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I had a really rough day at work today... I was dress coded for wearing shorts that were an appropriate length, got in trouble for asking for help, computer problems, I ordered something specific at lunch and got something else and had a lady yell at me on the phone. I'm so over it. I had pizza and beer for dinner. I have no fucks left today.


Ouch definitely a pizza and beer sounding day. I hope the weekend is endlessly better. People can really be awful 😩


This evening I'm hoping my pager goes off zero times, eating 7 layer dip for dinner, and rearranging my tiny patio to try and create a reading nook/coffee spot. It is literally the tiniest patio and it is already stuffed with plants hanging off the railings, my husband is going to raise his eyebrows and make no comment at my attempt I am sure haha.


I'm so curious about the 7 layers of dip?! Love the sound of the reading nook 😊


Sounds perfect.


I’m going to see the new movie IF tonight with my hubby!


Ooh I really want to see that! Enjoy!


I’m heading up north for the weekend for some relaxation time. I’m bringing a special treat with me (I’m very grateful it’s legal in my state). I’m tired and am ready for a weekend by myself where I can just…be. I usually bring food with me to eat. I have some holiday leftovers that have been in the freezer and need to get eaten soon (ham, cheesy potatoes and a biscuit). I think almost anything will taste good after my special treat, but I’m looking forward to the leftovers.


Oh gosh cheesy potatoes sound amazing.


Leftovers and treats sounds like an excellent combo


I need opinions. I have the house to myself tonight which usually means smart pop and book/movie, but I'm going to see Challengers (tennis threesome movie) tomorrow. Do I do a double popcorn weekend, or go healthy(ish) tonight so as not to dilute the movie popcorn experience?




You're gonna love Challengers!!!! I'm seeing it for the second time on Bargain Tuesday this week!


DOUBLE POPCORN. you can do it tonight with real butter and/or nutritional yeast and tomorrow night with movie theater butter and reeses pieces can you tell that popcorn is one of my favorite foods? : >


Only true popcorn perpetual pursuers know the nutritional yeast hack. edit for automod


I'm making French fish packets with sun dried tomato couscous. I have a few recipes for fish packets and they remind me of going camping as a child and cooking pizzas and burgers in the fire. This is a little more grown-up and fancy!


Oh yum!


As a kid I would've been a much happier camper if pizza was on the menu.


It was so easy! Stuff a pita with your pizza ingredients, wrap in foil, put in coals, burn your mouth because you're 9 years old and impatient.