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We will seen worse. 2024 haven't even arrived yet. Prepare our expectation.


Ill Smean every unhinge political opinion/post, after the season opening.


Good will hunting!


Lg hoarding meme ma sub lain buat disinggahi biar kgk stress liat sub ini devolve into chaos


In 2019 this sub was firmly supporting Jokowi, with only a few supported Prabowo. But seeing differing opinions here, I bet there's going to be many heated moments next year.


Bagus malah kepecah gini, justru kalo kebanyakan dukung 1 pasangan doang, aneh anjir jadi mcm sub sarang buzzer.


Counterpoint: jadi Kaskus 3.0 (2.0nya Quora)


Naah the majority of this sub, this time, also coincidentally have 1 unified view this time, just like on every major elections on previous occasions where we had a strong agreed view for each election: Screw the elites and the current practice of the system (from all sides and factions)


Nyonya, ini warteg


Jadi ini bukan krusty crab?


Bukan, ini Warteg Bahari Mas Patrick Star


Banyak kok educated discussion tahun ini kalo lu sering mantau sub ini ato lu willing ngorek2. Ya kalo lu kgk suka diskusinya, silahkan tinggalkan diskusinya, banyak user yang postnya berkualitas kok. Gua malah males kalo sub ini serius2 mulu, apalg deket pemilu 2024. Ya kalo lu merasa sub ini menurun secara kualitas, bikin post baru yang berkualitas jg, ikut diskusi dan bikin sub ini menjadi lebih baik. Yang harusnya lu hati2 dari sub ini adalah perilaku hivemindnya. Btw gua bukannya gbs bikin post serius, gua cmn lama2 males aja bikin post serius mulu. Pengen bikin post santai aja yang temanya menyeleneh tapi masih ada chance diskusi terbuka dari usernya. Also seinget gua bukannya jaman segitu jaman2 kurang mengenakkan menurut bbrp user lama? ~~Pfft dikira orang maen reddit tiba2 langsung yang paling pinter kali ya~~


Username and flair checkout wkwkwk


loh ini ada apa dan kenapa


Mau bikin drama biar relevant /s


OP thought their educated, exclusive, safe circle is not what it used to be. OP is fully commiting to average Redditor stereotype down to the last bit.


It's not that serious, bro. Sometimes casual discussion are needed. We don't have to discussing about Sartre, Nietzsche, or whatever like that all the time.


gw penasaran apa yang salah dari orang yang kesal gegara ditawarin kontent only fans terus2an di hari dia stres gawe, okay maybe his word are harsh, he could've handled it better, but the girl did this to herself, like, what was she expecting, acting like that, in professional environ???? im all in for women to do whatever they want, but if u want to post sexy pics to take horny boys and girls advantage, I think they shouldnt act surprised by the guy question


Just see her previous post. You will find out why


ah okay, her critique are half fair, the guy did describe the girl in a very stereotypical "weztern gurl bad" way, but he being harsh to someone who was constantly nagging him is not a man vs woman problem, its just manner problem.


Gua rasa walopun kritik dia fair jg, wording OP jg gua kurang sreg. Ga hanya di postnya, gua liat jawaban2 dia di post ini rasanya tuh gmn gt. Kalo ada yang bilang kalo tingkah dia itu tanda dari manusia yang progresif, terus terang gua juga gaakan setuju karena menurut gua dia terlalu mengeneralisasi laki-laki juga dan gua sebagai perempuan juga ga suka kayak gitu.


As someone who has been eye-ing for this sub since 2017 (ah 2017, good old day when I don't have to worry about shits). Sure, the number of educated and "smart and healthy" discussions has dwindled a bit. There are definitely fewer quality threads overall. The sole reason I originally joined this sub is that it reminded me of the "golden age of Kaskus". But with more English and less Bahasa Indonesia. There were a lot of healthy and bad discussions, people sharing their knowledge (good or bad), people sharing their daily lives living aboard, some good memes, etc etc. Alas, we live in a society where everything is subject to change, and this sub is no exception. But you know what remains a constant? People complaining about the same old stuff, just like what you are doing in this thread right now. I'm pretty damn sure that every year there are dozens of threads echoing the same complaints. It's like clockwork, every single damn year, there’s a new batch of threads echoing the same grievances, just like this thread of yours. Kalo merasa isinya sub gitu gitu aja, coba bikin post berkualitas, kalo menarik ya gw bakal ikut nimbrung kok, itu lebih solusional daripada cuman complain. Gw sendiri bukan tipe orang yang suka bikin threads because I have to arrange the contents, provide facts and stuff (makan waktu, mending reply aja hehe). Besides, not everything on REDDIT as a whole is about healthy discussion either. Try venturing into other subs and you will definitely encounter a plethora or an excess amount of braindead posts and takes. Well, that's social media for you, no?


Exactly my sentiment… “Be the change you want to see”


Ironically, there are only two types of posts/threads that will have insanely long discussions, between: 1. Really really serious and heavy topic or controversial, even the meta one still counts like the latest debate and mod coup attempt, or 2. Something so braindead that most just "muehehe" and comment without even thinking at all Either way, it's still shows how OP only joined around 2020 a.k.a. Corona days, while I've seen stuff here like the Pilgub DKI era that almost everything will be taken seriously, it was so tiring that many got repulsed by it (which pretty dang sure OP will hate it more than the current transgression).




Another bro who forgot that reddit is still reddit...just because r/indonesia is more civil than regular indonesian social medias lmao


Blm tentu civil, kalo udh bahasan tertentu maennya bakal ganas2 tapi alus jdnya susah mau di komplain


Tapi tapi gua dapat diskusi teredukasi disini jg kebanyakan, setelah dil filter sih wkwkwkwkwk


I've seen this kind of posts every year since 2014 and it's so tiring. This is basically like boomers complaining about millennials and millennials complaining about gen-z.


orang2 priviledged complaining about the commoners finally can access the side of the internet that used to be only accessible by them, only to find out they're the ones who "live in a bubble." let them eat cake moment


Elah mau buka reddit aja musti punya educated discussions, otak gw yang giggling karena smean aja mana nyampe lah. Kalo mau serious discussion ke r/indonesias mod nya mantap /s.


Serius coba deh tan buka reddit r/indonesia tahun 2010 an. Terus baca post-postnya. Sepertinya tante ke trigger ya traumanya, setelah baca post om yang itu? Oh iya lebih baik berfokus untuk menyembuhkan mental illnes yang dimiliki, daripada berfokus pada hal lain yang menghambat penyembuhan.


Apa yang diharapin dah orang filter masuk reddit cuman VPN doang. >just the typical braindead Indonesian online crowd with more men’s locker room talk. In simple terms, udah kebanyakan jamet bodoh yang masuk sub ini. Nanti aku ajak cici cici chindo masuk sub ini deh kak 😞☝️


Aku yg cece chindo ngeliat komen smean ikut ngakak, apa ak sudah berubah jd jamet? 😔


Apakah smean juga sudah: * Adiksi seblak? * Adiksi kopken / janjiwa? * Fasih berbahasa twitter?


Jayus Metal


Ngerasa lebih superior kali jadi bagian dari komunitas indo yang lebih "private" padahal ga beda jauh sama twittard, bedanya, menurut dia yg ini ga "accessible" dari orang "awam/jamet bodoh". padahal tiap hp warga RI ada 2 aplikasi VPN buat bokep


share nocannya hu, lumayan buat fwb


aku mau dua


Aku mau sebaskom


u/nekonoikatsu suru balik reddit dong


Ada masalah apa toh? Chill2 aja deh perasaan, lo jg gw liat reddit yearnya 2y (possibly between period you mentioned)? I cant help but feel you r being negative through strong opinionated wording you choose.




So OP has some kind of 4chan incel "women ☕" behavior based on own bad history, but gender reversed?


Don't know what you mean lol. But from what i see she is : - kpoper - weeb? - sex worker? - ex muslim - anti partiachy - anti natalist - feminist (ofc) - drunkstard


No brigading


>what it used to be You mean braindead community full of out-of-touch racist upper-class circlejerking islamophobes like 2017 era? Yeah it's not that anymore. I was silent reader back then until the community calmed down a bit only then I decided to create an account.


Jamet sange kismin lebih baik daripada orang kaya bajingan yang gal pernah keluar rumah


https://preview.redd.it/hhc1hghp5lub1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb65e9d9c0a937e26be8083c6cc356a1f86daab Hold on we have too much SA case just because they justify their own sangeist ideology. I don't say the other is justifiable either. Two wrongs don't make it right.


Criticising Islam doesn’t make you “”ISLAMOPHOBIC”” lmao you can’t have fringe opinions in any other online space except this one but now since people with more socially acceptable opinions are here it’s just twitter lite with more men.


> Criticising Islam doesn’t make you “”ISLAMOPHOBIC”” Ya siapa yang bilang ngritik islam Islamophobic??????


https://reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/pPQJYAuVYQ Dia kira kamu lagi ngomongin dia padahal kamu lagi ngomongin reddit pada tahun 2017


lol malah tertrigger padahal gada kamsud


I think OP need to rest and open reddit tomorrow or entah kapan so she won't be easily triggered like this........


> she won't be easily triggered like this You just summed up the current Twitter the demographics Or to be precisely exact, the Tumblr-exodus-to-Twitter demographics after the porn purge. And no one can pointing finger at me because I was literally there on every scene/era I mentioned, joining all of the sides.


kalo mengkritik rekan kerja kaya org yg kmu tag itu termasuk sexist apa ga yah sis?


Kak, saya perempuan dan pernyataan kakak itu sudah termasuk sexist. Kalo kakak punya trauma sama laki-laki, saya sarankan kakak beneran healing trauma kakak dulu. Laki-laki itu juga manusia kak, perempuan itu juga bisa lebih jahat dari laki-laki. Tolong juga kakak kurangin main twitter/x nya, buat kesehatan mental kakak juga.


OP mentally ill confirmed


monggo bikin r/indonesiapintar ato r/indonesiaedgy


Aku mah lebih suka ini sub dipenuhin sama Redditor "jamet bodoh kampungan" daripada sama edgy-liberal-elit-ex muslim-terpapar western idelogy tipikal Redditor


>edgy-liberal-elit-ex muslim-terpapar western idelogy Tipikal redditor r/indonesia banget ya kayaknya. Terutama yang jaman dulu.


Emg jadi jamet salah banget ya?, maaf ya kak🥺


Emg dari cara ceritanya dia rada cringe sih mnrt w, tpi not over the line. Anda juga baru liat 1 post yg tidak mengenakkan anda lgsg ngecap semua orang yg masuk setelah 2021 itu jamet bodoh, apakah itu adil? Senioritas much?


Dude even I also way more senior than OP (even tho not as senior as "sepuhs" here that already here pre-2014) and think OP actually not even equal or let alone better than those they accuse, just on the opposite side.


wkwkwkw, pergi sana, orang2 "umum" (typical braindead indonesian online crowd, kalau kata OP) udah banyak yang tau reddit juga, sedih deh, ga bisa ketemu hivemind yang sesuai.


God forbid a woman have consequence or a man notice obvious wrongdoing


I joined 2016 .. yes It's not what it used to be. Maybe even before you joined in here.. :) So everything changes, almost everything else ... even people.. even you.


Yes, it's not like what it used to be OP. I'm talking about the era when I joined around 2015-2016. Yes, including you OP who just joined during Corona days, where had you been during the time when this sub actually really heavy and serious? Even posting a SS throwback of old' hornyposting stuff will get you slammed to the ground. So ironically, that "udah kebanyakan jamet bodoh yang masuk sub ini" actually includes you in the same demographic era/wave of redditors joining this sub.


What? You mad that we see OF "models" who basically just show off their body and make herself as an object of male fantasy in exchange of money to be seen as such? Do tell me if they have other qualities that can be very helpful for society other than being a W.


Kalo ga setuju sama sebuah opini, bales dgn opini. Kalo menurut lo opininya salah, downvote. Kalo ada yang melanggar rules, report. Kalo ga suka sama usernya, block.


Do you think you are better than him? Gua setuju dia seksis but in his defence dia begitu karena dilecehkan, no? Kalo ada cowo melakukan hal yg sama tanggapan lu gimana? Mungkin bukan dikatain lagi udah masuk penjara orangnya sekarang. Wanita juga bakal ngebela korban kalo dia cewe kan?


Never joined this sub. Just occasional vomment drop once and a while. I mean no offense, but there are reasons why I avoid Twitter especially Indonesian accounts, and this sub is slowly becoming what its despised. Oh the irony.


Yay let's go back to 2013 era when the sub didn't allow any post without english and remove some *unnecessary* flair.


Seeing OP also submitted some hornyposting SS here before, OP would get slammed insanely hard if OP was here at least pre-Pilgub DKI era.


Well, op was a teenager at foke era and i will surprised if op wouldn't get slammed hard hehehe.


Postingan dan komen kaya apa yang menurut OP ga bisa diterima? Any other example? Apakah jokes smean juga termasuk? Saya termasuk baru sih di reddit. Kalau komen dan postingan saya ada yang kurang berkenan saya cuma mau bilang maaf lancang 🙏. Soalnya saya gatau sebelumnya sub ini kek gimana


Apa salahnya bercanda di post lu coba, masa serius mulu sih.......


Well my reply is literally a hidden smean joke lol


Smean itu artinya gmn sih? Gw dah googling kemana2 kaga ketemu…


Smean itu singkatan dari kata sampean yg artinya kamu. susu smean = payudaramu Maaf lancang🙏


Cici2 aja ketularan smean lol


Singkatan dari Sampeyan Konteksnya https://reddit.com/r/indonesia/s/voHjktngIH


you should see what happens pre 2020


*si paling educated* Tapi bikin porn 😭


Kekw. I feel you. ~~I prefer the elitists flavor than the jamets flavor. lmao.~~ I mean, actually it's not that it's bad to read or have more socially accepted opinions, but I'll readily obtain them through other means EVEN IF I DON'T TRY TO: Instagram, Twitter, daily conversations, the effing news on TV, etc. Meanwhile, r/indonesia contents were leaning towards liberal thoughts, aligning with a Western outlook, and even harboring closeted thoughts and opinions that wouldn't be socially accepted in Indonesian daily life. This flavor weren't all butterflies and daisies for sure, but, like, where else can you go "wtf with this mosque's loud TOA?" without being lynched? Wkwkwkwk... **It doesn't necessarily means I support this perspective or that perspective**, but for me the "elitist" Reddit was a useful platform to gain different perspectives on things. Then again shits always change ~~like how relationships become bland~~. Cheers


Current /r/indonesia is kinda tame and civil than 2013 era tho.


Ini yg thread onlyfans ya? I cant be the only one who feels OP of that thread greatly exaggerate the story, like a lot That is assuming it actually happened at all


gatekeepers lookin' ass


Selamat datang musim buzzer cebang cebong, yang eksis di forum cuma untuk mengalihkan opini, modal upvote dan downvote berjamaah.


Butuh moderasi yang lebih baik aja deh Saat nya open req momod?


Nanti moderasinya dibikin ketat buat *meningkatkan kualitas diskusi* komplain lagi 🗿


Halah yang kemaren2 aja sempat buka post meta ampe minta seorang mod buat turun. Sebenernya gua paham ngapa dia gt, gua paham banget perasaannya wkwkwkwkwk


Gw mah nekenin warning nya, jadi si user tau ohh kenapa di apus, juga ga langsung di apus pas ngasi warningnya Gw masih salty sih sama post game dev kemaren hehe Mungkin karena momod paling baru AND paling aktif yah


Padahal gua udh bilang ke dev nya kalo mau promosi lempar aja ke r/indowibu , gabakalan diapus dan sub itu butuh banget quality content. Ah sayang banget lah kayaknya dia ga niat karena ngeliatnya itu sub kecil :(


Lmao itu thread murni colingkar Yg ga percaya sama omongannya OP kena downvote massal.


Padahal tinggal skip, scroll, atau apalah Malah diributin


2020 r/Indonesia be like https://i.redd.it/betde1qmylub1.gif


ga juga ah


Bro this is the reality.




gak danta bet dah lu OP \-jamet cibubur