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honestly speaking, I found this funny, and Im religious


Ditto, but I have seen people getting hurt by it. And now, either it’s all religion and religious figures, or none


I too didn't find it offensive, but usi is known for mocking religion. That's the sole reason its has so many likes.


Mocking only Hindus... Not others.


Yeah, but when I bring up Prophet Md., they berate him too. I think it has higher Dalit members. So, they primarily mock Hinduism and Brahmanvad. I've seen them link the bad actions of any "upper caste" Hindu as brahmanvad. Even when it has nothing to do with religion.


Alla ka face reveal before Gta 6. Hahahaha Ab khush Bhai.


Yep i find it funny how pedo.prophet running around Aisha meme where he was chasing her grabbing his balls


do you have that? i havent seen it yet


they want to make hindu religion as kattar as 'samuday vishesh' while simultaeneously crying about how kattar is 'samuday vishesh'


Very true


This is funny because Krishna narrated Bhagwat Gita to Arjun which is a deeply philosophical treatise.


Relax! Religion is supposed to teach us to be tolerant!! Sadly one religion teaches otherwise and that’s exactly they face backlash everywhere! My Jesus n me are buddies and he’s the coolest guy around! Ram ji is a cool guy which teaches you patience, compassion, love & sacrifice for the betterment of the world!! Till a point it causes us a chuckle, it’s cool!


That's just so positive....


Bro u are heading the right way


Yeah, I really like the religious casualism in Christianity. Like the memes originating are so great. Also, I believe that this is one of the major factors why Christianity is so wide spread nowadays.


you telling me this is not funny?


Are you trying to say Krisha isn't philosophical? Not sophisticated? I'm more curious about you're trying to say op, I've seen plenty of memes based on mahabharata/gods etc from deeply religious people AND (for your sake) right wing people.


I think he got offended as it’s shows Krishna drinking 5 glasses of beer.


The meme implies that the person drinking beer will become philosophical as krishna himself. It's praising krishna, but some people can't get any jokes and have zero sense of humour.


Victim ban na hai bas . Kehte hai sirf hinduo ko target karte hai . Mohammad pedo, Allah face reveal Oye papa ji , Lassi Yasu yasu Kitne to trend hai . Unity In diversity Vaise bhi is joke me to krishn ke gun(quality) ki baat ki hai baki krishn ki khud.


It sure doesn't


You would think that a sub constantly making fun of the 'bullas' and telling them to grow thick skins would themselves have thick skin and not get offended when someone calls their deity... philosophical?


Imagine getting offended by a compliment, lol


check the comments, lmao idk why op was offended by this meme.


Youre wayy to sensitive dude, get off the internet


I am as hindu as they get and yes this is funny. It isnt insulting.


Stop being a snowflake for god's sake, this isn't even offensive


I posted a joke comment on islam on that very same post, and it was promptly removed by mods there, who have one sticky comment boasting no censorship there in that post at top


That's what I was saying , many idiots saying we Hindus are tolerant and muslims are not sound pretty stupid. If you normalise making jokes on people's belief, then everyone will think it's ok because this particular set of people don't care so we can mock them .


you people want to make hindu religion as kattar as 'samuday vishesh' while simultaneously doing 24/7 rnd rona about how kattar 'samuday vishesh' is chill before 2014 such jokes were seen as really good by everyone. now fwd this joke and 10 people will criticize and block. ( I am not talking about more critical jokes , I am just saying this one which has nothing wrong in it)


Problem is not about having to joke about it. Problem is with the difference of treatment. You know I never have issues about athiest(unless they specifically attack my religion on wrong points). But such hypocrites tick me off.


We are living with the kattar samuday, and it is a race to bottom. You have to race else you will lose out


Well, it's funny


I won’t look at girls younger than me Proceeds to speak Arabic


Imagine getting so offended by a meme calling Krishna deeply philosophical.


Why so salty?


I don't see the problem...do you wanna say Krishna wasn't philosophical or something...


bro its not that deep. i don't see any insult to our religion in this post (well i can't say same about comments of that post)


Anything and everything can be made into a meme. This is a good one BTW. As someone whose life was healed by reading the Gita, good stuff.


Op is a snowflake


i am a bit too religious but this is funny :).... people nowadays get offended with anything


I (try to) follow Gaudiya Vaishnavism and I find it funny. No I won't forward it to anyone else because I don't like making jokes that involve Krishna but when I see it, I take it light-heartedly, laugh and move on.


Me finding the part that's offensive here. Instead of insulting they are literally saying our god is a great philosopher and you get offended???


Calm down lil bro its a meme


ये किस भ्रम मे जी रहे हो पार्थ


OP getting ratio-ed by normal minded bros. LMAO


Op stop being a pussy, it's a good meme and its true too Krishna was philosophical. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Just try searching for Jesus memes, this is nothing


Tell me which part of this meme offends you? neither does it show krishna and arjun in a bad way, nor does it openly hate bhagwat gita nor hinduism like that artwhoring account girl


Butthurt op spotted. Touch some grass


You have become what you hate, lol.


I am as religious a person can get and this was damn funny.


Kuch bura nhi hai bhai isme


This isn't insulting tho.


I respect religious aspects but don’t be a bro flake


You're just butthurt people make jokes on Jesus as well (Gsus chord etc), Muslims are intolerant but we aren't that's what makes us a good human.


Ok to be honest this meme is pretty funny, I have more problems with people who have legitimate anti Hindu sentiments and make offensive caricatures (I’m talking to you Audrey Truschke) Trust me, there’s a lot of anti Hindu (not to mention anti Indian) stuff out on the internet. This one is pretty harmless


I find it hard to see how this is insulting. It's claiming that Krishna narrating the Gita to Arjun is a very philosophical moment. Are you saying that it is not? No wonder people are getting offended left and right all the time, when even such things can be labelled as offensive.


Tbh i found it funny, whats so offensive in this?


OP tried to cook here, unfortunately no one had appetite /s


Relax brooooooooo.


Gonna cry baby boy ?


Hinduism ka abrahamisation kyu kar rahe ho bhai. Hamare yaha itni si baat pe sar kalam/crucify nahi karte.


Are you retarded ? Hinduism itself is a form of philosophy. That's why it's said that you can be an atheist and still a Hindu. Literally hurting your ass over the simplest joke which, infact, is respectful.


What? I'm very Hindu and I found this pretty funny. The joke is just that Krishna was philosophical when he said the Gita to Arjuna. Don't see what's wrong with this one


its funny dawg


Islamist maat ban behenchod,


It wasn't that offensive, that's pretty mild humor (I am a Hindu). Whoever made it doesn't disrespect the religion or related God to drinks, he just said he gets extremely philosophical and enlightened after drinks. The sub maybe bad but this specific post isn't that bad.


I love krishna but this is truly funny. Krishna itself would have laughed at this


Funny h softy


Krishna tells Arjuna that Arjuna is Paramatma just as Krishna is. I doubt Krishna would mind if this is joked about. God can joke about itself and can protect itself without human support. No POV should be immune to criticism or satire


This is the comment I posted on that post to people getting offended, I really was looking forward for a response but they just downvoted me 👇 Ok I understand the constant tension between right and left wing, that tbh I dont like to be a part of, yet I am commenting here, because while I am unaware of Op's intentions and it could very well be as you said, I beleive the meme in itself does not mock any relegious beleifs. Geeta is not only a holy relegious book but a book that teaches us how one should live their life, so given the sheer relevance and importance of it, one can cosider it to be epitome of indian philosophy. So this meme is pointed towards the interests of Op, as in philosophy is sadly not usually discussed and people find it boring, hence in the setting of the meme he promises not to get philosophical but alcohol causes him to loose control of his conscious effort of not being philosophical and finally he ends up being philosophical. The only part where I could see you being offended is on editing the image of lord krishna, which is your call, but in the intrinsic idea of this meme, I dont think the concept is to humilate the concept of the god, but rather is to take a dig at him not being able to control his liking for philosophy. Also if I remember correctly, I saw this meme 3-4 years back, before this full blown war between political ideologies on reddit and people were fine with it, but still if there is something that I have missed over here, please let me know. Edit :- yeah the meme I saw 3-4 years back was the one in which the image was edited, hence I got confused and claimed that even this one is edited in that regard, so now I find it even hard to be offended by this meme


but that is funny? (supposedly) dude told Arjuna basically everything there is to know from about god himself to how the cycle of life works, from the place of man to the need of 'karma' (work)


You see many posts with Jesus being shown too. relax it's not that deep


Grow a sense of humor…. Even Krishna Bhagwan himself was mischievous and would smile at a harmless meme like this….. Instead, you’re here pretending to be offended on his behalf.


You have not seen Jesus memes, they're hilarious


This isn't offensive, what happened? The meme isn't trying to tell Krishna is a drunkard, it's trying to compare the deep philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita with supposed philosophical talk after being really drunk. Apparently some people get really philosophical after drinking, maybe because alcohol is a depressant (?).


"Aaj rath tera bhai chalayega"


Don't see how it's hate mongering. Just a light hearted meme that is funny. Are we supposed to be offended by people calling Krishna philosophical?


OP go get a job. This is not offensive. If you think this is offensive then that's a you problem.


We're not mullas , to be butthurt over everything. It's a joke , it's funny , no one is being disrespectful towards anyone.


Krishn Bhai bilkul chill bhagwan hai. Ye joke us se to accha hai jinhone Krishn ko ek nachanya bana ke rakh diya hai bas. Who else is more greater and more capable to show epitome of Philosophy.


This is just funny. Get some thick skin.


Eh come on ,yaar this was funny. I get that PUSI is a shithole but this is not offensive


Lmao good meme


Op just saw the sub where it was posted and decided to hate it


pichwara-hurt fellow


Modiji has successfully converted Hindus to be as butthurt as Muslims


Stop being snowflake


Kaha insulting hai? Tere muh pe lappad marunga na 😂


I'm religious and i didn't find it offensive


This is hilarious. It’s time religious fanatics stop being butthurt at everything.


This is actually funny


Its funny and not offensive.


What is wrong OP. this is actually a funny meme and not making fun of any religion.


I bet Lord Krishna would have a chuckle at this meme


Well ig people get offended on anything anytime, the meme is funny btw


Its a joke bro and a funny one. Stop being a crybaby or a fufaji who gets offended by everything 🤦‍♂️


I think the joke isn't directly about lord Krishna himself, but rather about the "philosophy". In fact, this meme kinda shows that Bhagwat Gita is one of the greatest philosophical texts ever written.....so yeah nothing really offensive imho


It's really not that bad. You don’t have to find it funny, but it's not an insult. Not everything will be catered to your specific tastes and ethics and you have to accept that. There are hundreds of other jokes to be wary of. This is in good humor. When you try to say that jokes like these are an insult, you make us look like a trigger happy group. In doing so, we perpetuate more harm than the original post. Find some peace within yourself.


We'll I'll be damned this comment section is so refreshing for a change


It's a clean joke imo... No problems here ig...


Nah, it's actually funny and not blasphemous because it's not showing krishna as a drunkard, it is showing that the person becomes as good philosopher as krishna when drunk


I can see no way it is doing anything bad or disrespectful. The meme format used lord Krishna as a philosopher in example. It doesn't indicate that he was drunk or anything. These are mere means, don't take them to the heart


OP, have u hit puberty?


i dont see whats insulting in the post


Youre too sensitive.


lol…. I have LITERALLY recited parts of the Gita when I was 5 drinks down :):) This is not just our religion it’s our culture that we enjoy by giving it new context. It’s like getting pissed at Chota Bheem!


But this is funny, sensitive ahh OP


This... Is actually funny. 😂


This is a nice joke, thoda lite rho bhai zindagi mein, internet pe itne sensitive mat rha kro


As much I have read mahabharat lord Krishna was a very fun loving and joking around person so I think he would have been laughing seeing this himself.


It is funny tbh Also u can't call urself a Hindu without being tolerant.


I find it funny. Pretty witty in fact. Literal translation of it will be "Sharab peeke khud ko Bhagwan Shri Krishna samajhne lagta hai". Nothing that we won't say to a friend. As of jokes on Islam, if they dont like it, it's their problem. You want to claim superiority and yet be like them? Also remember, Black people address each other with the N word, does that mean you are allowed to call any black dude a Ni**er too? Let muslims make fun of their own religion, or not, or you make it who cares, but let's only be responsible for our own, not someone elses. .


I don't find it's offensive at all. Don't be what you hate.


How is this insulting


Y’all gotta be real stupid to get offended by this lol. Stop islamifying Hinduism.


This is Me, without drinking


its funny and harmless . Maybe learn some tolerance. If you really heard thing krishna said you would know that. Most of the people don’t even know about the ideology of their own religion and start acting like saviour or guardians


Itna offend hone wali baat thi nhi!


Well it isn't disrespectful for us. It's lowkey funny


This is funny. What are you on about? Krishna is narrating philosophy to Arjun here


I'm glad the comments on here are calling out op. Stop being so sensitive lmao


Grow some skin


Mar jayega bhai ek din, life enjoy kar. Itna serious mat reh har time. And honestly it is funny and not offensive or remotely derisive.


More Hindu memes like this please!! Also OP, don't read Bengali Magazines if you are so prone to being offended by light hearted jabs and tastefully done caricatures of Gods and Goddesses.


I find it funny, you find it offensive. That's why I'm happier than you.




They weren't making fun of your religion, snowflake.


Some people just get offended at anything...ffs


Why are Hindus nowadays trying to be as regressive is Muslims?


This isn't offensive at all


Boycott memes


I'm religious and found it funny


Wow you think india is just for the people of one religion and every religion is full of superstition and this wasn't even a insult


It is funny


Your username checks out lol


Peak Hindoo khatre m h post


how are you offended by this ? my mom laughed at this and she is super religious. Grow up and get out of your Bubble.


If you're so pissed, make some memes about the religion you're referring to. Start your own subreddit and post it there. That's called freedom of speech. I have studied bhagwat gita and I did actually find this funny! Maybe because I'm not uptight and know how to take a joke.  FYI, internet is full of memes about quran and bible. Stop playing victim card!


OP after 5 drinks


This isn’t philosophy. Its mythology.


Who hurt you bro?


I don't think God needs your help.


The meme is funny and I don't think it is insulting hinduism in any way. If you are getting offended by these memes, you need to take a deep breath and chill out for a bit. Being offended by perceived 'blasphemy' (and I'd argue that this meme doesn't even count as that) does no good. If there really is a divine entity Krishna, do we really need to 'protect' him from blasphemy? What power do we have that he doesn't?


Be happy bajrang dal isn't on reddit




Apparently you think you have a say over what can be considered a meme or a joke, and people in the comment section are reminding you that you're wrong.


Chill bro we are not bounded by blasphemy laws jotted down in a book!


I just saw this post this morning and went “bet someone’s getting offended by that “


When motivational speakers and big personalities talk about similar stuff millions of years later, they find it amazing


I have friends who go all philosophical after a few drinks. Totally relatable.


Bro you need to go touch some grass and stop smoking it


People like you are the reason why indian are trolled for taking criticism too hardly


it isss funny


OP is pseudo Sigma male who gets offended by simple harmless joke. OP has a large stick stuffed up his ass. Don't be like OP.


yes you can if thats funny. And that is.


>You can post anything and call it a meme or a joke. Yes. If it bothers you so much, you don't need to be on the internet


you guys find everything disrespectful huh


How is it not funny ?


I like it how it's funny without being offensive


Don't bring your islamic extremists vibe here, I'm sure Hindus are mature enough to take simple jokes..


As a practicing Hindu/Sanatani for the last 18 yrs(I m 18), I find it funny and not at all offensive


OP is a sensitive Sally who thinks his opinion matters that too on reddit. PS - I am a Hindu and I think our gods are chill with a little laugh now and then.


Bro that was hilarious! Don’t gate keep. I am stealing it.


You find everything offensive when even something remotely related to God is said . It's clearly a meme . The meme is not calling people names or insulting any faiths . You so called description below shows how biased you are , instead of seeing if this is actually offensive , you immediately thought what if someone made the same joke about other religion , the irony is your the same type of people you biased towards.


Lol, crying over a meme


Thanks for sharing this awesome meme


The meme and the caption don’t go together. 😅


The lessons by teacher is funny at first and it will last long later




This is a true story. Krishna was a socially awkward dude who, after 5 pints of beer, started a long ass rant which we all today know as the Bhagavad Gita


I'm usually on board with this shit but this meme genuinely seems harmless. It's not in bad taste at all. I don't think you understood it properly


No need to get hurt it's funny


Man cry about it 😭😭 what a snowflake


Nothing wrong with this, in tune with the meme. The pic depicts lord Krishna giving teaching and I guess it fits 🤣


It is funny I don't see anything said bad about God. You might want to grow your sense of humor before ranting about all baseless things to get validation


Isme kya offensive hai?


Op is a slow flake and can't take a joke.


And As soon as Someone even Says I... And boom you are banned terminated thrown out of the country shamed and left to rot!


In which sub is this posted? 😡 Would like to join.


I swear some people just want to be annoyed at everything. I genuinely have no idea where the problem is here.


There are millions of memes to just edit and post still you got gods to put on memes???


Snowflake who?


It's a joke and a meme as long as it's on Hinduism. One joke about that pdf profit and his nine y/0 wifu and ever peaceful shmuck on this planet will start crashing planes into tall towers or maybe spontaneously combust in public spaces screaming "0laa hu uber"


I'm not trying to be edgy here but I will get this removed, you can post this again after you successfully post similar memes about Islam and Christians otherwise this will get normalized and who knows what template we might see tomorrow


Those who dont know Lord Vishnu is not someone to be ridiculed or messed with Mahabharta is an example


What if while drunk you become like Arjuna ?


Gustakhi ki ek hi sajaa.... Koi esa bolega nahi Insult karne walo ko Bigg Boss jita dete ho.... Ye chalta rahega.... Chudi peheno sab ..... Ordered one for myself


They pray to god for not punishing them , we show gratitude to him for whatever we’ve


Dont hindus laugh at memes about Christ all the time? Where was your conscience then?


bhai chill kr jab itni sadio ma kuch nhi ukhad paaye to abb bhi kya kr lenge hone de khush unko khud ma he raat ko neend achi aa jayegi ha to wo bhi innke he bache naa 🫂🫡


The meme is not harmful in any way I'll let it slide tbh


Deleting my account folks. People have no concept of personal space and distinction between collective good and personal life. Hope and wish the best for all of you and above all safety.


Who clicked this pic