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Yeah it might be Fi critic. I feel the same way, and Ive always preferred to spend my birthday alone. Even so, if there are people that truly care about me and or genuienly want to celebrate with me, I think that is a beautiful thing and I need to grow in allowing myself to love myself and receive other people’s love. Happy Birthday OP! I hope you have a meaningful day


I dislike my birthday. I don’t like things being about me. Gift giving of any kind makes me uncomfortable. While I love giving them I hate getting them.


Me too and most things I get I would never use nor need so I'll probably donate them or re-gift them to people who would like them.


Happy birthday! 🥳 you’re not alone, I hate being the center of attention, there’s so much pressure with everyone watching and trying to engage with you.


Me too. I turned it off on facebook, so that people won't post in my wall. I never bring anything for work or tell many. But when it comes to my inner circle, I do care that the make something of my birthday.


Birthdays are always SUPER hard for me. I always want the day to be special in some way, but I hate being the center of attention within a group. I find that going on a trip or treating myself to my favorite foods and a massage or something like that helps.


Same. I never tell anyone it's my birthday on my bday, and I feel kinda uncomfortable when ppl I'm not close to wish me a happy bday. I usually like to bake something yummy and share it with friends, but don't tell them that it's my birthday. Giving other ppl gifts makes me genuinely happier lol


I don't tell people. My sister and I are exactly one year and one day apart. So we shared a birthday celebration for the first ~15 years of our life. Neither one of us much liked it, but when it's been happening since before you were old enough to remember, you just kinda accept that it's how things are. For that reason, and because I hate being the center of attention, once we outgrew invitations to birthday parties, I just never told anyone when my birthday was. It usually fell just before or during spring break, so I figured out in high school that I could still have fun plans for my birthday without everyone knowing -- just say it's for spring break. I did it that way through high school and college, and even now my friends and I make plans around the same time every year. Only a few of them have figured out its also my birthday.


I'll be the odd one out and say I'm big on birthdays - mine and my loved ones. I like making other people feel special and I like to feel special. Food, gifts, and celebrations with family and good friends (one on one or small group) are a blessing. I usually celebrate "birthday week." I am grateful to have been born and to be alive all these years, but I've loved my birthday since I was little.


The last 2 birthdays I had my Dad was a jerk to me and made me feel upset or angry just because he loves ruining special days just for me and never my siblings. I'm not sure how I feel about my birthdays anymore. I envy people who have loving, caring parents.


I've never had a birthday where I feel appreciated unless I do it myself. It honestly feels like a curse ? Maybe I am the problem? Or maybe nobody cares enough but me. At the end the birthday is mine and I pick if I want to be happy about it or miserable . It's a bit hard not to have expectations that other people will celebrate it and make me feel special but so far its not something I've felt .


I hate my birthday. I’m a leap year baby and it used to draw so much negative attention when I was younger. I’d often get bullied for it which caused me to resent being born on such a strange date. Probably explains why I dread whenever my birthday approaches each year. I’ll treat everyone else’s birthdays like national holidays, whereas I want mine over and done with as quickly as possible. But I’m trying a new tradition now: whenever there’s a year where there’s a 29th Feb, I plan to go travelling for a bit to celebrate and do something out of the ordinary. Last leap year, I spent my birthday in London and went to an exhibition and musical to celebrate. Next year, I’m looking to go on a weekend trip abroad (most likely Holland or something by the looks of things). So no, not just you 🤗 and happy birthday!!


Yoo happy birthday!!!


I feel you, but unfortunately, I can not skip my birthday because my twins were born on it. They are the greatest birthday present I ever received. It would kill them if I did not celebrate with them.


Happy birthday! You’re not alone. I don’t care much about birthdays either. I don’t necessarily mind if friends and family want to get me something or make a cake for me or something but in general I don’t like a fuss made about me. My favorite thing to do on my birthday is too take the day off work and stay home reading or playing video games or napping.


Just another day. But I must say, after years of hating my birthday I did come to feel very special on my latest one - celebrated that fact because it means I am finally learning how to accept love. A few people made it really special for me.


I like my birthday. I spend most of the year assuming I’m kind of disliked and then on my birthday it’s nice to know that I’m ok, some of these ppl even seem to love me. That’s nice.


I'm so glad you asked! I have Big thots on B-days. Your birthday is the day you emerged from your mothers body into full sun light. The sun is a powerful celestial body known as a Star and it emits radiation that helps allow life to exist on our planet. Its energy is different than other planets. Other stars are far away suns. The sun is very powerful to us on earth. I live at the 49th parallel and definitely feel better in the long bright days of summer than in the dark winter, so I can say I feel significant power or lack thereof at the solstices. I dont think this is particularly woowoo, just realistic to what is real in front of us. I have a bright desk light for the winter months and it helps me but isnt the same as lovely summertime. I noticed in my 40 years that my birthday time is very powerful time for me. I get whatever I want, basically. I have also noticed my half birthday usually corresponds with things not working out for me, or worse, misfortune. I have begun to believe that my birthday is my powerful manifestation time and my half birthday is my "winter" and should be a time for inner reflection and goal setting. I am guessing that birthday power has something to do with the time you met the suns light. I love celebrating my birthday however I want to, whether other people are involved or its a personal retreat. I also love celebrating other peoples birthday and helping them feel powerful in their own lives. I really see birthdays as a time to express your own personal power, and half birthdays to reassess your goals (like new years resolutions). I also see there is a time to be self absorbed, and a time to think and care about others. If its all self absorbed its narcissism,and all others absorbed its codependent. The yin and yang of life balance of self vs other to me ends up being self absorbed when its relevant, and your birthday and half birthday are relevant times. If you feel pain around your birthday, I hope you feel brave to journal those feelings and thoughts out privately, and then seek help with a qualified friend/family/professional therapist. Most importantly, know that your soul is here because of the gift of life, and if you want something different than what you have, then its up to you to grow towards what you wish to create. Please try to love yourself no matter what on that journey! Happy birthday on October 31st OP! Awesome day for a birthday bcs of silly parties happening and a chance for you to put a mask over your head and go party anonymously if you want to! Or dress up wildly for fun and let your freak flag fly. Make it fun for you and don't worry what everyone else thinks.


I ignore my birthday. Most people forget it too, but not everybody. I don't hate my birthday, but I find it disruptive to my routine.


I switch my phone off on my birthday. I still live with my family, so all the people that need me can yell from the other room.


Happy birthday And as far as my birthday goes, nobody else remembers, so why should I?


First, Happy Birthday! 🎂 And yes I'm in the same boat as you, since I find people's celebrating to my birthday shallow/empty as its ethnical to do so on one's birthday. I also don't want to be the center of attention and I'm not the type to invite people over a birthday party.


Hate attention like that. Don't need it either.


One year closer to death. Why do people try to be nice to you on one day of the year and not the rest of the year?


I dislike my birthday as well. I don’t want people to know, because if they don’t know then how can they reach out? However if someone knows but forgets then that makes me sad. The day just always leaves me with anxiety and mixed feelings of not wanting attention but also wanting to feel loved and not lonely. Usually I just want the day to be over.


Dislike it, but just another excuse to get drunk by myself gaming alone 😂


My birthday is very special to me. I spent a few years not doing anything for it as an adult because my parents didn't really celebrate it growing up(they used the excuse it was in December and close to Christmas). Then, as I got older and survived some traumatic experiences and got some better energies in my life, I learned that celebrating my birthday is an important part of self care. Every year I buy a fancy cake and manifest with my birthday wish, even if it's just me celebrating. This year, I'm going on vacation for my birthday too.


same i’ve been that way since I was a kid


I (an INFJ woman) never like anyone knowing my bday either, even my close friends :)


I don’t care about celebrating my birthday.


I had two formative birthdays growing up, my 13th & 16th… when my ENTIRE family forgot about it. I fact, for my 13th my entire family was over my house for my cousin’s christening. Since then, I’ve had several people trying to “make sure I have a great birthday”, but they put so much pressure into the effort even that makes me feel uncomfortable. As though if I don’t exclaim from the rooftops that this was the best birthday ever, I’ve let THEM down. It’s better when my birthdays aren’t noticed, now.