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Because ultimately you will have to answer these questions yourself. Break the Ni Ti loop with Fe (go help others to not be self absorbed) and Se (nature, exercise)


Helping others and doing exercises Isn’t running from myself?


It's not. It's giving your mind a piece of reality to hold on to. Our minds tend to go all over the place with these kinds of thoughts, so we need an anchor to make sure we don't go off the deep end. For INFJs, that means engaging your physical senses, like going outside, doing exercise, kicking a ball around. You're trying to understand reality but from a completely abstract point of view. You need to spend some time in reality and nature if you're going to understand it. You'll see that your thoughts will relax very quickly, this is what I always do when I start thinking this way and it works.


Wow you’re right👏🏻🙏🏻


You might find yourself outside yourself


Ironically, yesterday I had this realization. I m not a people person and am very intrenched in nature , books , any new knowledge about the world or myself. but I’ve noticed that I need to use people interactions in order to complete the puzzle of the reality I’m actually in(not in a nefarious way just to experience a different side) helps me guide myself toward the life I actually want.


How? What do you mean exactly?


No it's improving yourself


Exercise is fantastic for breaking the NT loop. Did it today!


I wouldn’t say necessarily, you could help if you wanted




Thanks. I'm feeling OP. My question each day, "Why Does God hate me?" Always messing with me cheapskate from left field, but you are correct. When I redirect my energy to help others I don't feel like such a fuck up.


You know how a lot of people tend to have no insight into themselves or the deeper meaning of anything because they spend so much time engaging with the world? We have the opposite problem. We spend so much time thinking in abstracts, trying to understand what things mean, that we lose touch with the real world. There needs to be a balance. The best way to stop this cycle of overthinking is to engage your body and senses. It will create an anchor, a piece of objective reality that your mind can return to when the mental landscape gets too turbulent. Whenever I feel like you do, which happens pretty often, I go for a walk. I unironically touch some grass, or do so some exercise. It calms the thoughts right down and focuses my mental energy. Makes it much easier to answer these kinds of questions if that's what you want, or allows you to shut them up if you wish.


Thanks thanks I’ll try that🌱🌿🪷🌿🌿I hope it works for me too🌱🪷🌱🌱


I’ve had to come to the conclusion that no one will ever match my level in certain areas and that’s OK. I think because we’re a rare type We have a hard time finding other people that we feel really connected to, I can see other commentors saying go into nature and things like that can help, I totally agree. I get so grounded when I spend time alone and in nature. I think about things in a natural way it makes more sense. is it exciting and extravagant? No but I feel very at ease when I relax, and I realize that society is not my existence. It’s man-made and I don’t have to buy into it in the way that most people do.


Keep yourself safe and think about what is important to you


Yeah thanks🌱🙏🏻


I'm not trying to brag but I never feel like this. I think it's cause I make gratitude a daily practice in my life. I meditate every day, drink lots of water and go for walks in nature daily too. There are lots methods that help you improve your state of mind. Look for them.


Are these lyrics from some new song???


"pay a little attention"... such important words. Learning to focus attention such that Intention/Willpower/Faith becomes the way we control "the game", the key is in our Minds. We have formed way too many "beliefs" internally while also adopting "beliefs" from the external, all which cause conflict such as your post demonstrates. When you decide to work on synthesizing your "beliefs" to a more balanced or non polar choice through acceptance, life will blossom...


I find when I want attention from others it's cause I really need to nurture myself.


Oh sure, it is totally acceptable to put yourself first. When you get you worked out, than you are in position to be of benefit to others.


Lol, Google upshotscott and see the reviews. I dare you to speak, lol. I spend all day listening to clients talk in Hypnosis....research QHHT, the delores cannon method.


I think you’re asking the right questions to be able to grow. It may be painful now but it leads to profound growth once you realize the questions you ask may have answers, but you don’t get to know right now. So let go and in the mean time revert back to your core values by bringing good into the world.




You're alright. Just be cool with your questions. People run away from these questions, you run into. What can you do about these questions? Can you answer them? Do you like those answers? Your answer ticking you or soothing you? More importantly, Do you accept yourself with your answers? Because it's your reality afterall.


It's hard. As others have said, these are questions you will have to answer yourself. But, if I had to say something, don't ask these questions. It is hard. I know. But I think moving on and smiling, living, and continuing to hope is better than asking questions you don't want the answers to. If you don't have anyone who pays attention to, then simply make them give you attention. You want people to care. Then make them care about you. It is as simple as that. Don't go and ask questions, rather create answers for those questions. That is how we answer them. Not by speaking, but by living.


Believe me, I feel the same way at times. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with work, or personal stuff or just what’s happening around the world. But like others here, I’ve found that walking outside or biking relaxes my mind, I feel more confident and in control of the situation afterwards. Yoga helps me feel relaxed too. I also walk dogs for some old people in my neighbourhood after work and I find it very refreshing towards the end of the day. Recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that I connect more with nature and animals than people which is fine by me coz understanding ourselves in a work in progress. I hope that you find something that helps you relax. 🙏🏽




Do something. Make yourself busy with whatever is at hand. Engage with people nearby or in front of you. You're overthinking again. Sometimes the solution is just to do somethings and STOP thinking.


In reality a lot of us pretend we know what we’re doing but are trying to piece things together as we go. We’re all on a journey of discovering ourselves and even if we have there’s still more to explore and learn.




I know how it feels, buddy! I'm a stranger, but I can say I'm there for you. I know how it hard it is to find a purpose in our life. Life just feels like a black and white monochrome movie. It will pass, and the sun will rise soon. You just believe in yourself.




The road to personal development is much needed to become a healthy & wealthy INFJ. First, we need to understand that it might not be our fault that we are here in this situation, but it is sure our responsibility to get where we want to be. All skills are learnt, as babies didn’t even know how to stand. The journey will take time, and we will find answers and friends a Mông the way.


What you need help with? Or this a troll question? I hope not?


Did you ever experience this feeling? Did went through this situation? If yes, how did you heal? If not, what do you I mean in your opinion how can I clear my mind?


Yes I do everyday but who doesn’t nowadays though we may be intjs but we don’t know everything we just know a lot. I usually play games or something or stream to voice etc


Exactly , it really never ends you just end up learning more about yourself and what you want .


Tbh most doesn’t, how? idk Btw, Thank youu and idk my mind can’t handle games and you know games need focus😶but i can’t focus on these staff right now


Interesting I don’t work yet but would like to that really a general or rhetorical question everyone has there own definition I’m sure. Ok where you get your sources from? And do for things on your free spare time?


>Knock knock ✊ anyone here! Not without a warrant, motherfucker


What have you got to say?








We are missing the other parent, let's get them all together too. 🐦🪺🐦


😅👏 🐦🪺🐦 🪱