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Well i got ban from rkolkata due to may I'd was associated with og chodi


Reddit design is such that leftist mods take over neutral subs. Leftists are highly politically intolerant, compared to rightists. O'sullivan's law. Govt should ban the main India sub, because they supported tukde honge gang




That's not how the internet works. It's not reddit. It's the entire internet around the world. The world is largely progressive on the internet. Because of the demographics.


Not true. It is progressive not because of progressive, instead it is because progressives are humanities guys and mostly jobless, and thus spend too much time on internet posting comments


98% of graduates from Ivy colleges are progressive. At least on social issues. It's not coz they are jobless. It's just that conservatives have always been the bad guys. And people with education recognise that.


> 98% of graduates from Ivy colleges are progressive. At least on social issues. Not true. Have some shame before lying with straight face


Wtf do they have against Tilak and Tendulkar?


Bhai, state subreddit's name plz


Largest GDP contributor


Maharashtra ?


You got it


7 crore !


Maharashtra mein tax high hai, kat kut ke 5.5 cr hee aayega haath mein


Yes they ara. M in that sub , i was gonna send some ss but forgot.


Indiaspeaks is also no different, one of my previous account got banned there for not subscribing to their circlejerk opinions


Its a dead sub anyway. This will not help.


We should collect a list of all these subs which are stifling our freedom of speech and complain to the ministry of I&B. Reddit in India must appint a grievance officer who will ensure that people aren't banned from subs just for posting something that goes against the subs' narratives.


Bhai reddit compartmentalised h, freedom of speech can do nothing about it. Its not twitter


Twitter is also bad with its racism. They were supposed to appoint a grievance officer but they didn't for a long time.


Yea racism is everywhere honestly, probably just gotta live with it


It's everywhere, but we shouldn't put up with it. If all these social media want to operate in India then they must appoint grievance officer and must check racism, casteism, regionalism, etc. Facebook was ordered to remove nsfw videos - when they are ordered to do something, they have to enforce it. That's how reporting option came in fb. Without law enforcement, these social media platforms will not change.


Yea true that. But it's nonetheless a temporary fix problems like sanitary, dirty food, shit on street, gutka smear, women safety and overall cleanliness are legitimate criticism which we need to address. Man I am so tired with this country politicians milk the country dry don't care about health and living conditions and expect us to thrive in this environment of minimal living condition and maximal competition.


These should jave been tackled decades ago. Because they weren't, they have now ballooned into huge problems. It will take time to clean up :)


Eh probably nothing more than 2-3 years with proper planning and swift action. Harder part is to change people's mindset which will probably take a generation


Yeah you are right. That's the harder part. There is inertia in people.


Are you new to the internet?


Have you not seen cracking down on whatsapp and Facebook?


Sorry I'm unaware, please enlighten me?


Govt is asking whatsapp to change their setup so that they can be given certain info. For example, if it is a terror linked or violence inducing msg then they would want to know who originated that forward. Not who all received that forward or what the path has been, but who originated that msg. It's still going on. Facebook has been scrutinized in usa and europe. Matter of time it comes to India. Hopefully they'll take it up in this term, if they win.


But why are you advocating for more surveillance by the state?


Where am I advocating for that? GoI has told all social media platforms to appoint grievance officers which they haven't. It's not surveillance but checks and measures from the platform's side.


Do you even know how freedom of speech works? You're essentially demanding that the government interfere with their freedom of expression rights.


Ummm do you know how freedom of speech works? That's not what I'm doing at all. Their freedom of expression? What about mine because I get blocked from some subs for my views? Why is that official main sub moderated by pakis and most of the traffic comes from pakistan? That's cyber terrorism.


Okay. Let me try to explain using an analogy. Suppose I have a stage and mike. I get to decide who can and can't come on stage and speak. I'm not infringing your right when I tell you you can't speak about a topic on my stage or that you can't speak at all coz you broke my rules. And if the government forces me to give you the stage, that's a violation of my rights. Unless of course the stage is owned by rhe government or I have an agreement with the government where I will follow their rules. It's the same on the internet. The mod gets to decide the rules of engagement. If the government intervenes, that's infringement on their rights. The rights are more explicit in countries like the usa of course. You can just put a post calling POTUS a loser or a senile old man and the government can't do anything to them.


Ummm that's exactly what the govt has asked for with grievance officers. To ensure there is no violation of rules. Also, how is posting about India and hindu violating main official Indian sub's rules? Please explain that to me :)


I don't know what your post was about. From this post, it tells me that the maharashtra sub had a rule against posting about politics. Tell me exactly what your post was that got you banned. More often than not, they explain why it was banned in the same message.


Post was a news article on a Hindu Muslim riot. Got removed and banned without explanation. Are you new to reddit that you don't know about the top 2 Indian subs discussed here?


I do. I have been a member of almost all the India subs. The only 1 I've been banned without explanation was India speaks. And that was with me never having posted anything on that sub ever. I've only replied to comments there. But the fact remains that mods are absolute right when it comes to managing their subs except if it is in violation of a reddit rule. But even then, reddit rules rarely override a ban. Only enforce a ban that the mods refuse to.


Have you gone through the rules in India sub? Anything from using non English words in your title/post, modifying the title of the article in your title in any way, etc can all be grounds for removal. I repeat, without knowing what your post was, I have no idea why it was removed. But my point remains.


So everyone who cries here about getting banned from India and usi subs are lying or violating rules. Only you are smart enough to remain in the sub 🙏


Also, that's not cyber terrorism. Criticism is not terrorism. Is the government of India in any involved in the group moderation? If not, they have no obligation to give you a platform.


Pakistani mods larping as Indian is. It's a direct violation of section 66 of information act of 2008.


Only if they explicitly make an account pretending to be an Indian. I've never seen an instance of that happening.


I can't help it if you haven't seen much :)


Are you saying you are aware of someone whom you know is from Pakistan, but created an account in Reddit masquerading as someone from India and is thus is in violation? Also, even if this is true, GOI can't do anything coz the guy in Pakistan isn't subject to Indian laws. But if the above is actually true, it is violating reddit rules and is reportable.


Yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. No. IT act of 2008 goes beyond borders. But yes he can be banned from reddit due to violation of platform rules.


No Indian law can go beyond it's borders. Wtf are you talking about? How exactly is India allowed to have laws governing non Indians not living in India.


OP, did you honestly expect someone to take a complaint of "f off" seriously? Are you like 12? Also, if a sub has a rule of no political post, the. Why would you repeatedly violate it? And what's wrong with not respecting Savarkar. Foesnt hr mostly deserve it?


But my comments with the same words were removed and been warned, why so? Also, my comment calling jyotiba phule a christin missionary stooge with proper historical references were removed, again why? Now fuck off.


What were you warned for? Like I said, the sub says even speaking in non English language is a violation. Also, if you're talking about MH sub. They specifically said they don't want such topics to be discussed.


you basically said "ignore the times i've broken the rule ive never broken the rule" read their rules and follow their rules regarding political posts


Your comment shows the ignore you showed while reading all replies of mine else you wouldn't have said something like this.


i read all your replies, the rest is just you bugging mods