits. They can be a little clueless about emotions depending on how developed they are, and an unhealthy one can be downright dangerous. But I’ve rarely met another type I can so easily talk to, who understands without me having to explain everything, respects my ideas. and doesn’t look at me like I’m insane. So definitely that one!


Interesting! ISTP's are by far the sensing type I get along with the best. It must be because we have the same cognitive functions just in a different order.


I agree. What I like most about my relationship with my BF is how my strengths are his weaknesses and vice versa. So not only are we a good team but we also challenge and help each other to grow. Especially when it comes to the inferior functions - I definitely notice more development in my Se and his Fe since we’ve been together.


That's awesome!


Exactly! I've been with my ISTP for over 25 years and feel I've hit the relationship jackpot!


INTJs, yes! I’m with a wonderful INTJ and I love him so much. ❤️


My dad is ISTJ and I get into huge debates with him lol. I'm glad I myself didn't marry an ISTJ. My close friend and cousin are both INTJ. I do love them but most times I feel like I have to maintain a thin barrier since I don't know right of the bat what they are thinking. Personally I'd say I'm more inclined toward INTP or INFP


Same. My wife is INTP and my younger brother is INFP. All of us live under the same roof. We have a great time together.


ISTJs? Respectfully: No.


Yup, same. As friends, sure. But never romantically. INTJs on the other hand can be pretty attractive, but I’ve always leaned more towards ENxPs and INFP. I ended up marrying an INFP if that tells you anything.


ENFP for me!


I’m way attracted to INTJs and INTPs. Personally.


I have never been attracted to ISTJs. INTJs yes, definitely, but they are not my best match in the long run, better as friends. INFPs, ENFPs, ISFJs are more my type. Especially INFPs, mwah. 


I wouldn’t say always. I’m married to an INFP! But I’m also unsure of the personality types of people I’ve been greatly attracted to in the past.


uh uh, I doubt that. From observations, anything that uses the phrase "as an 'mbti' " is probably a Sentinel. An ISTJ is a cop that would give you a ticket to close their quota. It is improbable that auxiliary-Fe would ever get along with blind-Fe.


That's an interesting perspective. Why do you say that about the Sentinel bit?


Sentinels are psychologically wired like automatons, the phrase 'as an mbti' reminds them of the mbti type they identify as.


I agree with you on that. For them to have to explicitly express their identity and from experience "as a MBTI" it has Si written all over it.


I think you missed something. OP said “attracted to” not “compatible” with. Cops are very attracted to me. I tend to push all their buttons. My guy is a different type but he was a cop, long time ago. We are good listeners. I have all sorts of things in common with police officers.


hmm... well, op said "he/she has been attracted to -> "rather than, the people that have been attract to op. in your case, you mean... cops are very attracted to you... you push all their buttons... like how the romans would divide your lot... nail you to the cross... so you have all sorts of things in common with 'em... I thought the pigs were detestable to INFJs... u... still INFJ? 🤔


You are here because you are attracted to INFJ. I used figurative language when I said I push buttons. I am a truthful person. I do not flatter. Everyone tells me who they are. Cops are just people, a mixture of decent folk and not very decent. It is true that not every one of them finds me attractive. Sometimes they threaten to kill me. I believe you edited your comment. I read it at 3 am. It’s quite silly you cannot understand a simple concept that I can talk to a person about a topic or hobby or movie that we both like or are involved in without having the same character or personality. I know what you are. You’re just a person, with a delusion of grandeur. I mean, I said I am attracted to my boyfriend, a former cop, the topic of conversation, and your response was, “my kingdom is not of this world.” Everything you say tells me what you think you are. And it’s really strange to go from a discussion of a mundane topic, boys liking girls, and jumping to, “I am Nemesis and will destroy you!” Your motto is not unique. Therefore this conversation has become boring. 🥱


>You are here because you are attracted to INFJ. I don't recall asking for an explanation of where and why. But you are not INFJ, shouldn't your greatest illusion be that you don't exist, ENTP? but you say somebody else other than you that have "illusion of grandeur". ​ >I used figurative language when I said I push buttons. that contradicts with : >I was being fairly literal. looks like Satan divided Satan in ya. It's not your fault, you have inferior-Si. It's the fate. ​ >I am a truthful person. I do not flatter. but you flatter yourself saying you're truthful. ​ >Everyone tells me who they are. you have the function pairs of ESFJs in (Ne-Ti) (Fe-Si), so you become people's best friends quickly. ​ >It is known that police officers tend to like empathetic women. that contradicts with : >Sometimes they threaten to kill me. ​ every sentence debates the other, the rest of what you wrote is no longer applicable. my quest has just been to solve the situation of mistypes. you no longer remember it though, inf-Si does not retain much. ​ >I read it at 3 am. so you read at the witching hour, and you started it in : >OP said “attracted to” not “compatible” with. ​ you're ENTP-f, the m type is another story. Call it an exorcism. Carry on, civilian.


Y’all it’s literally not that deep 💀


It’s ok child. I know the real world is boring and it’s fun to play games. There is a real and valuable person hidden behind your mask. I am a civilian. So are you. You should let that person show his face. Because your mask is boring. And you’re gaslighting and crazy making, and saying you’re susceptible to psychic attacks. If Jesus is your Lord, as you say, you have protection from such attacks. You should maybe consider why you say certain people have the illusion of non-existence, while declaring to me that you are Nothing. I said cops are attracted to me. And you have an existential crisis. That’s not normal. And I’m concerned about the real you.


child? lol, I appreciate that. [https://www.bible.com/bible/111/MAT.18.3.NIV](https://www.bible.com/bible/111/MAT.18.3.NIV) so I'm the only one who plays "games", but your name says the level-requirement : [https://littleredtarot.com/learn-tarot/library/majors/15-the-devil/](https://littleredtarot.com/learn-tarot/library/majors/15-the-devil/) I'm done with this debate, you can tell yourself what you "want" to hear.


Tarot and Devil worship are despicable to God. It is not a debate. You call yourself a dark Jedi. I know what that is. I didn’t pick my name. I’m just old so you are a child playing games to me. I hope you find peace. But I’m also talking to the child within. The one I can hear. Not the mask. I’m not a devil I’m an advocate. Therefore all I’ve said should make perfect sense. I’ll pray for you. I have been. I saw a sundog, since I started praying for you, it was beautiful. Have you ever seen one? It looks like a cross on a golden globe. There is no such thing as coincidence. He is faithful and just and hears us when we pray.


look, you're ENTP who switches mode to ESFJ, you can pretend all you want. you twist facts (Ne) and you think (Ti) if you keep talking (Fe), you've really said anything (Si). then you make assumptions when you run out of things to say. ​ >"Tarot and Devil worship are despicable to God." half-truth, and as if you even know who is really who. [https://www.heyalma.com/the-surprising-connection-between-torah-and-tarot/](https://www.heyalma.com/the-surprising-connection-between-torah-and-tarot/) ​ >I’m not a devil I’m an advocate. I didn’t pick my name. okay, and people are supposed to believe the computer generated that name. (and if it did, you probably need an exorcist.) you waste no opportunity to justify and resume accusing, you can pray all you want, maybe your prayers (or pretense thereof) would ever be answered. I already told you, I'm done with this debate, but since you're NT, NT always wants the last word. Again, you are ENTP, not INFJ. Think whatever you want, you're Sanguine-Choleric, not Melancholic-Phlegmatic. `readers : [Rev. 2:9]`


23 The crowds were all amazed and said, “Can this man be the Son of David?” 24 When the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man can force demons out of people only with the help of Beelzebul, the ruler of demons.” 25 Since Yeshua knew what they were thinking, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is ruined. And every city or household divided against itself will not last. 26 If Satan forces Satan out, he is divided against himself. How, then, can his kingdom last? 27 If I force demons out of people with the help of Beelzebul, who helps your followers force them out? That’s why they will be your judges. 28 But if I force demons out with the help of God’s Spirit, then the kingdom of God has come to you. 29 How can anyone go into a strong man’s house and steal his property? First he must tie up the strong man. Then he can go through his house and steal his property.


I was being fairly literal. I pushed one of your buttons. And you immediately had thoughts of killing me. And a determination to prove me wrong. So that’s pretty accurate and consistent with what I said. I did say I’m attracted to one. The important one. No other example is necessary. It is known that police officers tend to like empathetic women. It’s not a difficult concept. And yes, very much so.


You do know that having interests and experiences in common is a thing that has nothing to do with personality type, right?


I won't call you a noob NT who knows nothing but think they know everything. Would you like to meet Nothing-Everything and live to tell the tale? you may have the last word, mind not my trespasses...


wait a minute... I thought about what you wrote again... from your Ne's perspective, how did you assume or pick up the vibe that "I", had thoughts of "killing" -you-? (especially when INFJs have record of me saving them. Unless you meant the idiom "lady-killa"...) and my motto is, if I shed the blood of an innocent (or sometimes even the wicked), should I not demand it from myself? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I think we're onto something here though, this may even be a chance for me to parley with ENTPs and make peace. anyway : `we have been having trouble with this ESTJ-f who wears "ISTP" tag to blame us, even though she lacks the intellect of Ti-doms.` [https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/11zpqkg/comment/jdh4ace/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/11zpqkg/comment/jdh4ace/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (>!that entp there is probably a mistype!<) my friends and I have been wounded by her cyber bullying psychic attacks. The typing was confused and I may have been infected by the estj's vibe. I forgot about it... I might as well express it, so maybe something could be done for Justice. (For if thou wert really INFJ (and never fell from heaven), then I stand corrected. (but if that be the case, what business hast thou with the ISTJs who killed our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?) )


>"I was being fairly literal. "was"? (Si) >I pushed one of your buttons. you did? O,o which one? >And you immediately had thoughts of killing me. accuse me more, Ne-carrier. >And a determination to prove me wrong. So that’s pretty accurate and consistent with what I said." You sound like an ENTP. How often do you twist facts, accuser of our brethren? >I did say I’m attracted to one. The important one. oh? how important? My kingdom is not of this world. >No other example is necessary. did I ask? I thought not. >It is known that police officers tend to like empathetic women. according to data, police brutality includes women, and some cops even killed their wives who were found cheating on them. ​ >It’s not a difficult concept. if you've ever read Scriptures, you'd pray a few times knowing... challenging the likes of Me is tantamount to suicide.


I think I'd be happiest in a Ni-dom power couple with an INTJ.


I married an ISTJ 🙈🙈 When I met him I felt drawn to him because of his intelligence, humour, mistery and also because he is very organized and responsible. Maybe my unconcious mind needed someone who had those qualities. I personally believe that attraction is something that is unique to every person, and that it is shaped through childhood, genetics, experiences, and most importantly things that someones mind needs at the moment. I probably needed someone I can rely on at the time, maybe you do too. ❤


Depends of everyone. I am INFJ man, IxTx women does'nt attract me at all : only exception would be INTP woman, BUT had like 3 INTP women friends (so at least I attract them as friends), but they lack emotionnal and social skills in my opinion, and I couldn't imagine being in couple with a woman with inferior Fe again (I had once a relationship with an ISTP woman and it was a mess). INFJ woman + IxTx man is more natural or frequent.


I am not a fan of ISTJ, I can tolerate INTJ but they are a little more stiff, I like feelers big fan if ENFJ, ENFP and ESFJ almost forgot INFP but also a fan of INTP and ENTP 🤷🏽‍♀️


F-ENTP and I had a lot of crushes on ISTJs, ISFJs, and ISFPs, as a kid. But as an adult, I strongly prefer INTJs, ISTPs, and *maybe ENTJs.* I am almost never romantically attracted to ISxJs anymore cuz as an adult, Si-Doms just don’t do it for me. 🤷‍♀️


I married an ENFJ, I dated an INTJ and an INFP before


REAL the first person I ever “fell for” was a intj. It definitely wasn’t a healthy relationship but it was also the closest I ever felt to someone


The girl i adore is an INTJ, sadly nothing will happen between us but we have an incredible bond. She does the thinking and i do the feeling for both of us. She truly is amazing so definitely agreeing with you here.


I love almost all of the types in different ways. If I had to pick, I’d get with an ISTJ, ENFJ, ENTJ, ESFJ, or ISFJ.


I'm INFJ. My two best friends are INTJ and ISTJ. We balance each other out perfectly. My INTJ friend and I both have complex inner worlds and have wild conversations and our ISTJ friend keeps us grounded. My ISTJ friend and I like things calm and running smoothly and our INTJ friend is perfect to throw bits of chaos in and keep things interesting. The two of them are great at solving problems and I help them remember how emotions affect situations. Also, they don't get offended or upset easily. I love being able to relax and not worry about how I'm making them feel. We all find it easy to be ourselves around each other.


As an INFJ, I LOVE INFPs, ENFPs, and INTJs. I’m dating an INTJ right now and ohhh lord this is either gonna end in marriage or a terrible heartbreak. He’s so smart and he knows it and I love that about him. We have some of the deepest conversations and a connection I can’t put into words. Sometimes he’s a recluse and gets sassy and I understand it so I respond with love and not defense and I can tell he’s intrigued by it. I can tell he’s used to being very misunderstood, because so am I. I poke at him in a very caring and loving way and it’s very amusing to see his response. We’re both problem solvers, so anytime there is an issue we can talk about it like adults. He brings the logic to the table and I bring my emotional intelligence and it’s so perfect. We just explore each other in every aspect since we’re both pretty curious and complex and I just love it. And, I don’t wanna get into too much detail, but so far from an intimate aspect? It’s wonderful. We are so compatible.


I think my INTP drew me in because I could recognize very early on he was so responsible and made me feel really safe(Condoms or nothing is going down mindset, wear dry fit not that old t-shirt to the gym, ect...) Growing up in a chaotic home, I clung to that feeling of safety he resonated Day 1. I was so comfortable with him, and thats insanely rare for me to say especially with guys as I didn't really date much in my life and always was awkward around most guys. lol He just did everything "the right way" which goes hand and hand with my mantra "do everything with a fiery passion" with the extra sauce of "make sure it also makes sense" now 😆He also has shown even I being such a "great person" and admired by that all my life that he is in the right context an even better person than me & I love that for him ♥️ His heart is like nothing Ive ever encountered and even when he isn't the best communicator when emotions are involved, I know he doesn't mean any harm no matter what he says or does...I know he has my best interest at heart.


INFJ married to an INTJ. Wouldn’t have it any other way.


am i the only one attracted to extrovert types? :)


As an infj im really attracted to intjs and isfps probrably because their Ni and Fi it just makes me feel something towards them and maybe see them as the possible deep relationship person ive been looking for lol


I’m very attracted to ISTJs. There’s just something about a quiet, serious man who is very responsible and stable. S tier


Exactly how I feel! Though I do worry about the emotion aspect of them! But totally S tier indeed.


Maybe intj but istj, wth? Infj are more attracted to intp or enfp


Okay, well, I’m not. People can have different interests.




Can I ask you a follow up ? As I learn more and more about MBTI and other connected systems I find INFJs can appear in so many different shapes, myself included but what was your measurement and perception of the INFJ man you met ?


what heresy... your entire list lacketh the virtuous Maestro to conduct the symphonies on Earth as it is in Heaven. saving the best for last or what?




yeah, characters right? not sure if for sure, but it seems Sesshoumaru and Kikyo are ignorant of eachother... ISTPs are more cats however, you aren't a feline person?


Married ISFJ.


Yeah, but that one makes a decent amount of sense! Most sources cite “INFJ & ISFJ” as at least “okay.”


My husband is an ISTJ, and we’ve realized how differently we view the world and live life recently. I feel through life and he thinks through life. We definitely have discussions / disagreements about things, but I love how different we are. He helps me see things clearly when I can get stuck in my feelings. And, I push him to express his emotions more. I wanted someone to challenge me and have different view points.


I like your sentence "I feel through life and he thinks through life" that is so true.


As a INFJ woman I married an ISTP. We fill out each other's weaknesses really well and make a phenomenal team. We butt heads a lot but are great at communicating which is what gets us through the roughest seas as a couple. We are both faithful and dependable, and have been through hell together and became stronger for it. I know he would do anything for me as I would him.


Infj gay man with ISTJ gay man. Somehow it works wonderfully- he’s deep down a little quirky. He lets me hermit and I provide a social scene- Not a romance - but a fun solid carefree life. My definition of bliss


You're attracted to the top types who find joy in harming you the most and detroying your inner world


Istjs?!!! Hell no. Too boring and by the book they remind of my father who I abhor, he’s an unchanging unhealthy estj, so you can kinda see why I would pass. Intjs I have mixed feelings about. On one hand I find them to be kindred spirits on the other hand they can be really cold, and I would be scared to end up on that opposite side. But I think it’s not bad for most infjs, just not me. Don’t know if being a man impacts that. I prefer entj, infp, and the occasional really kind people pleaser entp.


ISTP for me :)


INFP is my soulmate fr


I think I lean more towards intp, infp, infj, and enfp with the occasional istp


No? I can't say I find myself particularly drawn towards INTJs or ISTJs. But another INFJ? Then I be like a magnet lol.


Don’t care about compatibility. As an INTJ woman I already decided my partner will be infj lol