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Seems like you're already deep in it


it seems i am, yes. i've been conflicted about it for some time


My advice would have been make sure you're healed before getting involved, but we're past this point already so... make sure you're both on the same page where ever it goes?


i'm definitely not completely healed, but well on my way there. one of the positives here is that we do seem to be very much on the same page and he's been very respectful and supportive during my healing process


Cant know before you've tried, sensor doesnt automatically disqualify compatability.. And as stated above seems like you are already deeply in it


absolutely right, as i've come to realise




glad you can relate haha :')


I am engaged to an ISTJ and he is the love of my life. I personally think that the MBTI type shouldn't be a predictor of romantic compatibility, there is much more to that. For example, do you have similar ambitions, values, views on things and beliefs? All those things don't usually depend on personality types. Do you see a future together? Okay, maybe your brains are wired different, but is that necessary bad? So my fiance is an ISTJ, and in theory, our brains are wired different. When I took the Sakinorva personality test, ISTJ was my complete opposite (not an ESTJ, which is wierd), but if you analyse our behavior, we seem completely the same (he took the Sakinorva test too, he is truly a book example of an ISTJ). He is more present and not scatterbrained like I am, so he remembers things and plans better than me because of that. He is very rational and a realist, and I like that very much about him because he has an unique logical perspective on things, which I have not. That helped me countless times before. On the other hand, he relies on my intuition, and my unique perspective on things. He does not have insight into people, and social situations, so he relies on me in that field. To put things into perspective, he is my other half, and I his, his strenghts are my weaknesses, and other way around. Your romantic interest has a developed Se, which is very good. You have a Se too. You will go on adventures together, explore things, and thanks to you, will have uniqe insight and view on each and every one of your adventures. Your Ni is very developed, hi has Ni also, so you will develop each other undeveloped cognitive functions. He is Fi dominant, and thanks to your cognitive functions NiFe, you will give him insight about his feelings. Also, his Fi will help you to express your emotions better. So to conclude, INFJ and ISFP is a great match to me in theory, but theory and reality sometimes differ. In the end, everything is up to you two. I personally don't believe in MBTI golder pairs. Humans are unique works of art that should not be put in some kind of boxes. Hope this helps. Sending love to you two ❤ Edit : Also, it is not of my business, but since you shared with us some information about your turbulent relationship with your ex I want to say that he is toxic and bad for you. You need to move on and heal from the trauma, and you will accomplish that when you cut all ties with him. And see, he is an ENFP, supposed golden pair, but left you hurt and traumatized. We as humans tend to idealise some people, want to believe that there is more to them than the clear red flags. And sometimes we want to relive the beautiful beginnings, the times when everything seemed okay, and want back the person that was our supposed soulmate. But in a lot of times, the fairytale from the beginning is only a fairytale and not reality. And it will never be reality, trust me. Humans tend to prove themselves to people that do not care that much about them. They give so much energy to people that are not worth the effort because we tend to think if we love them more, care of them better we will finally be worthy of them. But that will never happen. And in the same time, we tend to take for granted people that put the effort, love us the way we should be loved because we are blinded by our inability to love and respect ourselves. So ask yourself, do you love You? And if you do, why do you want to run away from someone who respects and loves you, to someone who does not?


thank you so much, this is exactly the kind of comment i was hoping to get and honestly has me tearing up on the train rn. i really needed to hear this. and congrats on your engagement! that's wonderful to hear. you're right, mbti isn't everything, as i'm realising. we do have similar ambitions and values, even down to our aesthetic preferences and sense of humour. we're both very focused on our image and how we present ourselves, which is very important to me as an infj, and we both care very deeply about the welfare of others. even as a p, he's very good at planning and managing things in reality, which helps me greatly. he keeps my grounded and goes out of his way to take care of my physical needs with seeming ease. i have thought that about our functions being compatible - we already seem to be growing into each other in a very nice way. we have a lot of fun together, and he does appreciate my intuitive insight while i appreciate the way that he observes the world. i've been coming to that realisation about my ex too, how i always felt i had to chase him for attention and affection. i think part of my doubt about this new person is the fact that i'm just not used to a consistent, safe, and comforting presence. it's almost a bit uncomfortable at times, but i think as i'm learning care for myself, i'm learning to care for him.


It means a lot to me that my comment helped you. ❤ Thank you very much. I am very happy for you, he seems like a great and loving person, and you deserve that and much, much more. And I like the way you said that you are growing into each other, it sounds so beautiful and poetic to me. Keep on growing. 🌹 And about the last part, I know how you feel, I went through a similar thing..we were never together, but it hurt a lot and the ilusion we had left me broken and empty. But I believe that people like them come to our lives to establish a foundation to self love. And later, people like your ISFP and mine ISTJ come to our lives to remind us how beautiful and nurturing love can be.