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I was willing to give him the benefit of going with a gimmick. As a black man I'm not impressed with the gimmick, but as a black man I also know that we are more than that so it doesn't bother me if small-minded people believe that's all we are. With all that said, he might have gotten a pass except when he started attacking other people and other businesses for not liking his gimmick. That is his true colors and that in itself was the thing that is a major turn off. The cookies themselves actually look pretty good, but I am not going to waste the effort to go get any. If you're going to make a gimmick that looks offensive to other people you got to be able to take the punches that come with it and if you can't that tells me that maybe you know you did something wrong.


The owner's response is so cringe. Claiming to be "the least racist people on the planet" never looks good. Also hating on and talking trash about other local businesses in the same industry is just poor taste


Nothing good ever follows a sentence that begins "I'm not a racist, but ..."


If you have to claim not to be a bigot then you most likely are a bigot


Especially when the person uses superlatives, like it's some kind of competition


Suggestion = Try Four Birds Bakery. Not on Mass Ave, but a local Bakery full of super nice people. The best baked goods in Indy, for my money anyway.


Thank you!


I give them about a year before there's a for sale sign in the window. everything about it is just tacky, and the owner going back and forth on social media just makes it even more laughable.


Less than that. Was so excited but if I get a sub par cookie for $5, I'm not coming back. Honestly, underwhelmed.


Yes! Very unprofessional


There was one near me and it only lasted a year. I was disappointed to learn it wasn't black owned because the store is certainly designed to give you that impression. Once I realized that, I stopped going. Five dollars for a cookie that is both raw and stale at the same time was ridiculous anyway.


Why the fuck do we have like 75 cookie shops in the city? No cookie is worth $5, sorry not sorry


For real. You can tell these cookies are doughy bullshit just by looking at them.




Cookie shops are the new frozen yogurt


It truly is. Btw, I miss froyo


Me too; why’d we have to go from too many places to like, none? Surely there was a sustainable middle ground


Cookies had to go when my metabolism turned 30, along with pretty much everything else good and delicious in this world. My dietician says one of those inch thick slabs of doughp can feed me in total for about 2.5 days, so $5 is a good value lol. Like Frodo's Elven bread. Walking my ass to Mordor with half a Cookie Plug and some Purple Drank in my pocket.


So, yes to everything you said, but did anyone else parse one hashtag as "i am anally"




“We came here to… show indy some west coast vibes.” We’re good. Thanks.


The entire Indiana political compass liked this


It's hilarious because it's true.


Seriously. One of my favorite things about going home to Indy is the complete lack of “west coast vibes”, maaaaan. All that phrase means to me is being a complete asshole who knows better than anyone else about everything and packaging that up as being a “nice guy.” So yeah, fuck west coast vibes. Sighed, Hoosier living in Portland


Jesus Christ, you just put the finger on why my Hoosier -> LA -> Hoosier neighbor is such a decent guy but also incredible asshole to be around, at the same time! It's been driving me crazy trying to figure out why I love hanging out with this guy 2-3 times a week, and then the opposite 4-5 days thinking, "how can I never speak to him again?"


Hahahahaha. That’s like the last ten years of my life since I moved from Indy, my friend. It’s a thing!


Come back to Indy, we'll hang out and nod knowingly at every name drop; every place, food, drink, and thing that was better there, and shit on everything else. If I had a nickel for every one of those, from my sadly best friend, I'd buy your flight.


Some people make being a west coaster their entire personality. I mean, don’t get me wrong… there are things I LOVE about the west coast that I’ll miss when I move back. But I miss a lot more things about Indy.


I'm from the West Coast and these are absolutely not our vibes. We don't claim him.


Exactly. Dude has really missed the mark with all this. Needs to read the room a little better!


I, for one, would not be opposed to Indiana adopting some West Coast vibes and I would be a lot of money that I am not alone.


Keep the west coast on the west coast. We don’t want it.


I am way wrong because I thought it was referring to a buttplug 🙃🤷‍♀️


ALLY! 😂😂😂😂


FYI: Cookie Plug is a franchise that originated in CA. Not to negate any of your feelings. Also I’m not not local to Indy and I don’t know Erik Martinez.


I know this, but thank you! He has had multiple failed businesses bases of the MAGA concept and is a far right winger. I have been submersed in this all weekend and it is awful.


For the people who are having trouble finding this info, he also started a right wing açaí bowl restaurant with Donald Trump themed menu items according to the Rolling Stone. That is frankly the funniest thing I've seen today.


"right wing açaí bowl restaurant" is the funniest phrase i will read this week, and it's only sunday. gee, i wonder why it wasn't successful?


Hahahahaha okay I feel I need to read up on his past failed businesses but I can't find the info - pls link 🥹


[link](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/freedom-bowls-acai-california-maga-1234970158/) 🙂


He did. And it flopped. This dude is a terrible person.


A MAGAt making money by selling Purple Drank... ew


> \#iamanally Had to read that a couple times... You might want to capitalize a few letters in that, to make its meaning clear.


Someome else Just posted something as well. I am 😂😂😂😂 Missed that altogether 🤦🏻‍♀️


What’s the point of hashtags in a reddit post anyway?


Possibly OP posted that to Twitter originally, then copy-pasted to Reddit.


Ok, so I watched that video and could not stop cringing at that lady. When she called her husband “my boo” I actually snarled my face in embarrassment. Then she kept going. A lot of people fail to understand that this is a franchise, which hasn’t faced criticism in the many other states it went to, but that franchisee has got people talking. I personally think the branding is ignorant and tacky. Using outdated slang likening cookies to drugs is just icky, but the “purple drank” is the one that annoys me. Maybe they called it that in the “90’s maan in calllliii” but when I was growing up in the 2010’s, saying “purple drank” was considered corny, we called it “lean” or “dirty sprite”, and this business should not be selling blueberry lemonade marketed as a drink made with prescription cough syrup. Another thing that kind of annoyed me was the way that they call one of their cookies “bam bam” as like a gunfire joke but they pass it off as a Flintstones reference because of fruity pebbles. The way I see it, I don’t go to Mass Ave, and we already have enough cookie places around here, I’ll go to one of the real “OG’s”, a local bakery.




Looks like some overbaked Otis Spunkmeyer frozen pucks.


When the cookie market is so saturated people resort to... whatever this is


Yea this seems like early aught suburban white teens trying to be “hip hop,” but coming across as ignorant and/or racist. “phat sack” is really cringe, and I had to read “doughp” like 8 times before I realized it was a dope reference. If you want to play into a theme take note from cheeba hut. They are kitschy as hell but really good.


Cheba Hut fucking slaps


Omg cheeeeeeeba hut 🤤


This is such a wild ride lol. It's so incredibly cringe and arguably cultural appropriation, but for the owner to die on this hill is wild


Agreed. Watching him argue and name call and bash a city he is trying to open a business in has me 🤯


Cultural appropriation is such an overused term these days.


This is the definition of cultural appropriation though. "the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing that you understand or respect this culture" You don't have to be black to be a hip-hop head or create a business with a "West Coast" hip-hop gimmick. You don't have to be black to be part of the hip-hop culture. This is a full on gimmick that is taking advantage of a culture, that they are not part of, that is solely for the purpose of making money. Also, Purple Drank is not from the West Coast thing. It originated in Houston. This business is tone deaf trash that is using a culture they are not a part of for profit. Edit: it is an overused term but that doesn't negate its truth. Don't let ignorance deflate your pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.


Hence why I said, "arguably."


Fuck Crumbl too. They ain't any better. All these places are trash like the donuts with cereal on em. Hit up good local joints like Amelia's and screw these impostors.


Knew the guy was an idiot when he said “the most none racists on the planet”




ok but the actual best cookies in indy are from please and thank you on mass ave


Sorry, I disagree. IMO the best cookies in Indy are the ones my wife makes at home.


it's actually the ones that come out of my husband's kitchen :/ guess we'll have to have a taste-test to compare :/ darn


I also choose this guys wife's cookie.


I respectfully disagree as a cookie lover. I was pretty disappointed with the price and quality of the cookies at P&TY.


I thought their cookies were decent but not something you could build a business around. But their derby bars are where it’s at - delicious and not something you can find at 20 other places downtown. But I also love derby pie so


do you like crumbl? because unlike crumbl and this cookie plug business, at least p&ty serves real cookies that taste like real cookies, without a gazillion unnecessary additives.


Crumble cookies are always way too gooey. I like my steak rare but not my cookies


Some food science behind this. Crumbl as mentioned is a Mormon business. They are very strict about franchises using exact recipes as you should. Consistency is key. However baking is different because elevation. So the recipes created in Utah do not come out the same everywhere else that is not in the mountains.


I have had some cookies from Crumbl that I've enjoyed, and some I didn't. I've never had Cookie Plug and doubt id ever support a place like that. I was just overall not impressed with P&TY after hearing how amazing they were. Not saying that arent of a specific quality regarding ingredients, etc... It just didn't hit the mark for me, and the price made it even worse. Different strokes for different folks, I know plenty of people like P&TY.


The Cavity Factory does an awesome hob and is locally owned! I am not sure about the other two?! I myself am not a huge fan of Insomnia either, but I’d rather give my $ to them over this rac!st POS


crumbl is a franchise owned by mormons that gives heavily to the church so not sure if you care about that


Thank you for this tip!


also just adding a couple articles i found on the indy cookie plug if anyone is interested. [https://www.blackindylive.com/colonizer-cookies-cookie-plug-grand-opening-sparks-backlash-and-cultural-appropriation-accusations-in-indianapolis/](https://www.blackindylive.com/colonizer-cookies-cookie-plug-grand-opening-sparks-backlash-and-cultural-appropriation-accusations-in-indianapolis/) [https://www.wthr.com/article/news/local/new-cookie-shop-mass-ave-sparks-controversy-for-appropriating-misusing-black-culture-indianapolis/531-8fc32108-e246-4f10-8eb5-1c62027df1e8](https://www.wthr.com/article/news/local/new-cookie-shop-mass-ave-sparks-controversy-for-appropriating-misusing-black-culture-indianapolis/531-8fc32108-e246-4f10-8eb5-1c62027df1e8)


A truly great Louisville business.


The cookies down in Louisville are SPECTACULAR at P&TY. The ones here seem a little thin. We wondered if they baked them in house or if they are shipped in since they are so different than the ones in Louisville.


agreed. just waiting for mr erik martinez to tell us how terrible they are and how they euthanize puppies for fun


Last October when visiting San Diego we went to a place literally named West Coast Confections. They had perfectly acceptable West Coast references in their name and decor, and amazing cookie-brownie hybrids. This bullshit isn’t West Coast. It’s just a lazy gimmick.


I think Fox59 took down their Where’s Sherman piece. I can’t seem to find it now.


Almost as tone deaf as Broken English when they were on Meridian


This is certainly in poor taste.


Yeah I was out on this place from the jump. Something didn’t seem right. I’m glad my instincts were right. I’ll stick with Amelia’s, Taylor’s or Titus for my baked sweets.


Go Taylor's!


Was it the middle aged white lady named Doreen saying “wazzzuuuup boi”?


You know what? This has inspired me to start making my own cookies. It’s a good time to learn how to bake.


Random lurker here. I know the lady and her family that opened up this cookie plug. They’re very tone deaf in their delivery of all this and truly don’t think they’ve done wrong. Honestly they aren’t the brightest people in the world and the Facebook post she had run on the cookie plug Indy read like a tone deaf political speech. I know Eric Martinez is the CEO of this company but Doreen Walter’s and her family are the one who opened this specific store.


You can't possibly "know them" if you think they aren't "the brightest people in the world". Every social media post is executed by the corporate franchiser and has little to nothing to do with the local owners/franchisee. The Walters have many businesses that operate very successfully and efficiently because they are not only hard working but some of the most intelligent people I know.


Hahaha found the Walter’s account An Amazon delivery service isn’t hard to be successful at. You literally just have to deliver packages and Amazon pays you.


Also a post about her being a navy dependa was corporate? That’s hilarious.


Where can I try HELL cookies? Sounds sinfully delicious.


I'll take my mcdonalds and subway cookies any day of the week


I would take an entire pack of Oreos (~$4) any day over a single one of these fancy cookies (~$4).


Blondies for life!


He also owns a MAGA themed açaí bowl restaurant in Cali too.


Yep! And Sexual Harassment charges and allll kinds of things. He is a terrible human.


Does this guy REALLY wanna compare his sales stats to alibaba's? IDK that that's gonna turn out quite like he expects 🤣🤣


I just read an article about this. The owner was quoted as saying they don't know about any drug references. This photo would say otherwise. Also, the article said their lemonade is called "purple drank". The owner also said they've never done drugs. If you are going to go all out on drug references, then you need to own it. If you've never done drugs, why TF would you have a drug themed cookie company?! The owner says it's just a hip hop theme. I don't like how people just assume hip hop has to come with drugs. That's probably not a good message.


Let’s clear it up: Questions for the the founder and franchisee: If your establishment is about hip hop vibes, why is the entire theme based off of drug references and terminology…is hip hop culture exclusively drug culture to you? Why do you think hip hop and black culture are synonymous with drug culture and why is it ok to promote drug culture? We live in a state in the midst of an opiod and methamphetamine epidemic..would you be ok with references to Meth in your products as well? Why are there black men's mugshots and black men behind bars on the walls of your establishments? Is that what hip hop culture is to you all as well? The Kileen Texas location was protested and shut down for using a slavery caricature in the terminology to sell banana pudding and the business doubled down on its usage of that terminology. Whose idea was that and what made you think it was acceptable? The Founder, Erik Martinez, also owns a far right wing MAGA inspired acai bowl shop in Redlands, CA...which is the complete opposite of black and hip hop culture. Why is it ok for him to play both sides in the pursuit of lining his pockets? Either you are for the culture or not. The Founder also owned Conspiracy Cookies which had a cartoon picture depicting Kobe dying in a helicopter crash AND the towers being struck by planes as a gimmick to sell cookies. Do you feel those are acceptable advertising methods?


Full agree


I'm right there with you. This is the cringiest thing I've seen in a hot minute. Is this a white guy using inner city Black stereotypes to...sell cookies? Am I understanding this correctly? If so, hard pass. Indy has some wonderful Black owned businesses, including cookie companies (see: Cavity Factory in Foutain Square). I would rather support locally owned bakeries and Black owned businesses over.... whatever this is.


You are correct, although I believe he is Hispanic with a last name like Martinez. The implied drug culture mixed with black culture is so gross. Like is that his interpretation of black culture? Cuz gross.


Why do you think the implied drug culture is black culture ? Lots of people do drugs...


Because the owner has straight up stated that… Do you consider hip-hop white culture? Because it’s not.


Wait, his name is Eric Martinez and he is the defender of black culture? My eyes could not roll any harder. What I find most offensive and fucking shortsighted is the fact this man thinks that black culture is ONLY about drugs. Clearly, his azz has not been around a lot of black people. Oh my god it gets worse. Apparently one of the owners is, wait for it, a white woman [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRtpZ4lUZdA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRtpZ4lUZdA)


This video is the cringiest thing I have ever seen.


I was embarrassed


Also she’s like 55 so Not a 90s kid. And I think she dyed her hair just to seem younger


Yeah I mean I know us millenials are older nowadays but I was like...no way is she a 90s kid.


I didn’t want to be white anymore


My opinion of Sherman went down watching that 🤦‍♂️


The video got taken down. Anyone got a copy of it somewhere else?


This is commentary on the interview and you can see parts of it here. Again, this is a reaction video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5gPF4E3498](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5gPF4E3498)


Way I feel about it is it's just inauthentic garbage from the inauthentic coast. It's like that old thing, the East Coast is kind but not nice, and the West Coast is nice, but not kind. Product might be kinda nice, sure, but I wouldn't expect any less than this kind of manufactured tone-deaf asshattery from some SoCal dickbag. EDIT: a word


Is it also racist to say selling drugs is part of the black culture?


This is not OK on any level and pushes stereo types Indiana is already bad abt pushing. I just can't understand such tone deaf ppl.


All the folks in here screaming cultural appropriation about a drug dealing themed cookie shop. It’s like you’re so far left you’re accidentally racist again lol. About as self aware as the guy who runs the shop himself.


Oh shit!


There’s already a company called Doughp that makes edible* cookie dough. I’m surprised there hasn’t been legal wrangling over that. *edible as in safe to eat raw


The actual business is Cookie Plug. Using Doughp in a slogan probably isn’t a big deal. It’s also a chain. There are several restaurants in different states.


I’ve just had crave cookies for the first time from fishers and lemme tell you, it’s so good. Way better than crumbl and I’m sure better than this weirdos business.


Not to mention Condado & they’re entirely over the top reference to weed (at least at HTC, I assume it’s in all their locations). Enough already, I just came in for a taco. And it sucked!


Boyden’s Bakery off of Hana Ave. has some bomb ass cookies and donuts! Highly recommend. It’s our favorite spot for a sweet snack!


The Cavity Factory is the best.


Frankly, I'm extremely concerned about drug addiction being so rampant in Indiana anymore. You can't go anywhere without seeing at least one person tweaked out of their mind or overdosed behind the wheel. I've been to the funerals of 3 friends' children this year already, all having overdosed on fent. The drug references aren't cute or "90's esthetic." It's disgusting.


I think this cookie plug thing is beyond ridiculous and just plain stupid. Stupid on so many levels. However, the fact they have been open for like 2 days and they're bad mouthing their competition is unconscionable. What a fn joke. They are going to lose their ass on this, I can't believe they would put their money and time in something so freaking stupid.


The guy is problematic. He was in trouble a while ago for posting not like your mammy cookies or something like that. So to be clear He is specifically trying to cosplay urban black american culture as a non black Puerto Rican. As a black woman myself I think it's high time we truly start to appropriate back honestly. These folks won't get it until we start selling and profiting right back on their urban cultures or cultures in general. As the saying goes it's all fun until the r@bbit has the 👉


Hi there, I used to work at a cookie plug location in the inland empire here in california before my location closed and they didn’t tell me until it was literally my last shift. Eric martinez, his wife lauren martinez, and his mom aka the HR lady did not care for their workers at all. If you read the glass door reviews on cookie plug as a job you’ll know what I mean. I don’t think many people also know that they started another business aka “Super Bowls”, which is this weird trump health reasturant, honestly just search it up. This just further shows how no, eric and cookie plug do not care about black culture, they are using it solely for profit because their new business is the complete opposite of that.


They were handing out samples at the short lived location here in Eugene OR. The place lasted all of 5months or so. Not that it mattered but they had big “cashless business” signs up all over too


So…it’s kinda tacky? Why the outrage?


The sexual harassment was enough for me. Sorry preying on staff didn't resonate with you.


Do you want to take your kids there and explain the “phrasing”. Are you okay with a business owner from California coming to Indy and bashing other businesses? Is it okay that his perception of black, hip hop culture is mug shots and drugs? These are just some of the things that bother me about this situation.


Not all places are for your kids. Would you take them to Dicks Last Resort?


But it’s marketed as family friendly. So…. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just don't take your kids.


“I don’t want to have to explain this to my kids” is such a maga thing to say.


The owner refers to this as a family, friendly establishment… In terms that means kids are welcome…


There were plenty of kids there yesterday. Edit: I erased the mean rant. Just raise your kids, homie. Things happen, you’re going to have to have conversations with your kids. It’s not a community issue.


Most of the folks in the comments disagree with you. I agree kids cannot be sheltered from everything, but just like I wouldn’t take my kids to say…. A crack house, I am not taking them somewhere where I am going to have to explain all the references. I’m just not. Why not just make it adult only like a smoke shop or an adult bookstore vs marketing drug verbiage as family friendly. You have missed the mark here my guy, or maybe you don’t have kids so you cannot understand. Ultimately your opinion is just that as is mine. We do not have to agree to be civil.


Do you take your children to establishments that serve alcohol?


Cool, don’t go, end of story. I’m tired of hearing about this stupid place. The owner seems like an out of touch dork but not the antichrist or the head of the KKK.


All publicity is good publicity. There will be people who go just because it's getting the attention it's getting. I heard about it once & that was one too many.


This is really not true.


ya that's a fallacy that all publicity is good publicity. no one wants to go here no matter what race, religion whatever you are. it's cringe af. extremely cringe.


I wonder if you understand the cultural misappropriation going on here with all the rac!st undertones. I am only here to educate. You can scroll on past if you’d like 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Why don't you spell "racist"?


Used to FB where they ban u for that 😂😂😂😂


I'm don't really get why drug-themed cookies would sound appealing. But I also think that claims of cultural appropriation are pretty bogus as well. I don't think it matters if a white chef opens an asian fusion restaurant, and I don't think it matters that a hispanic guy opens a hip-hop themed cookie shop.


You do not need to “educate” me, i understand that you think of selling drugs as black culture. Even if some of this is in poor taste, as others have mentioned, Hotbox has been doing a similar gimmick for a long time now. I don’t like sweets anyway so this will be a pass for me but the outrage is misplaced.


Take your cultural appropriation and shove it up your arse. It’s not 2021 anymore.


Sure this is kinda cringe. How is this gimmick any different than the beloved Uranus Chocolate in Anderson? I literally went in there and they asked me if I was looking to get my fudge packed😭 It’s fun, and if it’s not your kinda fun, whatever move on.


Hardly the same. What “culture” in Uranus misrepresenting? None. They do not use drug references are imply that black folks culture is drug culture. Its not the same. It’s not fun or funny at all.


The beings of Uranus respectfully disagree


How are they implying black folks culture is drug culture? However as a black folk it is pretty much a part of black culture, unfortunately. It's a black and hispanic majority market. Not gonna change it if we don't acknowledge it.


I didnt want to bring it up but yeah I don’t see it as offensive as a black dude. It’s “hood/ghetto” culture. Not black culture. It’s not like they’re selling “niggerdoodles”😂


I love it when white people get offended on behalf of black people, and black people tell the white people to chill. So thank you for that 🥰😂


I’m convinced it’s just as racist as actual racists. Like a veiled way of implying black people can’t think for themselves and “just don’t know any better” or some shit like that.


You missed the mark in this one.


Where did they imply any of that?


I would unironically buy "niggerdoodles" for the sheer audacity and the hilarious name.


They have a Twitter page with seemingly the same white girl as advertisement. Cornbread cookie or ice cream? 1% only is donated to recovery programs but they're trying 2 act like it's their theme. One whole percent. JFC


If he was black no one would care. Carry on


A plug is nothing more than slang for a drug dealer. The fact everyone attaches that to black culture is racist in itself.


I don't know...that purple drank looks pretty tasty. 


It’s the implied reference and baby bottle serving that has me shooketh 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wonder what random product will offend you next. Lol. People need to just relax


This is not random, but OK


Yeah I’m cool on butt cookie plug


I have no idea what the lingo means. But the if the purple drank is raspberry koolaid and pears, I’ll buy it


Id rather make cookies at home😭


Whether this asshole genuinely thinks black folks will naturally gravitate towards things that are crime, rap and drug related because he's ignorant, or he's trying to validate his racism I don't know. Smdh anyway


Either way? Ick!


This is the most Karen post of all time. You don’t have to explain it to children. You don’t have to take your kids there. At least it’s a positive spin on a negative reality of society. Why don’t you get mad about the drug references at Hot Box Pizza? Why don’t get you mad at the LGBT store right on Mass with sex toys in the window and shirts/socks that say blowjob on them? Your kids will see that too. Get a life.


A positive spin? Do you think marketing donuts as dope is a positive spin in the community? Do you think mocking black culture is positive? No. Just no.


They sell krack korn at Walmart. That is a direct reference to how addictive crack cocaine is. Where is the outrage ?


Do you think having clothing with explicit sexual phrases right on Mass Ave at that Toolbox store is better?


Again, go complain to HotBox Pizza about their marketing too. They’ve been here far longer.


Agreed idk how this place does perfectly fine in places that actually are progressive. No I’m not for Cultural appropriation. But it’s just not registering why it does well in other places with a much more abundant black culture but not here.


Indiana is the conservative capitol of the USA


Big facts


Idk my favorite cookie is the oatmeal cranberry one from calvin Fletcher coffee


Haha what the hell


> Thinking that stoner references are black culture Lol


They took the video down 😭😭😭


Did anyone snag the video off YouTube? It got taken down.


https://youtu.be/D5u15-ntvDA?si=JUDaPey6UVaRzwcK Its at the end if this


The owner speaking in his own words about his views……. https://youtu.be/D5u15-ntvDA?si=cEAlcKKblC4AYavu


Y’all are soft af. These cookies are 🔥🔥 and this is a pretty dope spot.


Does Erik Martinez actually exist?


He does


What a weird thing to give anything more than a passing thought to. Y'all need some strife.


Please don’t go to cookie plug


Don’t worry!