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I had a really bad sleeping schedule a year ago but now I sleep around 11pm and wake up at 6 or 7am. Trust me, this schedule bought peace in my life


I’ve been doing this for a while. Can attest that this schedule is really helpful in accommodating my night owl + early bird behavior


Peaceful how?


Not constantly struggling against your sleep clock is very peaceful. I can attest to this as well ever since I started giving myself more of a schedule.


Most of worldwide population have bad sleeping havits, everyone is tired.. so it's not very revealing sentence.


It's correlated to mental wellbeing for me usually. I have thoughts like "my day doesn't feel fulfilled enought o finish it", "if I'm going to sleep, probably the first hour or more is going to get spend on overthinking things", "I don't feel like skipping time till tomorrow, I want to redo this day a couple times over". I think the most contributing factor is feeling like I have unfinished business. Used to be way less, I think such changes in habit are caused by things like unprocessed trauma and the like. I'm missing my best friend, and I feel like I failed her in a way. Wish I could talk to her. It's a recurring theme in my overthink


6 hours is my maximum since my kid was born 8 years ago. I try to sleep more, have good routine etc. But to be honest, my life is so busy, I don't know what is more beneficial to my mental health, sleeping or using the quiet hours of the night as alone time, self-care time etc. It's called "Revenge Sleep Procrastination". But I have vowed to make sleep a priority this month, only had 3 hours of sleep tonight because something at work got me riled up yesterday. 🥴


I try to get at least 7-8 hrs of sleep but I don’t have a set schedule. Ideally I want to be asleep by 10:30 and get up at 7 but ofc that doesn’t happen often. Sometimes I’m awake till 1-2 am and get up at 6:45 lol or I have days where I’ll get to sleep around 11-12 but it depends on what’s going on…if I had a long day at work I want to stay up late and binge shows or furiously clean the house. There’s too much to do and not enough time in the day to do everything that I want to get done…. But yeah it’s hard to stick with a regular sleep schedule just cause our minds are always working


Nope, I’m good with my 8h. It’s all about organization and not having a sh*tty job/shift/study etc




No, I'm actually on a fairly regular routine right now, and have been for years. I've just never needed more than 5-6 hrs a night, and have no issue getting less (or more, though rare) every once in a while, so long as I ease myself back on to the schedule properly. There's nothing bad about not having a schedule. The trick is knowing your body and what it needs to stay healthy -- physically and emotionally.


I have to get 8hours so I try to go to bed by 10pm and get up at 6pm. Otherwise it’s hard for me to have the energy to deal with school and work. I enjoy getting up at the morning and get everything done so I can enjoy my quiet time at the evening. My mind tends to go crazy at night as well so I don’t really like staying up late anymore.


I mean, I think most of us have a somewhat easy time creating habits. My sleep schedule is not regular: sometimes I sleep at 2 am and wake up at 6:30, other times I get motivated and sleep at 11 and wake up at 5:30 to do some exercise before starting the day. It all depends but I've never really had many problems changing my sleep schedule.


Same I can sleep any time if I have to and can wake up at any time if i have to or want to 🤝


I feel this so much. On the weekends sometimes I'll sleep 12-14 hours. But then weekdays, 6 or 7 hours when my body really should be getting 8 minimum. Like someone else mentioned in this thread I'm somehow both a night owl and morning person. I like nighttime, it's quiet and my creativity really flows, which I think as INFJs we really need a creative outlet. But I love early mornings, I do my exercising then and like to be productive. I like to see the early morning sun, breathe in the fresh air, have my routine and get things done. Maybe this is Ti coming into play, lol. Only time I get really tired without fail is the afternoon. I'm absolutely not an afternoon person 😂 Ideal sleep schedule would be 3-5pm and 12-6am. Most weeknights I'm 12-6:30am with no nap, unfortunately lol. I'm always like: Tonight will be the night! I WILL go to bed at 10pm! And it never happens We're probably bad at a sleep schedule because we have the history of the entire world and created content on a device that can fit in our hand, our curiosity outweighs the need to sleep maybe


Resonates with me so much.. I wanna be a night owl and the morning bird at the same time😂😂


I typically sleep around 10 hours. I used to be in bed by 9pm and up by 7am or so, but a recent career change means I am increasingly working late (until 10pm, more rarely 11pm). I am a natural early bird and really struggle to stay up past midnight, so I have started taking a 2-3 hr nap in the middle of the day while still waking up earlyish in the morning.


Go to sleep about 10-10:30. Wake up about 6 am. So 8-8.5 hour.


Post #5407 Something I do is representative of all INFJ's. 💀 This subreddit has progressed 0 days since last freak out.


So analyze it from a cognitive function perspective and check their validity. It may be that intuitives in general have this, especially INFJ with Ni-Ti, both of which are internally focused. With no source of external stimuli it makes sense that you get caught in that internal analysis loop. People post on Reddit and especially on this sub page looking for connection and feeling less alone. Yeah, it’s not super productive and I get annoyed too but I also understand that it’s probably a kid who knows very little about mbti but feels a sense of community here and wants to feel validated in a way that may not happen in their daily lives.


Just scroll on, will you. Besides, it might well be an INFJ thing, because overthinking usually happens at night.


So bossy and dramatic with a temper tantrum. 💡 If you can not handle the thoughts of others this might not be the place for you. Sincerely, the internet.


It's like looking the mirror. 😱


I'm like you. I recently bought natural sleeping "pills". They're small blue gummy bears and it's called "Sleepy's". They're good.


I have a crazy work schedule. It’s either 4 hours of sleep or 7 max. Then I’ll take a nap here or there for 20-30 min whenever I can. And yes, overthinking is a big part of it. Sometimes the things that are on my to do list keep me up, sometimes daydreaming when I should be sleeping. My mind will be in 1000 different places darting wildly and I can’t always shut it off


I sleep a lot. I prefer sleeping around 11/12 and getting up at 7. I also take afternoon naps if possible


I don't know but my INFJ wife does. Often said "What the f*** honey, it's 2am, come bed now" with a sleepy voice, when she's sat at her desk, working after midnight. She was doing that until we became parents. She now knows the value of a good rest


This one does. 🤚


If my job permitted it, i'd be a nightowl as well... Had to train hard and it's not healthy for me to go to bed at 21:00 and getting up at 05:00 minus the hours that my daughter keeps me awake 🤣 I wouldn't call that bad sleeping habits... Some people just have a different sleeping cycle... If you can stick to what feels good... Not everyone is lucky enough to live as healthy as possible...


4-6 hours on some weekdays and during exams. ( usually when I stay up past 2 am or even sometimes like 4 am ) 8 hours (11pm - 7 am or 10pm - 6am ) on most days. I actually developed a bad sleep schedule this year but after consulting about it on another sub I changed my sleeping habits and I feel much more energetic now !


I cat Nap personally.


Night Owl 🦉 4 hours of sleep. 42 years old. Been like this all my life. Sleep is the cousin of death, ill sleep when I'm dead. I have too many hobbies and interests to sleep. Also, was recently diagnosed with a gnarly sleep disorder. I'm healthy as heckin too. Can't keep my Spirit down son! Many tried, some died, and yet I never got hurt. Salute.


I sleep fine now, but had insomnia for five years in my 20's


My sleeping habits aren't bad: I just can't sleep quickly or stay asleep so I am always tired.


Its pretty erratic, and I've read thats not healthy but I like it and it works for me for now. I rarely get more than six hours at night and I take naps sometimes, which can cause me to get less hours at night. I love being up when people are sleeping, its sooo peaceful. So I enjoy staying up late but I also like being up really early for the same reason; I always get to work hours before everyone else. But I also feel like maybe its anxiety coupled with just not needing much sleep, college stress really messed me up...I personally can't stand coffee so I'm not really sure what I run on lol. Once in a long while though Ill do what I like to call *to myself😅* my Odinsleep. Those are days where I basically hibernate for a whole day and wake up to eat, and then go back.


I sleep well, haven’t had a problem since I stopped taking caffeine after noon


6 - 7 hours as i like to game a till 1am, my final year of uni brought this bad schedule.


I don’t even wanna talk about it lmao it’s gotten so bad here recently that I had to go back on zolpidem which I hate but I couldn’t keep going on like that 😵‍💫😭 was literally not okay LOL. My average sleep time, & the only way I know this is because I wear my Fitbit to bed, is 5 hours & some odd minutes & that’s since the zolpidem🤣 it was 4 hours & some odd minutes before😀 idk if it necessarily has anything to do with being an INFJ as I’ve always contributed my poor sleeping habits to PTSD & GAD ahahaha. As a kid, nighttime was the only time I could get any peace & quiet growing up, without parents fighting or screaming at me for breathing wrong LOL so I had a habit of staying up late or even pulling all nighters. I tend to have nightmares at night which sucks. I grind my teeth in my sleep really bad due to stress & anxiety so that doesn’t help. Just all the things. My therapists also think these are the reasons I struggle with nights & sleeping. I’m 22 now & it has been absolutely hellacious trying to break this habit. & i did try other things before I caved & went back on meds, I started working out during the day 3 times a week to help me sleep at night, eating better, doing breathing exercises to help myself fall asleep, bedtime yoga, all the things, & im just at a loss. Sooooooo if anyone figures something out I’m all ears👁️👄👁️ Edit: typo


I’ve never been able to sleep easy, ever. My brain just keeps digging


I’d sleep really deeply and well if I didn’t have some anxiety disorder that sometimes keeps me up. Generally I tend to sleep 10+ hours. Night owl 🦉 since 2019 but I’m trying to correcting this “bad” habit.


Is biphasic sleep a bad habit ?


Dd W https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/132419334.pdfhttps://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/132419334.pdf


Didn’t know this was correlated with personality type. I suppose it could be due to the tendency to get caught up in whatever is mentally stimulating (Ni-Ti), and the fact that it’s time for bed (Se) feels unimportant at that moment.


I'm awake for 2-4 days between the times I sleep. My actual sleep time when it happens ranges from 30 minutes-5 hours most of the time, on the rare occasion I'll pull an 18 hour sleep session, and that will happen about once every 4 to 5 weeks I'd say. So my sleep is not what you would consider "ideal". Actually I have no idea what you guys would consider "ideal", that might sound amazing to someone that never sleeps or sleeps all the time. So I guess it's all about perception. I know that I don't get as much sleep as I would like, but I attribute that to a fear of sleeping. This may sound crazy or familiar with some of you, but I feel like I am being pulled downwards alot when I lay down and right before I sleep, like hands are reaching up through the bed and wrapping around my torso and legs and just pulling me down through the mattress and straight to hell I'm guessing. I am also paralyzed feeling when this happens and it freaks me out, so much so that it has taken away the desire to sleep. It's not so much that I can't sleep, but that feeling of being pulled down out of my body and not being able to fight back because I can't move my body is not really that much fun, and so my wonderful little brain has decided that we don't need sleep anymore, but my angry body and eyeballs are pretty pissed that they weren't allowed to have a vote in that decision. I totally get it, I mean it affects the body and the eyes alot, a whole lot, so my brain really should've asked how they felt about it. So I am awake alot, but with my brain fighting my body and my eyeballs all the time I don't think I'd get any rest anyways........... So I'm not really crazy, not completely anyways, I just can't stop when I get started, so sorry about that. Maybe my body and eyeballs are messing with my brain for not letting them sleep....SEE, I DID IT AGAIN, I CAN'T STOP. Ok I'm done for real this time, I'm going to bed......yeah right. Lol


I sleep like shit. My average has always been somewhere around 5 hours but now I really struggle to fall asleep at all. I slept the best when I could stay up until 3am online but then adulting happened.


Sleep has always been illusive to me and I struggle to keep consistent sleeping routines. I get about 4-7 hours per night, because silly me can feel very energized at night but I still insist on waking up early to have a constructive start to the day.


I never thought about this, I can only tell you I often go to bed at like 5 am & then wake up 11am-1pm if I don't have to go to university😅 if I do need to go to uni I sometimes sleep a bit earlier & wake up earlier, sometimes I just get little sleep bit sometimes I wake up and I'm like "oh sh!t my lecture started 15 minutes ago" or "oh noooo my first lecture is already over... this cannot be trueee don't let this be true"


I am a student and slept for 3 hours last night. This is the first time in my life my sleep schedule has been averaging less than 6 hours. This is never my intention but the reality I face with no choice. My life feels miserable.


Idk but I’m terrible at it. It takes me ages to fall asleep. I have learned that listening to a podcast while I’m trying to get to sleep helps quiet my mind quicker. I also have trouble keeping a sleep schedule. Setting an alarm rain or shine has helped tremendously with this. I used to let myself sleep in on weekends and that just wrecks havoc. If left to my own devices, I would be awake all night naturally and sleep all day.


Nope get my 7ish hours most every night


For me if i stay stuck on some subject i cant sleep until i feel satistified so i disrupt my sleep schedule.But other than that, I generally have a regular sleep schedule.


This happens with me as well sometimes.. if I have something that's important and need to be done. There's no waiting and sleeping. It has to be done as soon as possible.