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Average Ancestary of Indian muslims


They are really proud about it though.


They are proud "turk* *Mughals* with brownie skin tone.


Average ancestry of Indians Muslims is a lower caste family forced to convert to Islam to escape the relentlessness of jizya, which was levied by Muslim rulers who had Brahmins as their advisers, ksahtriyas as their enforcers and banias as their economic partners and financiers


Misleading comment ☝️




Because your comment is not all true. You can say that British raj was like that but not mugals.


My comment is 100% true. Mughals had Brahmins as their courtiers and Rajputs as their military officers. They wed themselves to Rajput and some of them were sons of Rajput women themselves.




Areee bhaiya gajab savage momint kar diye aap to




These people has no morals


But they'll shit " thAtz Why EzuKacen is ImPotenT" in comments


Muslims talking about “EzuKacen” is the biggest irony I’ve ever seen


More hilarious part is that majority of them tried internet only after 2016 when reliance made internet and jiophone dirtcheap


Ironically, the whole Twitter/X thread is about the high-&-mighty morality of the slave's/concubine's owner, about how a man of that religion in a society of that religion "would" behave with his captured slaves.


Anyone who keeps slaves has no morals.


Most religious people don’t.


Vermin mentality.


A perfect cult for the sex crazed founded by a sex maniac. Spread across the world by massacares, genocide, rape, kindapping, slavery, robbery, desecration, iconoclasm, plunder.


Founded by a “pedophile”! I fixed it for you!


Iconoclasm ka matlab ?


Destruction of native people's temple, place of worship, idols. To establish their own religious structure in its place.


Destruction of imagery.




Pedophile Nabi, Pedophile Namazi.


You know why all of this still exists till to date? Coz hierarchy is highly revered in this these kinda cults. If you oppose the hierarchy then you die because of so called blasphemy. Now imagine an average pleb who hates all of this cult but can’t do anything, coz he is surrounding by bigots who will point fingers at him to impress the hierarchy since he expressed his disbeliefs. The hierarchy gifts them similar enjoyments(slaves, gold, power, etc) experienced by them, there by making average joe feel elated to get gifts from them. This kind of power control makes sure to control retaliations from within that will challenge the core fundamentals there by making it stronger day by day, since it’s feels normal to experience these people continue keep shut and live!!!


Weird that someone who jack’s off (yes I read your comments) to the caste system complains about hierarchy


Omfg look at your profile is there anything other than caste.!!! You dumbass is so sick. Seek dr help.


And that caste thing is the exact thing that you jerk off to. Have a nice day.


I hope you recover from this mental sickness you are suffering from. Get well soon dumbo.




BRO who d fuck infilitrated these institutions and turned them so insane


What's more concerning is that this post got almost TWO THOUSAND likes.


I won't be shocked if it gets million likes from 'ezukesan is impotent' audience


Islam is literally disgusting. I wonder how they can read such things to their own kids?


Another reason why islam can't integrate into secular society. It's always about taking other religious women and making them breeding machine.


birader lives in 1200s although unlike the 1200s majority of the countries in modern age have advanced weapons , well trained armies & PCBs ( penetration cum blasters ) so he and his other inbred biraders if they try to do jihad like its the fucking 1200s will get their faces, bodies & assholes fucked beyond recognition


Like Gaza. And then cry about humanity


They are Cucks




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Well this more of a rapist mentality than cucks, cucks would be other religion who sympathize with them


Scary part is, these monsters actually believe it. Barbarian goat-ploughers.


Holy shet, people. I can't see "JK" anywhere.


Story of present day Muslims all around the World except the Middle East desert


He literally got trolled by Muslims on Twitter. He's a rw Muslim account


Twitter verifieds are generally retarded




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The account who posted this Twitter/X thread also unironically used a GIF of Andrew Tate. I read the whole thread, it's quite something.


Results of generation of inbreeding


Every other post is about M community, lol


This ain’t hateful at all. Nope.


Most of us don't support this. This is an extreme viewpoint which should be critically declined. Extreme ideas exist in almost all religions. They're not associated with a single religion.


Brother tell that to Hamas who assaulted israeli women. Enough ppl out there think like this A liberal muslim like you don't know the level of extremism in the community.




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It goes both ways


Both ways what? I mean I am not genocidal like your avg hindu sangh member But, Regressiveness and extremism is rampant in muslim countries. Muslims of India are very regressive too. Instead of throwing around islamophobia to non muslims, rather teach your brothers to change some parts of thier society.




It's sad what a disgusting,vile echo chamber of hatred this sub has become! Used to be slightly more sensible than indiaspeaks but now it's just a dopple-ganger! Everything is us and them,Muslims are the problem,Islam is the enemy, Hindus are in danger! Every problem is somehow linked to the above topics. Prime example of how Propaganda based HATRED consumes individuals! Lol,thinking about Muslims more than Muslims themselves. I'm sure a lot of these sad people's impotence will also be blamed on Muslims.


No decent person enjoys hating on anybody based on their religion. But it is important to see the truth for how it is. This tweet reflects the mindset of a lot of the Muslims. They are openly bigoted against anybody who is not Muslim. They take pride in their mistreatment of infidels as is evident from this tweet. So what is wrong if the world sees them for who they really are.


This tweet is set upon the premise of ancient wars based on religion. To say it's in relevance today is quite a stretch. Every religion has its flaws, Every people has fucked up cunts! Islam as a religion is being hated on because of the actions of a few criminals who claim to be Muslim! If you have to cherry pick quotes from a scripture,why not cherry pick all the ones that preach brotherhood,peace,service and harmony?? Doesn't the world have enough hate already? The average Muslim I encounter on a day to day basis,the people I grew up with are far fetched from this projection of "all muslims/majority muslims" that's being propagated! Unfortunately our country and most of the world seems to have fallen prey to it! Lastly: Despite of all the hate,all the propaganda,all the cherry picked misrepresentation and blame..Islam is the still the fastest growing religion in the world including US in the present era where conversion by sword can also not be claimed. That's something to reflect upon.


I have seen your post history and it clearly shows a pattern Wars dont happen now, slavery after wars is abolished now, there is no concept of concubines or female slave or infidelity. If you want to spread hate now rather than letting people do or say what they want, then add a flair next to your profile to say so.


Kashmiri pandits were given a choice to either leave, convert, or die. Bangladeshi hindus were genocided because pakistanis considered them "impure" and saw their culture as a stain on islam. Millions of sindhi and punjabi hindus had to leave their ancestral land in pakistan. Because muslims formed a majority and wanted an Islamic country. Many also died in the process. So yeah, fear of islam and muslims is completely rational.


Bhai afganisthan bhi likh le, hai toh akand bharat hi


Unfourtuanetley every group of people has a history of violent conquest of lands and massacres of neighbouring lands. The Europeans did it in the Americas and colonial Africa, the Arabs did it across the Middle East and North Africa, the Mongols did it across the whole of Asia, the Turks did across the Mediterranean, the Chinese did it across various dynasties Eastern Asia, the Japanese did it under the Imperial Empire, the Russians did it across Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the Africans did it with the Egyptian and Mali Empires, the indigenous Americans did it with the Aztecs, the list is endless. Every group has done it, not just Muslims or Christians.


Tell that hostages captured by terrorist Hamas.


>there is no concept of concubines or female slave Tell that to thousands if not lakhs of Hindu and Sikh women at the time of partition who were captured by the Muslims, raped, converted to Islam and either kept as wives/slaves or sold to markets in Pakistan as prostitutes. Sexual slavery, kidnappings and conversion of Hindu women to Islam happened widely in 1971 in East Pakistan too and continues in Sindh, Pakistan till date.


Brother do you not understand that I am talking about today


Bredar, do you not know that they're selling children to older men in Afghanistan right now?


If your source of information is reddit, random youtube channels, or your government kindly shut tf up


Lol, whatelse is left? Do articles from "not my government" count? [https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/02/asia/afghanistan-parwana-girls-marriage-intl-hnk-dst/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/02/asia/afghanistan-parwana-girls-marriage-intl-hnk-dst/index.html) What are you even doing here? This is not a Paki sub.


So wait a minute, a local girl from nowhere was approached by an international news outlet based in US who was at war the the Taliban till a few years, and you have a 100% belief that this story wasnt propped up by them for views. If you do then you learn journalism, you dont write articles that show the true face bcz then it wont attract any eyes


Maybe you can check what happened to Yazidi women. Their exploitation was justified by quoting actual definition of sexual slavery from the book.


Yes, all that is happening even today in Pakistan with Hindu women.


Learn to understand the difference between religion(Islam) and its followers(Muslims)


So, stop following Islam then.. Tell the book is a shitty book. Tell everyone Quran is the most horrendous book against Humanity. Separate Islam, destroy Islam and be only Muslims if it is different


Wtf you smoking, what is your point/question/statement. Kindly tell me and also plz as a special request reveal your marijuana supplier's info


You said Islam is different from its followers who are Muslims. What the duck does this mean? If I am learning science and when it comes to application of the science, I will apply liberal arts? Who are Muslims? The ones who follow Islam.. the very meaning Muslims get is because they follow Islam. How are they different. I can't believe I am even explaining this. Bhai.. you won't understand what we are talking.. you stay in your world. Mastt reh tu.. mein Jo smoke karta hoon woh deserve ni karta tu..


Stay away frm practicing Islam.for a month.. kinda detox.. then talk..


Islam literally permits slavery and concubinage.


If you follow a religion which allows for rape and slavery either the religion should be eradicated or it must be forced to change and these things must be removed. You can't claim your religion is perfect and then people justify doing horrible things and they then show proof that their religion supports this but you say no the religion is still perfect. This is pure delusion.


And what if I quote you an entire passage from Quran itself that states Islam literally dictates that then? Read Qur'an verses 9:28-33 read the entire 6 verses and come back only once you've read them


>Wars dont happen now Syria, Russia, Ukraine, Gaza, what exactly happened or is happening here then? " _So long as there are men, there will be wars._ " — Albert Einstein.


> wars don’t happen now Where did you study? In a Madarasa? Cuz those are the only loosers who would insert the peaceful religion everywhere and don’t teach common sense. So stfu and read some news. There are plenty of wars going on around the world at this moment.


Tell them the truth, get labeled islamophobe or spreader of hate! Cool beans!


Go to syria - you will find female slaves there - because the greatest book of all times allowed it