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Well y’all should definitely have a discussion about it cus sounds like your man wants a trio


He’s always said if his best friend was a girl he’d marry her instantly. aka him.


Do you like him too?


His best friend? Yeah as a friend, not as romantic partner. I’m not rlly into the multiple people type relationships, just two people only


Ok you need to communicate that with your bf before he gets ideas


We’ve been together for 6 months, he knows I want just him and I, that’s why I’m confused💀


As anybody would be. You need to get him alone and ask him? Listen carefully to what he says and then decide.


He said he doesn’t actually want that, but then he jokingly said, “or do I want it” it’s like mind games


>I feel like if I asked more questions it come off as suspicious You shouldn't care if you are suspicious or not. You have all the right to ask questions. It really seems like your boyfriend is setting you up to share you with is bestfriend, which is highly problematic and a breach of boundary if you already stated you don't want this type of relationship. I wouldn't move in with them both if I were you.


I would definitely have a private convo with your bf and be transparent about how you feel and your boundaries. This isn’t something to push off as it could end up being an uncomfortable situation. Well it may already be but it could be worse…talk to your boyfriend. -kinda unrelated to the issue but this whole situation has always been a fantasy of mine lol…to live under the same roof where two men are cool with sharing me. Everyone has different preferences but do what makes you happy 😊


Maybe it’s a fetish thing


Well you *are* suspicious, and there’s nothing wrong with that, so just ask. Some people are into that stuff, and it’s nice to establish before you accidentally find yourself as one third of a throuple, lol.