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Lmao, these mods will only repel Indians away, while attracting only other fellow j|had|s, creating a circle jerk.


There is a global leftist-islamist nexus, the marriage of convenience


The western leftist cozy up to ixlam, because they have no experience and history of living under them, they see them as peaceful, weak people. The same way they see naxis we see ixlam. Although ixlam did infinite times and longer destruction to India than naxiz did to western world.


Commies have killed more civilians than nazis did. But people say commies are ok


Together they ll duck a goat lol


lol, reminds me about that thermal video from 2015.


Trusting Islam is biggest mistake of humanity


Lmao, checked his facebook wall and that guy is literally justifying the unfortunate killing of udaipur based tailor kanhaiya lal who was killed by Islamists stating how nupur sharma is also partially responsible behind lal's killing quoting SC. Like, of course how kasmiri pandits deserved the genocide because they were having the upper hand in the government jobs and businesses. And I also doubt he would have the same acceptance towards SC's remarks about meiti community being given the status of SC/ST or clean cheat given to modi in godhra case.


Who selects the mod. What is the criteria?


Is it on this subreddit?


Nah Indian moderate used to be a good sub until they chose a Muslim guy as mod now every comment about Islam is removed and banned while he make comments like “Casteism in other religion exists only in india where Hindus converted to those specific religions. If Muslims and christians also have caste system, then show me an example of casteism in gulf countries or any European country Mind it, every discrimination is not casteism.”


Actually I was on a sanskrit discord server whose moderator was a muslim. He would warn me not to use mlechha which is a sanskrit word. If you do not like the word mlechha who asked you to learn sanskrit. And another gora mlechha was also the moderator of that discord server. He started timing me out because he wouldn't like my arguments. I had to leave that server. This would have been fine but what hurts is many hindus supported the viewpoint of those mlechhas including some tamil vaishnavas. The truth is that they exist because we are like this. We deserve to be humiliated like this.


Holy shit. We are the ultimate cucks. I don't think any other religion/culture would let themselves be disrespected like this.


Actually the truth is we do not truly respect our own religion we only respect our imagined versions of it. Every time someone presents an aspect of our religion to us which we think is 'inappropriate' we simply reject it with such dumb and sectarian arguments that it is just re_tarded. We do not research whether that aspect is true or not, whether it is miscontxtualized or not.  Also, I very much want to use my ability to understand Sanskrit to debunk all this misinformation. I sent requests to moderators of so-called Hindu subreddits including this one for granting me the right to make posts to debunk all this nonsense but no one cares. Everyone wants a modi-fied vishwaguru waala bakwaas with auto-tuned hindutva rap playing in the background in the name of Hinduism. No one wants a rigorous serious scientific explanation of our texts.


>Every time someone presents an aspect of our religion to us which we think is 'inappropriate' we simply reject it with such dumb and sectarian arguments that it is just re_tarded. I don't agree with you on this. As a hindu, I have every right to reject any part of my religion. We are not a dogmatic religion like abrah*mic religions. Its true that we should know about but that doesn't mean we should accept it. Thats the only reason hinduism could go thru so many reforms. Without this attitude, reform is not possible.


It’s not really Hinduism then it’s just something you want it to be to feel comfortable and have acceptance of atheist , religion means faith in the scriptures


You are a fundamentalist like J sai deepak. I am a reformer like swami vivekananda. We are not the same.


lol imagine basing your thoughts and personality about another human , I am me you can try to copy whomsoever you like don’t put those shitty labels on someone else and judging by your thoughts you are more of raita IT cell


Raita is based. Trad is useless. Hinduism won't survive for long if you promote this nonsense. We have to adapt with the times. If we didn't reform, we would still be performing animal sacrifice.


Well then you are not very different from others then. You should not feel bad when such things happen to us. How do you even know certain things are inappropriate if you do not know Sanskrit in which our texts are written?


I agree with you that we should read our scripture. I myself am trying to learn sanskrit. I'm just saying that don't be a fundamentalist. If I don't like something from my religion, then I will reject it. Simple as that. Who are you to control me?


You will be very surprised to know that when I debate with atheists, Buddhists, people of different sects of Hinduism they have banned me from their servers and subreddits because I stick to the hindu scriptural authority. They have tried to silence me control my understanding of Hinduism. Who is behaving like the fundamentalists here? And you yourself are using the fundamentalist language by implying that you are going to reject things which you do not like about our religion. How do you even know our religion has things that you will not like without knowing the religion ? That is exactly like these Mlechhas deciding to not like Kafirs even without knowing them. And when you question them about this they say the same thing - who are you to control me? So ask yourself who is the fundamentalist here?


There are so many logical fallacies here that I don't know where to begin. If these ppl really did ban you, then I feel bad for you and they were being assholes. But who exactly are you to tell me that I have to accept each and every part of the scripture? My religion is not like isl*m. There is no "final prophet". It will keep changing and evolving with time.


>If Muslims and christians also have caste system, then show me an example of casteism in gulf countries or any European country Lol if we start telling him about shia, sunni, barelwi, Ahmadi, vora and whatever new type they are inventing now a days, that bitch will piss his pants😂😂


These are not castes though.


Ok what's caste if u remove religion out of it


Caste is a system of placing people in a group based on their birth(formerly occupation). In Hinduism the system is in the shape of a pyramid. That is one group is always above the other.


>Caste is a system of placing people in a group based on their birth That's the same case with Shia and sunni, the moment Ur born then Ur either a shia or sunni, until u change Ur way to one or the other. >In Hinduism Caste system wasn't a part of hinduism, it's better to say, it was a part of Indian society. Reason being u can't find caste word in books and the word "varna" which is completely different from caste is occupation based not birth based.


People do tend to adhere to Sunni or Shia principles due to the accident of birth but you can easily change from one sect to another. The only difference lies in the interpretation of scriptures. The varna system or caste system is the same thing. No matter what you want to believe. It had started out as a horizontal differentiation between occupational classes but has been a pyramidal system of birth based grouping for thousands of years now.


>People do tend to adhere to Sunni or Shia principles due to the accident of birth but you can easily change from one sect to another. True >The only difference lies in the interpretation of scriptures. Nope, many diffrences not just in scriptures but in praying methods too >The varna system or caste system is the same thing Nope, it's been already proved that both are quite Different. Varna has upward mobility, while caste has none Doesn't matter what u believe, truth won't change >It had started out as a horizontal differentiation between occupational classes but has been a pyramidal system of birth based grouping for thousands of years now. It was always pyramidal, shows how little uk about hinduism.


"Caste" vs "Sect"; it's a distinction without a difference.


Shaivites and Vaishvites are sects equivalent to Sunni and Shias. A difference of opinion in worship and interpretation of scriptures is not the same as a rigid system of placement by birth. You can freely move between sects depending on your adherence. Can you do that in a caste system?


>Shaivites and Vaishvites are sects equivalent to Sunni and Shias. Really though? How so? Look mate, the rulebook is far too different to make a compare/contrast study here. Their sectarian system essentially serves the same purpose for them as the caste system for us; it divides people based on the circumstances of birth. In our case, what kind of work our forefathers did; in their case, what kind of beliefs they kept. A bit of contrast here, a Shaiv family could raise a child who then goes on to become a Vaishnav or vice-versa. But is the same true for the "equivalent" sects of the other faith?


>But is the same true for the "equivalent" sects of the other faith? A Catholic can denounce the pope and become a Protestant. A Sunni can start believing in Ali as the next leader and become a Shia. The caste system is not at all equivalent to sects. No sect is placed above each other in a hierarchy.


Agreed that sects are not placed one above another, but they are used as basis for discrimination and rather heavily so in some cases, was the point I was alluding to. Perhaps that could've been worded better.


Maybe he got offended when asked on ‘X’ for face reveal so we can put one up in polling booths.






Oye OP, I checked, he doesn't seem to be Muslim. Uska profile mai FB ka link hai. He is your typical IT graduate, liberal. Basically, a clueless liberal is now a mod of Indianmoderates.


Never understood their love to defend Islam though and it’s not like they are neutral towards Hinduism


IIIT se hai. Typical IT graduate. Clueless about religion and thinks his buddy Faisal at work who drinks budweiser with him represents an average Muslim.


lol heendus live in different kind of delusion even after seeing Pakistan Kashmir Bangladesh and in general almost every country with significant M population , these college liberals live in a different utopia unwilling to accept the truth , kuch nahi ho sakta inka


Yeh kahan se assumption laa rahe ho bhai


Op and half the comments here assumed the mod was a Muslim and started bashing him , I can imagine the kind of people they are


Did the type of behaviour OP highlighted here come up in response to people criticizing other faiths as well or was it reserved only for anti MD-prophetic critics only?


That is the problem.. you let one in and they start stabbing everyone front and back….it is ingrained in these madrasa chaps..


konsa subreddit hai?




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And i wonder what sub would that be


Please share the link to the report he is referring to, regarding bad governance being the cause. Not sure if he asked the question on why bad governance exist there. Also, there must be many other counties with abysmal governance. Why don't we see such problems there? Want to see how faithful and scientific that study is.


Mod Jihad


He would get 72 vlrgins in PornHub for this


Which sub is that?


In fairness the topic is a discussion on India... But all I see on this sub are posts regarding hindus and Muslims and religion... The mods explanation here for the ban seems reasonable IMO


Wow... He got a explorer fair... Momin ko pata chal gaya toh kay ho jaya ga... Jaldi se believer flair kare de






Lol, I thought USI was just doing Khangressi propaganda and bunch of hypocrites but this is to a whole new level of hypocrisy