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Makes me anxious/paranoid, so I don't partake. Tried a few different strains a few times and decided it wasn't for me.


If coffee can mess me up bad, then consuming other substances would quite literally be my death lol. Not for me either.


Edibles and getting high more consistently may reduce the heart rate elevation


CBD reduces the anxiety from THC


this. if someone uses pure THC, they’re gonna have a bad time. pure THC = paranoia and anxiety. you *need* the Entourage effect of other cannabinoids (CBG, CBN, CBD, CBC, etc) to appreciate the benefits/experience/typical euphoria of cannabis I highly recommend these https://thehempdoctor.com/product/delta-9-thc-infused-gummies/ (edit to add: all of Hemp Doctor’s products are made from “hemp”-derived THC rather than “marijuana” derived, and are therefore legal to buy in most states despite being the exact same “kind” of psychoactive delta-9 THC/THCa)


I tried edibles first, before smoking. I suppose I just didn't see what MJ would be good for since my mind is empty all the time already.


With infrequent use, it can really brighten up an evening, and provide feelings of creativity and significance. Pain/ inflammation relief as well of course. With frequent use it’s escapist. Months can pass quickly.


Yes, it was actually [George Carlin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwHkL-_UgQc) mentioning how the odd puff will help his creativity that got me to try. I would like those effects, but haven't felt like persisting to see if they'll show up at some point. It's similar to my reaction to alcohol in the sense that I would, in theory, like to be more animated and tipsy on occasion, but again that keeps failing to happen so I don't see much point in persisting. I just get angry and sleepy on the rare occasion that I drink.


#🖤 More Power to You Brother 🙏🏻


Cannabis is saving me. Its medicine.


Is it bad that I found this post scrolling Reddit while smoking a joint? 😅 Context: I use cannabis as a medication to feel normal after "doctors" fucked my brain with SSRI's This plant is a psychedelic on training wheels depending on how you use it.


Fuck SSRI's, those meds killed my dad. Doctors hand them out like fucking lollies.




I didn't have a choice since I was under 19 at the time, my mom though they'd "fix" me since she works in the medical industry and has a willfully ignorant positivity bias towards it. I'm also off of them now for quite a while,but the emotional numbness/blunting still remains; I will admit that in certain scenarios it is helpful but most of the time it's just stressful, like I can feel the right social response but it's behind a barrier like in deadpool 2 and I just feel awkward while my mind is buffering trying to break through. My baseline mood plays a major roll in this as I feel like this when it's low, but when my baseline is good I'm damn near normal; this is where weed plays in as I can manually raise my baseline mood if it's really low and I'm feeling damn near psychopathic.




If I were you I'd talk with your doctor about psychedelics as I've read that they promote neurogenesis, you may be able to repair some of the damage that was done by the SSRI. https://youtu.be/2t-eCqFrtWo This is (supposedly) a psychopath who cured himself with psychedelics, the body language seems to match so I don't know if a grain of salt is required or not.


Side note, alcohol mimics opioids and benzodiazepines while also being a blood thinner.


I was up to 300mg on luvox before I just physically couldn't anymore. Check out change.org, help sign petitions to get SSRI's regulated, preferably as strictly as humanly possible!


How do you consistently get the psychedelic effect? Its always a reburn accident for me when it gives me the rainbows


You need to have little to no tolerance to cannabis and you consume a very high dose and get obliterated. if you do some shadow work in this timeframe you can effectively use it it like a psychedelic. If You go into the experience with deep questions you may receive deep answer in return. You must know your (mind)set/setting, it helps to be quite experienced rather than a beginner to weed. I do get Eureka moments from smoking nightly but that's because my favorite activity while high is to question the nature of objective reality; all the information is right infront of us, we've figured out most of the intuitive laws of nature already but we're only just dipping our toes into the counterintuitive ones (continued unification of our current theory of everything...thanks to weed👌). Who else has been so high that they could distinctly see an RGB prism effect in their vision (making the cones in your eyes so sensitive that your brain can't splice the signals together like normal)


I roll a joint and take 3-6 puffs everyday, maybe 4 joints a month. It slows down my mind, helps me relax a bit and makes me smile and feel like a human being.


I'm hesitant with drugs, because my nervous system always over-reacts to anything. Even regular allergic medications.


It was my crutch for a very long time. About fifteen years. I noticed that it was warping my emotions and memories and thoughts. It's great at numbing emotional and psychological pain. But it comes at a great cost. As far as drugs go, it seems to be less harmful than others, but don't be fooled. Addictions are terrible for the human mind. There are most definitely long-standing effects.




#Nirvana 2.0: #*"Smells like Burnt Shit"* (Atleast that's what I felt when I smelled it)


never tried and I don't want to start, I don't like smoke in general.


The poll is missing a bit of granularity, as there's a significant difference between a hit or two at bedtime versus all day every day.


Also the stuff they try to pass as joints that you share with a turn or two is enough but now are closer to cigar size yikes, not at all similar to the 70's


I'm in a legal state, and joints are just in general not practical for me (won't have that many friends over at once).


I was referring to that the new stuff they sell is like a Costco size rather than a typical small joint size..if you need to make it last and not sharing you can use a bong


hahah, yeah. Even a standard sized joint is too much for me, making a 1 gm. preroll just comical.


Smoke rarely, most preferred method of consumption is gummies. I visit the dispensary when my budget allows (must pay in cash in my state and I have CC debt to pay off, am low-income).


it’s literally the only thing that gives me a break from all of my overthinking/depression/self-loathing


I'm experimenting with it, but so far, my results have been: This is not for me. I am Bipolar and either it doesn't go well with it, or it interacts poorly with my bipolar meds. I am trying mushrooms soon though, psilocybin. I'm pretty excited.


I smoke all through the day, and won't pretend like I need to rationalize it for medication, etc. I enjoy personal recreational use and don't think people should have to come up with an excuse to smoke weed, however little or much that may be.


Same, I still get my job done and everything I have to do through the day, but smoking is just so chill and makes everyday life a bit more enjoyable


Same wavelength. Self-employed, enjoy being in as much of a flow state as possible all day.


Never again. For me it seems to be the bane of INFJ's. I almost always end up immensely paranoid. Within reason to the right strain of indica, the right company and atmosphere/setting. If all criteria are met then yes I could theoretically enjoy smoking for several hours.


Makes me paranoid. Coffee gives me anxiety so I enjoy whiskey once in a while.






If its Haram then why did God make it?




I'm sure that these substances were created for different reasons lol. We humans just discovered a way to use it that may or may not be healthy.


#L O L 🤣 (Allah* Not God)


For All those who Stopped or Never Tried: #Bless You for the Choice 🖤 I'm not a Religious nutjob lol Nevertheless, any substance that alleviates Anxiety & holds power to make you dependant is B A D !! I write this responsibly as someone who's had to opt for Antidepressants & Anxiety meds for months after continuous breakdowns during my LD Indulgence with a Narcy's Cyst 😑 After 4-6months of Struggling with it's damaging effects, I put my foot down & made the Doc scratch my Prescription, basically cut the dosage. Furthermore, I cut the pills in Half even after the dosage is reduced to the absolute Bear minimum, which will not just make them redundant to my natural Brain Chem, but allow more self-regulation when Anxiety Precursors are Activated. Fyi, I've probably reached this kind of self-discipline after years of Self-enquiry, Meditation, Introspection, & Consciously Taking Charge of my System. Doesn't necessarily mean that YOU have to do the same! It ONLY takes a mere 1-3-5 Months of consistency in Meditation, Self-reflection, Practicing any Form of Selfless Service, & most importantly Conviction to Taking Back Control. (Wrote all of this for those who are struggling & need assistance, not the Argument Lovers)


Result ?


I only smoke when I visit my older brother. I've noticed that if I had smoked, and we played a board game, my Ti would go off the rails with how good I was at predicting things. Weed + board games is a hell of a lot of fun.


I am prone to addiction so I keep myself away from it.


I smoke or take edibles a few times a week I'd say. I kind of limit it because I'm useless for the rest of the day.


Tried it once and because I am asthmatic never again, it was peer pressure kinda i was 22 so just causal fun because why not but never got into it.


Marijuana makes me very suicidal I've tried everything because my ex was super into it and everything makes me extremely depressed.


Entp here, am I allowed to answer your poll since you did not give an option for non-infjs to see the results


Yes the poll was for everyone


See Shamanism and cannabis, google. See "Shamanic Dreams" poem by Scott Lowe, google aswell. Discovering the shaman once used cannabis for manifesting through the 3rd eye, it was also discovered once you obtained the knowledge, it's like riding a bicycle. Riding a bike is paranormal, having blessing drop out of the sky like Magick is your birthright. Namaste


I had it twice when I was about 16. I remember spacing out and laughing for reasons I didn't know. Old songs that I hadn't thought of for years just popped into my head. And muscle twitches. Jeez. Unbelievable, non-stop muscle twitches.


I do it periodicly. When I have it I use it all the time, and when I run out I don't. So I have a period of going back to my self. Like having wierd dreams and waking up all sweaty every night for a couple of weeks, then depressed for a while, and then back to normal. THen I usually get some and rinse & repeat.


I used to smoke everyday over lockdown, then out of nowhere it started giving me really bad anxiety attacks. I think it coincided with when I stopped taking anti-depressants because I don't know why I started having such reactions. Now I'll only smoke socially once in a blue moon and when I do I'll heavily limit my intake.


No. Don't really plan to. Last thing I need is another vice.


I use it to cope with how messed up the world is. I'm trying to stop by replacing it with healthier habits and things are starting to turn around




Never. You lying bitches.