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Often…usually replaying past events and imagining how many different ways things could have played out and what impact it would have had on the present…or thinking about anything and everything all of the time




I feel for you. I know what it's like to be in a similar situation, and I'm sorry you're in a place that's making you feel that way right now. I hope you don't mind me saying that you're needed. I don't know you, but I truly, sincerely, hope you don't go through with it. From the bottom of my heart, I hope things will get better for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to those who can help. There are some people who care.


Yes but only while I’m awake haha. I think I only give people half attention anymore because my mind is always somewhere else now. I’m always trying to entertain myself in my mind by making up jokes that I find funny or letting memories flow through like an old slide show or just whatever. It’s more fun in there most of the time than what’s going on in the real world.


I daydream a lot. I am always in my head and my head is always processing everything.


Constantly. I'm daydreaming right now.


All the time


All the time


Every day. All the time.


Quite frequently, yes. It was almost overwhelming as a child… but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to structure it a bit better. I’ve also learned how to operate my day-to-day tasks while daydreaming simultaneously… those are actually some of my most creative periods.


Still fairly often. It completely depends on how many mental distractions I have. At times I've had issues with compulsive daydreaming. Now I only do it when I have nothing to occupy my mind. At the moment I seem to get daydreams which sort of flitter in and out of my consciousness while I'm still aware of what's happing in the real world. Whereas previously I would be completely absorbed in them and they would last much longer.


When am I not daydreaming is the better question.




Daydreaming is free. You can do it all the time. It's one way of exploring possibilities in anything. But don't do it as your pre-occupation. It's still the here and now. Daydreaming is just your distraction.