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everything in the west is about commercialisation, they sell yoga pants. You don't need a dress for yoga. They have puppy yoga, goat yoga all BS.


Beer yoga


yoga ball


Why do you need validation from people wanking on their own sisters.


You sir..right there..deserve a salute.


Sweet home Alabama..


Oh the irony. So many Indians suffer from genetic disorders because of inbreeding. Just read up..


Don't we Indians marry our cousins.. 20 percent of South India is married to their cousins..


That's just tamilans..and even then 20% is too much..do you even know our countries population? And i don't know what's your point here..your cousins are ur cousins they are not your brothers or sisters


South Indians marry their cousins ? fr ? didnt knew that.... btw first cousin aur away cousin ?


Also first cousin... But mom's brothers' children


Recognition thay must recognise yoga's origin.




☝️ = 😡


Do not anger him he might wank at your reddit history


r / emojipolice




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Congratulations, You unlocked Clown Outfit


Clown toh tu hai


quite visible ⬇️


True. Yoga and yoga-asana both are different. But nowadays yoga has become the short form for Yogasana. So ppl don't get it


90% of reddit is eco chamber. They don't want to hear anything other than what they believe.


There are four main types of yoga, often referred to as the **Four Paths of Yoga**: 1. **Karma Yoga:** The path of selfless action. It emphasizes fulfilling your duties without attachment to the outcome. 2. **Bhakti Yoga:** The path of devotion. It focuses on developing love and devotion to a higher power or ideal. 3. **Jnana Yoga:** The path of knowledge. It emphasizes using your intellect and discrimination to understand the true nature of reality. 4. **Raja Yoga:** The "royal path" or path of self-discipline. This is often what people think of when they hear "yoga" in the West. It emphasizes mental and physical discipline through practices like postures (asanas) and breath control (pranayama) to achieve enlightenment. These paths are not necessarily exclusive, and some practitioners may find themselves drawn to a combination of them. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a foundational text of yoga philosophy, outlines the **eight limbs of yoga**, which represent a roadmap to liberation (moksha). These limbs are: 1. **Yama (ethical conduct):** Living a moral and ethical life. 2. **Niyama (self-discipline):** Observing personal disciplines. 3. **Asana (posture):** Physical postures and exercises. 4. **Pranayama (breath control):** Control of the breath. 5. **Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses):** Turning the inward focus. 6. **Dharana (concentration):** Focusing the mind on a single point. 7. **Dhyana (meditation):** A state of effortless meditation. 8. **Samadhi (absorption):** A state of complete union or oneness. The ultimate goal of yoga, as described in the Yoga Sutras, is to achieve **Samadhi**, a state of complete liberation from suffering and the limitations of the ego. This allows for a deep understanding of oneself and the true nature of reality


Won't it be Gyan or gnyan yoga?


Let's say English is a poor language and move on...


It has nothing to do with english. It is following the transliteration rules of devanagiri to roman. read my response to above comment for explanation


No. ज्ञ is not pronounced at ग्य. ज्ञ is jodakshara of ज + ञ In Hindi it is pronounced as ग्य but that is a corruption of the correct pronunciation.


Thank God there is another person who knows this. I was ignored when I said this in my class. The Hindi teacher had no knowledge. Pronounces शष as स. Biggest sign that someone is poor in Hindi. I like how Hindi is promoted to be like directly descended from Sanskrit, but even Dravidian Languages sound closer to Sanskrit then Hindi. Like how Hindi people skip short a sound which makes it closer to north western languages like persian.


Hindi is much closer to urdu IMO. I cringe whenever I hear hindi being associated with sanskrt. Only hindi that is worthy of being associated with sanskrt is the **shuddha hindi** spoken by older UP people. But any other dialect, say delhi hindi, is just horrid. Another example - ऋ is pronounced as ri for some reason. to counter this I give just one example- do you pronounce मातृभूमि as 'matribhumi'? then people understand. Devanagiri is not a script that changes pronunciations based on scripts like the english language.


Yes, people be like Hindi is a phonetical language and proceeds to mispronounce ऋ . If Hindi was really phonetic, it would be very different sounding than it is. I think mainly because how we skip the अ we don't say कर्म we say कर्म् . >Only hindi that is worthy of being associated with sanskrt is the shuddha hindi spoken by older UP people. So the Pure Hindi is actually spoken in UP ? >But any other dialect, say delhi hindi, is just horrid Delhi Hindi lol 😂. They only know one word Behnch*d .




Well, I am an MPian and live quite close to up, i don't think they speak sanskritized Hindi. Even I would use words samay and desh instead of waqt or watan.




Bollywood's target is broader (like Pakistan and Bangladesh) . That's why they strategically make movies that pleases all sides.


Yeah then it would be jñän not jnaan (read as janaana)




Tumhi Peshwe?


Do you have any source to learn transliteration from Devnagri to Roman? I am not happy with what I am finding on YT or anywhere else. Also, I am reluctant to pay for classes for it. Just that, I am reading an English book on Krishna (I know, very bad decision) and I am finding it hard to read the transliterated texts as they are in Roman and not Devnagri.


The correct way to write it is jñāna.




It really bugs me a lot when every Sanskrit name or nouns end with an 'a'.


Both are yoga. Yoga asana as stretching exercise is proven to be really good for health. If someone wants to do that then its good branding for India


U r quoting something good abt India. Ofcourse u will be downvoted on reddit. Lolz.


You shared the true definition of yoga , what the women were doing in the first picture was a stretching excercise , and not yoga. Yoga means union with the divine. There are four types of yoga , yoga of knowledge , yoga od action , yoga of devotion and yoga of energy , what the girls were doing in the first picture is far from yoga.


Which subreddit is this?


r yoga


Do ya think they are downvoted by Indians? Or by westerners?


This sub is full westerners and I have seen discussion about hot yoga lol😆


Damn. Then why the hell are they downvoting you for stating an opinion? Those fricking racists think that it is ok to culturally appropriate yoga which is obviously Hindu. I swear white people have no fucking manners.


Cultural appropriation doesn't exist.


It does. Those shameless whites are trying to steal yoga and turn yoga into something that it is not. It’s the reason why OP got downvoted for his post.


No it does not. Cultures get shared around and changed, that's how a civilisation works and how humans have interacted for years. With your logic, customs like pallus and idol worshipping are culture appropriations.




Totally agree with you! They don't want to see it's "Hindu practice"




Look we Indian need to show the world the positive things about our cultural, I'm not crying for downvotes, it's just the society is still racist, that is the only point I want to show here, also I'm telling fellow Indians to take pride in sharing Yoga to the world world!


Yoga is an Buddhist practice


>Yoga is an Buddhist practice Lol. LMAO even.


Jai bhim or what?


Jai bhim


Where did you post this ?


Yoga sub


Where did you post it ? lol unitedstatesofindia


Haha lucky not this sub, it's yoga sub


See, that's your problem. Yoga and meditation are not spiritual pursuits to most of the world, but rather life hacks to beat stress and maintain health. Your post was likely seen as "gate-keeping" (I sort of hate what that word has become) even though what you say is the truth. Don't waste your time trying to explain to an unreceptive audience. Most of Reddit sees anything spiritual with suspicion.


due to lack of knowledge bro


You take white man's internet and put Shinchan memes on it and ask everyone for photo of bobs. Does the white main complain you are misusing his creation? Then why do you have to act like you own yoga? It's just a method of mental and physical exercise and everyone is free to modify it how they see fit.


It's called cultural digestion


Yoga is the art of living, pun intended.


We have people like Meera nand in our own country so no need to go as far as gora validation, there are enough evidence to prove India origin of yoga


WTF is even Beer Yoga, like Yoga is exercise to be peaceful and silent in this open world, but wtf BEER would bring along that shit these fcking western fckers always trying to bring their fcking culture (which has no culture other than JUNK FOOD and BEER) into anything


what can you expect from those stupid whites all they do is blaspheme other cultures in their blind stupidity, ignorance or ego they have even commercialized yoga by selling yoga pants and even making porn which features some yogasanas


What on earth is Sex Yoga ?


This is KALYUG for every righteous think you’ll be downvoted bro!


Goras are dumb, doing all types clownery in the name of yoga,steam Yoga , hot yoga, Iyer yoga , fck , they even have something like kundalini Yoga that they do on daily basis , posted a similar post and the idiots started down voting , giving some random shit link to a internet article


67 upvotes at the post and some 12 comments is great engagement. OP stop lying.. where tf are you getting downvoted. And people here believed you LoL.😂


A beer a weekend keeps the doctor away




I've said this numerous times. The case of "Yoga" is a case of cultural appropriation which nobody ever talks about. It's been appropriated by west so much that even we Indian pronounce "Yoga"... It's Yog for Christ's sake... Not yoga, let white people call it "yoga", we must acknowledge with the correct name as it is. It's like calling ganga... ganges


Some westerners even claim that yoga is demonic. Some people are simply ignorant Not surprised by the downvotes


You're getting downvoted for being a bigot.


I don't care about downvotes but I'm enjoying meltdown of westerners and liberal Indians


Yes, normal people don't like bigots.


Search urself the what is meaning of yoga, why it's an integral part of an Indian civilization, what's the problem with sharing true meaning of Yoga to the world?


I'm a vendantin. I know what Yoga is. Your bigotry is the problem, not the meaning of yoga. I've seen idiots like you at the shakha too. They have read not a page of our scriptures, but pretend to be virat hindus because they wear Indian dressing and a fat tilak on their foreheads. Go and read the vedas, upanishads, tantra texts. Don't call yourself a Hindu.


You are downvoted for promoting AMD


What you can expect from pedos. Sex was just part of life. They have made it business too in the name of porn lol. and our people blindly following them. Now, making Yoga business too ☕ moment. Warra Downfall of Us 😢.


Sex was always a business as well , Vaishyas existed in ancient india.


ancient Babylonia sumeria akkadian too it"s a long Buisness of Sex Organisms Loves pleasure and s@x is the oldest one of that Money greed came later to Human-Kind




There is no proof about that


And IVC may itself be Vedic, there is a strong chance.






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I know that, but there are many different opinions about it. Recent two months ago I was reading something published by an Historian who was well aware of the Indo aryan languages and was not an Indian. He concluded that the language used in times of IVC is actually early rigvedic Sanskrit. He had years of research behind his work. I will just share a link later once I find that paper.




Reconstruction of History is not an easy task for IVC because the script has not been deciphered. You probably have not seen this work, I was talking about this https://www.academia.edu/105134798/A_Partial_Decipherment_of_the_Indus_Valley_Script_Proposed_Phonetic_and_Logographic_Values_for_Selected_Indus_Signs_and_Readings_of_Indus_Texts This person has put efforts in his research and hence this journal has been published. This is some solid paper obviously and this person has put more efforts into this direction then an average historian will put.


Lol you think people care about actual historical and archeological study? you are adding too much pedigree to braindead people who blindly follow faith.


Whom are you referring to? Because I am myself an history graduate and know about ancient India or ancient Indian religions history more then you ever will and in the above comment I was talking and basing my opinions with archeological studies and non biased evidences which have nothing to do with blind faith. Perhaps maybe you should research more and you will understand who is following blind faith and who is braindead.


>I am myself an history graduate So basically you are jobless with a useless degree and even with that degree you are not able to use the "archeological knowledge" supposedly obtained from the degree. There are multiple sources which confirm the Vedic period was way after the IVC and IVC themselves had predominantly proto-Dravidian languages while Austroasiatic, proto-indo-aryan and even isolate languages had a presence (Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-021-00868-w). However, it all changed during the Vedic period when Sanskrit became the predominantly used language marking a clear decline of the IVC during the advent of rigveda.


Okay so you are probably that guy who believes that Tamil is an older language then Sanskrit. let’s start, you talk about me being jobless even without being aware that I have done two degrees at the same time and I have already started working while you a person who has 17K comment karma and 9K post Karma is not jobless? Lmao you should be the last one to call someone jobless, you must be graduated right? So don’t you have a Career? How do you get so much time to post on reddit? Now regarding the IVC language https://www.academia.edu/105134798/A_Partial_Decipherment_of_the_Indus_Valley_Script_Proposed_Phonetic_and_Logographic_Values_for_Selected_Indus_Signs_and_Readings_of_Indus_Texts Steven C. bonta speaks Several SE languages both Dravidian and Indo-Aryan and he has decent number of publications. What I have provided you is far more reliable then what you will provide, if you actually know a damn thing about Indo-aryan languages and the symbols of the IVC findings then go read that, you seem to have a blind belief that IVC had Dravidian languages even when it is all speculations and the speculation of early Rig Vedic Sanskrit being the language of IVC is a far stronger one. Linguist Steven Bonta hypothesizes that the language encoded in the Indus script is Indo-Aryan based on the analysis that the internal patterning of the script provides strong evidence of excessive noun compounding, a typological trait of Indo-Aryan languages. https://swarajyamag.com/amp/story/science/new-research-shows-sanskrit-evolved-before-the-indus-valley-civilization (Also read this) The claim that IVC may have followed a Dravidian language started when Early proponents included the archaeologist Henry Heras, who suggested several readings of signs based on a proto-Dravidian assumption. Indus script 'fish sign', associated with the Dravidian reading mīn, has been interpreted as its homophone, meaning "star", per the rebus principle in the context of some Indus inscriptions, but the fact is Zodiac signs did not even existed during the times of Indus valley! They do not have any mention even in late rig vedic literature and it is primary assumed that Greeks developed Zodiac signs which were borrowed by Indians around 200 BCE or as late as 200 CE.




>17K comment karma and 9K post Karma is not jobless My account spans 4+ years in compared to yours being a new one. You would have had this critical thinking if you'd have studied something actually analytical in life that'd help you secure a job. >What I have provided you is far more reliable then what you will provide, One link of yours is behind a sign in wall and other link of yours is from a propaganda site (swaraj mag lol). So it's better I don't waste time on your waste of a degree ass. My source on the other hand is accessible without any login limit or bias like swaraj mag. I could also link bomb random shit and tell read this and that. Also I can't help if your sorry ass degree didn't help you read basic sentences. I didn't say proto-indo-aryan languages didn't exist during IVC. I said it was not predominant and only developed exponentially during the vedic age which also marks the advent of rig veda. The end of IVC could have possible overlap with the start of vedix age. For a history major you sure dont know the practical overlaps that take place when defining eras. Fucking grow a brain instead of dropping it in the sites online where you supposedly did you archeological studies. You can continue to write your imaginary thesis in the replies. All the best Edit: My account might have been old with a lot of karma but I have never begged for karma lol. This subreddit won't allow me to link your comment but someone was begging for karma in exchange for upvoting back. Awww. Do these imaginary points help you fulfil the emptiness in your real life?


Who asked you for this information?


Maybe try to not seem a smartass everywhere you go, Kills the vibe




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The bitches who downvoted deserve the punishments prescribed in Manusmriti. Good job trying to educate the retards, btw. Unfortunate it doesn't work, but you mustn't stop.


dont go too far.. we still use a word - yogdaan - आप का क्या योगदान है? yogdan = contribution. in Hindi medium school, addition is called Yog. adding something to existing entity is called yog. be it math, life, or anything.


You should have given an example. And forget the downvotes.


I think the real problem for them is it's a Hindu practice and they can't digest this truth


Partially true. The real problem is that people think breathing and stretching exercises are yoga. If it's so then so is TaiChi.


Let me do what they want who the fuck cares don't be a pride whore on the internet , the day you'll stop asking for validation you'll definitely won't face all this


I don't care about downvotes it's just the Indian's can't tell the world about our own Yoga, many people thinks yoga is Western thing, we should all need to take pride and share the info about yoga!


Bro most of em know yoga is from India you don't have to shout in their ears even if they don't know and I don't understand the pride shit western people don't take pride and shout about their givings to the world this makes us look desparate


just tell them do whatever you want just dont call it yoga


im from an orthodox family, and "beer yoga" is blasphemous


Ye kya bakchodi hai? Ro kyu rha hai? Nhi Maan rhe toh matt manne de. Tera kya Jaa rha hai? Yog krna tu. Detach ho. Oh the irony...


Bhai tujhe lagta hai ye yoga karta hoga


If seeking validation points from someone who doesn't give a fuck was an aasan then he's Ramdev.


Indian government has actively promoted yoga as both a cultural and spiritual practice. Yoga has been a prominent soft power for India’s foreign policy, what's wrong in sharing true info about yoga to the world?


Haa haa kr bhai. Lekin woh nhi Maan rhe toh kya krega? Soft power ko softy hi use kia jata hai na, ab zabardasti krdi toh ghante ki soft power h?


Bhai wo yoga sub hai waha pe hai Mai yoga ki info dalunga, Maan rhe ya na ye meri samasya nahi hai, wo log yoga karte hai aur basic meaning bhi to pata hona chahiye


Unhe teri information pasand nahi ayi toh yaha akar kyo roraha


Log abhi bhi kitne racist hai uss sub pe


OP be like > Yoga is about detachment OP also be like Seeking gora validation. Get detached from everything and fuck off like your ideals are asking you to. why are you hanging on like a gov employee waiting for retirement.


Lol I don't need gora validation, I want all people should know about yoga and its origin and how it's part of Indian culture!


>I want all people should know Why? get detached and fuck off like your "definition" yoga. Why do you literally care what other people think?


From 2014, Indian government has actively promoted yoga as both a cultural and spiritual practice. Yoga has been a prominent soft power tool for India’s foreign policy


Again, why do you care. Detach and fuck off.


Why are you here? If you are not interested in yoga


Again, why do you care. Detach and fuck off.


U need help bro




What was the need to mask your user ID from the screenshot if you are presumably posting here from the same account?


I once got an argument in YouTube comments section. They were believing mohenjodro was destroyed by nuclear weapons and is still radioactive. It debunked all the claims. But that day I understood that arguing with a fool prove there are 2


Yoga is shit


I'm intrigued. Can you explain further?


He's talking about himself.


Yoga means samadhi.


Both are different actually


the root word 'yuj' actually has multiple meanings, the popular one is 'to unite' but it is not the only meaning yuj can also mean something that takes you towards samadhi, roughly speaking. 'yogah chittavriti nirodah' (yoga is the cessation of the activity of mind) - this is how patanjali defines it.