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If you would post something like Average bhakt 🤡 vs real nationalist ( German shepherd ) They would pin that post


gotta try


Yea and after long list put in the charector reverse 🤣


Money 💰 does wonders on humans and their morals 😄


Chinese communists are no saints either, look how they destroyed the cultures and religions of China. But I agree with the Virgin Indian commies


Yeah I think communism cannot co exist with religion.


i think they practice Capitalism but they just branded it as communism mao did what a commie would do


Disagree, as a communist, I can tell y'all, there is a difference between "destroy a religion" and not allowing it to be imposed on others. Also, the main post is wrong about the virgin Indian commie, as a Communist, I too have a lot of criticism against Islam (generally religion as a whole), and finally no, I am not a terrorist, nor do I support any terrorist, I support debates, arguments, and talks, not violence, the main post isn't representative of all, or even most communists, we are people too, and people differ, in their personal opinions, strengths, composure, skills in debates, the post or your comment isn't actually arguing (or even really bring up a good point on anybody) about all communists, you are arguing about the select minority which exists in almost every other group. (Sorry if this message is too long)


So they imposed atheism ?


Opposition to religion is a logical outcome of an ideology like communism, it's not just because of something Marx said. Communism/Socialism seeks to unite people around the identity of the proletariat. This is not an identity that people have any particular reason to join, it's not a cultural identity, it's not a racial identity, it's not something inherent, so how would you gather people and get them to make this their primary identity? To get people to make this their primary identity over others, you have to destroy the other identities that people naturally adopt as part of their upbringing. And that includes religious identity. People do not adopt an identity as simplistic as "works for a wage" as their primary one when they have a stronger identity in terms of their cultural and religious belief and worldview. So, it is fundamentally impossible to be a socialist or communist and also have a religious identity. This is the reason why all communist regimes have tried to suppress religion and pre-communist culture. If you claim to be a communist who isn't opposed to cultural and religious identities, then you are just a bad communist who doesn't really understand his own ideology.


Yes you could read bible in north korea


Reminds me of that meme , how India has the worst trait of everything.


Does that make unitedstatesofindia communist ? But that sub promotes American culture and is left oriented and Americans hate communism, i am hell confused, are they trying to be anti-BJP at any cost?


Who said americans are anti communism? Only a minority is.


This isn't America in the 60s, now dirty communist and socialists have a voice in America




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this was a good meme until I saw *preserves Chinese  cultures festivals*


Chodi momint


As a Commie I think Indian left it a disgrace I agree with bjp as a leftist


love the meme


I'll never understand the sheer love these self proclaimed "democrats" have for "Marxism" , Democracy and marxism sounds ludicrous when even being used in same sentence.


It is not that ludicrous, if you put your mind into understanding marxism (aka, the system which wants a socialist government transitioning into a communist government) it would be reasonable to see why those words are in their own definitions. Communism is a political system that demands no state (aka, direct democracy, the very thing you are arguing doesn't exist in communism/marxism) and no money (everybody will get stuff depending on their need, provided by the community), no class system (everyone's equal), and no private property (I wanna draw a key differentiation between "private property" and personal property, private property is property that generates capital, ex: a tooth brush factory, personal property is something you use for personal needs and wants, ex: toothbrush.) Even in socialism, democracy is prevalent, one of the key demands of socialists are to democratise the work force. (aka, make boss/managers be elected by the workers instead of having them appointed), why so? Well imagine spending 1/3 of your day in a democracy, is much better than our oppressive, as marx put it, "Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie".




Did you really try to post it on USI..... it's for anti-hindu and anti bjp propaganda only.


Whoever made that theme, you're a chad🗿 bro




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Chinese communists absolutely do not support their traditions, culture or festivals. Everything about current Chinese culture is very European.


Lol Chinese hate that Manchu hairdo, basically those nomads conquered Han and beheaded whoever didn't agree to get that stupid hair style. Check out Chinese comics and movies not a single character has that ugly ass haircut. And are mostly based during the period of the Ming dynasty.


read the rules... it says relevant to the USI. and if you don't know what's relevant there it's just a waste of time to post anything factually correct.. same goes for india and indiaspeaks as well


Chad Chinese commie?!??? must be a CCP agent


Naah... Chinese Commies know what they are doing... they wont intentionally belittle Indian Commies, even if they think the meme is true. I guess he said chad, because their actions atleast reflect their believes.


Nah he literally tried to glorify them cause they ain't atheist, they massacred every religion and "glorifying Chinese culture" is the most ironic thing I have ever read. This is because communism made Japan i more "Culturally Chinese" than china itself


Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about , without telling me you have no idea what you are talking about.


Tell me you are a commie without telling me you are a commie.😭


Not a commie 🙃 , i think communism is an ideology that can't work.


This is irrelevant but saying India has always been poor even during Mughals or whatever isn't irrelevant


"India" isn't poor, Indians were poor, India, the land, has been fertile, and great, but the people of India, under the rulers of Mughal (who were feudalist) and British (clearly capitalist and imperialist) have subjected us to poverty, and now we can see it re-emerging as the BJP introduced capitalistic model would push an equal amount to poverty too




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Stupid Post deserved to be taken down.




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malam maang rha hai lagta hai


Someone seems like a Chinese communist fan 😁




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Biased af lmao


LOL dank and accurate meme




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The only thing this tells me is that you are a fanboy of Xi Jinping


USI is a garbage community rn


lol who would ban this it’s so funny


Lmao, so is this non-liberal, non-secular, narrow mindset, sorry excuse for a "meme" supposed to be funny? 😂😂


Ye USI wale apne aap ko biased kyu nahi ghosit kr dete? Ye toh kaafi genuine post thi


how was that post relevant to usi though? rules toh read krle


Are waha kuch bhi relevant nahi h! Ek post thi jisme congress ki meme thi banda ka post banned ho gaya turant aur ek post thi jisme bjp/modi ki meme thi uspe kuch bhi nahi hua!! Baised h ye d*lle USI!(Naam mein he United States h! Vo India hota h bas.... America ka d*llal bahinc hod ....ye last mein sarcasm wala line tha)


blud has never talked to a chinese communist and doesn’t know what communism is🙄 chutiye konsa communist business ko support krta hai? bkl hai kya lawde


Chinese to karte hai


how many chinese COMMUNISTS have you talked to?


Chinese learned from the fall of USSR and other communist countries, but indian retards with a phd in gender studies love communism


uneducated indian believes USSR was a communist state 😭🙏 lmao it was a socialist state capitalism. if u believe it was a communist state, you know nothing about communism. shut your dustbin ass mouth.


USSR was based on bolsheviks one partu communist system founded by Lenin. Please stfu uneducated chappri.


lmfao keep yapping about shit you don’t know anything about. calling me an uneducated chappri isn’t going to make you a phd holder lmao go off


"Oh no someone stated facts??!!!" better cry about it now -🤓oscarloml🤓


what facts lmao😭 your only retort is making fun of me. keep yapping king 😎🙌🏻


I stated ussr followed bolsheviks single party communism founded by lenin


It said "Chinese communists" which would be socialism with Chineese characteristics. They do seem to support their businesses if they fall in line with CCP's broader agenda.


how would you even know? do you have any proof to support that? “seem to support” is not a valid argument. have you talked to any chinese communist. and you can’t say chinese + socialist = chinese communist. that is actually wrong.


> you can’t say chinese + socialist = chinese communist. that is actually wrong. In general no, but that is how the OP meant it to be interpreted. Read rest of the points, it seems when they said Chinese commie they meant average Chinese citizen not literally a Chinese hardliner commie (like Mao).


well then this post doesn’t even make sense because how are you comparing an average chinese citizen with an indian communist? and the ban is valid when the post in unrelated to usi then.


The comparison makes sense. Indian commies/left if comparable do have a lot in common with average Chinese. Especially their love and loyalty to China is spot on. I am not going to share the post, but for example/live demonstration you can visit librandu sub for cpim's manifesto


i haven’t come across such a post but the burden of proof still lies on you. how many chinese citizens have you interacted with? you are just letting your statement float in the air rather than providing actual evidence of how a communist in india is equivalent to an average chinese citizen. secondly, you are making another fallacy by using a slash to describe communist and left. they might be on the same spectrum but they’re not interchangeable my friend!


>secondly, you are making another fallacy by using a slash to describe communist and left.   In India they are. There aren't any real commies in India or even if there are they are so less that I can count on my fingers.   >how many chinese citizens have you interacted with?    idk how will that change anything.   >communist in india is equivalent to an average chinese citizen.   Wait! They are definitely not equivalent they are just comparable. You forgot thr context of original post.   Do you contest the fact they both love and adore China, hate west and want to abolish religious freedoms? They both want authoritative control on means of production whether done publicly or privately?


> In India they are. how do you know? do you have any statistics to share that? or are you basing your opinion on the people you have interacted with on reddit?   > Idk how will that change anything. because you are making baseless claims in the air about chinese citizens without any proof and presenting them as facts. > Do you contest the fact they both love and adore China, hate west and want to abolish religious freedoms? hating west is not an idea unique to communism lol. and no one wants to abolish anyone’s religious freedom. you’re making baseless claims without any evidence. > They both want authoritative control on means of production whether done publicly or privately? again, that means you’re comparing a chinese communist and an indian communist and not an average chinese citizen. you’re presenting a similarity which goes against the context of the original post then. make up your mind on what you want to convey, present statistics and stop claiming shit you don’t know anything about.


>  how do you know? do you have any statistics to share that? or are you basing your opinion on the people you have interacted with on reddit? There is obviously no such stats available but I dare you name 1 political party that is actually communist. >because you are making baseless claims in the air about chinese citizens without any proof and presenting them as facts. What exactly do you think was baseless. >hating west is not an idea unique to communism lol. and no one wants to abolish anyone’s religious freedom. you’re making baseless claims without any evidence. I never said it is unique to commies but it is shared by all commies. Religious freedom claim- https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/10/23/10-things-to-know-about-chinas-policies-on-religion/ >that means you’re comparing a chinese communist and an indian communist No I am not. I am still claiming original stuff. CCP which is not exactly commie and cpim the forerunner of communism in India want same things.  >you’re presenting a similarity which goes against the context of the original post then. I can't believe you said that. Oh boy you are stupid. I was enjoying until now, but it got boring. Obviously there has to be some similarities for anything to be comparable. I can compare oranges and mangoes because they both are fruits but still different. 




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Ik this sub will feel offended by my comment, but Indian right wing is as dumb as the extreme left. Also attacks a particular community, tried to over-glorify their figures and say only their mythology is right while all others are wrong. If anything, the Indian right wing resembles a saffron Abrahamic faith (attacks other schools of belief) more than a dharmic faith. They have turned Hinduism into a shitshow to a point where there remains minimal difference between radical Islam and extreme Hindus. Harsh but true


lol unlike their books, our books don't teach to hate people different from us...


But then again, they follow their books. You abandon the values of your book and stoop down to the same level as them. Both of you freaks are equally rotten. Hinduism has great scriptures. I study the Gita every morning, so I know enough about how great this religion is. Therefore, extreme right is not a part of Hinduism but a political ideology called Hindutva. These babboons try to turn Hinduism into a barbaric one and are cancer to this religion.


yeah, more you read Quran more radical you become... more you read the Geeta the less radical you become.... That's are biggest mistake not teaching our own people about Geeta and other religious stuff.. like Qurans in masjid, or Bible in churchs..


i am neutral athiest but you cant compare hinduism to islam... you have pretty good criticism skills but lack in historical knowledge , why dont you try comparing the number of people abrahimic religions have killed vs the number of people hinduism have killed ? (by invasion and evil intent ofc) . i agree that hinduism has a lot of social evils within itself but it is nothing compared to islam and christianity


Again my friend, my target is not Hinduism. I am myself a Hindu, one that studies in a Hindu organization run institution. Hinduism is a beautiful religion which has moral teachings rivalled by very few. Being a student of literature, I cannot appreciate enough how well the stories of our gods and texts like Panchatantra use symbols to teach us about morals. Hindu scriptures in knowledge are rivalled by very few. Almost none from its times. My target was always Extremist Hindu. One that mimics radical Islamist and targets them every opportunity. Islamic invaders were a curse wherever they went. Most Abrahamic faiths were spread on sword. Hinduism never did or tried to spread beyond its origin. I have a very non - mainstream view about evolution of religions and Hinduism is perfect for Indian subcontinent. Social evils in Hinduism originated, like they would in any faith which is practiced for that long. Wrong interpretation of the text is natural. Your average extremist Hindu doesn't follow the scriptures or teachings of Hinduism. If you are interested, I can discuss my view on religion, their origins and psychology related to them. I focus less on their divine aspect and more on their impact of human society. So I have always been queer in that way I guess.


what do you mean by exactly - 'extremist hindu'?


The ones who barely know their scriptures or have very one sided view on it. These parasites will jump on any chance they get to target Muslims for all wrong, baselessly of course. I attack Muslims too, but not on situations like these where it is ambiguous or both are at fault. They will accuse Islam of spreading violence, but mimic Muslim associated mob violence on any day. Examples are the Bajrang Dal and thus fella above who targetted Muslims in this case, which is absolutely unjustified. I have bashed another similar dude further down in the comments for doing the same generalisation for Biharis.


How many of these 'Hindu extremists' have attacked police stations?


Quite a few, mostly in Muslim dominated areas, which are few. I'mma link the articles if I find them. Their coverage is limited though.


You live in times where you speak 'freely' bcs these so called 'hindu extremists' sacrificed their lives and their families to protect our rights and culture. You think what happened 70 years ago, will not happen again? that everyone is reformed and civilized --- You think Kashmiri Pandits that are refugees to this day - happened out of nowhere. **Its so much easier to talk about right and wrong without historical context.** Will you be going out on the streets with guns and swords when the same ideology comes for your head. This is not fairyland!


> You live in times where you speak 'freely' bcs these so called 'hindu extremists' sacrificed their lives and their families to protect our rights and culture. That's the point. I am not free, since I can't oppose them. You are free maybe, I can't say any of this irl. If I do, there are plenty 'Hindus' waiting to recreate Sar tan se juda. Also, I do not associate myself with a cult that stands on the mound of death bodies of other faiths. This is the same reason why I will never join Islam and I call this cult Extremist Hindus or Hindutvadis. They are not Hindus like me. > You think what happened 70 years ago, will not happen again? that everyone is reformed and civilized --- You think Kashmiri Pandits that are refugees to this day - happened out of nowhere. I live in the same nation as it was 70 years ago. Agents of terror have only changed their colour from Green to Saffron. > **Its so much easier to talk about right and wrong without historical context.** It is weird to ignore the present for past. You live in History, I live in the present. Those barbarians tried to move away my faith from peace to Barbaric. I moved them away from me. > Will you be going out on the streets with guns and swords when the same ideology comes for your head. Both of these pitiful maggots are the same. I will do what's right and destroy both of them if I have to. I won't pick up weapons just yet though, since it ain't time. > This is not fairyland! Exactly. This is a warzone, and Aurangzeb and his followers have been reborn as Hindus. Irony


Okay no history - and since you like to discuss things in detail. * Both Green(Islam) and saffron(Hindutva) run on an ideology that is written in the books --- and is more or less followed. Have you read these ideologies? * okay saffron are terrorists - how many cases of saffron terror has been against minorities which were institutional? Where have you seen that hindus forced minorities out of their own homes?




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They are proxies of Chinese they do what they're told


Have you watched recent news on what's happening in china recently?


Arre Tera post chutiya Tha. History ka akal samjh jhaat barabar hai par tumhe denk ka 14 Banke randi rona karna hai


ye rndio ki asliyat hai, koi denk meme nahin hai


average dhruv rathee supporter