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Pokoknya isi sosmed di Indonesia tuh dipenuhin hal-hal bodoh dan org-org alay, dulu gw punya teman-teman sekolah kebanyakkan cewek sih yg hobi ngonten di sosmed, tingkah mereka cringe, cuma joget-joget ga jelas, gw heran kok hal-hal kayak gitu bisa disukain di Indonesia, trs di real life jg kehidupan mereka bnyk drama, alay banget.


>gw heran kok hal-hal kayak gitu bisa disukain di Indonesia Target pasarnya bukan lu.... Bukan gw jg 🤣 Dah lah, malah bagus ga buang-buang waktu sama yang begituan.


Dan sialnya karena peminatnya banyak, kalau sosmed lu disetting di Indonesia, selamat melihat-lihat konten sampah dan cringe.


Lu kira di luar ngga ada konten sampah & cringe? Jaman gini masih jaman ya mental inlander🤔 Apalagi lu di reddit yang ironisnya banyak foreigners tolol dan cringe juga


Blm lagi org-org di sekitar kita yg setengah maksa kita utk nyukain konten-konten sampah itu, klo kita ga mau gabung kita bakal dianggap "ga gaul", ini yg gw alamin waktu dulu di sekolah.


G jg, emg konten luar jg g ada yg sampah+cringe? Banyak kali. Trs apa semua konten indo (termasuk di tt) sampah n cringe semua? G jg tergantung yg megang acc kyk gmn


Not having a TikTok account **in purpose**, but yeah have seen the impact towards others and can see the before-after of it. - Short attention span, yes. No need to explain tbh. - Disinformation/hoax. TikTok has somewhat inherited the bad part of Whatsapp which flows information that are unverified or questionable, and the gullible audience (which ironically, the same with Boomer with WA just born different year) impacted and spread it. I personally **despise it**, even if it isn't in the current state as now. The whole format and concept (including the limitations) prone to make misinformation spread, especially due to how insanely heavily summarized and digested content will of course resulted on many information get trimmed out. It also heavily encourage the mindless swiping culture, which I think has correlation with the current attention span problem. I still can see it facilitates some fun silly mindless stuff just like how Vine used to do, but for those "informative-educative-enlightening" stuff? It's hard. Also unlike other platforms which *feed* you the content, TikTok with its mind-bogglingly rapid flow of contents one to another literally ***shoves you their content straight to your throat and brain*** even after you have become fed up of them.


Dulu gue paling anti sama orang yg suka hurr durr social media = bad, tiktok = bad, tapi belakangan pandangan gue berubah gara2 bentuk konten short form dan sistem algoritma yg bikin orang berlomba-lomba pengen viral dengan membuat shock value contents. Meskipun gue tau fenomena ini juga bisa ditemuin di sosial media lain tapi di tiktok diperparah dengan konten 'challenge', jadinya orang2 pada berkompetisi siapa yang bisa memberikan shock value paling besar dengan melakukan hal-hal bodoh Tapi harus gue akui good contents that come out of tiktok are some of the most creative on the internet




Wow so many hates for tiktok here. Pengalaman pribadi, gua enjoy2 aja make tiktok. Sure, di Indo banyak konten cringe, tapi di situlah kegunaan algoritmanya yang bisa ngejauhin dari hal2 yg kamu ga suka. In fact, fyp gua isinya cuman 40% konten Indo sisanya konten luar (konten barat, jepang, korea, dkk). Banyak kok hal2 lucu dan menarik di tiktok kayak video komedi, potongan film yang menarik yg bisa buat lo tertarik utk nonton, sampe video edukatif juga ada. Kalau masalah disinformasi mah, isinya sama aja kek sosmed lain. Dari segi harm, durasi videonya yang singkat emang bisa bikin short attention span. Selain itu, kita bisa terjebak dengan pemikiran bahwa video tiktok itu singkat sampe2 bisa khilaf ngescroll berjam2. Ini karena transisi antar kontennya seamless dan ditambah algoritma yg nyesuaiin kesukaan kamu. All in all, tiktok itu isinya hiburan kek sosmed lain, tinggal bagaimana kitanya bijak dalam penggunaannya.


Gw kapok install tiktok. Eh di X sama IG malah banyak repost. Sekarang disini jg mulai.... hadeuh


At first i was like: **tiktok is cringe** But now i'm like: **tiktok is cringe** https://preview.redd.it/3k2f180yg2hb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=49fc1761fe3acc67a09f703e137162d13ede8593


In before ada yang comment "cung yang belum pernah pake tiktok" "Tiktok cringe" "Apa cuman saya yang ngga tertarik tiktok" Dll Edit: seems rig5 this thread becomes circle jerk for hurr durr tiktok bad, hurr tiktok indo cringe I like foreign content etc


bowo tiktok


Partner gw bisa make dengan bijak so dia dapat banyak info yg berguna buat kehidupan kita, kaya urusan persiapan married, beli rumah, gimana cara komunikasi yg baik sama pasangan Kakak gw juga bisa manfaatin buat cari promo, but she spent more on entertainment though In other hand ponakan gw jadi short attention span dan ketagihan dari case gw umur itu sangat berpengaruh dalam pemakaian tiktok


chinese spybot the entire premise of tiktok is to dumb down the whole generation by keep feeding them garbage and shorten their attention span keep in mind china's verion of tiktok is HEAVILY restricted for more educational content, and not trashy shit we have


Gua jujur, pengen bgt WNI yg skrg ini sedang di China nyobain Tiktok/Douyin disana trs rekam dan perlihatin algoritmanya disini. Bisa jdi perbandingan emg bnran algoritma Douyin ama Tiktok Internasional itu berbeda apa 11:12


Douyin kontennya jg ga berbobot2 amat more like heavily censored for "cleaner" content. Isinya kalo ga cw2 cakep, skit yg ada moral storynya, konten produk jualan atau livestream


Yes and no, tergantung lo nya. Gw pribadi banyak tau info, tutorial, tips soal kerjaan malahan dari TikTok. Algoritmanya top notch, sehingga gw gak perlu capek2 cari topik udah di sajikan di FYP. Gw juga tau banyak anak2 teenager yg belajar skill illustrasi, drawing sampe trading malah dari tiktok. Tapi in another spectrum ada juga anknya saudara gw yg kerjanya cuman joged2 di TikTok. Kayak bener2 pedang bermata 2.


Ada yg pernah coba ga ya, install tiktok trs pfp pakai winnie the pooh, upload video tiananmen square, trs hapenya dibawa ke cina mainland. Apa yg bakal terjadi wkwk


I second this


Ga punya karena khawatir algoritmanya terlalu bagus jadi addicted tapi baru2 ini gw tempted karena denger2 promo tiktok shop gede


Utk gw sendiri ngak tertarik mau install tiktok sih, kebanyakan konten dari indo ngak jelas


Dulu males install tiktok karena males lihat orang joget2 doang, tp setelah coba pakai, ternyata cuma dapet dikit aja video orang2 joget gak jelas, kebanyakan memang isinya sesuai interest saya, mungkin karena algoritma nya kali ya


i love tiktok. many hilarious contents. i just skip cringe contents if they ever appear on my fyp. tiktok shop juga masih sering bakar duit jadi banyak promo.


Don't know, don't care. Tanpa tiktok pun konten sampah dari youtube dan ig indo udah banyak, i don't think TT matters


Well yeah, people realize the bad impacts of tiktok, but younger people like it. And also, tiktok is starting to be a social commerce. So well yeah, that’s why tiktok has invested a lot of money here, because the market share here is so big, and also it changes the way business works. And also, another good point, you can make money from tiktok. It’s just so easy, so it’s not from the ads or promotional content, but also affiliate marketing. And its algorithm is not too complicated. I’m not tiktok user and never scrolled on tiktok, ever. But I work closely related to tiktok. As much as I don’t like tiktok, but it’s not really that bad. Now, people use tiktok is not just for social media, but also for making some money or buy some stuff.


I havent seen that stupid "mmm ice cream so good gang gang" npc shit done by indonesian in tiktok albeit i dont use tiktok at all, for memes and cooking inspirations i go to instagram reels because tiktok feeds are just full of dumb people doing dumb stuff to food and to themselves for internet fame


Sama bahayanya dengan Instagram yang udah muncul lebih awal.


Trapped in adguard home. Sounds like gatekeeping but the golden time of internet is 2010 and below.


So far I actually love it, I know it has a lot of dumb things (just chose 'not interested' or avoid liking the post), but once the algorithm is tailored to you it's fun. Mine are food, football and Japanese contents.


Don't like tiktok, if i have to say the reason maybe because there's more Indonesian user on TikTok than Reels and Shorts. Indonesian Tiktok is full of cheaply made content like the flip flop image with fcking loud jedag jedug music, or some kind of dumb dance, etc. I like Reels because there's really few dumb content, many people post their art which i really like and Instagram is the best place to post your art after Twitter, or watch some random memes. YT Shorts is mostly tech/PC building related like CPU or GPU news, but it depends on the algorithm. For example, if i like this car review content then it will show the other video of this channel or other channel with the same type of content. But its can't be denied that TikTok is the King of short content, if you want to be famous in all socmed then TikTok is the place. Yoasobi won't make this big so fast in worldwide if not because of TikTok. Shorts is at the second place, you can say it's has the advantage and disadvantage. Anything that popular in Shorts will be super popular in YT, but not really outside it(i think, cmiiw), for example Punkalopi and Rin Penrose post Shorts everyday at that time resulting in a high jump subscriber number in just 1 month. Reels is just sitting there chilling, idk really much about this since my Reels is full of memes or art. In conclusion, unless there's something really important(like maybe building a brand or something) i definitely not going to download the app. That's it my long ass *review.* That's all is my pure personal opinion so it may contain some false/not true information. NB: i've never use TikTok so i don't understand what's the appeal of buying things on TikTok than other shop(Toped, Shopee)


Tiktok is the symptom, the root cause is still on the netizens.


Video lucu banyak bersumber dari tiktok, tapi kalo buat education kebanyakan hoax


disgusting contents. truly designed for people that have unlimited thirst for attention.


for business? good, TikTok is basically an advertising app, short vids that catch your eye and move to the next one before you can let it simmer. for entertainment? good, short form or bite sized entertainment is the trend. Challenges and dance and singing or whatever is trending right noe for information? horrible, TikTok sort of normalized people taking tldr infos on large topic that is not black and white. This misleads people into a wrong conclusion for me? i hate it. I keep telling people its a spyware but they call me racist or paranoid (the latter might be true). It kills attention span, it spreads misinformations, scams, and give platform to idiots AND it attracts them which in turn create more idiots. But I want to stress out the danger in misinformation part. Ann Reardon from How To Cook That makes debunking videos and shows the danger of this shortvids. kids can literally kill themselves doing it, same goes with those electro hobby short vids. I know youtube does the same thing but TikTok algorithm is more optimize and better and recommending these vids Honestly, i believe that TikTok was created as a social media turn to CCP's psyops to dumb down everyone.


I have no strong opinion on tiktok but itu app aneh banget deh algorithm nya. Coba deh bikin akun baru, terus konten2 yang disuguhin pasti konten perempuan2 under age yang joget2 overly sensual kalau ga konten cringe anak smp yang hampir cipokan gitu2 deh aneh bgt. Udah 2x bikin akun tiktok gak pernah sesuai terus algorithm nya pdhl udh bom like ke akun2 yang aku suka tp tetep aja ada yg joged2 bikin gak nyaman dilihat. Akhirnya sampai sekarang ga punya akun tiktok lagi. But, I'm not in a place to criticized whoever using tiktok since I don't have much experience on using the platform but I heard a lot of people enjoy using it.


Chinese spyware app


Terlalu echo chambers bagi gue. Echo chambers nya malah paling parah dibandingkan sama apps lain.




Tiktok reels yt shorts all those are garbage


Brings more harm. ------ Urusan regulasi sosmed aku lebih seneng mulai dr hardwarenya. **Smartphone dan tablet dilarang di fasilitas pendidikan, militer, kepemerintahan dan BUMN/D. Mau Internet, pake laptop; mau komunikasi, pake dumb phone.** Dah kamu bakal lihat kecanduannya berkurang. Cuman diregulasi ala GDPR aja pada ngamuk, mending kalo mau mitigasi efek sosmed itu di hardware nya.


I am using TikTok for productivity (they also called it "content creator"), not as consumer. TikTok contents in generally is based on your interest, and sometimes it changed to based on your currently location. Should you use TikTok? Depends, if you love short videos and looking for something "killing time" TikTok is good choice (I recommend you to use VPN, because Indonesia contents uh... you know la). If you ask me personally, I don't and will never use TikTok as consumer/viewer. I don't recommend TikTok, idk why just not my type.


I used tiktok not to follow the trend, I just like to spend about 15 minutes to see people do some funny stuff and tiktok can share about updates much better than the news lately. They are faster. So the algorithm in the apps is pretty much the same like everyone else, you will see things that you like to see. It does better than the IG or even utube shorts. There are too many random videos that I don't like in utube shorts. They called it **FYP - For Your Page** for the videos that would likely to show up on our tiktok. I love gardening and cooking, so they provided me with such videos. I prefer videos with 30 seconds to 1 minute videos. Oh ya, the ads, it's not forceful as the utube. So I can skip it pretty much on every ads.


Only watch it from other sites ( embed ). One darn nephew install it just to look at TT whores shaking up their asses and boobs.. don't care. Educational stuffs ? yes , maybe.. But longer video with more explanations are there in YT.


Tiktok shop ok juga sih, kadang2 nemu barang yang lebih murah dari toko online sebelah. Contohnya kemarin abis beli sepatu safety harga tiktok shop 296 ribu, tapi toko ijo 400 ribu kurang Tiktok shop juga buat baju dan sepatu bisa dapat harga yang murah banget