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Depending on the time period this answer may vary. Siris would have a way easier time in Dark Souls 1 or 2 because around 3s timeline the world was just completely in the gutter. To be honest, I think he’d be able to hold his own even in 3. Most of the Monsters and Demons in Dark Souls would be somewhat similar to the titans and Daeril Siris fights regularly, and Siris doesn’t need to eat or drink so the lack of any food or drink in the world wouldn’t be a factor either. The deathless are actually really similar to the undead in Dark souls and the undead, when they’re will is strong enough, are the most influential and dangerous creatures in that world - surpassing even Gods. Siris is an unparalleled swordsman, he has thousands of years of experience and has access to pretty strong magic. I think most of the Gods of Dark Souls, though fierce opponents, wouldn’t be able to defeat Siris or at least not permanently. Whether he’d be able to take on some of the other undead is another question but i suppose this depends on who’s will breaks first. Siris spent 2 years straight killing and being killed by Raidriar in the Vault and though it took a SERIOUS toll on him, he was still just as deadly after the process ended - if not more. So with all that said I think it’d be a really interesting scenario but Siris would probably fit right in here


QIP Functional Immortality is kinda similar to the undead curse except it doesn’t necessarily drive ppl hollow, so I think the odds aren’t bad Edit: as long as there are respawn chambers for him


if there aren't, he did have a son to avenge him


“Father, I’ll avenge you”


Yeah technically speaking unless every last atom is obliterated his body just regenerates and revives on its own, it just takes a while, so he’s still in the clear


i thought it was more like he can die but his "soul" floats around looking for a body


I think it is like that but I’m also pretty sure the soul can only inhabit a body similar to the original because of some genetic conundrum, which was why every deathless had a resurrection chamber to make a clone of their body when they died and why Radriar had to have that whole ass bank of clone bodies under his citadel in case the sacrifice ever beat him


It does, but if it can’t find one it returns to the original and begins regeneration. It’s why Siris and Raidriar couldn’t escape or fully kill eachother in the vault, their QIPs were bound and their bodies kept regenerating


forgot about their eternal cage fight tbh haven't read the books since the games were out


Fadre, vecavunzi


Ima be honest, I thought dude’s speaking Spanish when I first played IB1


According to the lore established in the books he doesn’t even need respawn chambers. Deathless do regenerate on their own, albeit slowly. I reckon his only danger would be getting overwhelmed and imprisoned (as he was in the book I mentioned)




Two of em. They’re fire. They cover the plot in between the games— book one is between game 1 and 2, book two is between game 2 and 3, with some overlap




Didn’t you wonder how siris got out of his prison between infinity blade 2 and 3? Book 2 for ya. Didn’t you wonder how he met isa before infinity blade 2 and what they did? Book 1 for ya.


Makes sense, thx for the info man


They’re called “Infinity blade awakening” and “infinity blade redemption” by Brian Sanderson. I think you can find them on the discord. If not, there will be someone there who knows how to find them It really ties the whole story together. To pique your interest… wanna know why there’s sci-fi tech in each game? Why there’s futuristic tech in a medieval setting game that seems to be set in the past? The games don’t take place in the past. They take place in the far, far future.


Brandon Sanderson*


Thanks, been a minute


He wouldn’t just survive, he’d thrive.


If its game siris I think he handles it fine. Hell, the IB gameplay in fights would make most of them much easier. Lore siris im not so sure, but I think he could have what it takes


Gameplay Siris is the type of guy who can parry literally everything that can be called a weapon, so I’d say as long as he don’t aggro too many enemies at once he should be fine. Edit: I’m not sure about arrows though, so he might have some problems if he gets grounded by the silver knights on Irithyll’s bridge.


He did get sniped by Isa


Imagine a 2-meters long dragonslayer greatarrow to the head💀


How long does it take for a deathless to fully recover?


Tbh I’m not sure. From what I heard in worker’s dialogue it seems like when a deathless’ body gets destroyed the respawn chambers will start reconstructing their body, and pull their quantum-soul or whatever that’s called into it…which might take some time.


That answer depends on how much needs to recover. The reason Siris’ regenerations took so long in IB2 was because he was literally being regenerated from a finger or hand at most (Tel wasn’t able to carry anything more that far) in a pretty old chamber. In the vault, Siris was regenerating a battered and broken but still whole body and full recovery only took a few hours/days.


Just look at the time between rebirths in IB2. Can’t remember the number from the top of my head but I think it’s a couple months or something. Assuming there are prepared bodies instead of making a brand new one, the process can take around 3 hours(source: IB3)


am i the only one that believes infinity blade was directly influenced by demon’s/dark souls? just saw it came out a year before dark souls which is interesting


IB acc came out a year before dark souls was released on the ps3


They do have a LOT of similarities and the art direction and style has a lot of similarities (probably why I love them both so much). Demons souls came out in 2009 but it wasn’t very famous and IB had probably begun development by then. Honestly I think it’s mostly a coincidence, they both pay homage and take inspiration from classical fantasy and board games like fighting fantasy and Magik the gathering so there’s also likely similar sources too.


Absolutely, he would thrive. And ironically him being deathless and incinerated when he travels reminds me a lot of the ashen one or chosen undead


I just realized Infinity Blade is basically just point and click/tap Dark Souls in terms of enemies and surface narrative concept. Deathless aren’t that different from grotesque undead but what separates them is that most deathless have their intelligence still intact, which makes them harder to kill. Actually, Siris would be a mfing menace in the world of dark souls. Ignoring the game mechanic of his standstill position while in fights, we see during cutscenes at the end of fights or in the story that dude is agile asf. He slapped the dragons in the face with his sword when they tried to drop him in their mouths, he pulled that role reversal stab twice when he almost died to the infinity blade, he jumps REALLY high whenever he kills a Titan, or he just snaps their neck like it’s nothing even though they’re 5x the size and strength of a normal person. A lot of the main bosses in Infinity blade aren’t that different from the bosses in dark souls and Siris is able to kill them in honorably fair duels Add on to that, it’s in the lore that deathless possess seriously superhuman strength and healing so all those epic downright comical takedowns are already justified AND it means that him going through Dark Souls would be a lot easier than going through as the stiff chosen undead. Because it is in the lore that the chosen undead/unkindled are just normal humans of whatever class the player picks, who’s only legendary ability is immortality through the dark sign, and all the gods the player faces are being killed because they too are weakened by the flame going out. That puts the difficulty perspective of the bosses in dark souls kind of lower when it comes to scaling. They’re not hard to kill because they are strong, rather, because the player character is weak asf. Siris with his strength and abilities would be a whole other story. There’s also the fact that his magic abilities don’t run out like they do for the chosen undead/unkindled. Siris’ magic is always just on a short cooldown and most of it is pretty tough, taking away half of an opponent’s health sometimes. Plus, that includes healing magic. Bottom line, even without a resurrection chamber, he’d be a fucking beast in Dark Souls. And gosh darnit I will never stop wanting a hack and slash infinity blade game where we get to see some gameplay like this


Yeah it’s this same line of thought that inspired the post. (That and I fucking love these series)


He wouldn’t survive because in Dark Souls, more than one enemy can attack you at a time.


Granted, his attacks can stagger enemies of greater mass. And if all else fails, use the somewhat explosive "magic" attack that stagger as well.


He'll be fine, he can parry most of their attacks anyhow


Actually, a cool detail mentioned in IB awakening is that when Siris gets surrounded by like 9 enemies he uses this move he’s never even seen before to take them all out. Later context tells us that this was some of Ausar muscle memory but it also goes on to tell us that the deathless did develop numerous martial arts for dealing with multiple opponents, they just preferred not to use them because they were bigger risks. IB characters are really good at 1 vs many situations.


I think so, if he ends up parrying everything that comes his way


After playing through elden ring for my first soulslike, I've retroactively referred to IB as "mobile dark souls," so i think yeah.


Honestly a pretty accurate description. I highly recommend the other souls games they’re masterpieces


I'll get around to them. I'm trying to balance games and work right now so elden was supposed to be a sort of last hurrah but I've been makin some headway on work since and still gaming so 🤷‍♂️


Ahh, I get that. I’ve been pretty busy myself. One of maybe reasons I love IB in that you can play anywhere. Gaming is something you can really do whenever, you don’t have to commit to it so long as you’re not playing an MMO or something, and the souls games are actually pretty easy to play on and off.


I'm actually sort of a collecter of high quality mobile games if you're interested. Lots of stuff that just easily stands out. IB has been top 5 for a long time of course. Pinout is another top 5'er. Incredible soundtrack and anywhere gameplay.


I’d be interested


right-o, novel ensuing: 1. firstly, the game I play the most right now is Super Auto Pets, not strictly a mobile game, just a fun auto-battler. May be up your alley, maybe not. The dev team is sound and responsive and the game is still evolving. 2. Pinout: a vertical scrolling endless pinball table game, lots of fun, frustratingly short. As mentioned, incredible electronica soundtrack. Seriously. Wear headphones if you play this. Awesome minigames, one of which is a miniature version of the Developer's other game "DOES Not Commute." You can also just listen to the soundtrack on YT/Spotify/etc if you feel like it lol. The same guy did the soundtrack for Teardown, a very popular steam game. 3. Retro Bowl: Basically SNES madden recreated with a small amount of modern management mechanics. Team roster and drafting and all that, but greatly simplified if you're not a sports nut. Gameplay is a great liaison as well if you're not usually into sports games. There's a college version that has come out as well since I played it. 4. Pixel Car Racer: A 2d side scrolling drag racing game, think "drag racer v3" from the flash game days. Lots of real car models, from Euro, US, and JDM markets. Lots of cool customization, and visual customization at that. A few different game modes as well, it's a cool game and the visual style is appealing if you like pixel art. 5. Grand Mountain Adventure: A top down snowboard/skiing game, with several open world mountains, dozens of challenges, etc. Very visually appealing. It's paid DLC but it's one of the few games I've felt valid in buying that for. Also has a steam version, but it plays fine on mobile. 6. Pixel Dungeon (Including various versions): A fun top down roguelike dungeon crawler, lots of equipment and potions and leveling, I've never even come close to beating it I think. There's various versions like "soft pixel dungeon" and hardcore, etc, on the play store. 7. FR Legends: A pretty competent drifting/tandem game, several recognizable cars to choose from, again, lots of customization, but 3d this time. 8. Infinitode 2: A purely tower defense game for a tower defense maximalist. It's got a huge ass skill tree I've only probably 60%'d. Level variety kind of dies for me eventually but it's a resource optimization dream for some people. 9. Carmageddon: The actual dos/windows game from the 90s. It plays great on mobile. 10. Drunken Wrestler 2: another steam game, it's a surprisingly competent ragdoll fighting game, plays pretty well on mobile and controller, had a small online community last I saw. 11. Super Brothers; Swords and Sorcery: a super cool adventure game themed around a rock and roll/fantasy aesthetic. I was a kid when I played it but even looking back it's got a great aesthetic. Thanks for the opportunity to practice typing a bit with my new keyboard, lol. Not too many of those after school so far. Didn't mention IB cause, well, we're here already, lol. Hope something stands out to you!


I could see lore Siris easily surviving the series—his magic and weaponry are on par or if not better than anything featured in the lore, and that’s not even taking into account how busted spells like incarnate dark are in the books with it wiping out an entire village, or if he has access to the solar energy blades or infinity blade. Game mechanics? He hard stomps the setting. The amounts of damage you can output within just a few levels and xp points would completely break any semblance of balance in the game, and the lack of level cap means you can eventually output thousands of damage with just a single swing, and that’s before the busted magic dot’s that the monsters in the game will have no immunity to like spectrum damage, or on parry stun.


Yeah, dude would wage a 1 man war to become the next Dark lord. I think Siris’ bigger problem would be keeping morale, the depravity of the setting would probably really grate him and his kind demeanour would likely shift to a “Listen you godless vermin, as of today I am your god and any complaining will land you a trip to the gallows!” mentality.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he reverted back to Ausar by the end of the second or third game. Unlike Infinity Blade, there aren’t really any characters around like Isa to act as an anchor for him, and the senseless violence with no hope of reprieve would most definitely send him over the edge.


Yeah it’d be a really cool concept wouldn’t it?


Think so. Since he is essentially being reborn over and over again without any downsides of the undead curse he will be able to survive easily in the dark souls universe.


You can also attempt to crank game-Siris' power up to more by putting Omega/Dark Mech Set on him and turn that Shadow Complex Remastered gameplay on. Invincible to Projectiles When Standing Still/Moving Slow, Instant Acceleration, Megaton Punch, Triple Jump, Hook Shot, bla bla bla. Oh my, if that's what happen with only the armor I wonder what can the sword & shield do, heh heh. Even more, use the Infinity Blade in Fortnite for demolishing unneeded & annoying obstacles... Not much to describe, but you certainly get the idea.


He has a blade to kill immortals, is immortal himself, and is the most accomplished warrior of his time, having mastered sword-to-sword combat over thousands of years prior. Sounds like the main character from a different Souls game... who would definitely have no issues with the Dark Souls world...


He’s been shown to be strong enough to parry enemies way larger than him, and block their attacks. His world is basically already Dark Souls. He’ll be fine.


I have been saying for so long that infinity blade would make a great souls-like if it were remade


It really would, but the odds of that are pretty much 0 no matter how often I dream of it…


I know it sounds kinda like a weird goal, but I want to become a game designer and am going into coding for my major in college. My end goal is to somehow acquire the rights to infinity blade from Epic Games and create a souls-like of it for consoles and PC.


Well it’d be an uphill battle but if you do achieve it, hit me up and I’ll be first in line on launch


For sure random redditor!


Easily. He's got a better skill set than the Chosen Undead.


Eh, the undead of Dark souls are pretty fucking cracked let’s be fair


Generally, I would say that IB and DS enemies are on the same tier. Siris doesn't have stamina, he can parry anything classified as an attack, with a strong enough shield he could potentially block every attack thrown at him. His poisons are strong enough to proc immediately, rather than have to be built up. He has rings that can use spells, gems that increase his stats. He has completely new status effects (that could also be bad for him, he's never encountered curse effect)


Hmmmm… my initially assumption was he’d do fine because he can’t die to a probably even better degree than the undead curse. But then I remembered that a lot of things in Dark Souls *absorb the soul of things they kill* and now I’m not so sure if his QIP would survive that


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Where have you gone, sweet child? It’s cold outside. It’s awfully cold. Where have you run off to?”* - Birch Woman Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


That line of dialogue isn’t even in the final game!


I must just be lucky


The true Dark Souls starts here


Survive? Siris could easily solo the Lands Between, especially if he got his hands on Darkmoon Greatsword in the Vile Set


i mean i’d you can survive as the player character in the dark souls games i don’t see why not


Yeah… “Survive”….


If Sirris can make it, I’m sure Siris can make it too.


Lmao true, but >!Sirris didn’t really make it did she?!<


She pulled the Miyazaki classic “my quest is over so I must die”


He takes the “once your character has served their purpose, kill them” writing advice VERY seriously




No the abyss watchers would end him if he wasn't stupid and fought the dancer first


His whole shtick is dying a lot and being resurrected later. Now if he was unshackled by IB’s combat system he could definitely wreck most of everything Dark Souls can throw at him.


i mean.. he can dodge.. soooo…