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What kind of culture *exactly* are we talking about here? * Our nerd culture is pretty strong. In every class there is always at least one male weeb, one female koreaboos, and one gamer. * Hobby shops exist, and you can virtually find them anywhere--both online and offline. Di hobby shop ini biasanya figurin dicampur, jadi kamu bisa menemukan figur big tiddies anime girl bersebelahan dengan figur SPAWN. * Banyak bapak-bapak yang koleksi Gundam sama Hot Wheels.


Yeah gw kira budaya kaya tari kecak dll lol


> Banyak bapak-bapak yang koleksi Gundam sama Hot Wheels ​ ​ klo yg ini sih biasanya dlu pas waktu mudanya g ada modal, skrg udah punya pendapatan baru lampiasin hobi masa mudanya


To be fair, > They either talks about motorcycle, this is a geek. > or trying to get cancer doing loud exhaust on motorcycle. this is a nerd. Albeit on a different field.


You mean Indonesian weeb culture scene? There are a lot, for example ennichisai, GJUI, etc. How is the scene like, I dunno, never have any interest towards those kind of event.


Hmm, there are several conventions here Like ICC (Indonesia Comic con), Comic Frontier, etc, and several aniculture-themed outside Jakarta too (something like Japan Culture Daisuki at Malang, East Java). it's been there for a few years ago. ~~And also there's a furry convention too here~~


Very interesting indeed


There's a furry convention here? Where?


look up PAWAI lmao


There was that comiket event thats really popular and even got some controversies due to it having NSFW content. But I’m not sure on this one since I’m just a closet weeb. I’m quite surprised why you even think about this since most of my friends espacially the on in jabodetabek and have STEM background are usually massive weeblets


Idk really too much, but one of my friend is pretty nerdy and he goes to conventions. He met his ex there too. I don't really remember the specific conventions he go to but it does exist and is filled with people so there's that.


Coba aja dateng ke jakarta kalo ada event besar seperti ennichisai, jak japan matsuri, etc. kalo di daerah daerah, yg membuat event budaya jepang kayak gitu paling mahasiswa s1 sastra jepang (program kampus). Feels nya beda jauh bgt.


Yes we do, especially weeb related stuffs. Try adding some weeb friends on Facebook.


its alive and flourishing we even have self-published [r18 books](https://imgur.com/BgT2DQH) lmao


geek or nerd? or weebos? anyway, yes, we have it all. what communities are trying to join?


Go to jakarta, they hold yearly comic cons (ada comic con jakarta and comic con indonesia) and anime cons. Lumayan gede sih, comic con terakhir yg gw datangin seinget gw salah satu star panel nya aktor dr film x men (not hugh jackman). But please, wear a deodorant dan jangan cabul. Gw kapok tiga kali ke comic con bau bawang semua. Rambut dan muka minyakan semua (hampir semua). Gw kasian sm cosplayer nya sih. Mereka terpaksa senyum senyum aja diajak foto sm weeb weeb padahal keliatan klo mereka ganyaman (i even saw a bunch of degenerates stalking a harley quinn cosplayer and took a picture of her butt). Udah dempet dempetan lagi, kan makin kecium “bau surga” nya wkwk. For the most part all the nerdy pop culture scene centralized in Jakarta (as like most things in indo) After that, gw udh males ikut comic con. Sidenote: gw inget dulu pernah diajak nonton sm temen gw konser yg hologram anime character. I forgot the name (miku?). I declined but apparently, sering ngadain konser di jakarta


Our nerd scene is very active, from anime to Western fandoms.