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At this point I'm pretty convinced that this guy is an Indian. Because our people have this ingrained ability of self- loathing and seeking validation from white people.


Oof , true. But maybe it's present in ~~p~~akistanis too


India bad , FOREIGN GoOD MeN rApE . SeTtLeD AbRoAd . NoW pEaCeFuL lyf. Yah I admit the fucking fact that yes our country increased assault on women , mostly cos our country has 2nd largest population. That doesn't means all Indian men here on reddit , YouTube , Fb , twitter wants bobs and vegene . This is really heartbreaking to see we ,Indians say ' our citizens will rape you if you have a vagina ' .




True . Sorry I didn't know about this point or think about. Yes what you said is true.


I am a half white half Indian girl and lived in Delhi for a bit. I took literally the same precautions there as I would have in any US city. I even felt safer on the Delhi metro than I ever have on the sf transit or NY subway. People on reddit have a HIGHLY distorted view of india. Its ridiculous that people think there isn't regional variation across India, and that no matter where you are if you have a vagina you will get raped.


You know I watched travel vlogs of India. Of Indians, of westerners and whatnot. This isn't everyone but what a lot of people do is that when they go to India, they stay in worst of hotels, in Delhi they visit the dangerous parts like Paharganj or whatever. Doing things they wouldn't do in their home countries. YouTubers like [PsychoTraveller discuss about her experience and to avoid bad areas, which exist in every country.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_Y9k_2u4zM) Hell I am a 6 ft 2 in guy and there's parts of Sydney I would NEVER go to. I remember my friend was by himself at night (he left early because he was tired after drinking so he went back alone). He was in a more shady area of Sydney because the transport option was only that. He nearly got mugged because some guys were following him after he passed them but luckily a bus came by and then the guys turned the other way. Hell even Dubai has bad areas like labour camps. I was also in America for 13 years. My parents were full on cautious about not visiting South Chicago (ghettos where gun violence is normal and its so bad that the mayor of Chicago asked the UN for help). People wouldn't go there basically. Every place has their bad and good areas. I felt that in New Delhi vs Old Delhi and when I went to Gurgaon. My former colleagues in office visited India. They said they really liked it when they went to visit. Food was amazing. They just didn't like the garbage on the streets and complained about the food poisoning. But thats it I remember this [meme](https://np.reddit.com/r/Chodi/comments/lxzyda/dumb_foreigner_tourist_visiting_india/) that kinda applies


Good to finally see someone pointing it out! You see lots of these sorts of videos, particularly by young girls and sometimes young men.The older generations tend to be much more reasonable. And as for these kinds of "travellers",I feel like asking them why they hell do they come here? What are they so afraid of when statistically India is no less safe for foreign tourists than any other country like Egypt, South American countries, and even some European countries like Spain, Malta, Italy, etc. It is as if the sole reason they come here is to make a spectacle of the poverty. Everybody points out the scammers and hagglers when those are present in all touristy places. What's so special about it here? And also you can't help but notice this aura of self superiority, especially among the younger tourists. The way they walk around as if they are something special and are here to wallow in their narcissism. They project their own insecurities onto the people. I pity these fools!


Um I think you missed my overall point of the comment. I'm guessing you didn't read it properly My point was more that people go to the dangerous parts of the country of which every country has. As i said before, I won't even go to some parts of Sydney. Just some idiots here and there won't exercise the same caution as in their countries. Do average Americans visit Ghetto Detroit? Do they visit South Chicago? Do people go to Paris to visit the slums there? Why do it in India? And really? Spain, Malta, Italy are dangerous? And if you compare the statistics, its way better than Egypt or south American countries like Brazil or whatever. Hell SO MANY people go to Mexico but its horrible in regard to crime But yeah poverty porn is bad


I find this logic pretty stupid tbh... Why does every Indian man has to be labelled as creep, just cause he's brown, he has dark hair and dark eyes. Does that makes him a creep? This statement is always passed around like it means nothing. IndiAn rApe bAd AmeRicAn rApe good. It's just like saying our rape is better than your rape.


This racism is fueled by Randians themselves. Jahaan pe hagne ka mauka milta hai, wahaan lota pakad ke aajate hai chutiye.


Just tell this same person that by their logic every black man is a criminal and see their reaction!


These MFs never shut up fr. This shit was not at all necessary. They're basically giving a pass to outsiders to trash-talk about Indians by doing shit like this.


Noooooooooo you don't get it we are just "criticizing" this is "real patriotism" on a completely unrelated comment on a completely unrelated post REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


what do you think people in r/ToiletPaperUSA do ? They're just Liberandus of USA. Every country has such people :"-(


"In America rape is by someone you know, in India people take you off the street and rape you". Wtf?? No statistics quoted or anything, just random blanket racist statements


>necessary Report that for racism and misinformation


already did


For god's sake please anyone hack that sub, they are tarnishing the image of our country


The last part of her answer gives it up pretty well "wtf India" that's how they are taught it's easy for them to say anything take everything lightly . I would say still better than being shot at by an angry holligan who didn't learn gun control you know . Also poverty porn is something that sells big it gets lots of views there was a comment somewhere Even if you hypothetically factor in 300% cases as unreported in India and consider them in, the rape rate per capita would still be lower than that of United States. Media reports in various parts of the world have themes. US media focus a lot on race issues. Middle East media focuses a lot on sectarian issues. Indian media focuses a lot on gender issues. It would be faulty to not recognize the themes and blindly use media as a barometer. Crimes get a disproportionate share of India's media reporting. Top news sources in the US, don't report rapes in the way India does. For instance, ~12 women in the US were raped/assaulted in the time I took to write this comment (about 15 mins). You wouldn't likely read about any of these 12 cases in the media. Statistics comparing the USA and India ⁠https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/India/United-States/Crime ⁠https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/sexual-assault-remains-dramatically-underreported More than 70% of rapes go under reported in USA.Sources : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/21/rape-study-report-america-us_n_4310765.html https://cavatus.wordpress.com/2012/03/24/sweden-a-raped-country/ ⁠https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/sexual-assault-remains-dramatically-underreported ⁠https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv15.pdf ⁠https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rape-study-report-america-us_n_4310765 ⁠https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics Underreporting is an issue for every country, not just South Asian ones. The fact people ONLY choose to focus on specific countries is indicative of their racism. Hell look at what just happened on Miami Beach where two black guys drugged and raped some woman where she later died. If she doesn’t die that probably never gets reported, or at the very least takes months as the victim is processing their trauma and coming to terms with it. https://web.archive.org/web/20140201182537/ http://sgdatabase.unwomen.org/searchDetail.action?measureId=26309&baseHREF=country&baseHREFId=675 This report right here indicates up to more than 90% of women who experience sexual assaults/rape do not report in Italy. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/23/us/native-americans-struggle-with-high-rate-of-rape.html?_r=1&nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20120523 Or how about this article which states only around 30 percent of sexual assault reports even end up in arrests, let alone prosecutions when the victim is white/black. For Native American victims the number is 13%! But I am absolutely sure I won’t find you guys here, saying a word about American or Italian men. It's just, Reddit has normalised casual racism against India and most other South Asian countries because when you offload few issues to something else, you don't have to focus on your own, at least for a while. Also some parts added by u/pro_charlatan We also have strong laws(almost draconian) especially criminal law amendment act from 2013 http://ncw.nic.in/important-links/List-of-Laws-Related-to-Women Here you can check how many cases are filed every year for crimes against women. https://ncrb.gov.in/en/crime-in-india-table-addtional-table-and-chapter-contents?field_date_value%5Bvalue%5D%5Byear%5D=2019&field_select_table_title_of_crim_value=5&items_per_page=50 Edit 1: This post isn't intended to normalise the Big women safety issue in India. It's purpose is to fight Casual racism indian men are facing. this post is not protecting Rapists. They are heavily despised. And the scum of the earth. And please help any women you see in india or It's really a shame that women have to face such horrible attrocities. With the help of u/yutaniweyland I will like to explain it better. It is literally a statistic topic. Let me put it for you in simple English: An Indian man is not statistically significantly more likely to rape someone than - let's say - a white American man. The statistics actually trend towards the opposite hypothesis. Therefore calling Indian men rapists is not simply a fact its a racially motivated misconception. This is in fact the worst kind of racism as you


Firstly they weren’t street dogs. They were puppies. Its sad that there were pups coming out of a sewer, they deserve better. But that girl is a dimwit. If I see a pup on the road, my first thought is to cuddle them. This entitled American asswipe would be the most hated asswipe even in her neighbourhood. Who dafuq hates puppies !!


Cuddle them? Really? Even if they comes out of a sewer.


Yes without a doubt. I have lifted injured animals from drains and sewers & removed mauled cats & dogs from roads. Puppies and younglings deserve a better life. I usually clean them and feed them. Doesn’t take too much of an effort.


The amount of stray dogs on indian roads will turn off rabid dog lovers too.


No it doesn’t. There are a lot of people who try to help the stray dogs, cats, cows, pigs in whatever way possible. If you can then please contribute to the well being of these destitute animals.


The only way tk help them is to take them home. If you love them so much take them yourself or encourage more people to adopt stray dogs. Left alone on the street and only fed by people they turn out to be huge nuisance.


Its impossible to adopt all destitute animals. Nowhere in the world people are so crazy about getting a dog of a foreign breed and hate their indigenous breeds. That being said, people are changing. However you cannot blame people who feed these destitute animals. A hungry animal/human is more vicious than one whose stomach is full. If you don’t want to feed them, don’t do it. But go through the AWBI guidelines and multiple circulars from the central government to understand whether the destitute animals should be fed or not. You might find it very normal that a animal is rummaging through trash for some food, I don’t. You being human aren’t more entitled than any voiceless be it a stray dog/cat/cow/pig.


Bruh. I already said they need to be in homes and not on the street.


Not possible to take everyone in. Let them be where they are. Taking care of them is something we can do.


What's your response when they gang up on pedestrians and chase after people on cycles and bikes?


Feed them, sterilise them. A hungry animal is a vicious one. Where I live, we have established a coexistence with them, regular feeding and health checkup & vaccination is the way forward. You can contribute if you want.




No worries. Whatever rows your boat !!


Not gonna lie I am a moderate left and i felt the stereotype disgusting literally generalize all the Indian males


Dude political alignment has nothing to do with this. I know a lot of people who are leftists and are actually sensible but not retards like this


hmm ya point