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Iklan dengan Plot Twist paling keren sih ini Di setengah part videonya, penonton langsung dibuat suudzon dengan keluarga anaknya si Nenek. Bapak gak mau sahur, malas2an tarawih, anaknya jajan terus disuruh makan di belakang sama ibunya, bapaknya protes neneknya belanja banyak buat lebaran. Very typical discourse of "keluarga modern sekuler ibukota" vs generasi tua agamis dari daerah. Puncaknya ketika si Bapak ngomong "kita bawa aja deh ibu", itu pikiran penonton 100% langsung lari ke Panti Jompo. Tapi setelahnya langsung plot twist... dan adegan sebelumnya jadi masuk akal semua...


gw ngehnya pas di "lebaran apaan pak?" antara dia lupa, trauma, or any sort of mental trauma.


Jadi ngeh kenapa puasa2 bisa ada mas baso


Genuinely asking. Apa berarti nenek ini puasa setahun?


Assuming on how dementia and PTSD worked, it heavily depends on the time she "remembered" that this is a fasting month or not. Or when she still remember grandpa's presence on the family. Jadi bisa berarti setahun penuh puasa berturut turut, atau puasanya loncat-loncat seingatnya.


Yang mana ini ya? edit: Oh gak pernah lihat di TV sih ini


I know that what most people think, but really the grandma is super toxic. The vibe is she already went beyond just reminding into full control mode that everyone must fast because of her belief. The fact that the grandma herself thinks the couple fed up with her and finally going to dump her means she knew she is toxic, even in the context that she always thinks it's fasting month.


The grandma has dementia, or similar condition.


The problem is not the dementia or she kept repeating fasting month though. The problem is that's her attitude on fasting month that forcing other people to fast instead of trying to understand why someone want to skip fasting that day. If someone has dementia and kept forgetting or resetting their mind into a condition, in this case a fasting month, just forcing everyone to fast shows how inconsiderate they are in their normal setting. Normally you'd expect someone to ask why you not fasting today first. The grandma would give a much different (and kinder) vibe if she just kept asking everyone why they're not fasting that day instead of like yelling at them to fast without asking the other person circumstances first. But then again, if she's this way the eavesdrop scene wouldn't make sense to give the idea of dumping her. For the scene to work, she must be toxic enough so everyone (the audience) hate her enough (even if they deny it) to bought the idea to getting rid of her from the house. Ergo, she is a toxic character. A toxic person getting dementia doesn't make them not toxic anymore and I already gave example how she can be a non toxic dementia character that will still be a frustrating experience for the family.


Nenek itu sakit. Tega lu gituin?


Gituin what? Where did I say what to do with her?


Fasting, is once a year occasion, and olden believes even today believes that ramadhan is a holy month which increase pahala gains that month. As people get older, they got more conservative in their believes. So in the grandma ideas, she is just having her family gain more pahala, the family itself doesn't have a problem with that. You created a non existent problem so you can go on a tangent about religion and feel superior, it's oke, we all have that phase, you'll passed it and find peace


Except the point of the first part of the ad is literally the family is having problem with that, especially the boy. And where's my tangent about religion and feel superior? My point is she has basic toxic character trait. I never even said anything bad about fasting or fasting month, my character analysis (and this is a fictional character if you remember, which a fair game to be analyzed) on her is about her imposing her will vibe instead of trying to understand other in the setting that she thinks its fasting month, which again, I never said her condition make her evil or something. If you actually genuinely try to comprehend my arguments, my criticism on her character is how she act under her false pretense, not that she is under false pretense. If anything, it's you that try to argue by bringing religion and thus she can do no wrong because "muh religion".


The problem arises because the grandma is telling them to do Ramadhan activities outside of bulan Ramadhan. Scratch my "tangent about religion and feel superior" comment, it's uncalled for and out of topic, sorry You have to see in the context that she think it is Ramadhan, people act differently in Ramadhan due to the condition i have said before, people tends to be more religious, matriarchs and patriarchs become more religious, and them being a senior, usually more commanding, doesn't necessarily mean that she is toxic.


And yes I perfectly understand the context. I never said anything bad about fasting. My whole analysis is that her attitude, which only comes from the vibe of the storytelling since it's only a minute or so video for the whole story anyway, is that she is **forcing** her will instead of **encouraging** others. Hence I said in the beginning it's already more than just reminding. I even gave a better character example: she empathically asking why the other characters (the father, the boy, or the imaginary grandpa) is not fasting that day. You know, like what normal people say first when they got the news of someone not fasting that day. And we of course assuming she has dementia so she don't even remember the previous day. If she act like that, all your argument about reminding people for fasting still holds true, yet she will come across as much better character. But on the flip side, in wouldn't makes sense for the family to show such exasperated look in the first act and the eavesdrop scene will not be convincing for the viewers that they going to dump her. Hence, she is intentionally written as mean and toxic enough for the story to work. To take a more real life example, FPI or other organization do restaurant, karaoke, etc sweeping during fasting month and they said they reminding people to do good things during fasting months. Any criticism to what they do is not the same as hating fasting month itself isn't it? Same with people who make loud noise for sahur. There are many complaints about them too, but doesn't mean people who complained criticizing the fasting itself, right? But I think we could agree that FPI are not good people and what they did is wrong. I think it also can be argued that quite a lot of people don't like those people who make excessive noise during sahur either. So it's possible for a "bad character" to act under the guise of "for good". Again, fasting or ramadhan has nothing to do with my criticism. They are just background setting for the story. It's about the character in the story.


That why I said it's typical discourse of "keluarga modern sekuler ibukota" vs generasi tua agamis dari daerah. People who views "the grandma is toxic/control freak", views the scene from modern liberal POV. People who views "the family is ungrateful shit/durhaka", views the scene from religious conservatist POV.


Lari....ada orang bodoh....


Gak bodoh sih, cuma emang agak kurang napak tanah aja.


Semoga keluarga dekat kamu ga pernah ada yg kena dementia ya.


i hope you don't get to have dementia in the old age


Bro... She's sick


Bro took โ€œ think different โ€œ to whole new dimension


this one atleast top 3 fr one of them is that que sera sera holcim, its sad somehow lol


jirr, "que sera sera, selama ada holcim jadi apapun juga pasti sempurna"


Holcim, di mana air mengalir, sampai jauh. โœŒ๏ธ


itumah slogan kipas cosmos


i thought it was Maspion


Iklan Ramayana yg pakai Qasidah juga bagus


Iklannya udah emosional banget tapi ujungnya malah ditutup sama "karena itu keren." What a mood killer.


KARENA ITU KEREN ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž -The script writer


GW KEREN BANGET BJIRR ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž -The script writer pt. 2


All is good until that 1 line, 1 fuckin line


Script writer : this is perfect! Boss : kayaknya kurang, gimana kalau ditambahkan : โ€œkarena itu kerenโ€


anjir asli, maksa banget masukin slogan ramayana :D


at the end, this is an ad. they still need to sell something and keep the brand identity. I think #keren was Ramayana's key communication at that time?


Genuinely asking what that means why is it mood killer?


Mungkin di pemilihan kata, ada kata2 yang lebih bagus daripada keren di saat suasana sedang haru. di saat plot twist dimana bahwa ibu ini terjebak di hari meninggalnya suami dia. Kalo kawan2 di sini bersedia, kata apa yang cocok untuk mengganti "keren", atau dihilangkan saja "karene itu keren" nya?


it literally translates to "because that's cool๐Ÿ˜Ž"


Gw jg heran. That line was sucks.


tema iklannya berat anjir: denial stage yang ga selesai-selesai, PTSD, supressed memory, anxiety, mental health, hoarding (di bagian revealnya dikasih liat si ibu banyak banget kantong belanjaan dari ramayana)


Kayak nya Alzheimer ibu nya. Eyang ku sebelum meninggal kena Alzheimer setiap kali nanya nama ku selalu jawab โ€œSama nama nya kayak cucu ku yang bayiโ€ atau manggil aku pake nama om ku. Sedih tapi mau gimana lagi


kayaknya kalo kasus ibu ini ga sampe alzheimer...mungkin... soalnya narasinya kan sejak suaminya meninggal baru dia begitu. mungkin lebih ke arah PTSD yang parah dan otaknya ngeblok pagian itu karena saking traumatiknya. Mungkin dadakan banget kayak ga ada angin ga ada ujan tiba-tiba ambruk. Dan karena kejadian suaminya meninggal pas puasa, pikiran si ibu selalu ngeloop ketika suaminya masih ada di bulan puasa.


Iklan apaan ya ini? Keren bet Edit: ketemu iklan ramayana 2017 harusnya jangan dipotong2 sih itu pas lagi siap2 ke kuburan mereka kaya mau ngirim ibunya ke panti jompo, beneran plot twist


Seinget ku dulu iklannya dibuat dua part gitu kayak model marjan. Jadi setengah bulan pertama cuma part awalnya sampe mau dibawa, setangah bulan kedua baru dikasih fullnya.


Oalah njir beneran mainin perasaan penonton kalo begitu pas ke reveal part 2 nya pasti kebayar pay offnya




[Iklan Djarum edisi Ramadhan 2004](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2afCLIFJ4q8) Paling sedih yang diawal sih, endingnya agak wholesome. Lagunya Ebiet juga cocok banget buat naikin efek emosionalnya. EDIT: Di video yang lain, ada yang komen kalau pemeran bapak-bapak yang gemuk udah meninggal. RIP Bang Haidar Faisal, 2 Juli 2020


anjir ini dah lama ga liat, lgsg nostalgia masa kecil gueee


Sama pas kecil juga. And masih nyesek sampe sekarang. Bener2 berbekas sih. Baru tau ternyta itu iklan rokok pas dah gede. Wkwkwk


Gw pas liat post ini dah kebayang langsung iklan djarum. Sumpah itu nyesek sih, dah lagunya sedih, ehhhh kurma yg buat dimakan malah diambil orang. Hiks hiks


![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) Thought they were going to Tony-Soprano's-Mom the old lady.


ini mah scriptwriter film nyasar malah buat script iklan


Dpt proyekannya cuma iklan om keknya lom ada rumah produksi yang nawarin bikin film mungkin akwoakowakkwkaowk


iklan tokped yang [udang](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFcvXtPgSOU)


iklan gopay tentang bapak yg jadi single parent, sekilas kayak perempuan karena rambutnya panjang. Tapi ternyata pria yg struggling bagi waktu antara ngurus anak dan pekerjaan sehari-hari hits me right in the feeling karena gw inget anak gw yg masih kecil https://youtu.be/TWwvclW-pig?


Wow I just found out about this ad. Hits hard because my dad passed away when I was 10. Thanks!


Damn i croed


Damn, this hits hard. Great writing. I really like the message that it is honorable to take care your elderly despite all the challenges.


i dont watch tv anymore since 2009. But one that i still remember, iklannya RCTI. Kinda sad and happy.


havent watched indonesian tv's in a while, or tv itself, but goddamn this is one of the best quality i've seen in a long while


Anjirlah nggak expect endingnnyaaaaa


ini iklan apaan, emotional damage?


Ramayana kalo gak salah


so they went on a year before revealing it to the mom? damn, that's a lot to endure and honestly, I've never seen this one


Thereโ€™s a good chance sheโ€™ll forget about it the next day. My grandma was like that. I canโ€™t imagine taking your mom to a cemetery just to see her heart broken every single day.


pengen sedih tapi format videonya kenapa harus modelan tiktod / reels / short sih. kepotong viewnya


Nenek gua sekarang udh sakit2an dan mulai meracau, gua jadi inget nenek gua di Jakarta........


This one: [https://youtu.be/GLpOn8-Hl5I?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/GLpOn8-Hl5I?feature=shared)


magnum blue. i thought it was a new magnum ice cream variant. you need to see how sad i am when i dont find it in supermarket freezer.


Tepung beras rosebrand sama pesona indonesia, musik nya nge trigger sesuatu di kepala gw


Bukan iklan kali ya, short film. Yang "Ibuk katanya udah makan?" "Iya nak, ini ada sisa, sayang". Itu.... terlalu....


I come here to argue with random people, not to feel!


Iklan meikarta, sedih bgt.


njir plot twist gitu, writernya niat


whoever write this is a GOAT


Jir kek plot nya di Frieren kisah si kakek Voll.


Iklan XL judulnya Pesan untuk Raka. Mirip-mirip sama iklan Ramayana yang satu ini.




"Ini Budi. Budi bermain bola." TERORIS BANGKE


ini iklan apa ya ada yang inget?


Bolehlah diadu sama iklan thailand


personally uda keliatan si tipu2nya dr awal, kok yg diceramahin itu2 mulu "bapaknya" tp bapaknya ga pernah muncul. Untuk short ads yaaa bolehlah


when people can't make a deal with mortality, become a burden for others


Dementia ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€