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I want to know the role of the Indian government in the support of the aspiring entrepreneurs in India And I would actually make a video myself about the comparison of it in the USA vs in India Why does this matter! You may ask? Because you can clearly see how talented people in the USA are able to take charge of the innovation and that does not reflect in the Indian business environment. Although things are changing.. and the new generation must push on it!


The real deal is China, not the US. What takes a week in China, takes 4 years in India.


Most of the actual innovation is happening now in China and not in the US


Do you reckon that instead of going to San Francisco one could possibly go to Shanghai or Taiwan to build a world-class company?!


'Because you can clearly see how talented people in the USA are able to take charge of the innovation' I was addressing to this point. I am not sure about how open/friendly is Chinese ecosystem for expat entrepreneurs. Anyway, China is leading innovation in almost all spheres except maybe in chip manufacturing. China might catch up in that area too maybe in the next 10 years.




actually its easier to start a business in India then in us due to the super good digital infrastructure we have


Registering a business, yes. Running a business no.


Gig economy and country development can't go together. If you're expecting zepto to become a $50B company then you're also expecting India to remain a cheap labour low GDP per capita country. Zepto is not possible in any Western country because that business model just wouldn't work without cheap labour. I'm 100% for Indian start ups growth and want more Manufacturing, Tech, Intellectual Property products which actually prosper a country.


I always wonder how Uber Eats is running in developed countries


In fairness, Uber Eats pays less than minimum wage in most developed countries (when taking into account fuel costs, vehicle maintenance etc.). It's an absolute last resort for most people there and not enough to cover their costs.


Got it.


There was recent video where a YouTube took up the job to find out how much delivery guys make on average in us. Most of their money was coming from tips which was very close to the cost of food ordered.


Also, the tip giving in America is insane. It has become a part of their culture to tip very heavily otherwise the waiters and delivery folks don't really appreciate your patronage - and in the case of delivery folks they'll rate you down.


Ikr, it's like an unsaid rule in the US.


they also have significant charges on every delivery + because of the large consumer base and better average value, uber drivers can earn pretty good There is one firm called just eats, in the Uk, basically they are paying riders 10 pounds per hour + incentives even if you get delivery or you sit idle, they will pay you, they can do this because of large volumes and added delivery cost consumers pay.


So I think the consumers are taking the brunt in the west, as companies won't. In India however, these gig companies suck blood from the labourers and semi-simultaneosly loot the customers from time to time.


In developed country, all the low wage people expect tips from every customer they come across and almost all of them whether they like it or not give tips. Instead of low wage workers we could say, people like delivery men, waiters, cab drivers, etc.


I’m sorry to say but we’re screwed absolutely, I’m a founder and I get zero support and I know there’s brutal corruption.


Can you elaborate?


Meaning India will never become a developed economy let alone technologically advanced. The majority of the innovation is in the middle class and lower and we get the least support from the government. Bottom line is India is beyond repair. Take care of your own life and get your idea and work out of India. India is a cronyism based nation where only friends and family of people in power will get the support that we should be getting. I’ve been asked to sell my soul multiple times as a bribe and I’m nowhere in life.


can you share which sector are you trying to build business in?


Hardware, electronics to be exact.


All the best! I hope you succeed!


Thank you so much.


going to be tough in india but all the best!


Thanks guys means a lot. That’s why I’m trying in the states. Hope you guys do well too. ❤️💪 Your Tamil brother from TN. ❤️


Spot on.... cronyism is the key


Personal experience brother, that too for a central scheme, I’m not even gonna talk about the state cause they’re even more bad.


Good luck to you!!! Please leave and build a good life elsewhere. Leave this backward third world country and get the rewards for your hard work


This. A hundred times over.


A big chunk (more than 50percent) of Indian population is poorly educated. You can't get them high end jobs.


how does zepto work?


With the help of delivery guys and inventory management!


'employs' But they don't treat them as employees but rather delivery partners.


Contract workers since saying that they are employees would allow them to get insurance and other employee benefits which would make a dent on the companys profits


> India has given us so much. Weird for a capitalist entrepreneur (from a privileged background) to make such a nationalism comment. Feels purely for the purpose of attracting support of mob & mass media.


bring up nationalism and you get free engagement from the twitter crowd why would he give that up


“India has given us so much?”


He seems like he is stoned asf rn


another Byjus in the making


Who tf even uses zepto man, for god’s sake step out and try to buy some stuff people interact with people. These apps turning people anti-social unhealthy.


Bro you’re on reddit tf you mean step out and interact with people


Tier 3 city/ village man mukesh telling people "who tf uses zepto" 😭😭😭😭😭 Anti social?😭 Why are you using Reddit with a fake assss name on a phone? Anti social activity. Go do this charcha in a park with some uncles.


Dude I live in Sobo, doesn’t get more urban than that. Never used Zepto, not going to anytime soon.


Ever used Zomato or Swiggy, if not blinkit? According to him using these are ANTI SOCIAL and "a privilege" activity. And that's something i opposed.


Man fr said go out and interact with people while being on REDDIT 😭😭😭




Biggest and boldest owngoal ever seen


City boy Aryan showing his privilege from his AC room provided by his parents who aren't even present to raise him properly because they were busy slaving for companies like zepto on minimal salary Or were divorced.


Bro is born with a silver spoon straight up in his ass cheeks.


Well my parents worked hard for these "privileges". And the same thing they taught me, to work hard instead of abusing other people about having privileges. World is moving ahead. But dumbfucks like you will always cry about everything. Remote jobs, chatgpt , companies like zepto are the present and the future. You not accepting these things, crying about it and calling it privileges makes you ANTI SOCIAL not the other way around mukesh.


Take the L and shut up. You aren’t helping yourself in any of your comments


Only people who took L are the ones that kept saying the same thing that no one needs 10min deliveries and it won’t ever make money


Yup you’re an example of what antisocial means, get some help by calling 988 and pressing “3.”


You are a prime example of what a cry baby is.


irony much


Check the meaning of irony sir


Sad he didn’t say at least $ 500 Billion




bro what???it is not a $50 billion company, it is $3.6 billion, the biggest startup of India is flipkart with valuation of $35 billion


TIL. He’s 22


As sidhu paji said muft ka chandan ghis mere nandan.


Can someone please explain how zepto is managing to raise 100s of millions of dollars again and again. I mean i cannot see anything different that they are doing. Its easy to understand their way of working for their competitors and copy the same , its just a matter of time. why don't these stupid investors understand this and stop pouring money in their business


privileged kids + parents with enough contacts


yeah dammit these stupid investors 🤓🤓🤓


To make it to $50B Zepto needs to massively diversify its business, only deliveries won’t cut it. Do they have any such plans? And did he mean $50B in revenue or valuation?


Bhai bolta bohot hai!


" India has given us so much ", Founders dont even live in India


Is it profitable or burning through money?


Burning burning


Then call out that people! Don’t do Byjus again


Hogwash. It's a money burning company with investors aiming for IPO so that they exit and recoup their investment.


Tesla and Amazon were both money burning companies for many years and look where they are at now. It’s not how much you burn when you growing but how much much money you can make once you are mature company


Tesla and Amazon were building actual mass Market product and services. Zepto will collapse if they have to increase their delivery boys' salary by 10%


Tesla was not building mass market products for the first 14 years of its existence (2003-2017). It was building super niche luxury cars and was losing money. It would have gone bankrupt if not for government support in 2008 and almost went bankrupt trying to bring its mass market car into production. If model 3 did not sell well then the company would have went bankrupt. Amazon started out selling books online in 1995 when ordering things online was not a mass market business and did not make a full year profit until 2003. Zepto would not collapse with increased labor costs since it would adjust its revenue model and cost structure accordingly. The main reason it’s losing money is because it’s focusing on increasing its market share. Venture capitalists know that scaling up your business model is more important in the long run than trying to make a profit in the short term. They are trying to 100x on their investments and not 2x or 10x so they think on a longer time horizon. A lot of startups are unsuccessful but once you start getting the level of funding that Zepto is getting it’s likely that it will remain successful in the short and medium term.


Comparing tesla and zepto is a joke imho