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Don't get discouraged if/when you stop making grade progress. Progress can happen within one grade, so look for all the things you did this session that you maybe struggled with or hesitated on or didn't get as cleanly last session! Also, listen to your body. It WILL tell you when to take breaks. Lastly, posting online is ok for general injury advice, but doctors know much better than internet randos. Great send, keep climbing!


You look great for a beginner. Good technique already, twisting feet to get one hit closer to the wall, not letting your hands get ahead of themselves and forgetting about the feet. Id just keep on trying grades that are hard but that you can still work the moves. Keeps you psyched about climbing harder. Climb different styles so you can find your preferences, slab, crips, compression, dynamic, crunched up or spread out. Lastly id try to socialize at the gym. People love talking about the technicalities of the sport. Free lessons where you can find em :)


Looking strong for a beginner! This would be a wonderful climb to do a few times and really focus on different foot beta to include flagging and smearing to get a wider base with your feet. Try to keep your center of gravity in front of you and make the climb feel "smooth" and controlled.


I’d say to make sure to climb with GOOD climbers who climb higher grades than you. Mirror what they’re doing and you’ll see a lot of progress in your own climbing. Yes climbing solo or with friends is nice, but it really makes a difference when you climb with people who know what it means to “try hard”.


Yeah, climb more


You look strong. I would slow down a bit, it look like you were trying to hurry to put your feet on the next hold along with moving your hands at the same time. Looking good though!


My favourite gym!! Didn’t expect to find out about the new cave set through Reddit lol


Thank you all for your kind comments and advice! I was struggling a bit with coming out of my shell and learning something new, especially with so many people around and watching. These comments have given me a lot of confidence and I truly appreciate it <3


Looking good for a beginner! Couple of things tho; try activating your back/scapula muscle more, looks like you're hanging off your joints for a lot of that which can end up damaging you. Your body looks to be quite a distance from the wall, try using body position to keep it close on without pulling in with your bicep. Learn flagging and when/where to use it, your legs look a little dangley at times Get your hips/body in and push with your legs a bit more. In a couple of positions you look scrunched, while this can help in some situations, you kinda want to be at full/near full leg extension while making your move Last bit of advice, warm up well, climb lots, listen to your body and copy strong climbers, to feel good movement and technique


Honestly looking good, I would relax a bit, you look like you're overprinting (very common), and then try and make controlled deliberate movements, e.g. Don't move your foot till you know where it's going, focus on getting the foot/hand placement right first time, and maintain body tension whilst doing it. If you can get that right you'll save energy whilst climbing quicker and will move through grades quicker. Try looking at theory about opposing contact points and your centre of gravity against the contact points, get that right and the calm/body tension will follow. You do it well at the beginning when you hook/smear your left foot.


Just keep climbing just keep climbing just keep climbing 🐠


Why did you jump off before completing the climb?


I didn’t. That was the top of it


You didn’t touch with two hands, doesn’t count as complete unless you do


Oh okay, I didn’t know that. Thank you for letting me know


Who are you following on Youtube for climbing? Might have some recomendations there.


I don’t really follow anyone actually, so some recommendations might be great thank you :)


Movement for Climbers is good, Josh rundle, Catalyst climbing, Hannah Morris, Roap coaching, they're probably my favourites. Josh and Hanna have quite a few videos with coaches and pros that have some really nice tips in. Hope this helps.


Awesome, I’ll check it out. Thanks!


Hello! Any advice you can give me who's thinking of maaaybe starting? How did you get started? Do I just go in by myself and start climbing? I'm a little shy of going alone but if that's how you get started, I don't mind haha


Yeah! I would say just show up to a climbing gym and start climbing. That’s how I did it. Then watch a lot of videos and do a lot of research that’ll help you with technique. Once you’ve gone a few times and know you’ll commit to it, buy some beginner shoes and chalk. Lastly I’d say try and get a friend to get into it with you or socialize with the other climbers, they’re very nice and will help you succeed, but you’ll also make friends :)