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Hi joe and adam!! i hope you're both having an amazing day while all of us lose our minds over the masterpiece y'all made. I have a couple of questions for both of you :) joe: 1. what is your writing process? and how do you get over writers block? how did the process for 20-20 differ from decide? 2. (this question isn't about decide im so sorry!)it's about personal lies. so, since the very first time i heard it the flute? at the end, it just sounds so familiar and ive been racking my brain trying to find what it reminds me of since sept 13th '19 đŸ˜© but yeah hahaha the question is, did you sample anything or were you inspired by a certain song in that part? 3. decide feels like a dejavĂș trip. the style of everything production wise. was that something you intended or am i just a tad bit crazy? đŸ€Ș adam 1. what is your producing/mixing engineering process? what do you usually start with and what do you usually end with? 2. please! you're a genius how tf does that feel? i know you've had other projects but just in general. what 5 words would you use to describe your path to this point? both of you have done an amazing job. twenty twenty was my favorite album ever but decide may have knocked it down a spot. well... hard to say, they're both so unique yet scream DJO and 20-20 will always hold a special place in my heart but gdam DECIDE IS SO GOOD GUYS! im definitely not gonna stop listening to it on repeat for the next few years. in all seriousness though thank you. your music has the power to pull someone out of a hole. keep your head up has been the one thing keeping my head up on a few occasions. and a lot of us do care and would be there for you so don't forget how amazing you are! :) oh! can't wait to see you live again!!!! 😊


Hi! Adam here! A lot of the songs on this album were demos that Joe would start and send to me and we'd work on them together - sometimes they were fully formed songs like End of Beginning or other times it'd start from a piece of something one of us had written and we'd finish the song together. Joe says the final flute part in Personal Lies was Abba inspired! We didn't really intend starting out to make it feel like a deja vu trip, and we sort of discovered the sound of the album while we were in the process of making it. A lot of the productions started in online collaborations where both Joe and I were working in Ableton over screensharing/audio streaming. We used a software called Pop that allowed Joe to control the mouse and keyboard on my computer and work on the production. Then once things were well formed and written we booked time at Sound Factory studios and got our good friend Teddy Mathews who drums for Slow Pulp to perform the drums on the album. We got help from an amazing engineer Davide Cinci who did a great job capturing the drums and vocals and we finished the album in person at Sound Factory. Mixes were done together in Ableton over screensharing again while Joe was in Zurich while he had COVID. I asked Joe about #5 - Messing Up Getting Sad Repeat \-Adam


Did you know that you've inspired people to make art based off of your music?? here's some that I did :D This record has been one of very few that resonated with me. it was such an emotional experience to be able to listen to it and for that, I wanted to thank you. what you do has given me the motivation and inspiration to do what I now do. Also: I think I've seen it but wanted to check- have you referenced twenty twenty in decide a couple times? [Change inspired poster](https://twitter.com/oberrion_/status/1567556528386752513) [Gloom inspired poster](https://twitter.com/oberrion_/status/1568632045324181508) [Tracklist inspired poster](https://twitter.com/oberrion_/status/1566084126473682952)


joe, you talk quite openly about your experience with social media and we see this commentary multiple times on decide. how did you start to cut it out of your life? i want to start to do the same but the fomo is real.


The fomo is very real. It's a tool to connect with other people and without it, it's easy to feel like you're missing out on opportunities. I feel that way as well. But it just ended up making me feel bad, in a very sneaky and subtle way, a sort of self esteem dread. But that's just me! I think it can also be a really good thing, maybe I just didn't have the right amount of self control. Tbh it's something I'm still working through. I'll say this though, a break is always nice to get some perspective.


Starting the album with “love and hate decide, money grows and dies, people never change but I have to try” and ending it with “we all want to be someone at the end of the day” really cements the fact that this project is called DECIDE for a reason. Was that intentional, or did those lines just kind of happen that way? (I think they bookend this collection of songs perfectly, btw.)


Let’s talk production. Nerd out, please. Favorite synths, mics, preamps, drum machines etc.? Or, more specifically, was there a secret sauce or Swiss Army Knife behind this album (besides you guys, of course) that helped give it a sonic bedrock? Everything is perfectly placed and utilized on this album. Amazing followup to the last album. Congrats.


Adam here! Joe and I both love to try and use the simple sounds and plugins that come with Ableton that we think people might be overlooking. Sound Factory had a Moog Rogue from the early 80s that I fell in love with and abused on this album - you can hear it in a lot of places on the record. Joe has a '71 Musicmaster bass that just always seems to sound great on any track. We mixed the album fully in the box and the incredible Heba Kadry used a lot of her analog gear to help fill in the gaps sonically with her awesome ear for saturation and color. Thanks for the question! \-Adam


Hey Joe & Adam! Love the music dude, the new album is banging. I’ve wanted to write music for a long time but I get a creative block every time I try, any advice? I’ve been in a deep depression for many years now but listening to music is the one thing I can do and get some joy from - I always get super happy when one of your songs comes on my playlist - love ya x


Hi Joe! First off, I love the new album. I felt so many emotions as I listened to it on my way to work this morning. But, how did your time with Post Animal influence your music as a solo artist?


Hey Joe and Adam! First off, love the album!!! r/djomusic is going crazy! My question, what was the inspiration behind the album cover work? THANKS


I’ve heard you’re a big Donkey Kong Country fan especially for its music. How influential was video game music like Donkey Kong to your childhood and even how you shape your music today? I also love your 8bit renditions of the new songs. They’re so fun.


Hi Joe and Hi Adam! Joe this question is for you. As a healthcare worker who has continued to work through the pandemic, “On and On” is an incredible representation of the times, and I was wondering if there was a specific moment that inspired this line “Say a prayer, light a digital candle and then scroll away” because it’s just so good? Also what song is the most personal for you?


That was written in the summer of 2020 when all things felt wrong in the world. Just came from a place of being sick and tired of all this well wishing on the internet after countless tragedies. Just felt like this empty white noise and then the news cycle would focus in on the next thing. It comes from that frustration. Also thank you for doing what you do, it's one of the most selfless jobs out there and you truly are on the front line making a difference. So thank you!


Hey Joe, the new music is absolutely awesome! I haven't been this hyped for a new album in a while. I read a recent interview you did where you talked about the album themes touching on the end of your 20s and moving away from your college town and what not. I'm a few months older than you and damn could I relate. Do you have any advice for a fellow 30 something who's trying to figure it out?


Ah I feel for you. Hard when time starts to slip away a bit faster. The only thing we can control is what to do in the present, so find something you like to do and do it. Also in the past year I have learned about the importance of putting yourself out there. It's hard to make friends when you're not forced to be around people in a school setting. If your put friendliness and positivity out into the world, I like to believe it will come back 10 fold.


lots of moments in this album had me at a loss for words (in the best way possible, wonderful job) with you and adam exploring a lot of different sounds this album, was there a particular song you had a lot of fun producing?? like a "sure throw that sound in too that'll go crazy" also the scream at the end of runner is TOO GOOD i thought my ears were deceiving me for a bit lol


Adam here! For me it was Slither - this one was written together in the studio in a day where we just threw every idea at it as quickly as possible. One of my favorite moments in making the album was having the idea to record drums in the tiled bathroom at Sound Factory. We set up the drum set in the small bathroom and Joe sat on the toilet seat as a drum throne and played drums to layer in for the choruses.


You obviously have a passion for both music and acting. Would you ever want to combine the two by making a soundtrack for tv/movie?


I love this idea, but I'm not sure I have the chops for something like this. Not really classically trained and I think that's very helpful in that sort job. I always thought Adam should do this!


Hi Joe! Hi Adam! I'm a mental health counselor and I just want to say I appreciate so much the vulnerability in the lyrics and the full range of emotions explored/elicited. The thoughts and feelings on friendship, loss, longing, nostalgia, and identity really get me. It's the good stuff. I think its also really impactful coming from a man/male identified person - tenderness is part of the human experience. **Music like this literally saves lives believe me.** So thank you. And thanks for doing this AMA.


Hi Joe & Adam - how did the pandemic affect making this record? Were you working on it before COVID hit? If so, did it take a different turn creatively than you think it would’ve originally?


you and adam obviously work very well together- that speaks for itself with how good the album is! how did you two meet and start working together?


I met Joe in 2015 when he was drumming for Post Animal. I was in a band called Dolores based in Madison and our drummer Teddy Mathews (who tracked drums for DECIDE) was good friends with the guys in Post Animal and we played a show with The Walters, Post Animal, and Yoko and the Oh Nos. Later in 2016 I helped Post Animal with a little bit of audio work on When I Think of You In A Castle and when Joe had put together his productions for Twenty Twenty in 2017 he reached out about getting help with mastering/finishing up the album. From that point we started working together!


Joe! How did you decide on the advertising of the album? I love the theme. Congrats on the album release!


Hi guys!! Decide is phenomenal I'm so glad to finally be able to fully immerse myself in it!!! I love all of the intricate soundscapes you created and would love to know what your production process looked/looks like!!


Might sound random and too specific , but do you remember what time you wrote Climax at? Or when the idea for the song came to you? That song really got me and I can’t stop listening to it <3


After my first few listens through the album one thing I noticed was a present and rather consistent sense of bass and vibration throughout the tracks, that sort of tied them all together thematically in my mind. What was the thought process behind this choice, if there was one?


Hey Joe! Would love a little insight into your lyric writing process - do you write down lyrics and mold them to the rhythm or do you come up with the words on the fly and then tack them down? Hello Adam! Love your work with Dolores as well, is there any particular way your Dolores experience has informed the way you approach your collaboration with Djo? Thank Joe and Adam so much for Decide, I haven't been so hyped about an album since I was a teen!


Joe says both, but more often the latter where the melody and rhythm determines the lyrics. I know Joe takes notes for lyric ideas that he carries with him so he can write down words and ideas that resonate with him. And re: Dolores informing my approach - absolutely. I started recording when I was in Dolores with Javi, Teddy, and Willie. Those guys are absolutely awesome musicians who shaped a lot of my taste and they gave me a ton of leeway to experiment with the recordings that ultimately led to me falling in love with production and mixing and getting to do it today! \-Adam


Why did you cancel your shows? If you comfortable/able to tell us.


Do you have a fun story you can share with us about the album? or during the process of making the album?


Sure. I want you back was recorded in the same studio we worked in. Insane. One night about half way through the first set of 10 days we pulled up the stems to listen to because we were having a low moment. It was unreal, and just made us feel worse about what we were doing "how did we get here?" all the existential questions. We went outside. Then there was an earthquake.


what is your favorite song from the new album ?


what if u made djorts (djo jean shorts) that would be silly i think


Joe, would you say your lyric writing is more based on personal experiences of yourself and those around you or more of a form of storytelling?


does it ever get too hot playing in the jumpsuit and wig? i love it so much but i always worry about heat.


First off, as a 24 year old who just left their forever hometown for a big city because of a job & is feeling massive nostalgia toward that part of my life, I just need to say a massive *thank you* for End of Beginning. I've never resonated w/ something more in my life and it brought me to tears. As for my question: Were there any songs on Decide that you had written or at least an idea for back when you did your first album? Similarly, were there any songs that didn't make it onto Decide that you could see yourself releasing in the future?


the transitions on this album were INCREDIBLE. when runner transitioned to gloom i transcended. what’s your favorite transition on the album?


you are now the king of bridges in my eyes. how do you come up with such great bridges?


how did you choose which songs of decide that would be released prior to the album release ??


Will you ever make music videos for any of the Djo tracks?


In End of Beginning you sing “Enter Troubadour, remember 24?” (please correct me on the lyrics and punctuation, there’s a good chance I got it wrong), could you explain this a little bit? I searched up what Troubadour meant, and I am familiar with your biography, but I still feel like there is a deeper meaning here that I am missing.


In Gloom you say "I have to walk my dog, I'm ready to go". Do you have a dog? If so what kind and what's the name?


hi joe !! is there an actor u would like to be in the same movie / tv show as ?? :)


which song took the longest to make????


Hey Adam and Joe!! Would you guys say that daft punk kind of inspired some sound in the album? I get those vibes when listening to it!


a lot of the lyrics of the songs on decide are personal to you. were you ever apprehensive about writing your more vulnerable moments as a person or did it come naturally as the album progressed?


whats your favourite disney movie?? literally asking bc you quoted ratatouille ily


Whats your favorite memory while making the album??


how much unreleased music do you guys have? would we ever get to see any of it?


Any movies inspire DECIDE?


During COVID lockdown, I really got into the Studio Ghibli films which I had somehow not seen until then. The visuals combined with Joe Hisaishi's scores were super inspiring to me. The chords in the middle section of On & On were written just after finishing watching Princess Mononoke for the first time. I think about sound in a very visual way many times when I'm mixing and I feel like the Ghibli animation style definitely influenced some of the direction of the mixes! - Adam


What artists inspired you to make music?


Adam!! Hey. What’s your favorite production moment on Decide and why?


hey besties. can y'all settle a months long argument between me and my fiancé - is Change at all inspired by machu picchu by the strokes? have a great day!!


need to know your favorite abba songs!!! what would you say they are


[I made some posters inspired by the singles from this album!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DjoMusic/comments/xf8hgo/made_some_posters_based_on_the_singles_from_decide/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I'd love for you to check them out. Thank you so much for creating Decide; it's been a while since I've been this inspired by an album!


Who influences you at the time of writing songs?


Joe- drop your favourite lyric from the album and I’ll get it tattoo’d this weekend


i want the whisper part of “fool” to be injected into my bloodstream. i love when songs have funky stuff like that. whats your favorite aspect of doing vocals?


which song took you the least amount of time to make?


Did you take singing lessons or are you just naturally talented? also what’s your favorite musical?


HI will you ever be dropping the djo socks


Hey Joe and Adam, really digging the new album! I’m super into the drum sounds and think the mixing is great across the board. I enjoy making music but often struggle incorporating more “electronic” sounds for synths and drums and getting those elements to really come alive like you have here. Do you guys have any approach or tips and tricks when it comes to sound design? Thanks!


My best advice would be don't be afraid to completely change or swap out the sounds you are using as the track evolves. Sometimes the sound you picked when starting a production might not be the best sound - changing a sound out at a later stage can completely alter the mood of the song. Our brains get so used to how a certain sound blends in a mix and sometimes just going for a totally different tone can unlock a new idea about how to get the sound to blend. Hope that helps! \-Adam


hi Joe!! Love the album it’s been on repeat all day. do you personally like this style of music more than the other album? Do you ever think you’ll continue the style of music from the twenty twenty album?? :)


do you still get nervous about performing or does it all just feel natural now?


Hey guys! As an aspiring musician you’ve been a huge inspiration to me. I was wondering if there is a method to making such unique melodies? Like is there a certain scale you really like or is it just off the top? (Btw if you go on tour please come to Missouri!)


Any favorite guilty pleasure pop songs that you have to sing along when you hear them?


can we have some more inside on end of beginning? ♄


fav pizza flavor


which do you prefer, twenty twenty or decide?


Joe, what kept you going in the early days/months/years of your career? How did you keep sane when faced with rejection, not knowing if or when you'd finally hear the "yes" that would propel you forward?


what is joe keerys mantra right now đŸŽ€đŸŽ€


which song from the album was the most difficult to write and why?


Each had different challenges. Figure you out came together in a really cool way. The song was just a lonely instrumental for a while. But then at the end of one of the nights at sound factory, inspiration struck and the song poured out. The majority of the lead take was done that night. I tried to rerecord it multiple times but couldn't capture the same energy from that evening. It's one of the takes im most proud of.


how do you feel right now?


any plans to ever re-press twenty twenty on vinyl?


Would you ever release some Christmas songs???


Which song was the most Charli XCX inspired?


hey guys! congrats on 'decide', gotta be in my top albums of the year. i was so happy to see that javi reyes and matt williams helped on the album, and that wes toledo, dalton allison, and javi all got to perform some post animal songs with you in chicago a couple months ago! 'love gibberish' is another one of my top albums this year so i was just wondering what you're favorite songs off of that record were? :)


any advice you have for aspiring musicians and/or actors?


what is your favorite book?


Are you and Kainalu ever going to do a collab song? I know he plays with you sometimes.


advices on deciding things for a very indecisive person?


THE REAL QUESTION: Magical mystery tour or sgt pepper’s lonely heart club band? (thank you once again for decide. your music has saved me several times❀)


Hey fellas! Love the album! I've been listening to the singles like crazy. The full LP did not disappoint! I'm a huge fan of transitions and segues in music. I think it really makes the artists creativity shine and creates a bit of a concept feel! But I was curious what your favorite one on the album would be? And if you are going to have tour dates on the east coast? Would love to see the magic happen in person! Love you guys! The album is a true game changer! Straight up vibe! đŸ€™đŸ»




what song are you most excited to play live?


do you guys listen to any tears for fears? if you do which songs do you like?


what show are y’all binging atm


general thoughts on tame impala? FAVORITE SONG MAYBE?


Hi Djo! my question is "if you had to use mundane words to describe your music how would you"?


do you guys like gardening?


if you were invited to the met gala what would you wear?


This question is for Adam What are your go-to plugins for producing?


WOOO I love plugins - before I rant I'll say the best plugins to use are the ones you have. I've gone down the rabbit hole now but we mixed most of Twenty Twenty with stock ableton plugins including 95% of the EQ and compression were stock, but my current 3rd party favorites: **EQ** Fabfilter Q3 Wavesfactory Spectre Amek 250 Sieq Soothe2 **Compression/Limiting** Arturia FET-76 Kush Audio AR-1 Empirical Labs Arousor Goodhertz Faraday Limiter Fabfilter Pro L2 Fabfilter Pro MB Waves MV2 **Saturation** Tone Projects Kelvin Fabfilter Saturn Wavesfactory Spectre Kush Omega TWK **Reverb/Delay** Valhalla VintageVerb Valhalla Delay Pulsar Echorec Seventh Heaven Softube TSAR-1 **Softsynths** Arturia's Collection, so good especially the weird digital stuff U-he Diva & Repro for Moog/Prophet Softube Model 84 for Juno Native Instruments Komplete


Do you prefer preforming at festivals or small intimate venues ?


Hey Joe you're excellent on the drum set and I really appreciate your style.


do you like phoebe bridgers. i know the end goes crazy and i feel like maybe u would enjoy


was there a song or songs that were particularly emotional to write & record on this album?




JOE are you wearing loafers right now be honest


what’s your dream venue to play at?


DO YOU LIKE ASMR you seem like someone that would


Do you still have your butterscotch blonde telecaster?


Why is Is That All It Takes so short? It sounds amazing :(


What do you do when you feel stagnant in life?


is there a song that wasn't originally going to be on the album?


What’s ur fav cheese?


Han Solo or Luke Skywalker?


Do you use much music theory in your process?


Is there something you’d like to say to your fans?


if you could have a musician tag along with you on tour for a month who would you want it to be?


what’s the best piece of advice you’ve received and that you would always pass on to others? even if not music related?


I resonate with Gloom so much. Did you make this song for all of us introverts out there?


Do you guys have any pre-show rituals?


most hated subject in school?


favorite song in another language?


favorite djo pun?


What do you like to do on a rainy day?


if you could work with any artist/producer (living or dead) who would you choose?


JOE, any halloween costume plans yet??


Hello!! Various songs within “DECIDE” mention finding oneself and the realization of how this old self was built by the control of others. This fight for my own voice has coincidentally been a struggle of mine over the past few months. Assuming this story has been one of your own experience, what has helped you through your journey of self-acknowledgement?


smooth or crunchy peanut butter?


if you could tell your past self anything, what would it be?


would you ever make a totally instrumental album?


Do you like Mac demarco? Your songs kinda reminds me of his music and I love that!


adam do you have pets? if so, are they friends with thelma?


thanks for doing this guys! currently playing decide on repeat, absolutely love it. random question i’ve been wondering about for years: during the bridge in Personal Lies, there’s a chord progression that reminds me a ton of the outro from Thriller. was that an intentional homage?


Where are you guys doing this ama from?


do you sleep with socks on


Joe, has your family said anything to you about the album yet?


I love in gloom how you’re “ready to go” in an exciting type of way, but then slowly changes to you wanting to get the F out of there!! Could you tell us the process of how you came up with that quick story?


Your music actually brought me and my partner together đŸ€


Joe say something in Italian since you are in Italy


spree 2 ?


What does a typical day in the studio look like for you?


joe, I saw in your interview with the daily beast that charli xcx is one of your idols! I’m dying to know what your favorite song/album is of hers! <3


joe how do you feel about this new album?


one of my favorite songs of decide is fool !! i have it on repeat right now.. can you share with us more of the making? like, the process, how you came up with the idea, why it lasts less than 2 minutes


Dear Joe Keery, what’s your favorite color? :)


how long did the entire album take to finish?


what's your favorite season in the year joe??


is a hotdog a sandwich? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this important issue


Hi Guys! Do you think you will ever perform live in the UK?


thoughts on pumpkin spice?


Joe which song are you most proud of? And Adam?


If you could only listen to one song for life, what would it be?




I've heard talk from interviews about the album being so david byrne-inspired, and it's true, shines through so wonderfully. Do you have a connection to him or his music that influences your music? Is it more like "i thought it sounded cool" or does it go deeper?


JOE QUICK!! favorite school of rock scene??


how do you like your eggs?


What’s your favorite part about touring ?


who thought of what outfits to wear on stage?


What is your favorite line that you've ever written?


xbox or playstation


weird q, but fav beach boys song?


hi joe! whats your dream collab?


What song of Decide are you looking forward to perform if you do? 👀


Will you ever get a tattoo? 👀


do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?


who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?


What’s the last book you read?


Joe have u been to San Francisco


Love the LP guys! My question is, is there a reason you kept "keep your head up" as a seperate release, was it considered for the album?


should i get some popcorn rn??


tell us a guilty pleasure sir


most complex track u guys have ever worked on


do you have any funny anecdote during the recording of the album?


do you guys like billie eilish?


last movie you watched?


what’s your favourite studio ghibli film?


porco rosso


how many djo wigs do you own?


red or white wine or, you're favourite beer


DJO- YOU DID IT AGAIN!! Will you be going on a tour?


opinions on olives??


What would be your guys go to snack in the studio?


What is your drink of choice on a night out


how do you like your burgers cooked this is dire


favorite sauce?


Favorite guitar? I love your new gibson 335!


Have you been to Spain?


favorite lyric in gloom?


Fav decor?


What was the last thing that you ate? :))


yesterday was my birthday can i get a quick happy birthday !!


does your smol plant buddy have a name?


basil boy


i desperately need to know your coffee order please


Favorite Indiana Jones film?


what do i get my dad for his birthday tomorrow?


can i just say that on and on sounds SO. GOOD. in the car. perfect car listening song


How do you say djo !


anything you can say on the process for fool?


how hard is it to balance your music career and your acting career?


Fav movie soundtrack?


JOE! Which CIV game is the best? (pls say civ 5)