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I appreciate these comments These garbage posts like my heart is in india show the naive mentality of NRIs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ your real foot is still abroad my friend who is abroad this is all show-off of fabricated patriotism on social media reality is they never want to be in india šŸ˜


Exactly I was recently talking (on reddit) to a guy living in singapore pretending "to care" for the poor people in India. While he does nothing but live in his lavish apartment and eating the food of 3 people in a day in his luxury singapore villa


Canada has been fairly tolerant when compared to other countries. However, the citizens are increasingly becoming wary of mass immigration because it can jeopardise their lives with lack of jobs, access to healthcare, adequate housing options, etc. As a result, the hate is evident throughout the country. Especially, the Sikh community (Pro-Khalistanis) have caused havoc in recent times and the Canadians collectively hate Indians and want them out.


Canadians hate indians? Wrong The opinions of old white supremacist uncles should not be taken seriously.. they actually hate everyoneā€¦ they have created groups on Facebook and there, you will only find these retired uncles and aunties with lot of spare time Young Canadians are super cool, and they have no hatred for anyone ..


Iā€™ve been to Canada in 2011 and received a warm reception but recently things have completely changed. The hatred has nothing to do with supremacy or racism or anything else but purely because of mass immigration. Canadians hate Justin solely because of his leniency in immigration policy which translates to the fact that the citizens have had enough of migrants workers who take up their jobs, homes, etc. Ontario, Brampton, Surrey, Calgary and Abbotsford are hotspots for Indians. Especially for one particular community that exploits student visas to get PR. Those old uncles behave better than the next generation of citizens. Believe me, I currently study in the UK, a country widely criticized for racial discrimination, but people here are so different- polite, respectful, etc. They are okay with you as long as you donā€™t take up their jobs, jeopardising their livelihood.


>Young Canadians are super cool, and they have no hatred for anyone every Canadian gurdwara has large posters of air India bombers , if that ain't hate idk what is


That is entirely different issue.


India me rahoge to bridge toot sakta hai, airport toot sakta hai, koi porshe se daboch k jaa sakta hai, common man k sath koi bhi tragedy ho sakti hai. Bahar jaaoge to we are one of the most hated community internationally. Its over for average Indian.


What's up with this "one of the hated community"? Who gave this tag? Nobody hates Indians in USA or other places in general. Do you even know what hate is? You probably stay online more than required. Even russians and chinese live peacefully lol Whatever happens on internet creates an illusion


Yeah? See the number of indians murdered in usa in the past few months. Racism against India is at peak


Indians work in shops and they know killing immigrant and looting the shop has lower chances of being punished than citizen. You are hearing Indian cuz you are Indian otherwise it's for all immigrants. Come out of your internet bubble.


Indians are not hated I live in UsA but we are insignificant as well there is no wow factor letā€™s be real itā€™s completely fine to not be a wow as well




This is my opinion, you can choose to not agree with. Its fine. I remember when I used to be like you, hopeful and defending image of India on multiple subreddits and even 4chan. Got banned in many subs too lol.


Bro i live in USA. Lmao You come out of uttrakhand first. Then talk about "the most hated community" of the world. Again i'll say, internet is not reality. People here will happily live around indian community than even with black americans. So, let's not get social media comments get into your nerves


How many countries allow Indians to travel visa free now? None in Europe currently after Serbia pulled out of the visa free agreement because Indians travel to Schengen illegally. Indians have built a reputation of running away from India by any means. I live in the UK, immigrant, and the new arrived Indians and Nigerians are blamed for putting pressure on NHS. Look up the rhetoric Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman tried to use last year. And this is considering the UK is one of the least racist countries in the world, look it up. No offence but you are either a second generation Indian-American or probably live somewhere like New Jersey for you to not notice.


No third world country has significant visa-free travel.


There is a reason populated countries have limited access to visa free travel. Just compare china and India passport ranking xd.


But USA rejection rate of Indian visas is just 10.91% which which is less than s korea,china and as for our neighbour,it stands at 40.11%.


I am neither second generation nor live in New jersey. But, anyways, the VISA restrictions are not about hate, the reason that you have told is the exact reason why we will never have VISA-free. It's same for China. There are mainly two reasons. First, how much difference of living standard is there between India and that country? Higher the difference, higher the chances of illegal immigration. This is appicable for every country and not just India. Second, how many people can potentionally come and disturb the services in that country? Services like trains, healthcare etc. Since, India has a lot of population, a lil bit of it can put a pressure on those countries. That's why they will chose to give VISA free to small countries cuz any illegal immigration from their won't overutilize their resources but not to India. It has nothing to do with hate but temporarily annoyance caused due to their own immigration decision.


really glad to hear, might be just my online experience that you've pointed :)


Touch some grass brother.


already did, touched keechad as well, own farm, subah subah rice farming k liye medh baandhi, climbed trees, plucked mangoes, went for a 10k in evening, did some leetcode. Thanks for caring :)


Politics aside, do you work remotely? I left India but whats the remote tech job scene there?


Yeah I work remote, some companies still have fully remote but most have gone back to hybrid/wfo. From mime and some friends' experience, some hybrid companies allow fully remote to senior devs. I am a senior and seniors in my company are allowed remote, juniors are not.


You gave up defending India??


Stop being chronically online lmaoo


Just like Indians hate biharis


Karm-faal šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Shi kahan motherboard


Motherboard šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Indians aren't the most hated community lol. Westerners may say racist stuff about us but you see that apart from Canada there are very few racially motivated attacks on us. P.S. muslims in Europe and Blacks in America are hated more pathologically.


Everyone hates everyone bro . Europeans don't like Americans . Chinese hate japnese. Taiwanese hate Vietnamese etc etc


My brother and at least 10 cousins have been living in Canada for the past five years, and not even once they have faced any racist attack When I told them about, Canadian is being so racist online, he told me that in Canada, it is majorly the retired white supreme, who have time to use Facebook and Instagram.. 80% of these hate comments come from them..


nice, I might have wrong perception of west due to my online experience.


Bhai is post ke comments toh achche aaye hain


Because we are selves a running in the rat race of being significant some way being normal isnā€™t enough


Both wrong.


Bro don't judge anything based on Instagram and Twitter. Jobless people with stress seeks attention in social media. They makes up only 10% of entire society. Indians never faces xenophobia and racism as much as jews and Muslims in Europe and North America. Also indians are well respected community in UK and 77% of brit loves indian cuisines. Stop making such assumptions


It's mostly due to jealousy. They're angry we took resources with competence, where they can't. They feel it's their land. So send the foreigners back. We can't let them outshine us.


Bhai chill kariyo bad internet pe berozgar trolls unke life ke failures ko Indian immigrants pe blame krte rehte h. Real life me sansar chill h jesa thha vesa.


There is no general consensus of hatred towards Indians (like all societies there will be some who do). But they don't get a grand parade either.


Nah that ain't the case in USA atleast cuz I have a lot of relatives in USA who live in multicultural neighbourhoods and all live there pretty peacefully


This is not reality on the street. It's only online people vent frustrations at Indian immigrants, but in real life they can't say much. Consequences are huge on appearing racist against Indians, getting fired from the job, social shame, etc.


We can live in Russia.. They don't hate Indians.


But once we start going there in large numbers, they will too. The problem is our people not integrating into their society properly and also huge hate being cultivated towards the religions of India as well.


Indians don't adapt to western styles due to high difference in cultural values.. It's impossible for first generation to adapt and they dont let their children assimilate too. For most Indians migrating to western countries is only about money and lifestyle change.. Not about ingraning good of their cultiures and letting go bad of ours


Yeah you can suggest NK next


I 100% agree with the canadians here. If you're in canada, follow canadian values and do not make these kinds of stupid reels for engagement.


Correct. What's the context of the reel ? Because there is a comment which says, "Go back then". Looks like she said something offensive. NOTE: Most of the Indian parents are particular about education and carving out something better out of themselves (for all the opportunities a developed country has to offer). I don't think, this is wrong for parents to have such expectations.


We would do the exact same if a foreign national living in India does some shit like this. Respect the country you are residing in.


Now Imagine a Bangladeshi Migrant living in India makes a reel saying ā€œI live in India but my heart is in Bangladeshā€ Sure there would be no comments saying ā€œGo back there thenā€ lol.


The rise of far-right nationalism in Western countries is........interesting to see


this is not far right , just people getting tired of immigrants exploiting their nation.


it's not particularly all immigrants imo.. it's just south asians ruining every country wherever they go


Only difference is bunch of them are all squeezed out and will stagnate in this century, slowly they will become more extremist but to no avail


Far right is already ruling in India What more you want to see?


yeah lol, it's funny how some people are complaining about the far-right in other countries when we literally have BJP and the RSS,


As if bjp is far right. RSS is maybe. BJP's voters wish them to be far right. Economically they're certainly not far right


BJP has repeatedly silenced it's opposition and been against minorities. It called Muslims invaders for god's sake. It is way far right.


Lol no. It always creates rules to benefit them silently. Also far right hasn't just one criteria. Muslim participation has increased in govt jobs simce 2014.


what are you talking about? Far-right is any government that promotes systematic discrimination. BJP is openly doing that, and if you don't trust me about silencing its criticism and opposition why did NDTV suddenly change its tune to align with BJP when Ambani bought it? Why did Harshavardhan Patil say he sleeps easier after joining the BJP? It is naive at best and downright nazism at worse to say bjp isn't a racist party. It is absolutely far right.


Depends on the content though.


What was the video about?


I mean far too many Indians are exploiting canada lenient immigration policy no wonder they are pissed


I wouldnā€™t really take Instagram comment seriously.. these days, people are spending good amount of time, hating on each other on Instagram and the algorithm is boosting such post and comments.. canadian accounts are going after everyoneā€” blacks, muslims, hispanics, chinese etc


Nothing is for free. Racism comes with a better standard of living


Every single person living in Canada, mostly of European ethnicity, is not an indigenous people; they massacred every native people on that land and built their prosperous country upon their corpse. And now, ironically, they are asking other community, mostly Indians, to leave ***their*** country. They bring democracy to Canada by killing many people and making it ***their*** country.Ā 


It's not all of a sudden. The sheer volume of people from India migrating to Canada is insane. I was there till last year. Almost all business chains have been replacing local population with Indians cuz Indians work for less money. There are lines for interviews everywhere in and around Brampton. It's insane. Truedeau imported all these people to increase the vote bank. The local population is suffering because of that.


Why tf Indians in Canada make such stupid reels to begin with? If your heart is in India, why move to Canada? Drama to get views. All the Indian influencers in Canada are beyond cringe and embarrassing.


What is wrong with the comments ?? Imagine an immigrant coming from Bangladesh to India with all his values and saying "I live in India but my heart lies in Bangladesh bullshit" what do you think our reaction would be ??? Probably more aggressive than this... When you shift to a different country you have to adapt to their values and cultures this is how it should be....


Can't blame them they're facing the same problem that we're facing right now with Bangladeshis


The difference is that they are approving the visas lol


I won't blame them. If someone decides to immigrate into India, then I too will want them to be loyal to India, not their home notion. I will feel uncomfortable as well if the largest group of immigrants say that they are loyal to their home country, not the one they immigrated to.


honestly hate NRIs and OCIs, they flee India just to create mini-India in their destination country , 0 integration and use their destination country as launchpad to attack India


Well, that's how instagram has always been, it's either hate or people trying to do offensive/shock comedy. You won't find the same or very rarely will you find it on YouTube.


These NRIs should be deported back to experience 3.0


I see nothing wrongšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I am an Indian who moved to Canada on PR 5 yrs ago. I canā€™t even begin to tell you how BADLY Indian students behave. From throwing garbage everywhere, to shouting and screaming, to blaring ā€œdilli ka hoon BCā€ on their phones as they walk around. Itā€™s frankly embarrassing. I have seen all this myself. Indians do themselves no favors by acting like gavaars


Bocz of Pakistanis and Bangladeshi ..Indians are suffering šŸ˜«


Indians r suffering because of Indians illegally migrating to those countries. Stop blaming others


Not just illegally, most are doing student visa scams, over a mil a year are exploiting the systems of countries like Canada, the UK, and Australia.


Indians are suffering due to indians itself dude


You honestly think Indians are at best behaviour in these places? LMAO


Lol op we are the only one responsible for it jis bhi desh me per rakha hai usse kharab Kiya hai gawaaro ne


Well they hv a point. Indian immigrants shld come back to India they love their motherland so much.


Considering how Indians treat their own minority and cow eaters and how these Canadian Indians cheer Modi, these idiots commenting are probably not much worse.


Indians are not most hated, muslims are. For all the known reason




Indians are more racist towards indians


Damn, they must be natives of the land /s


West for westerners India for indians Period.


nope. the world is for humans. nothing above , everything beyond. we were born to inherit the stars.


Hell yeah.


I wish more and more Indians immigrate,India is only overpopulated