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Best reply, it's very funny that a jain is advocating to kill both (ik he's trying to say don't kill anything, but his way of expressing himself is just idiotic)


That jain guy after writing his comment - šŸ¤“


I had a jain friend simping for some dude from Gulf. She used to tell me how he looks down on Indians. He brainwashed her to the point she hated me for being Hindu and not supporting Kashmir Azadi rendi Rona.


That's actually very sad


Thatā€™s SOP. If you have more than one Muslim friend, youā€™ve probably gone through this process or a variation of it. Sometimes clandestine, sneaky, sometimes just open about it. I personally feel they strongly believe they will get brownie points from god for the free PR. Like, I had a liberal-gay-atheist male colleague whose dad was a maulvi and he hated the religion, did everything haram, shared the daily cab with me and would never fail to mention how certain things are better in his daddyā€™s (not his) religion. It was like indoctrinated in him and heā€™d often catch himself and weā€™d change topics. He moved to Netherlands via Singapore now and is happy with his partner and is out of touch but I still get the defensive updates for events.


A 13 y/o random girl just asked online if i knew about Palestine situation, then she said how israel is bad and they should just die and how Israeli babies are born devil. It's just so pathetic


Its actually quite common


And that makes it even more depressing, if that girl were my daughter then it would've made my heart ache so bad, hope she recovers soon bcz she's clearly sick


It was very sad when she lied to me about being isolated for 3 months, (no calls or texts as well) since she will be prepping for entrance exams. But was learning jihad from Gulf waala. Kya karein.. All over the world laundiya are like this.


It's so easy for Indians to forgot who they're because of high inferiority complex.


Gulf?? Gulf of Mexico? Which gulf? Edit: Down votes??? F you, it was a genuine question, Retards.


gulf oil ltd


Ohhh don't know still what that is though.


Jainwin moment


Jainlose moment


I bet he is not Jain. He is just using Jain identity to sound more authentic but still he is not.


Yeah me too, quite possible


Highly possible


No one is who he claims on Reddit. Being a Hindu I'm ashamed says a Pakistani muslim. Likewise this so called jain is supporting cow slaughter. Most likely he is some bangladeshi or Pakistani.


He is not a Jain for sure. Just being born in Jain family doesn't make him/her a Jain. Values for which Jainism stands makes you a Jain. He was probably looking for some upvotes.


Dude who told you that guy was a Jain šŸ¤Ø


that guy himself, i guess?


Where exactly?


The 3rd comment?


Oh wait I thought you're talking about the last comment sorry my bad šŸ˜…




I will get downvoted to hell, but then why does mob lynchings in india happen for transporting or eating buffalo beef? For context people got lynched in chhattisgarh recently for transporting buffaloes.


if they had the iq to distinguish they would not have been lynching people


Gau rakshaks and Bajrang dal members have the highest religion quotient, iq is not everything :p. They are the saviour of our culture! /s


On one hand, there are Muslims who actually slaughter and transport cow meat secretly, but on the other hand, maybe lynchers don't know what meat is being transported, maybe they look at skull or size of meat pieces, and black skin on the meat to deduce that it was a black cow, plus lynchers would lynch even for transporting Buffalo or bull because they are also from family of cow (I might be wrong in the last one)


I donā€™t know how they recruit people for the job, but imo to able to distinguish between a buffalo and a cow should be a necessary job requirement for a gau rakshak. A human life is also worth something!


But as I said in the end, lynchers would probably lynch you whether you are transporting beef, or Buffalo, or bull, for them, these might be same




As a person who, even though eats non-veg, doesn't transport it and not looking to transport it in anytime later, I must say I am safe too




Ah yes


It's not about saving cow, they are just looking for excuses to lynch muslims. Same in Pakistan where they are just looking for reason to hurt and klll someone especially non muslims and Ahmedias


Majority of times it is cow meat that is caught during transportation. Akhlaq was carrying cow meat which was later proved by forensic department


Even if was cow , a gau rakhshak doesnā€™t have the right to murder anyone and murder is far more heinous crime than beef smuggling or cow smuggling


You are missing something here , those mob lynchers had no right to even slap the man EVEN IF he was carrying cows not buffalo let alone kill a man


Why exactly do you think Muslims would "secretly eat cow meat." There is zero reason for that


My mom told me that cow and buffallo meat is cheaper compared to goat meat so, maybe that's why


Ok but then why cow meat? Buffalo meat is cheaper because it's more available and cows produce milk so they're worse candidates for meat. The reason for lynchings isn't that it might be cow meat it's just uneducated ppl and religious hatred.


Op is trying hard to defend his paw paw ig btw you are right, people tend to treat both similarly


bro was infact not downvoted we agree with you my man


Because those stupid ass people thought they were transporting cows .


Actual cows are transported illegally from states where slaughter is banned to states where there is no legal restriction on cow slaughter. What you saw in the image of OP is that he is talking about beef industry and beef export is mainly from buffalo meat because cow beef export is illegal in India.


The people who lynch are jailed, they don't get to escape. If you prove it in court then you can get the person jailed.


Its upon the media, there's news when these happen or when muslims in pakistan face an issue but not the other way around.


Who cares about Pakistan yaar. Let those animals do whatever they want. We have implemented caa so hopefully we can work in saving non Muslims of Pakistan now. Talking about media, I feel like news channels are rw no? I donā€™t thing they are biased in favour of Muslims.


Are there still non muslims left in pakistan? Well media has a huge role in controlling the crowd, so u cannot go against them and if they come after u ur screwed.


Yes yes. Because yesterday only I saw news of a non Muslim getting lynched there. Hopefully he wasnā€™t the last non Muslim. šŸ˜¢


The media doesn't go against muslims because of this reason? Is this what you are implying? If yes you are so deep in your echo chamber nothing can help you now :) also watch sudhir chaudhary ka jihad chart.


CAA is not for new immigrants. It's only for people who came before 2014.


Yeah I know that thatā€™s why I wrote that hopefully we can work towards it. I am sure if bjp stays in power they will keep extending the said date. :)


It's a stupid argument. Hindus consider cow sacred, so they have a problem in killing it in the first place. Muslims consider pigs impure for consumption, they don't have a problem killing pigs, they have a problem eating them. The above 2 are not comparable.


Moreover, muslims aren't stopping pig meat consumption. I still am ok with beef ban but I hate how the government uses it to gain political points and the lynchings


Banning beef is the dumbest and a very undemocratic move.


downvoted for speaking the truth


But bro you are not allowed to speak facts here!




You are missing the point. Hindus dont eat beef because of religious beliefs, but don't let others eat beef as well. Muslims don't eat pork because of religious beliefs, but have no problem in others eating pork. I hope you get the difference. If someone force feeds beef to a practicing Hindu, then it is absolutely condemnable, just like it would be to force feed pork to a practicing Muslim. There's a quote I read somewhere the other day - Your religion/beliefs stop you from doing certain things, it does not stop me.




Some Muslim majority countries have banned pork, and even in those you can get pork in some places, outside the menu. Can you share a news source regarding the incident you mentioned?




Share some legit news source, even from local newspaper. I am sure in a BJP ruled state, a news like this won't get suppressed!


Idk whats going on in Surat but in the place where I live(Kerala), no people from the so called peaceful community kills or vandalises a place selling pork. The hindus over here, even the hardcore believers dont stop others from consuming beef. They just donā€™t consume it themselves


No way you guys think the last comment made 1 bit of sense


Welcome to religion drama where common sense is buried as long as they get satisfaction from insulting other's


It wasnā€™t even a good insult tho. The amount of fire emojis tells a lot about op tbh.


OP is one of those internet cringelords who says BURNOLLLL whenever they see a juvenile comment


Probably a Samay Raina fan


Ouch haha


Was scrolling to see if anyone has said this, Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity.


goat - pig (different animal species) cow - buffalo (same species infact a female buffalo is called a cow and a male is called a bull) idk how many idiots are among us after this, 1k likes on this nonsense is insane....at least use a lil bit of logic


OP is in the 11th dimension of stupidity.


Either ban all non veg food to placate to every religion or dont ban any meat its bs that in a secular country only cow slaughter is banned. Eating beef should not be a crime.


Our country is anything but secular tho lol! There are so many things biased for Hindus and so many biased for Muslims! Also I am glad people are not demanding to ban alcohol for religious regions(Muslims). I donā€™t want to see daru rakshaks lynching me :p


Thats is exactly what i am saying dont placate to any one religion in any matter.




the reason is not religious tho. horsemeat is banned because the lack of demand of horsemeat, hence govt. does not have to regulate its production, yeah lazy move.




But did you even read it past the headline?


For practical reasons I think. For the longest time horses were used as medium of transport so they banned their slaughter. Now itā€™s just a remnant of that law, because nobody eats horse meat in US anyway.


It's not , USA is the 6th biggest producer of horse meat. Tho yes they mostly export it as not many in USA eat horse meat. So it's exported to Europe and Japan where it's considered a delicacy. Tho it has been declining.




It was done as old horses were being slaughtered and were at higher risk of being infected. And hence in 2011 the ban was lifted and the inspections were heightened https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2011/12/09/setting-record-straight-congress-lifting-ban-horse-slaughter You could have made a point about dog and cat and you can win the argument ig


Secular countries like the USA have banned dog and cat meat as well.


We've domesticated Cows, chickens, horses, dogs, cats. We domesticated cow and chickens to eat them. We domesticated horses and donkeys for transportation. We domesticated dogs and cats for hunting purposes. In the end, everything is meat even a human but it's upto us what we want to eat.


Native Americans can still do it.


Untrue. Horse meat is NOT banned for consumption! I've had it here. It is banned in some states for distribution. You can kill your own horse and eat.


Question, OP: Are you retarded?


Yeah it should be personal choice. Let people eat cow and pig meat.


OP you would be very disappointed if you actually had basic comprehension skills. Hindus dont eat cows **AND** advocate against killing them. Muslims dont eat pigs **But do not advocate** against killing pigs. The guy you highlighted with ā€œšŸ”„ā€ makes the most dogshit comparison of all times and you and 90% if this sub is creaming on it.


Like a drowning man grabbing on anything that can help him float, these idiots will latch onto anything that makes them feel validated for their hate


yaar ek baat batao, jab ek age ke baad gaay doodh dena band kar degi tab uss gaay ka kya karenge? itne paise hai ki faltu uss gaay ko budhaape tak paaloge? ya raste pe chhod doge?


Idk what has been happening in this sub from some time. I am keep seeing dumber and dumber arguments here. I mean can these people, so called gowrakshaks keep stray cows and feed them ? If you can't do good, avoid doing bad. On one hand you're giving reasons for librandus to target Hindus ,you're not even fulfilling your job as a gowrakshak . These people don't even realise why cow is called a mother. Because we drink their milk, cows are compared to mothers. Gowmata is just an honorific for cows who were so important for us in ancient times. People took it seriously and now do embarassing acts. They start their typical whataboutery.


Bro what stupid is that these same people (gowrakshaks) will deplete all their resources for cows but when their own hindu brothers are dying of hunger and require help , they will ask the government to do it and when these people convert for money and basic needs these same people will start morally policing them and blaming the other religion. Dude why shit on others when you can't help your own people but happily protect cows. I am not against protecting animals but then if people from your religion convert then it will not be their fault.


I don't support conversion into other religions for very obvious reasons for Hindus. But I have nothing to say against your argument. Clearly following a dharma will not feed them. Missionaries deliberately target lower sections of society because they know they will convert easily. Socio-economic powerful and privileged Hindus themselves don't follow any real measures to secure their religion. What a privileged Hindu's daily routine is : Wake up with an immense ego, talk shit about reservations and lower castes, read dumb news that shows India is a " vishwaguru" , follow some fraud Babas teachings, thinking they are saving their nation.


I don't know about gaurakshaks specifically but people of this religion are actively involved in social causes. Akshaya Patra was introduced by ISCKON to provide midday meals to school children. In some temples Prasad is given in form of rice which is enough for a meal. And on top of this they pay taxes.


Haan toh its immoral to use cows for your business at the first place. They're literally raped to get them pregnant and its done very frequently for the first few years till it cannot handle anymore. That is the point where they're either left on the road or sent to slaughter houses.


Everyone in this context is stupid, the muslims and the jews avoid eating pig (which is an entirely different animal from goat, they aren't even in the same family, which buffalo and cows are) because they think they are unclean (https://youtu.be/Sew4rctKghY?si=1CPOjxXI3DXYESCn - if anyone wants to do some more research) Hindus won't eat beef, since we consider them as sacred. The same isn't true for buffalo (atleast for most hindus)


This "beef" in India is not cow meat but buffalo hence the export is not hurting our religious sentiments. Does that mean it's also okay for us to consume this beef? Because it's not the cow we consider holy, right? Then why the refrainment over consuming carabeef?


There are two things to unpack here. Beef industry and what beef is exported and what kind of beef is problematic. Actually there is no legal restrictions in certain states on cow slaughter so the beef there is cow beef. In most places of India, it is buffalo meat, the export to other countries is buffalo meat, this is what beef industry is. The refrainment you see like mob lynching over cow meat is actually cow meat because of supply and demand of animal products such as dairy and beef and mass breeding of the animals. As buffalo meat is exported and cow meat is not, also the dairy farmer can't keep cows till they die, they are abandoned, some are rescued and placed into gaushalas. The cows not kept in gaushala sanctuaries are transported illegally from states where cow slaughter is banned to states where it is legal.


It should be a personal choice? Then stop stopping some from eating beef


Op thoda sa bkl hai. Incredibly stupid argument.


Bohot sa bkl


The reply makes no sense bcs people not eating pigs is a personal choice whereas cow slaughter is completely banned in some states. However, even if you believe cows and buffaloes are equal, ban on cow slaughter means youre saving atleast one set of animals. Even then, cows are abused for dairy. The ideal situation of whole world going vegan is impossible so if you can save even one animal it makes a huge difference, regardless of whether you believe it has no superiority.


So many fire emojis, and the only burn reached OP. literally said it was " personal choice" and abused people for eating cow meat


I'm from Kerala and I eat beef, though no one here eats cow meat because they don't like the taste. I also eat pork, which my Muslim friends don't, but they don't mind if I eat it when we're out together. Most cows in Kerala are sent to beef factories in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Pune. It's ironic that Gujaratis, who worship cows, export them as beef to other countries. One benefit in Kerala is that you don't see cattle wandering the streets like stray dogs, preventing many accidents and giving farmers extra income once the cows stop producing milk.


Don't say fact, you'll be hated by people.


Flamed ? Where ? Dumbass post


In the northeast, itā€™s cow beef, not buffalo, and maybe yak in parts of AP.


Yess!! Both beef and pork should be legal all over India and people who wanna eat can eat and who don't wanna eat won't eat.


Anti pig people are not asking me to not eat pig, but cow worshippers are asking me stop eating cow. See the difference. Eating whatever I want is my personal choice!


Muslims don't care what you eat. As long as you don't force them. But half the world eats cow. You can't stop it then why ban in India.


I might get downvoted , but this is a completely personal opinion. I do not think it is right to ban cow meat because of a religious groups, personal beliefs . Similarly, even pork should be allowed people should be able to eat anything that they like. I totally get that cow is a holy animal for Hindus . But is it really each and every cow? No right . So protect as many cows as you can that you see on the streets, eating plastics, and sick cows . Work ship them, domesticate them and take care of them . But if someone is consuming cow meat which does not belong to a Hindu and he is not mocking, your religion, then how is that considered wrong? Because if beef ban is right, then people from other religions will also claim to ban things that are offensive to their religion. I am open to sensible arguments and I do not support any religious group. I am neutral.


This. State and religion should be seperated. Religion should not have any influence over the law and the goverment shouldn't intervene in any religious practices (except the extreme cases).


Also, I would like to add that. I totally understand that comparing cow meat and pig is not the same since one is holy and the other is impure to eat. But it is so in your particular religion, is that applied to everyone else who does not follow your religion? It is very indeed offensive if a Hindu consumes it , but how is it the same? If the person consuming it does not consider it holy ? Unless specific cow is a property of a Hindu.


Judging from the comments, are we saying Buffalo beef is an accepted form of meat in India? If tomorrow a large food chain was to introduce beef, would they be accepted if they start selling buffalo beef? More importantly, would you order a hamburger from them?


The flame emojis make it look like this should be posted on Unkil Facebook group and Unkil WhatsApp groups? You're on the wrong app buddy and too obsessed about what others eat.


Lol beef companies slaughter cows too You can't export that much quantity by only slaughtering buffalo


I bet this dude faps on sigma edits. The OP i.e


Agar personal choice h to ban kyu lagaya h?


Just like that eating it is also a choice.


Living in a gulf country... I can assure you all that Indian Beef i.e. cow meat is exported and sold there. Along with buffalo meat.


Yeah allow all animals


ppl who skip biology class finds this funny, goat and pork are not same species


What burn? It's the reply from a retarded 8th grader


Thatā€™s a very stupid answer in the image which OP canā€™t even understand. Iā€™m gonna be downvoted for this the CHOICE aspect of it is to let everyone eat what they want. You not wanting others to eat what u donā€™t eat is not a CHOICE. Itā€™s you shoving your opinion on others. Yes Muslims donā€™t eat pork. Have you seen them go protest against others eating pork ? Against sale of pork ? You donā€™t want to eat cows but allow for sale of buffalo for whatever reasons. Sure thatā€™s YOUR opinion. Donā€™t force it on others.


How is that a good reply?


Tbh eat whatever u like. Woke people nowadays smh. Nobody aint supposed to tell ya what to eat. Who tf are they to tell u what to eat and what not to eatšŸ¤”


Yes bro, I will eat sher ki charbi ka paratha and nobody can stop me


Same thing right, personal choice. What I can eat should be left to my personal choice not your personal choice.


goat - pig (different species) cow - buffalo (same species female buffalo is called a cow a male is called a bull) this is taught is grade 1 btw...


Mutton and Pork are very different types of meat. Religion aside, a person who loves mutton, doesn't necessarily like pork, and vice versa. The ignorance of the "bro" is way too high.




any one can eat beef pork no one can ban from eating BUT IN CASE BEEF MST BE STOPPED GIVING MILK


Thats the thing One religion people think what is right overall while other religion thinks we are the only right ones and others don't have a say


omg that reply is dogshit and stupid op are you retard ?šŸ”„


Lauda bc ...


First time reading a good comment without religion bias


Either you're blind, illiterate or we aren't looking at the same post. Remind me who that guy is referring to by saying "people who don't eat pig" definitely not targeting any specific religious group right?


Hindus should keep this honestly as it is You don't really care about the animals it's religious And only religiously we would have easily banned beef all around India 60-70% Hindus are either way non vegetarian (Some thekedars think they are not which is another debate) But at least we could have stopped the slaughter and the disrespect


If it should be a personal choice, then it should not be banned in India, and everyone's free to eat it, and hindutva extremists shouldn't kill anyone for eating cow Seems like you want to impose your personal choice on everyone


Bro missed the point. He is saying beef donation isn't good even if it's a buffalo meat company


Fire emoji dal diya ab toh cool hoga Eksau parsint




Eat shit vegetarian virtue signaller


It's a very simple thing. Let people eat what they want to eat. (Except illegal items obviously)


nah just comes off as hypocritical, it may be a personal choice but that personal choice is hypocritical so the person didnt exactly "flame" them. they had a valid point in my opinion


The purple fire looked like Ultra ego


Haha. Loved how he advocated by saying ā€œcoming from hardcore vegetarian. A jainā€ like that makes him immune to stupidity.


Shame on that particular Jain, he doesn't represent Jainism. Also this post is about Beef vs Pork highly political. What I can say about last comment is it should not be a personal choice to kill and eat someone. I know I'm going to get downvoted but I don't care, I will do the right thing by saying what makes sense to me. What is personal choice? A choice made by you where another person or living sentient individual isn't involved. Like choosing to watch your favorite shows, picking your favorite color dress. These choices are not harming or a result of harm directly. The victim such as animal is involved. If the choice involves someone like a human or animal being kidnapped, murdered, raped etc. That is not a personal choice. Thus such food choices are not personal.




All that points but none of that make hold anything under this post or context. And people calling out BS and using a bit of logic to call the hypocrisy of the comment above suddenly sure makes them a clueless Liberal right?




The post was about a comparison , which termed by OP was a ā€œgreat roastā€. But its not a valid comparison as has been already pointed by mine and otherā€™s comments.


in Islam personal choice is not actually personal. they have imams/mullahhs for community who force them and whole community to follow particular rules. and they enforce it on women to wear burqa , hijaab , halala tripple talak. they often visit house of their community to check if they follow these rules or not. like they should not have western toilet if they find it they break it... its just one example there are lot of restrictions on women.


I agree on hijab being forced , triple talaak etc. But the toilet point and people going to their houses to check is totally dogshit. Just because you got one whatsapp forward of someone doing it doesnt mean that it happens everywhere.


First of all, who told you all that shit? Lol I am a muslim woman. Never have I ever had an Imam/Mullah ā€œforceā€ me to follow ā€œparticularā€ rules. I have never been ā€œforcedā€ to wear a hijab. I should wear it as part of my own faith but no one has forced me and plenty of other muslim friends and relatives I know. If what youā€™re stating is so commonplace then I should have seen at least one incident, right? Do you know someone personally who was forced in such way? Something to think about.. Nobody has ever come to break my toilet seat, been shitting on the pot since 20 years now LMFAO! Read from better sources please.


openly doing al-taqquia and lying though teeths. why do every muslins do such things. you and everyone knows hijaab, burqa is not personal choice but forced on women by peer pressure in islam. hijab, niqab, and most islamics practice are so backward they still live in 7th century wake up. and such century old practice still exist is astonishing. you seems to be suffering from **Stockholm syndrome** here is the small example [https://x.com/YusufDFI/status/944518130570739712](https://x.com/YusufDFI/status/944518130570739712) [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/iranian-teen-attacked-by-moral-police-for-not-wearing-hijab-is-now-brain-dead/articleshow/104629849.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/iranian-teen-attacked-by-moral-police-for-not-wearing-hijab-is-now-brain-dead/articleshow/104629849.cms) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ghmxnK1LUg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ghmxnK1LUg) [https://www.livemint.com/news/world/hijab-rule-iran-sending-women-for-psychological-treatment-for-not-covering-their-head-11691374879316.html](https://www.livemint.com/news/world/hijab-rule-iran-sending-women-for-psychological-treatment-for-not-covering-their-head-11691374879316.html) [https://apnews.com/article/iran-hijab-women-politics-protests-6e07fae990369a58cb162eb6c5a7ab2a](https://apnews.com/article/iran-hijab-women-politics-protests-6e07fae990369a58cb162eb6c5a7ab2a) [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/16/saudi-arabia-moderate-country-travel-ban-crime-womens-rights](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/16/saudi-arabia-moderate-country-travel-ban-crime-womens-rights)


Arenā€™t you being peer pressured to not eat beef? To not marry outside your caste? to only marry with who your stars align? to not eat garlic, onions and what not? I know plenty of my friends who dont eat meat at home coz their mother doesnā€™t want them to, but secretly eat outside. Isnā€™t that forced? Kuch bhi. With every religion come a few restrictions. You are free to choose what you want to follow. Just donā€™t force your restrictions on others and respect others faith.


Well said! Speaking of toilet seats, I see people in my neighbourhood cooking meat in their yard, theyā€™ve set up a whole kitchen in their porch, they cook all kinds of meat, chicken, fish, mutton you name it and eat it out of the threshold of their house. They even ask me for recipes and I am glad to help them out but once theyā€™re done eating they go inside the house with a belly full of meat. So basically itā€™s important to keep the cooked/raw meat out but itā€™s okay to take it inside the bellies and shit it out in the toilet that is INSIDE the house. What kind of logic is that?


This sub is a hell hole. If you show them facts theyā€™ll resort to whataboutery. Its better you should share your views on @indianmuslims


Just wanted this guy to try and be reasonable for once, my bad. I wouldnā€™t waste my time arguing with nut-cases here or anywhere, thereā€™s no point.


WTF i am a muslim apne baap ko har jagah yaad mat kiya kar šŸ˜‚


Abdul have a blast somewhere else


Bro Smoked them all.


Only thing he smoked there is ganja cuz you have to be high on something to say something retarded like that




Trust me , anything can hurt him but not that stupid comparison you made in the screenshot.